Hey guys,
i always tend to keep my personal problems to myelf .. but after reading through someof the posts i kinda felt releived to have opened my issues to you all. Please dont take it as a joke coz i am seriously upset with this issue.
I am a 19 year old virgin, things went a bit ruff with my ex. which ended up in a brutal break up. Long things short .. i had met with the love of my life. She is just awesome, everything that i ever wanted but all things must come to a bitter end for me.
yes as u mite have guessed, since this is a Penis Enlargement forum .. my problem relies with SIZE.
i am below average or what ever the statistics are 6inch bpel 5.5 nbpel 4.5 eg. she told me she was with a man who used to abuse her in the name of sex. as in he treated her very ruff. and she used to hate it a LOT . She was craving to be loved more than anything else.
as days went by so did some very true revelation, naming ly something which made me depressed. i was one day just stupidly asking about her ex's and their size. coz i was very confident of my unit as it seemed more than enuff for me ... but i learned to realise her EX. with whom she broke up just a year ago. had an 8 inch cock. and that too she said in such a manner whioch clearly showed she was HAPPY with that size. here are the words which she used "the one i had was FREAKING HUGE"
she also revealed she loved it RUFF inside her, but maybe the guys treatment to her was disturbing to her as he used to beat her down to the ground after sex.
though at the beginning she just said he was a 6 incher. later she said with assurity it was a max of 7 inches but after a while later "correction ... he was an 8 incher" just those three lines just pummelled my self esteem down the drain. she said all measurement using a measuring tape .. the 6 inch was said as an estimate then one day she measure the 7 inches with a scale but after like 5 minutes she measured again and stated it was an 8 inch
i want to grow in size as of now coz i want to be the biggest for her. i cant leave her coz she is very emotionally dependable on me ... and i even made her squirt with my oral skills, apparently i am very good at foreplay and manipulation and oral. but when it comes to just fucking ... it brings me low. coz HOW THE HECK WOULD A GURL BE SATISFIED WITH A 6 INCH when she just had an 8 Inch SHOVED INTO HER recently.
and top of that i have fears of pre-ejac since i never fucked anyone
i would be grately thankful if u could answer my problem. i want to build myself so i can make her beg me to please her. BTW i showed her my unit ... all i got were " ITS SO YUMMY" "its making me very wet" "I love the shape of your head" but never the WORDS "HUGE" or like what my enemy got "FREAKING HUGE"
i am starting to Penis Enlargement seriously from tomorrow. Dec the 13th. wish me luck.
I would love to seek advices on motivation, and being a man ... more that that bastard who just abused my love emotionally but yet in the end made her love the feeling of an 8 inch.
Thanks a lot for readin <
i always tend to keep my personal problems to myelf .. but after reading through someof the posts i kinda felt releived to have opened my issues to you all. Please dont take it as a joke coz i am seriously upset with this issue.
I am a 19 year old virgin, things went a bit ruff with my ex. which ended up in a brutal break up. Long things short .. i had met with the love of my life. She is just awesome, everything that i ever wanted but all things must come to a bitter end for me.
yes as u mite have guessed, since this is a Penis Enlargement forum .. my problem relies with SIZE.
i am below average or what ever the statistics are 6inch bpel 5.5 nbpel 4.5 eg. she told me she was with a man who used to abuse her in the name of sex. as in he treated her very ruff. and she used to hate it a LOT . She was craving to be loved more than anything else.
as days went by so did some very true revelation, naming ly something which made me depressed. i was one day just stupidly asking about her ex's and their size. coz i was very confident of my unit as it seemed more than enuff for me ... but i learned to realise her EX. with whom she broke up just a year ago. had an 8 inch cock. and that too she said in such a manner whioch clearly showed she was HAPPY with that size. here are the words which she used "the one i had was FREAKING HUGE"
she also revealed she loved it RUFF inside her, but maybe the guys treatment to her was disturbing to her as he used to beat her down to the ground after sex.
though at the beginning she just said he was a 6 incher. later she said with assurity it was a max of 7 inches but after a while later "correction ... he was an 8 incher" just those three lines just pummelled my self esteem down the drain. she said all measurement using a measuring tape .. the 6 inch was said as an estimate then one day she measure the 7 inches with a scale but after like 5 minutes she measured again and stated it was an 8 inch
i want to grow in size as of now coz i want to be the biggest for her. i cant leave her coz she is very emotionally dependable on me ... and i even made her squirt with my oral skills, apparently i am very good at foreplay and manipulation and oral. but when it comes to just fucking ... it brings me low. coz HOW THE HECK WOULD A GURL BE SATISFIED WITH A 6 INCH when she just had an 8 Inch SHOVED INTO HER recently.
and top of that i have fears of pre-ejac since i never fucked anyone
i would be grately thankful if u could answer my problem. i want to build myself so i can make her beg me to please her. BTW i showed her my unit ... all i got were " ITS SO YUMMY" "its making me very wet" "I love the shape of your head" but never the WORDS "HUGE" or like what my enemy got "FREAKING HUGE"
i am starting to Penis Enlargement seriously from tomorrow. Dec the 13th. wish me luck.
I would love to seek advices on motivation, and being a man ... more that that bastard who just abused my love emotionally but yet in the end made her love the feeling of an 8 inch.
Thanks a lot for readin <