Hey guys,

i always tend to keep my personal problems to myelf .. but after reading through someof the posts i kinda felt releived to have opened my issues to you all. Please dont take it as a joke coz i am seriously upset with this issue.

I am a 19 year old virgin, things went a bit ruff with my ex. which ended up in a brutal break up. Long things short .. i had met with the love of my life. She is just awesome, everything that i ever wanted but all things must come to a bitter end for me.

yes as u mite have guessed, since this is a Penis Enlargement forum .. my problem relies with SIZE.
i am below average or what ever the statistics are 6inch bpel 5.5 nbpel 4.5 eg. she told me she was with a man who used to abuse her in the name of sex. as in he treated her very ruff. and she used to hate it a LOT . She was craving to be loved more than anything else.

as days went by so did some very true revelation, naming ly something which made me depressed. i was one day just stupidly asking about her ex's and their size. coz i was very confident of my unit as it seemed more than enuff for me ... but i learned to realise her EX. with whom she broke up just a year ago. had an 8 inch cock. and that too she said in such a manner whioch clearly showed she was HAPPY with that size. here are the words which she used "the one i had was FREAKING HUGE"
she also revealed she loved it RUFF inside her, but maybe the guys treatment to her was disturbing to her as he used to beat her down to the ground after sex.

though at the beginning she just said he was a 6 incher. later she said with assurity it was a max of 7 inches but after a while later "correction ... he was an 8 incher" just those three lines just pummelled my self esteem down the drain. she said all measurement using a measuring tape .. the 6 inch was said as an estimate then one day she measure the 7 inches with a scale but after like 5 minutes she measured again and stated it was an 8 inch

i want to grow in size as of now coz i want to be the biggest for her. i cant leave her coz she is very emotionally dependable on me ... and i even made her squirt with my oral skills, apparently i am very good at foreplay and manipulation and oral. but when it comes to just fucking ... it brings me low. coz HOW THE HECK WOULD A GURL BE SATISFIED WITH A 6 INCH when she just had an 8 Inch SHOVED INTO HER recently.

and top of that i have fears of pre-ejac since i never fucked anyone :(

i would be grately thankful if u could answer my problem. i want to build myself so i can make her beg me to please her. BTW i showed her my unit ... all i got were " ITS SO YUMMY" "its making me very wet" "I love the shape of your head" but never the WORDS "HUGE" or like what my enemy got "FREAKING HUGE"

i am starting to Penis Enlargement seriously from tomorrow. Dec the 13th. wish me luck.
I would love to seek advices on motivation, and being a man ... more that that bastard who just abused my love emotionally but yet in the end made her love the feeling of an 8 inch.

Thanks a lot for readin <:(
Mate, I'm truely sorry to hear and read about all this because I think it strikes all us men.

Your girlfreind, like many woman probably can't measure very well and estimation is poor hence the 6 inches became finally 8 inches and how did she really remember that? Did you have a row with her at all recently when this size issue has popped up? Maybe she is telling the truth? It really doesnt matter.

Look at it like this. Your great at oral sex and foreplay which MANY MEN ARE HOPenis EnlargementLESS at, I being a lucky master of the art ;) infact I prefer it to the actual sex but anyway you are good at that from what you say and now have become low mentally from this dick bashing.

Try to let it roll over your back like water to a duck.
Perhaps reason with her calmly that size doesnt really matter, and that its foreplay and oral that really matter plus LOVE....that matters.

Finally, you can make it longer....dont be sad because you can have that massive wong. I would advise you hit DLDs [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/penis-enlargement-newbie-forum/1597-dlds-first-routine-i-gained-2-inches-with-this-routine-full-tutorial.html]newbie routine[/words] and save up for a BTC Vacuum hanger and Auto [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]Extender[/words].
My thoughts: the Penis Enlargement is great, and I think that if you're in a good relationship, which you seem to be, and if you're not in a hurry to reach your goals (read; are able to hold off on sex or "calmly stick it to 'er" as I believe Red suggested) then you're not in a bad place.

If I read your post right, she's a wonderful girl who loves you for reasons probably more important than sex and whatnot, and she's not going to be wholly dissatisfied with you for not being as large as people she's been with before.

Also, You say she's seen your member. It doesn't seem like she's appalled by it or anything, and I doubt she is, so that's cool.

One last thing, and I'm only saying this because of my own experiences (it may not be necessary): be careful not to let your concern over your penis affect the rest of your relationship. After all, it is just a penis, and as we all know you can make it bigger, so keep on enjoying your relationship :)... you seem like what I'd call a "good man", so keep at it and you'll be bigger in no time :).
You feel bad now.

But in two years you wont.

If you continue this for 2 years 8" is ver attainable
But you wont be happy for just that reason.
But also because the human mind wont let you destory yourself for that long.
You'll be over this issue soon enough. Life is just too short to give a fuck.

You have a lot of positives

Positives are these:

You WILL have a big dick
You HAVE a great girl
You are NICE person ( By the sounds of it )

The latter is by far the most important thing in the world. Far more than sex. As my Mum always says "if you've got respect, you've got everything".
Thats true, and having respect for yourself mentally, by not putting yourself down, and turning around saying "I dont give a fuck", and changing things is a type of self respect.

What doesn't kill you, definately makes you stronger. You have the power to get over ANYTHING! I mean that. It's all about your mental outlook. If you look at all the positives you have to enjoy in life, and whats inside yourself, not just sex and do this Penis Enlargement seriously, it'll feel like a really good achievement when you reach your goal.

Not just pyschically but mentally.

Lifes just a lesson
Think of it like this.

What if you suddenly decided "I dont give a fuck about sex"

"Whys the whole world so fucked up about sex anyway? Fuck it, I'm alive breathing, one day I'll have a big dick which will be [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?44-Ace-Strapped-Jims-Joint]ace[/words], but I'm also going to spend some time living life for me so I actually dont care about it that much"

Imagine been able to say fuck it to any of your insecurities.
Literally just say fuck it and laugh about it, whenever you get that sickening feeling replace it with a good feeling and laugh about it. Then you'll laugh again because you've taken your biggest fear and got something enjoyable out of it, for yourself! wow!

What else can I do this with?

Look in the mirror and growl saying I'm hard I'm hard grrr ,I'm like Mr T I'm hard and I dont give a fuck! ( I would do this bit, I'm not trying to make you look stupid, I'm weird )

try it out.

All of my sympathy and support goes to you.

However lets puts things into perspective here. YOU are a VIRGIN, SHE is NOT. Why dont you give your gal a shocker as well and let her know the truth. The truth that she is screwed up, and if that she had half of the discipline that you have, and kept her virginity until marriage, then this would not be a problem at all "EVER," as long as she remains faithful.

You deserve much better. There are so many women in the world, many of whom would be happy with you and make you happy as well, and yet still even some that are virgins just like you, waiting faithfully for marriage to give the best of themselves to the right gent. This type of discipline and faithfulness should serve as a strong indicator of the future fidelity and potential longevity of your relationship. Measure this against a girl who selfishlessly boast about what she's had and what she needs and then dumps it all on you as if it is your sole responsibility.
i'm with bigwish on this. i never say anything about this stuff. maybe because i feel outnumbered here and in the world in general or maybe because i don't want to have to think about it. i think part of it is a form of gluttony and that some people think or feel on a different level than others about sex and its purpose, consequences, value, etc.

kolimuddin, i don't know if your reason for being a virgin is only insecurity or other things too but you might want to reevaluate yourself, her, the situation and all the dynamics that are going on and try to be as honest with yourself as possible. is it possible you are putting undeserved value on this relationship and her because you are comfortable and don't want to go on more searches for what you really want because it seems too painful? feel like your options are limited?

i don't want to project myself on to you and your situation although i have my views so i can only comment based mainly on my perspective of things.

i read a lot of stuff on these forums that turn my stomach. one thing i read here in particular not too long ago that pissed me off was a post by some guy telling us that his girlfriend cheated on him but he took her back. he then said she told him that the guy she cheated on him with had a really huge dick but how she didn't like it because it was too huge and painful. what kind of bullshit is that? saying she didn't like is her way of covering her motive to say this shit pretensefuly and the rest is to impale his spirit. stupid bitch. now he doesn't know what to do and probably can't get the image out of his head of his "love" who he might think is the one for him to share his life with in companionship, choosing her over all others to spend the rest of his life with and who would bear his children, who in his mind might be the woman to share something special with him being used as a masturbation tool for some guy who is relieved of any consequence and walking away with a conniving, satisfied grin on his face and happening while she is with the guy who posted here, on top of it, leaving him demeaned and mocked to pick up the baggage. well there isn't shit special about that. my advice would have been to DROP THE BITCH.

it's easier for me to say being on the outside looking in rather than being on the inside looking out, going through his experience with all the variables involved and emotions, which i know from my own experience is not easy and i've strayed so far from my own ideals at times because every time, in whatever situation one may be in whatever it may be, one tends to bullshit oneself while drowning in intoxicating emotions that somehow "this person" or "insert whatever here" is just different. well, usually it isn't.

granted, you asked her about size, but with the answer she gave you ( and with what tact! ) and everything else you said about her it doesn't sound healthy to me. also, putting aside all that stuff about her being with somebody else, his dick, your dick and all that sexual stuff, having nothing to do with that, what else does that tell you about her as a person? what can you realize about yourself? you deserve to be honest with yourself.

if she were a person that did what she did but really had a change of heart, was not the same person anymore and could give you totally of her new self, that is one thing if you are willing to accept it. for you to pick up someone else's baggage is quite another. and it's not really about is she a good person or not or if what she did is wrong or not, but about how you are feeling. she said she didn't like what he did to her but then it sounds like she does in a way. she may be fixated and you're apparently fixated. this is not good. you are talking about what he did to her, but what about what she let be done to herself? you seem to be making excuses for her.

i don't think it will all be good in two years necessarily, as someone else put it. that implies that time heals everything but i'm not going to feed you cliched bullshit. wine can turn to vinegar too. other variables need to be set to their proper values or else it's a recipe for disaster. and YOU have to define those values. whether she's good for you or not is ultimately up to you. it doesn't matter what i feel or what anyone else here feels. what matters is what YOU feel. sexuality is not bad, it's GOOD, but you are more than just that and not a slave to impulse.

there is such a double standard i wouldn't advise you to buy into the bullshit. very few people ( possibly none ) don't generally have one but most these guys that want to get as many sluts as they can wouldn't marry one, and you can see the grin melt off their faces when they're told that all the stuff they say about all the "bitches they had" could have very likely been said by some other guy concerning their main girl they have right now, or when referring to their mother, sister or daughter. some may even laugh and blow it off with some half-wit remark or cover it up by getting aggressive as an excuse for honor because it's easier than facing themselves and it's a cover for the shock to their system when the moment of truth comes, and in my experience observing people that moment eventually comes in some form or another even if it takes being married for 20 years. but that doesn't take away blame from the women either. my feeling is that there really isn't as much of a difference between men and women as is taught and evolution, etc., is a big fat fucking excuse to make excuses. john gray must be from mars i don't know what the hell he's talking about. i'm from earth. so many excuses are made for women it's fantastic. women's intuition is exaggerated. if they were so intuitive they wouldn't make so many stupid choices. it's damn easy to be intuitive when men are so stupid to do sommersaults and every-damn-thing imaginable compromising what little integrity they have over common, generic, overstocked pussy.

it doesn't seem like you're ready for marriage. it's not your chronological age but your psychological age. insecurities and jealousy are not always bad necessarily and it would be a disservice to tell you that it's a sign that there's a problem with you when in fact, i've realized over time to stop believing the BS of those that want to attribute my maladies to some form of unhealth or personal abnormality to rationalize their own thoughts and behavior and hopefully you will too, it may be telling you there is a problem with the SITUATION. figure that out.

you asked about being a man. i've been reading up on alot of this lately and i've come across a lot of useful information to judge myself by but a small portion of any of the material is always reflective of the individual author's subjective bias for personal selfish agenda, which may or may not be a good thing but subjective nonetheless. you need to be honest with yourself but be selective and discard anything that doesn't suit you. some of the alpha-male traits are bullshit but what those are are for you to decide. i think it's good to seek help and learn from other people but you are a unique individual and you might want to think about what being a man is to YOU. taking away what doesn't jive with me and what little is actually male-specific the majority of what is left is, to me, capable of being broken down to high character, discipline and maturity. if there were anything created for the alpha-female it would be almost the same as alpha-male. it's about being an upstanding human being.

i searched long in the beginning for what a "real man" is. the first thing i finally found to really begin to put it into perspective for me after going through a lot of crap online is an article written about a biblical perspective on being a real man entitled The Mature Man: Biblical Perspectives on Being a Man in Our Time. if you don't believe in anything christian that is fine. this isn't necessarily about being born again or anything like that. you can believe it's all myth and false but it really doesn't matter. you may want to check it out and appreciate it it for its example and its usefulness as a model, if for nothing else.

everyone has flaws, weaknesses and insecurities. at times when things hit hard we can often feel like less of men. don't expect to be perfect. i'm still on the journey myself. we may fumble and stall, but never fall. it's okay to hit road bumps and be caught on the side of the road. to get hit hard and freeze in mourning or grief at times as long as we eventually start moving again and keep progressing. it's not about the stereotypes and superficial crap. it's not about physical strength and testosterone. it's not about being a male. it's about being a man.

when it comes down to your situation specifically, you probably wouldn't be as messed up over this dick thing with this other guy if you were where you desire to be as a real mature man. but if you were and assuming it didn't phase you i think you might question this relationship from the perspective of someone who has higher standards for himself and a mate, has more love for himself and wants quality. like attracts like and you both may be at a similar maturity level. you need to keep growing. otherwise there will be atrophy, you rot and you die.

a couple of points you should internalize:

1) A MAN PUTS HIS OWN NEEDS FIRST. that doesn't mean you don't care about others. that doesn't mean you use people under the guise of honesty, rationalizing your actions as some bogus virtue, uncontrollable biology or bad selfishness. some selfishness is good. but A MAN MAKES HIMSELF NUMBER ONE. these are not wants they are needs. if a man doesn't take care of himself first he will not be fit to take care of others.

2) REAL MEN HAVE THE WORD "NO" IN THEIR VOCABULARY AND KNOW WHEN TO USE IT. they think in the long term and not short term gratification and care, look after and have consideration for others and don't blame others for their faults who may have been in with them on some wrong doing and accept responsibilty for their own actions. they have the character to stand up for their principles and not go with the crowd because of not wanting to be put down and feel uncomfortable.



5) MEN DO NOT TRY TO FIX A WOMAN'S PROBLEMS. Penis EnlargementRIOD! it doesn't mean you don't care, you may even feel like you have to "SAVE HER" but you do not compromise your well being for it especially if it's a woman you haven't known long enough and she hasn't done much for YOU. and if she is deserving tread carefully and support her but don't fix her problems and STOP BEING SO DAMN NICE AND ACCEPTING OF EVERY LITTLE DAMN THING! no good deed goes unpunished and she will resent when you constantly bend over backwards for her. SHE NEEDS TO FIX HER OWN PROBLEMS, SO LET HER!

you can accept or not accept any or all of this. it's my take and i wish you the best.
All you got was "It's so yummy!" and "I"m getting wet"? Shit, man!!! You've got it made. She'll probably give you a blow job that'll send you to nirvana!!!

Just remember!!! Smaller dicks get more blow jobs. Her words were such loving words!!! Don't make light of them.

Forget about the big dicked abuser!! He's the loser. Not you. You're going to be just fine!!!

And there's nothing like a good pair of lips and a tongue on that clitoris!!! The ability to give good oral sex beats a big cock any day.

Work on getting a bigger dick, but enjoy the whole process. You have so much going for you already!!!

Good luck!!
Kolimudden, be aware that she probably talking bullshit, so relax. Size is a great discussion issue among women and they usually all want to brag about the huge one they once seen or had. Very seldom are there numbers true and so what, we are all different, unique and perfect.

You are nineteen, young, and alots coming ahead in your life, so don't worry take a deep breath and relax.

you say you want to be the biggest she's ever had...because her ex-husband is bigger than you.

Do you want to beat her up more after you have sex with her? See where I'm going with this?

Screw that guy. If his cock was so damned important she never would've left him. Impress her by being YOU. Make her want you. Make her crave you. Keep working on your routine but do it for yourself. If she's the real deal you won't have to do another Penis Enlargement exercise ever again...get it?
girls over exaggerate size. Your dick isn't the important thing here. YOu gotta ask yourself do you love her? if the answer is yes does she love you? if the answer is yes to both then fuck everything else you've got each other. He's probably like a 6 incher do some Penis Enlargement gain an inch she'll be saying OH YOUR THE BIGGEST I'VE EVER HAD. lol
Hey my bro,

First off if you stay with her now, keep her ex. When i dated my ex the very THOUGHT that an ex of hers has bigger than drove me to nearly 8 inches. Combined with the much higher testosterone when having a woman in your life is an a-plus mental enviroment to turbo charge your pe efforts and growth. Just sod it off if she satarts to notice and say "well geuss im a late bloomer, at 20yrs old". Im now single and have hit a bit of a woobly cos im not sure if i give a crap anymore about my cock. But i know i will soon as the next walks in. So grow as much as you can using that worthless feeling and crude desire for more, that we all know so well - as pure jet fuel. Then you might break up, you might stay together. Either way afterwards you'll be left withan inch or two, and ripe looking future being the biggest your next has ever had. :) Alls good, the universe tends too unfold as it should.

Been there done that with gals with abusive ex-boyfriends/husbands. It may sound cruel but she is damaged goods and you need to move on.

She made her bed in the past with her abusive ex-boyfriend and now she wants to play the victim and make you feel insecure for being sloppy seconds.

You are young and you don't know what true love really is. Leave her before your life is in shambles.
This is something else because this is one of the main reasons why i started Penis Enlargementing because my ex girlfriend thought that i was below average in size while other women didnt but when you are with someone and they tell you that you tend to take that more seriously than anything else.

While browsing through topics on this forum you learn alot more about Penis Enlargementing strategies and you will have more important reasons to do exercises than just pleasing your woman with size.

At times it is confusing to me because alot of girls that i know like for the Size to be Large but then all of them Cannot even handle a large size.

Anyways, good luck to Penis Enlargementing and so what if you are a Virgin it does not matter but you might want to tell her. She may treat you very special for still being a virgin but if you Do not want to tell her then basically when you two have sex and if you cum too early then just dont say anything be quiet and get it back up again :) .
hey man I can totally relate to you. my story is as followed

I was a virgin until I was 20 when i met my soon to be wife in college. She and I started dating shortly after she broke up with her bf. I was always worried about my size because when I measured about 5 to 5.5 inchs. Before we started having sex I was worried cause her last bf was a black guy and you know what they say. all the shit use to mess with my head then on top of that I remembered hearing in a conversation that she believed that 8" was normal size for a guy (her ex bf was her first). Then also when we use to mess around and i would finger her I would be able to fit 4 fingers in her. The fact that she could take that many fingers and she was only with one other guy before me struck me as a shocker and played with my head. Then more problems came when we started to have sex the first time was a nightmare I came before I even got inside 3 times ( i never told her i was a virgin). after some more trys I was finally able to hold it and get in there. After we started having sex I still struggled with the thought that she might be thinking about her ex and how big he was I even asked her a few times and she would always tell me that she didn't remember or he wasn't big. So one day I told myself you know what your never going to be bigger then what you are the best thing I could do is give it to her so good that she totally forgets about anyone else. I have to say 5 years later I have completed my goal and my size is now 6.5 hard.

I have even gotten her to open up more and she has told me that with me sex is something that she want's with her ex she felt it was something she had to do as a GF. And that I have shown her how ejoyable sex can be and I have allowed her to discover herself sexually. While she still won't say who was bigger (and I believe he was) I know she enjoys it more with me.

I hope all this helps you in some way like I said I know how your feeling but just learn to work with what you got and you will be fine.
A good relationship isn't based on the size of your dick. Penis size is an unessential point in a relationship, ultimately in sex too, especially if you're having sex with the person you love. It's just nice to have a big dick, nothing more...Just like having a muscular body is nice, nothing more.

So if you feel that you have a very good and deep relationship with the girl, and you really like her, and she really likes you, don't destroy it by worrying about your dick size. A love relationship is most of all a mental bond, remember that.

If you really feel that she isn't happy with your dick size, then leave her. Girls who are only interested about dick size will always find a bigger one. Girls that you have dated, date or that you will date, have mostly had other sex partners than you. Some of them have had smaller penises, some have had bigger penises. That's just how it is. Girls won't get married to the biggest dick they can find, they'll gonna marry the man they truly connect with.

I know penis size is a huge problem for many (insecure) men. But it shouldn't be. Like I said a big penis is nice, and Penis Enlargement is a nice hobby, just like weight lifting, or body building. But don't make your penis become the center of your world.
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DO NOT LET YOUR Penis Enlargement RUIN YOUR RELATIONSHIP! These feeling you are having need to be kept at bay. If a woman is only interested in dick, kick her to the curb but do not base your relationship on the dicks of her past, try to appreciate the sexuality she had with other men and realize she is yours now:)
I have no idea why guys ask this of their significant others. You ever notice how girls don;t ask us how big another girls tits were? It is just not an issue, my relationship got a bit rocky when I asked my wife if one specific guy was hung like a horse, and she just said "I don;t want to talk about it." Which led me to believe he was. It caused insecurities right then and there. Keep in mind I had been having great sex with her for about 9 months before this, and then bam things were all crazy but only because of me. The truth of the matter is I am 7.25 now BPenis EnlargementL 6.75 EL, 5.6 MSEG and 6.5 at the base. I am and have always been the biggest she has had. It is just better to not ask at all.

Also for you if you need it, tell her you wan;t to hear her say dirty things like "oh your so huge" or "big cock". It may help get you back in the mood.
oliver;197732 said:
Im sorry to hear your story man.

But is it just me? or does every girls ex seem to have a 8 inch cock?

You know, I have to say that is extremely true. You never hear about the girls that have exes with smaller penises. Although I will say this...if I ever died or something and my girl just happened to go with another guy that had a bigger penis...well, that's just a horrible thought...to imagine her loving it. She's a very sexual person; that is, she's very sexual with the one she's WITH. If she was with anyone else that happened to be stronger than me, she'd definitely feel the difference. I hate to contemplate that.
i feel your pain and insecurity my fiance told me she had about 8 incher said it made her sick and hate having sex with him cuz she hates feeling stuffed i hurt her if she sits on it all the way on top and from pubic im 6.5 and 5 round i want to gain a few inchs for my self how ever she said it would hurt but after awhile she'd like it and shes not expecting me to work so hard to get bigger shes fine cuz i hit her spot fine that shes never had more enjoyable sex puts it on her sons life so i have to believe im doing something right shes just supporting me if i want to commit to making my self bigger
I KNOW MAN! it seems like EVERY girlfriend has had some guy with a fucking 8 inch dick. It's a horrible thought, when you are under that...

Anyways, you said you're girlfriend is "emotionally dependant" on you, so you cannot break up with her. Right away, I can tell you thats not a good sign. Maybe you two are just really connected.. thats great, I usually build that in my relationships too. But when a chick is "dependant" on you.. thats not a good sign. I somewhat recently broke up with a girl I had been dating for about a year, that wanted to get married.. etc. We were very close.

but she was FUCKED UP! i am not a vulgar man, but there is no other way to describe it. When you have a chick with bipolar (manicdepressive) disorder... it is a recipe for disaster. you have to leave a woman like that, or it will kill you, and you'll become her manipulative prey.

All that aside, if she has some disorder like that... trust me, it will be hell.. get rid of her if she is so. I am a very tollerant forgiving guy, a lot more so than others.. I tried to help her, and stuck it out probably 5 times longer than any other guy.. but there is no use.. you have to live again, and worry about yourself.

For no-bullshit relationship advice, with humor.... watch "Skyy John" on YouTube. He is great. the cheating one is good, and helped me to realize my "queeziness when she left the room to answer her phone, is not natural" "this is your body telling you to dump them"
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It all comes down to ONE thing LOVE! Either she loves you or not penis size has NOTHING to do if she loves you or not. She loves you or she doesnt, dont sit around thinking about a girls ex's it will only bring hurt and is not healthy for a relationship at all. It also shows insecurity which is a no no with females [atleast the ones i go for].
Try cunnilingus and put some [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] on your dick or just substitute it with your hand lol!
digster;196255 said:
you also have a 9''+ dong ;) ... that might skew your opinion.

true. however i thought the same way at the beginning too. just too scared to even go to the car lot to scope out the cars. ....

did that pun work? i'm not working with coffee here and that almost seemed sucessful
The whole problem started when you asked you never ask put since now you know P.E like a mother fucker get that 10inch monster and once you reach that goal then you can beat the shit out of her!
kolimuddin;195327 said:
Hey guys,

i always tend to keep my personal problems to myelf .. but after reading through someof the posts i kinda felt releived to have opened my issues to you all. Please dont take it as a joke coz i am seriously upset with this issue.

I am a 19 year old virgin, things went a bit ruff with my ex. which ended up in a brutal break up. Long things short .. i had met with the love of my life. She is just awesome, everything that i ever wanted but all things must come to a bitter end for me.

yes as u mite have guessed, since this is a Penis Enlargement forum .. my problem relies with SIZE.
i am below average or what ever the statistics are 6inch bpel 5.5 nbpel 4.5 eg. she told me she was with a man who used to abuse her in the name of sex. as in he treated her very ruff. and she used to hate it a LOT . She was craving to be loved more than anything else.

as days went by so did some very true revelation, naming ly something which made me depressed. i was one day just stupidly asking about her ex's and their size. coz i was very confident of my unit as it seemed more than enuff for me ... but i learned to realise her EX. with whom she broke up just a year ago. had an 8 inch cock. and that too she said in such a manner whioch clearly showed she was HAPPY with that size. here are the words which she used "the one i had was FREAKING HUGE"
she also revealed she loved it RUFF inside her, but maybe the guys treatment to her was disturbing to her as he used to beat her down to the ground after sex.

though at the beginning she just said he was a 6 incher. later she said with assurity it was a max of 7 inches but after a while later "correction ... he was an 8 incher" just those three lines just pummelled my self esteem down the drain. she said all measurement using a measuring tape .. the 6 inch was said as an estimate then one day she measure the 7 inches with a scale but after like 5 minutes she measured again and stated it was an 8 inch

i want to grow in size as of now coz i want to be the biggest for her. i cant leave her coz she is very emotionally dependable on me ... and i even made her squirt with my oral skills, apparently i am very good at foreplay and manipulation and oral. but when it comes to just fucking ... it brings me low. coz HOW THE HECK WOULD A GURL BE SATISFIED WITH A 6 INCH when she just had an 8 Inch SHOVED INTO HER recently.

and top of that i have fears of pre-ejac since i never fucked anyone :(

i would be grately thankful if u could answer my problem. i want to build myself so i can make her beg me to please her. BTW i showed her my unit ... all i got were " ITS SO YUMMY" "its making me very wet" "I love the shape of your head" but never the WORDS "HUGE" or like what my enemy got "FREAKING HUGE"

i am starting to Penis Enlargement seriously from tomorrow. Dec the 13th. wish me luck.
I would love to seek advices on motivation, and being a man ... more that that bastard who just abused my love emotionally but yet in the end made her love the feeling of an 8 inch.

Thanks a lot for readin <:(

Shes trying to belittle you. Your intergrity your pride and your manhood. I woudent marry her and I am guessing your either black or shes been with with black men. This may seem racist but I really dont care. Allot of women say superiority of other races ect but all races have there own qualities yu may not have the biggest cock in the world but you have allot going for you at only 19 years old and your carrying no previous baggage.

Man up and hav sex with her but dont stop until she suBathmateits you have to tame her like no one has before make her your women make her scream and make her that any shit thats in her head is out the window fuck the beast out of her.
Youll always be belittled and made to feel less superior. Shes started to hold her experiances over you. She sounds like the type who will cheat on you just to make you feel like crap.

Id find a girl with good morals who is a virgin also before breaking my virginity with her.
okok... SIZE is not everything, but let's not lie to ourselves by saying it MEANS NOTHING!

Every relationship no matter how emotionally fullfilling for both girl and guy is, there are still superficial elements involved.
Obviously the guy will find elements like her physical traits and how fullfilling sex is IMPORTANT! An so also the girl.

A relationship can survive without sex, it's possible. But it will certainly cherish with great sex!

What I'm saying is:
1) You are right to be concerned about size for the future, as it can really pleese a woman not ONLY physically BUT even more importantly MENTALLY. Most of us know how a girl can reach orgasm just by being mentally stimulated, for example the image and feeling of that big cock. USE THIS TO MOTIVATE YOURSELF. You have a chance to become bigger and you will if you believe it will make your future girls beg for more.

2) DO NOT make this a fundamental issue! As other have also suggested! You are also big enough to satisfy a girl! BIG is great, but your size is great too. Obviously her past boyfriend had many falls that she hasn't talked about, you obviously want to know about the good parts of the ex. YOU SHOULD NOT FOCUS ONLY on these characteristics! You should recognise that the ex had many issues and that you are probably better than him in many ways too. Perfection doesn't exist.

3) SHOW HER you are willing to leave her if a BIG cock is AN ISSUE FOR HER. This will probably push her to step down and re-evaluate what is REALLY IMPORTANT. If she is not the SUPenis EnlargementRFICIAL girl many people suggest, then I guess everything should be fine. DO NOT FEEL INSECURE, please don't. There is no reason, AND INSECURITY IS VERY UNATTRACTIVE. INSECURITY about your Penis EnlargementNIS will make your girl think it's smaller that it actually is and if she thinks it's fine it will make her insecure as well.

I REPenis EnlargementAT, you are just fine! You can pleese a girl. But please don't let insecurity bury your hole.

Also use whatever feelings you have to boost your motivation.

Good luck bro!
IMHO she's just jerking you around in my experience women lie 24/7. She is just telling you all this to get a rise i wouldn't take her seriously. I also think getting married at 19 is retarded especially if you're a virgin, you need to go out and experience life a little and then settle down. Why are you even bothering to enlarge yourself if you're just gonna use it on one girl
Hi Koli,
I'm new to the forum and I came across your post. I agree with what all the others said, women very often misjudge size and speaking as a woman there is absolutely nothing wrong with 6 inches, it can even hurt so good in some positions. The point is what she said caused you to doubt yourself and lucky you, you can do something about it. Often times us women do not realize the impact our words have on you fellas and that is unfortunate, but unless I am misunderstanding she was not saying it to be malicious. There is also the fact that that 8incher was used to hurt her. Have you asked her if she wants you to be bigger, it may scare her, bring up not so good memories. I'm not saying don't do the Penis Enlargement, you should do it if that is what you want to do, but if you are doing it for her talk to her and make sure it's what she wants.
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Look, I am going to send you a link of a females forum.
CLick on page 40 and 41.

This topic is "do women like big penises"
Basically yeah they do, but there are ways in which you can work around it.

Notice what "sang tae" says. Then look at "threadfinisher" etc etc..

But let me tell you that husband and wife relationships have better sex if they are couples willing to discover new things in sex - women in marriage will be more open to suggestions like the "vagina tightening cream" and if your penis is small....even a penis sleeve [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]...but since you are 6 inches, stick to Penis Enlargement and educate yourself and even your partner on sex.

This thread that im sending you now on a link makes any person with a smaller or average penis feel as if penis size does not matter ONE BIT. I think you need to get yourself a wife who is very understanding, emotionally intelligent and open to explore in the world of sex INVOLVING JUST YOU AND HER.

brianfighter75;352023 said:
Look, I am going to send you a link of a females forum.
CLick on page 40 and 41.

This topic is "do women like big penises"
Basically yeah they do, but there are ways in which you can work around it.

Notice what "sang tae" says. Then look at "threadfinisher" etc etc..

But let me tell you that husband and wife relationships have better sex if they are couples willing to discover new things in sex - women in marriage will be more open to suggestions like the "vagina tightening cream" and if your penis is small....even a penis sleeve [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words]...but since you are 6 inches, stick to Penis Enlargement and educate yourself and even your partner on sex.

This thread that im sending you now on a link makes any person with a smaller or average penis feel as if penis size does not matter ONE BIT. I think you need to get yourself a wife who is very understanding, emotionally intelligent and open to explore in the world of sex INVOLVING JUST YOU AND HER.


Good advice!
Seriously this girl sound slike an idiot find some one more deserved of your time.

What a bimbo. Why would you say stuff like that its like me saying wow my ex used to have such a nice itght ass. unlike yours.

Throw her away
eurotrash;369052 said:
Seriously this girl sound slike an idiot find some one more deserved of your time.

What a bimbo. Why would you say stuff like that its like me saying wow my ex used to have such a nice itght ass. unlike yours.

Throw her away

Take it slow. Getting married at the tender age of 19 is nuts ! Wait until you are at least 25 or older. Any woman you should be seriously interested in should HAVE LIVED ON HER OWN in the REAL WORLD for a few years before you consider her marriage material. Girls and I mean GIRLS that never have to stand on their own will be the first ones to beat you down later in life if they were protected or sheltered early on and never had to get things down on their own. Immature older women are a nightmare and until they truly grow up you can be playing with fire.

Suggestion let the hormones and the great sex burn themselves out and then if you have anything in common the relationship will be built on a solid foundation not some kind of series of great orgasms.

If she is a size queen she will sooner than later cheat on you looking for the mac stud of her dreams which your currently not.......
I didn't had a time to read all the answers, but here is something I know. Me and my wife had a big dildo, which was exactly 8x6". I was under 6" NBPenis EnlargementL back then. She loved to get that dildo every once in a while (maybe once in a month), but hardly never when I was available...even that she knew, that I liked to take that unit with us. Still she has always enjoyed sex with my rather small dick, and size has never been issue for her. I think it's much more than your size. It's how you treat your woman, how you want to please her, and how much you show you love her. You really should discuss with your lady about your fear not being enough for her, I'm sure you end up just fine. And you can always buy a dildo, if she need bigger dick. If you love her, you should allow perfect pleasure for her. Remember, that talking about your needs...and I mean both of you...Is the only way to perfect pleasure.
I am going to p[lay devils advocate here, but we are in 2010, not 1950, marriage is a waste of time and outdated.

Why do you want to be married? are you aware of the divorce rate and the legal ramifications if that happens? There is no such thing as the family court, only the women's court.

Also, as has been mentioned earlier, this is a security test to see if you are insecure, and it looks like you are. Personally I would ditch the bitch and find yourself more emotionally healthy woman who will add value to your life, not drag it down.

Part of being a man is being willing to walk away from a crappy relationship when you aare being treated bad like you are here, women find this trait very attractive, they get turned off by guys who are secretly looking for a surrogate mum. And lose all respect for a man if he accepts poor treatment and behaviour from them.

visit this link: http://www.fastseduction.com/discussion/

This is the best relationship advice board on the net, it helped me regain my confidence in myself as a young man and it will certainly help you regain your sense of selfworth and confidence, especially around woman and dealing with the chick drama that follows in relationships.
kolimuddin;195327 said:
hey guys,

i always tend to keep my personal problems to myelf .. But after reading through someof the posts i kinda felt releived to have opened my issues to you all. Please dont take it as a joke coz i am seriously upset with this issue.

I am a 19 year old virgin, things went a bit ruff with my ex. Which ended up in a brutal break up. Long things short .. I had met with the love of my life. She is just awesome, everything that i ever wanted but all things must come to a bitter end for me.

Yes as u mite have guessed, since this is a pe forum .. My problem relies with size.
I am below average or what ever the statistics are 6inch bpel 5.5 nbpel 4.5 eg. She told me she was with a man who used to abuse her in the name of sex. As in he treated her very ruff. And she used to hate it a lot . She was craving to be loved more than anything else.

As days went by so did some very true revelation, naming ly something which made me depressed. I was one day just stupidly asking about her ex's and their size. Coz i was very confident of my unit as it seemed more than enuff for me ... But i learned to realise her ex. With whom she broke up just a year ago. Had an 8 inch cock. And that too she said in such a manner whioch clearly showed she was happy with that size. Here are the words which she used "the one i had was freaking huge"
she also revealed she loved it ruff inside her, but maybe the guys treatment to her was disturbing to her as he used to beat her down to the ground after sex.

Though at the beginning she just said he was a 6 incher. Later she said with assurity it was a max of 7 inches but after a while later "correction ... He was an 8 incher" just those three lines just pummelled my self esteem down the drain. She said all measurement using a measuring tape .. The 6 inch was said as an estimate then one day she measure the 7 inches with a scale but after like 5 minutes she measured again and stated it was an 8 inch

i want to grow in size as of now coz i want to be the biggest for her. I cant leave her coz she is very emotionally dependable on me ... And i even made her squirt with my oral skills, apparently i am very good at foreplay and manipulation and oral. But when it comes to just fucking ... It brings me low. Coz how the heck would a gurl be satisfied with a 6 inch when she just had an 8 inch shoved into her recently.

And top of that i have fears of pre-ejac since i never fucked anyone :(

i would be grately thankful if u could answer my problem. I want to build myself so i can make her beg me to please her. Btw i showed her my unit ... All i got were " its so yummy" "its making me very wet" "i love the shape of your head" but never the words "huge" or like what my enemy got "freaking huge"

i am starting to pe seriously from tomorrow. Dec the 13th. Wish me luck.
I would love to seek advices on motivation, and being a man ... More that that bastard who just abused my love emotionally but yet in the end made her love the feeling of an 8 inch.

Thanks a lot for readin <:(

my gf told me she had slept with 4 people before me and she lied! She said 2 of them were brothers she met on holiday and she slept with both and the younger was better, but this was a lie. Also she said she had played with a girl, fingering and all that, i later on found out she lied. She confessed to me after cause she felt she had to big herself up, to be honest it repelled me. And!!!!!!! She said she met a guy in alton towerrs in uk and they hooked up 2 weeks after she split up with her ex last year and then they texted and emailed each other and they met up at a hotel!!! How sick and she has onkly met him twice at this point, she told me he was the best sex ever he supposidly had a 9.5 inch dick and around 6 inch in girth, i asked if she took it all and she said yes all the way i loved it!!! This really messed with my head :((( i soon asked her again and he went from a 9.5 to 9 inch and she was not sure about his girth!!!!........and she said she had her legs on his shoulders when they had sex too and she took it all!!!!

Yeah right to this lad with big dick!!!!!!!! She can't even take me, i am 8 inch by 5.8 girth. And when i lift her legs over my shoulders she says be carefull and she can only take about 7 inch like this and she struggles to take all in missionary. She lied to me and made me feel small, but she is the small one for lying to me!!! And i am digusted in her for meeting up with someone for sex! But i love her and want her in my life so i have now brushed of all the lies she has told me.

So she was probably lying about this guys size mate!!!!!!

Ps!!!! I was a virgin when i met her!! And she told me all this before i slept with her!!! Omg it was so so so hard to get an erection when i first slept with her, all i could think of was this guys 9.5 inch cock she had bullshitted about!!!!!!

I wish she never did cause our first 6 months was so rough all because of her lies!!!! Girls lie to be in control!!!!!!!!!!! Fact.
My gf told me she had slept with 4 people before me and she lied! She said 2 of them were brothers she met on holiday and she slept with both and the younger was better, but this was a lie. Also she said she had played with a girl, fingering and all that, i later on found out she lied. She confessed to me after cause she felt she had to big herself up, to be honest it repelled me. And!!!!!!! She said she met a guy in alton towerrs in uk and they hooked up 2 weeks after she split up with her ex last year and then they texted and emailed each other and they met up at a hotel!!! How sick and she has onkly met him twice at this point, she told me he was the best sex ever he supposidly had a 9.5 inch dick and around 6 inch in girth, i asked if she took it all and she said yes all the way i loved it!!! This really messed with my head :((( i soon asked her again and he went from a 9.5 to 9 inch and she was not sure about his girth!!!!........and she said she had her legs on his shoulders when they had sex too and she took it all!!!!

Yeah right to this lad with big dick!!!!!!!! She can't even take me, i am 8 inch by 5.8 girth. And when i lift her legs over my shoulders she says be carefull and she can only take about 7 inch like this and she struggles to take all in missionary. She lied to me and made me feel small, but she is the small one for lying to me!!! And i am digusted in her for meeting up with someone for sex! But i love her and want her in my life so i have now brushed of all the lies she has told me.

So she was probably lying about this guys size mate!!!!!!

Ps!!!! I was a virgin when i met her!! And she told me all this before i slept with her!!! Omg it was so so so hard to get an erection when i first slept with her, all i could think of was this guys 9.5 inch cock she had bullshitted about!!!!!!

I wish she never did cause our first 6 months was so rough all because of her lies!!!! Girls lie to be in control!!!!!!!!!!! Fact.
ddbennett;379113 said:
Girls lie to be in control!!!!!!!!!!! Fact.

Well, look who it isn't. And also what the fuck do they know about measuring? I have a hard enough time as it is measuring my BPenis EnlargementL and NBPenis EnlargementL and AJLPFKDULE for fuck's sake, and I've known about Penis Enlargement for years. But fuck me, it's reassuring and also a little disappointing knowing that size -does not matter- as much as we think. It does, of course, obviously, but not as much as we think. And it's comforting but also debilitating, but it sucks worse for her to leave because she doesn't like me as a human being, hah. And for her to leave me for having a 'smaller dick' would honestly and strangely enough, hurt, but hurt less.

Fuck this obsession. Let us learn to be better man. Then it truly will not matter what the fuck is in our pants.