SUPRA is an awesome kid. I wish he could be around more, like he used to but I believe he is still in Iraq. I hope he sees his threads get bumped.
doublelongdaddy;331935 said:
My question is how do you get to fuck them to begin with?:)

maybe u got this wrong i only played a word game ^^. better written: fuck her for the last time and then dump her. It was more meant like a joke ^^.
but i would say its not the worst way to end a relationship in such a way^^.

gentlegrow;331971 said:
maybe u got this wrong i only played a word game ^^. better written: fuck her for the last time and then dump her. It was more meant like a joke ^^.
but i would say its not the worst way to end a relationship in such a way^^.


I was just playin':)
yeh, self confidence its a great work with your brains:)Telling the truth, for me to cope by myself with such problem was too hard, I've turned for help to specialist
This thread was a great read but I have yet to conquer the feelings of inadequacy. I'm only 6x5 and I feel absolutely horrible about my size. I think about it every day from morning to night, sometimes it gets so bad that I have emotional breakdowns about it. I've been to a therapist for a year and stopped going because they couldn't help, nor do the antidepressants I'm on.

A big part of it comes from being gay. Most gay men judge you on your size before they take any of your other features into consideration, and I've had more than my fair share of rejections and nasty remarks despite the fact that I'm actually a damn good looking guy. It makes me feel absolutely disgusting and unattractive.

I've opened up about this to a few of my close friends (who I have messed around with) and they have all told me that my size is perfectly fine, I'm not small and that I have nothing to worry about. However I just don't see it. It looks and feels so small to me, I hardly even enjoy jacking off. I've been using the [words= ]Bathmate[/words] since October and have had noticeable gains, and have had a few old fuck-buds comment that I'm definitely bigger. But it does nothing for me inside. I'm in a constant state of misery because of it.

I'm going to continue with Penis Enlargement because I just can't give up, but I just don't know what to do or think anymore. I truly hate what I have between my legs
AT 6 x 5 you are above average and most men would think this was big. You should feel happy about your size.
The only time I've ever been happy with it was when I was rolling on E and it looked and felt huge at the time. But I can't go through life high every day. I don't know DLD, it really eats me alive inside, even just looking at it.
amazing 8 inches and feeling small that is stupid, i dont have a nice social life, i have a few friends and they are dirt poor just like me, i have no money and im not big, im definitely way too low,evenso im still alive and i want to grow, but at the same time i ask my self why what s the purpose of stretching twisting pulling etc if most things in my life suck! is way too ridiculous and senseless,guys like you and most of the brothers can be happy and thankful about their lives,even when they say they deal whit a lotta bull they have way more chances than i and i feel ok about that, at least i have some Bros where i can learn from.i would like to have a lotta things in my life money a lot, a nice house you know the things that any day dreamer could want and that would give me certain peace of mind and happiness,but i wonder when im gonna have all those things maybe never.maybe soon who knows hahaha
shortdick;611880 said:
amazing 8 inches and feeling small that is stupid, i dont have a nice social life, i have a few friends and they are dirt poor just like me, i have no money and im not big, im definitely way too low,evenso im still alive and i want to grow, but at the same time i ask my self why what s the purpose of stretching twisting pulling etc if most things in my life suck! is way too ridiculous and senseless,guys like you and most of the brothers can be happy and thankful about their lives,even when they say they deal whit a lotta bull they have way more chances than i and i feel ok about that, at least i have some Bros where i can learn from.i would like to have a lotta things in my life money a lot, a nice house you know the things that any day dreamer could want and that would give me certain peace of mind and happiness,but i wonder when im gonna have all those things maybe never.maybe soon who knows hahaha

Blessed are the poor for they shall inherit the kingdom of God!
shortdick;612030 said:
In that given case i shouls die if want to inherit the kingdom of god

No, this means that at any time you can inherit the Kingdom, you only need to go to Jesus and accept him!
Again great thing to read at the same time while personally I have made gains I'm not at that happy point of being satisfied with it.
Theres this ""correlation" between penis size confidence n mental freedom...i wonder if my words make sense.

The more i exercise n learn about PE the more confident i think i might get no matter what..

But i still have this ""tendency"" to believe that my state of mind is a great contributor to that everytime i do something wrong means that im going to have a negative effect on my Penis gains..

Sounds sense less but i interconnect that bad situation whit my penis size...WTHroflrofl
shortdick;672148 said:
Theres this ""correlation" between penis size confidence n mental freedom...i wonder if my words make sense.

The more i exercise n learn about PE the more confident i think i might get no matter what..

But i still have this ""tendency"" to believe that my state of mind is a great contributor to that everytime i do something wrong means that im going to have a negative effect on my Penis gains..

Sounds sense less but i interconnect that bad situation whit my penis size...WTHroflrofl

No, this makes great sense. I can relate this to my weight loss efforts. The mental freedom I desire, which includes a mate, will not happen for me until I reach 185 pounds. Today I am about 199-200 but the weight is coming off faster now, no idea why. I am hoping to drop 3 pounds a week but we'll see. With penis size I can imagine many men, after they have learned about PE, may get a complex where they think they need to be a certain size before they use it. In many cases this is a huge motivator but in some cases, where the man is already huge, it becomes more of a mental problem associated with Penile Dysmorphic Disorder.
Yeah man I get this every time I don't have the absolute best workout. I end up feeling defeated, and want to harakiri myself XD
thats a normal thing most of the time at the end of a session i feel so unsatisfied... not an easy thing to deal whit...:)
Sometimes I feel like I need to redo it, but after the session goes cold its pretty hopeless for me <:(. I'll try anyway :D
man you gotta let go of the complex. the thing is a complex like that is an energy drainer. you don't want them in your life.

so just let go of it.

everything that sucks the energy out of you. just let go! its not worth it.

i actually had conquered my complex but after i started hitting 19.5cm on bp erect lenght on a few occations i got obsessed again. its not worth it guys.

do Penis enlargement.
but do it for the right reasons.
because you will always want a little bit more. its not worth to live your life like that.

by having a regular stretching scheme and taking care of yourself you can get a bigger penis. just like you can get bigger in the gym.
Aimingforthetop;672482 said:
man you gotta let go of the complex. the thing is a complex like that is an energy drainer. you don't want them in your life.

so just let go of it.

everything that sucks the energy out of you. just let go! its not worth it.

i actually had conquered my complex but after i started hitting 19.5cm on bp erect lenght on a few occations i got obsessed again. its not worth it guys.

do Penis enlargement.
but do it for the right reasons.
because you will always want a little bit more. its not worth to live your life like that.

by having a regular stretching scheme and taking care of yourself you can get a bigger penis. just like you can get bigger in the gym.

true the energy wasted while thinking senseless crap is impressive n is negative bullshit..better start to get that our heads.
shortdick;672492 said:
true the energy wasted while thinking senseless crap is impressive n is negative bullshit..better start to get that our heads.

We can see energy like this. In the moment you have 100% of your mental energy potential, this means that 100% of your mental energy is available to you in the moment. Now as we move into the past or future something happens, we give a large percentage of our mental energy away. Energy can not be used in the past or future with any kind of accuracy, only in the moment is this 100% mental energy available. It is also important to understand that living in the past causes depression and living in the future causes anxiety. Living in the moment is where your potential lays ready to be used.
True but is quite hard to do that cause the present is so undesirable sometimes...Energy i need a good amount of it send me some D.i need real power lol
Last edited:
doublelongdaddy;672646 said:
We can see energy like this. In the moment you have 100% of your mental energy potential, this means that 100% of your mental energy is available to you in the moment. Now as we move into the past or future something happens, we give a large percentage of our mental energy away. Energy can not be used in the past or future with any kind of accuracy, only in the moment is this 100% mental energy available. It is also important to understand that living in the past causes depression and living in the future causes anxiety. Living in the moment is where your potential lays ready to be used.
THe past is in the past and the future might not come so live well today :D
Well remember my Brother, anytime you dig up the past you get dirty!
templnite;672923 said:
If you forget the past you're doomed to relive it

True that. I am starting to suffer again as the seasons changed, the depression was right on time. Trying so hard this year to get through it so I don't have to repeat the Hell I have gone through every winter for 15 years!
It'll get better champ you're a smart person, you'll find a way. I'll be around to cheer you on:blush:
doublelongdaddy;673174 said:
True that. I am starting to suffer again as the seasons changed, the depression was right on time. Trying so hard this year to get through it so I don't have to repeat the Hell I have gone through every winter for 15 years!

i have a friend who is currently fighting depression with a rather.... alternative method.

every morning. 15 mins of dancing around while listening to happy music. and you have to dance like no body is watching. go all out 15 mins! first thing in the morning. it is supposed to release an incredible load of dopamine i think it is.

try it out might help you

im diffently going to try it. just because i like to do crazy shit.

im gonna do it naked with no curtains and while weariung the [words=]BM[/words] just for kicks :)
Aimingforthetop;673272 said:
i have a friend who is currently fighting depression with a rather.... alternative method.

every morning. 15 mins of dancing around while listening to happy music. and you have to dance like no body is watching. go all out 15 mins! first thing in the morning. it is supposed to release an incredible load of dopamine i think it is.

try it out might help you

im diffently going to try it. just because i like to do crazy shit.

im gonna do it naked with no curtains and while weariung the [words=]BM[/words] just for kicks :)

:) Thanks AIM, I will try but I fear that what I am about go through is inevitable. I pray to God all day to help me get through this this year with grace and have His protection. Makes little difference as far a s I go though, here in the Brotherhood, no matter how sick I get I will be here everyday.

I only ask my Brothers here to pray for me.
I've only read Super's comment on this thread. One thing I kind of see to be a trend with all these "motivating"/"inspiring" talk that is somehow supposed to relinquish our inner alpha male and reach the highest echelons of greatness that is possible with this life is that the people who write these actually have large penises. I have not seen one of these written about a guy who is average or below average. Yeah dude, penis size, due to media, has rooted itself into the minds of this generation and now, forever onwards. I am mentally weak for saying this and surely it is not going to matter to many men who are in control of their own mentality. For those I applaud. But I believe those men are of a minor population because in basic human nature, we are a social species and we really do care what others think of us.

This whole idea of just "accepting" what you have and it will never change strikes me with anger. The reality is that we know a guy with a larger penis has an advantage in this life. Physically, but at the very core, mentally. There is something this man can provide that the general masses cannot provide and that is what makes him different and unique among the rest. It does not matter if other men have more capital than him, for he is the one who still has something they may never have, if they did not apply the techniques.

I know I am being a downer but this message that you are trying to register within the minds of fellow brothers would have had more impact, in my opinion, if you yourself were in the category of brothers you were really trying to communicate with.

I apologize to all in advance. I guess I took this to a greater length than what was necessary. I guess by seeing myself as small, I am not seeing the bright side of life. I posted a whole thread on this issue but I have to just keep on going with this negativity just because of this fucking ideology that well endowed men have the real key to success in this reality.

I fucking hate that this overflows my mind. I feel as if I need to reach my PE goals in order to crack this shell of self limitance.
GoodLookingNerd;735717 said:
I've only read Super's comment on this thread. One thing I kind of see to be a trend with all these "motivating"/"inspiring" talk that is somehow supposed to relinquish our inner alpha male and reach the highest echelons of greatness that is possible with this life is that the people who write these actually have large penises. I have not seen one of these written about a guy who is average or below average. Yeah dude, penis size, due to media, has rooted itself into the minds of this generation and now, forever onwards. I am mentally weak for saying this and surely it is not going to matter to many men who are in control of their own mentality. For those I applaud. But I believe those men are of a minor population because in basic human nature, we are a social species and we really do care what others think of us.

This whole idea of just "accepting" what you have and it will never change strikes me with anger. The reality is that we know a guy with a larger penis has an advantage in this life. Physically, but at the very core, mentally. There is something this man can provide that the general masses cannot provide and that is what makes him different and unique among the rest. It does not matter if other men have more capital than him, for he is the one who still has something they may never have, if they did not apply the techniques.

I know I am being a downer but this message that you are trying to register within the minds of fellow brothers would have had more impact, in my opinion, if you yourself were in the category of brothers you were really trying to communicate with.

I apologize to all in advance. I guess I took this to a greater length than what was necessary. I guess by seeing myself as small, I am not seeing the bright side of life. I posted a whole thread on this issue but I have to just keep on going with this negativity just because of this fucking ideology that well endowed men have the real key to success in this reality.

I fucking hate that this overflows my mind. I feel as if I need to reach my PE goals in order to crack this shell of self limitance.

Obsessions with penis size is an issue that many men cannot confront in a healthy way. This is largely due to seeing "big boys" in adult entertainment 24/7.

In all honesty, there are times where I'd rather have a the biggest dick on the planet than have zillions of dollars. It's weird how the mind works.rofl
Iceman338;735759 said:
Obsessions with penis size is an issue that many men cannot confront in a healthy way. This is largely due to seeing "big boys" in adult entertainment 24/7.

In all honesty, there are times where I'd rather have a the biggest dick on the planet than have zillions of dollars. It's weird how the mind works.rofl

Do not look at adult entertainment to gauge penis size is in no way realistic and it will cause deep, irrational obsessiveness. If you want to see real size without the fluff, go to a nude beach and you will see realistic. With all the work I have done in Mental Penis Enlargement, Brothers here should feel very secure. Just look read the study "Is Everything Really What it Seems" This study alone will bring peace to every man's mind.
Re: Mental Freedom from Size Complex.

8 inches n feeling insecure hard to believe but he tought he was small wow i just dont get it i think he finally realized he was way above average
Re: Mental Freedom from Size Complex.

8 inches n feeling insecure hard to believe but he tought he was small wow i just dont get it i think he finally realized he was way above average

I'm almost 8 inches in length and I feel small. Yes, it can happen to anyone. When you get to 8 inches you will understand.
Re: Mental Freedom from Size Complex.

oh come on huge you have been consistent all of these years you are almost 8 n you feel small ,you deal whit penis anxiety just like me,but is quite hard for me to gain..

I have a a really hard time when i think about my size
Re: Mental Freedom from Size Complex.

I'm almost 8 inches in length and I feel small. Yes, it can happen to anyone. When you get to 8 inches you will understand.

It is called Penis Dysmorphic Disorder. I went throughout as many other will. It takes a minute fro the mind to catch up with the dick. Remember most of your life you have been the size you started with so it will take time for the brain to register the difference.
Re: Mental Freedom from Size Complex.

It is called Penis Dysmorphic Disorder. I went throughout as many other will. It takes a minute fro the mind to catch up with the dick. Remember most of your life you have been the size you started with so it will take time for the brain to register the difference.

yep i deal whit that seems like my mind cant register that information thats why i cant accept that i got bigger not as big as i want but i got bigger
Re: Mental Freedom from Size Complex.

oh come on huge you have been consistent all of these years you are almost 8 n you feel small ,you deal whit penis anxiety just like me,but is quite hard for me to gain..

I have a a really hard time when i think about my size

You are getting it wrong when you said I have been consistent. Ever since I created my progress log I always fall off my routine after one month and two weeks. if you check my progress log, you will see that it is very long and that's because I post my daily routine. But if you check the dates, you will notice that I always stop training after one month and two weeks. But back in 2015, I managed to stay consistent and gained half inch in length with the length master. Now fast-forward to this year January 14th 2018, I told myself that PE is a do or die affair so I started training again and I've been consistent since January 14th till today.

I would have gotten to my goal in PE more than 3 years ago.
Re: Mental Freedom from Size Complex.

It is called Penis Dysmorphic Disorder. I went throughout as many other will. It takes a minute fro the mind to catch up with the dick. Remember most of your life you have been the size you started with so it will take time for the brain to register the difference.

You are right but I want to get bigger.
Re: Mental Freedom from Size Complex.

You are right but I want to get bigger.

Nothing wrong with that but make sure your brain is staying in lock step with your size. I still, at times, see myself small. The brain can really run a ruckus if you do not tay disciplined.
Re: Mental Freedom from Size Complex.

Nothing wrong with that but make sure your brain is staying in lock step with your size. I still, at times, see myself small. The brain can really run a ruckus if you do not tay disciplined.

I will do my possible best on that aspect.
doublelongdaddy;n1084993 said:
Re: Mental Freedom from Size Complex.

Mental growth needs to be consistent with physical growth.

I've had sex recently and the girl said I was huge. She was even screaming than she used to do in the past. I had sex with 3 different girls and I can tell I'm huge now. Indeed 8 inches penis length is big.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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