stillwantmore2;393711 said:
With muscles, it's more about nutrients, protein synthesis, adaptation to work loads, and much more.
You can have the best nutrition backup in the world without adequate training stimuli your muscles wont grow.
stillwantmore2;393711 said:
I've seen for example, power lifters who are not ''huge'' by most people's standards, (5' 8'', 180lbs for example) who can bench press, squat, and deadlift 2-3 times their body
Strenght training is very diffrent then bodybuilding or muscle building.
Powerlifters mainly train their CNS so they can recruit more motorical units and be more motorically efficient.
Second training for powerlifting is very specific it is done by lifting heavy
weights between 80-100% of your 1 RM for low reps and with many sets.
You never go to failiure and you try to stay fresh during the training so you can do bigger workload.
Example if you do 2 sets of bench press with 100 kgs and you achieve 10 reps and go to failure you did workload of 2 tons and i do 10 sets with 100 kgs for 5 reps and i never go to failure i did workload of 5 tons = 2.5 times more then you.
The systematization and periodization is of outmost importance and requires very high level of specific knowledge.
The thecniques that are used in powerlifting are completely diffrent then in bodybuilding when we talk about 3 main powerlifting exercises: bench press,deadlift and squat.
In bodybuilding the goal is to induce hyperthrophy(muscle growth) and to isolate the working muscle as much as possible and stress him as much as possible with adequate
In power lifting the only goal is to lift more
weight,kgs,pounds and the way to accomplish that is to recruit as much as muscle mass as possible and to use leverage to your advantage by positioning your body a ceartain way and doing the exercise with certain technique.I dont wanna go into details.
stillwantmore2;393711 said:
Many, many variables involved with muscle growth.
Not many only 2.
First variable is to get adequate training stimuli = meaning to stress the working muscle with a force that he isnt used to overcome for 6-10 reps and to achieve failure in other words the goal is to "overload" the muscle with enough force(
weight) so that the muscle has no choice but to adapt and increase the diagonal size of the muscle fibers because of the potential risk of a rupture that muscle is beeing threatened with .
That way same force is beeing distributed over greater space and the muscle is saved.
Second variable is to make adequate logistic anabolic(enviroment) support for the muscle: adequate nutrition(enough proteins,carbohydrates and healthy fats),minerals and vitamins so body can function optimally and enough water the most important nutrient.You must have positive caloric intake and the best scenario is if you would have bigger amounts of hormones(testosteron,HGH) in your body to make things even more anabolic and that requires taking external artifical hormones.
Adequate rest= enough of sleep(deep sleep) because this is where most of the adaptation occurs.
stillwantmore2;393711 said:
That's why I have never cared for comparing muscle growth to penis growth.There's not a very direct correlation in reality
There is a big correlation.Its the same principle but diffrent mechanics.
stillwantmore2;393711 said:
With the penis, it's more about stretching of tissue, and some scar tissue developing. It does not depend on how much protein or calorie consumption you take in before or after you Penis Enlargement as another example.
Thats what makes Penis Enlargement even "easier" from that point of view then bodybuilding.Nutrition has negligible role and the adaptation mechanism is the "practicaly" the same.
stillwantmore2;393711 said:
Working with low
weights for high reps will indeed result in growth
Not it wont it will only "build" muscle endurance.If that was the case marathon runners would be the biggest human beeings on the planet after all they make the most reps.
stillwantmore2;393711 said:
So will working with heavy
weights for low reps
No it wont you will gain strenght and your bone-joint-cartillage system will get "thicker".
Last i want to add that i am a professional conditioning and fitness coach with degree in sport science so i know what im saying here and anyone can ask me a question.