wants9 said:
I don't quite follow. It's pretty evident that the refractory period is a natural inhibition on male multiple orgasm. I'm asking if there's any medical reason/advantage to having that refractory period.
This thread has been quite informative. Its amazing what you can learn when everyone knows bits and pieces.
I am now realizing that after I cum a few times during a day then try to pe, why my penis feels like it hurts almost. Or is like a sore muscle. I bet its the prolactin telling me not to go again.
As for the health problems, I'm not really sure. I don't think there would be health problems though. The only thing would be a more tired penis after being erect for a long time and sore balls from cumming a few times.
Although men have quite a bit of cum often. Our bodies hold a lot of the sperm back for 'future encounters'. I wonder if really stressing your body for a period then resting, would force it to 'develop' and be able to produce more cum per day in the long run.
It seems your body responds to a lot of stresses.
And yes dostinex was the name of the drug. I couldn't remember the name until jody mentioned it.
Occasionaly I have had mass erection staying and desire staying after cumming once, or even twice. It only happens like once every 6 months maybe. I thought it was just mass libido and desire taking over insanely. Like the erection never goes down and the second and after third time cumming it actualy gets harder.
Unfortunately especialy being on anti-depressants for two years my erections weren't good at all, so when these came I was like OMG I"M HUGE. and INSANELY hard. I wonder now if it might have something to do with a malfunctioning prolactin production for that day.
Damn I wish I had money right now. I would buy viagra, cialis, and dostinex to test things. Thats what you need to do is just try differect dosages of dostinex for a month or so and see for yourself what it does.