doublelongdaddy;731378 said:
Not always the case sadly. Some men, just like some women, can have issues where no matter how much
weight they lose or how much they exercise they do but the fat pad remains. The fat pad can be a huge frustration for those who have done everything they can to eliminate it. To these men the frustration is increased as they make gains that just do not show, how angry this can make one! In this case, if finances allow, liposuction may be the only thing that will work. Pubic are will cost about $1000-$1500 and is not covered by insurance in most case (unless it cases micro-penis due to the depth of the pad, making sex impossible). I rarely give surgical advice but in these cases, is there another option aside of acceptance? Anyway, I hope and pray most men can deal with the pad with exercise and diet but those who can't, start saving up.
Exactly, The pelvic fat bad can be something genetic and not always something that can be lost. It can be incredibly frustrating loosing
weight and not seeing it change but knowing that the body pulls from abdominal fat last is good to know as if you can stress your body it will pull from there as that is your body's natural energy storage. Lipo is one option there is also coldsculpting. This is something i did pull from a article it may help some as well.
Pubic fat is a form of abdominal fat that is common with increased calorie intake and decreased physical activity. According to Dr. Michael Jensen of, men who carry excess abdominal fat are at higher risk for medical conditions such as heart disease and high blood pressure. While heredity might play a role in pubic fat formation, most cases can be attributed to excess eating and alcohol consumption with little exercise.
Step 1
Cut your calorie intake by eating fewer refined sugars and opting for healthy, low-calorie foods such as fruits, vegetables, poultry and whole grains, which are ideal substitutes for sugary snacks, red meat, white bread and pastas. The more calories you consume, the less likely you are to burn them off, thus increasing fat accumulation.
Step 2
Participate in aerobic exercise such as jogging, cycling and dancing. Aerobic exercise speeds up your heart rate and increases circulation. As this happens, your body pulls energy from calories and stored fat, including pubic fat, which then burns off more efficiently, according to the American Council on Exercise, or [words=]ACE[/words].
Step 3
Alternate your workout routine by throwing in at least two days a week of muscle building exercise for your abdomen. Situps and crunches will help increase abdominal muscles, building lean muscle mass to replace stored fat. This also provides additional support to your pelvic floor.
Step 4
Create a calorie deficit based on your age, height in inches and
weight. These factors will help you determine how many calories are required to maintain your current
weight. By reducing this caloric requirement by at least 500 calories per day, you can lose up to 1 lb. per week.