
Well-known member
What is foreskin Restoration and why do I or anyone else doe it? The reason why is there is so much lost from when you get circumcised, that you never really know casue you have never had it your whole life. Once you start to undo the damage, and recover what you lost, you relize what you could have had, and can still have.

Since I have Quit Penis Enlargement and Just moved on in the next phases of my Career with Penile Heath, I now just do FR and BE, and some edging here and there. Since doing this it has opened my eyes to what I have really been searching for this whole time. I was never after a bigger dick, I was after the feeling and sensations that I thought I could have from a bigger dick, How many times you hear people say “If its bigger it feels so much better” Yes that is true, but not really, if you want the true feeling of what it is like to have sex as God made us then you will only have that by FR. There is no other way, there are alternate methods that I will talk about though if you are not interested in fully restoring yourself.

Since I have been doing foreskin restoration I have noticed many things. First was my nocturnal erections came back, and I am getting some in the morning. This never happened, no matter how many ROP’s I wore, I am a special case though, I have some penile artery damage, and FR is the only way I can get my erections back the way they used to be without having a surgery. Why have my erections improved? Because I am putting my penis back to the way it was made. It makes your head and nerves and every other spot on your penis splurge with sensations when your penis is touched. This is how it s supposed to be. But when you are circumcised your penis glands and nerve endings are exposed to all sorts of daily trauma that de sensitizes your penis

With FR and by keeping your read covered by your skin of your penis, your body begins to heal its self, and renew its nerves that are left, after they got cut off. Since doing FR I have noticed a bigger penis, all the time, erect and flaccid, it has much more blood flow and is much more healthy and looks great. Penis Enlargement is not the only way to make your dick bigger, FR does as well. By adding more skin, it makes your penis be able to expand more in the erect state thus making itself bigger. While in the flaccid state it is bigger because it has more blood flow moving to it at all times. When you have more skin down on your penis, your body automatically makes more blood flow down there, to keep everything healthy and maintained properly.

Multiple orgasms, some people think they are impossible to get but I assure you they are not. I used to never be able to come and stay hard, now I can, very easily, die to the increased sensitivity and blood flow, and I can come over and over with ease. See the whole thing is about getting your body back to the way it was made. Once you do this, everything that you never had, will come about, because you have never had it, you do not know what you are missing until you start FR.
Another way to get this sensation without fully restoring yourself is keeping your head covered all the time, Simply by taping your skin over the head, and keeping the head covered, it will start the healing process of your glands, just the tape alone is not enough to fully restore yourself, but it is enough to protect your head, and get some extra skin down there for beneficial reasons as I stated above.

Many people have a very hard time gaining from Penis Enlargement, I am one if them, I am certain that FR is the missing link in this process, I am certain that once I am fully resorted, in a year, I am trying for 4-6 months, cause I am really pushing it, by doing weight hanging. I will have the greatest gains of Penis Enlargement, more than I ever thought possible. Nothing will slow me down, and I know it will be that way for anyone else out there. By getting cut, you penis gets altered permanently until you do something about it. What it does, its like trauma, and done to new born’s can actually cause so much pain for the baby, that brain trauma can occur, circumcision is done without any anesthesia.

Doctors will not even cut the baby if they feel that it will hinder their size, later on in life, from the way the penis looks when they are born. Just goes to show you this is not something taken lightly, but its done everyday, but it is getting less and less. Thank God. You can do much research on your own about it, there are always pro’s and cons to everything and I am not trying to say that this is the flawless method, but the only cons this has, is the cleaning of your penis and so forth, and risks of bacteria build up, but I do not think that grown men have this problem, it is more of a concern in youth.

I am doing this because the pro’s way outweighing the cons, and I am having amazing results with it. I would like to share it with everyone, hopefully this will go to someone that really needs this and they don’t know it, and they do it, and it changes their life, it sure has for me, I thank Road Hogg, for the posts he made, it was what got me started. Thanks.
Great post supra. After I reach my goal I am definitly restoring. I told my girlfriend about foreskin restoration and she surprisingly was all for it!
The next step is doing it. After I started I noticed results in as little as 3 days. My erections were more frequent, I have multiple orgasm and so forth, and morning erections are more frequent. I know that after I am fully restored I am going to feel like I have a completely new penis on my body and will have something truly worked for and I got through hard work, it will be a great accomplishment, anything great takes hard work, its not easy I will tell you, its easy to do, but being patient is not easy. That’s the hard part.

I now use the PUD [words=]Tugger[/words], it is the more expensive way to restore but it is the best. I like to hang lots of weight like I used to with my Bib, and this enables me to do this, with ease. Just do a Google search and you will find it. If it to much money, go with the [words=]TLC[/words] [words=]Tugger[/words], I use that as well, but I like the PUD because it’s a weight, and I can use my Rejuveness Tape which helps heal my discoloration while at the same time doing FR.

My normal Routine, I just wear my PUD and Ball Weights all day, and then when I come home, I screw the hook onto the PUD and hang 5 pounds. That’s all I can handle right now, very intense, but feels great. Other things I do is Manual Stretching thought the day. With the PUD on I pull really hard doing SO Stretches, which pull my skin way past my head with the PUD on, and with the PUD it enables me to have a sound grip. I do 6 sets of 10 minute stretching thought the day, I just go into the head at work and sit on the john and stretch periodically thought the day. I also do BE, My Testicle heath Routine. And Testicle stretching as well. It all works hand in hand in hand
The cool thing about FR its like building a machine! Cause I know that once Im done, my dick is Really Going to be “Supra Dick” I can just see and imagine it. That is another thing with all things, visualization. That is key. If you build it it will come! I really like the fact that we can alter our bodies for the better, and hopefully not the worst. That is the most important thing to remember.

I know that many people don’t really have a clue weather to do FR or not, so many different opinions and so forth, that’s what make the world go round, but all I can do is and have done since my time here, is bring you info that has worked for me, and pass it on to you. Just like the ROP, Slammers, BE, Hanging, Stretching and on and on that I have posted about its all about hands on experience. I know that some people might havea bad taste in there mouth about FR, but that is only cause they are really not that informed about it. I have whole forum dedicated to it , so feel free to do go it, its in my signature. Bad opinions mostly come from not being informed or mis informed, and I am going to try to bring all the info about FR to you as I can, I have books I have bought and read a lot online. You all know how crazy I am when I believe in something, I go all out for complete knowledge and understanding.

I used to not belive in FR as many do, simply for the reasons I stated above, no info. But as I “Free My Mind” I am the one that is in control of what I learn, not someone elses opionions and bad tastes.
supra, great post man. I tried the tape up thing for a week and the difference already was huge. I just got my VTLC [words=]Tugger[/words] in the mail and will be doin hanging and [words=]ads[/words] now but the [words=]tugger[/words] will still help restore some of my foreskin until i get enough money for the [words=]TLC[/words] one.
Philadelph, why wait until you've reached your goal to start restoring? Don't you realize the restoration process will make you gain quicker? The looser skin will allow you to stretch further with less irritation, not to mention the fact that your skin's natural tendency to "snap back" will be eliminated as there will be more slack to take up the length you are going to add. We started a thread on our forum to see if many of the other restorers had noticed size boosts as a benefit of the restoration, and the answer so far has been a universal yes, both to length and girth.
Stunna said:
supra, great post man. I tried the tape up thing for a week and the difference already was huge. I just got my VTLC [words=]Tugger[/words] in the mail and will be doin hanging and [words=]ads[/words] now but the [words=]tugger[/words] will still help restore some of my foreskin until i get enough money for the [words=]TLC[/words] one.

Wearing the VTLC will keep your head protected from daily abuse, so Yes it will help
Supra I know you'd like to gain as much as possible as quick as possible, but heavy weights arent' the best way to go about FR. It is much more preferable to put a bit of pressure to stimulate celular growth of the softer more sensative inner forskin instead of stretching shaft skin.

I was turned onto FR by my girlfriend. She comes from oversea's where they do not practice the butchering of their son's.

I actually started FR before I started Penis Enlargement. Unfortunately when a man is cut he looses specialised pieces that are never able to be regained, but improvement can without a doubt be had. I read a story by a man who went through most of his live uncut, had the surgery to fit in, then was horrified by the results and took up FR. He said uncut sex was a 10, cut it was a 3 and after restoration it was a 7.

Check out this site and look at the lost list to see some of what has been taken form you:

Its a great site over all.

I had a few other very good sites about the topic but inadvertently deleted my Penis Enlargement/FR folder of my bookmarks. Will rebuild and post if any are interested.

I would also like to ask any that do educate themselves to spread the word and hopefully do away with the barbaric practice. The closest female equivelent is the removal of the clitoral hood, although this pales in comparisson to the male mutilation. Read the lost list.
trips said:
Supra I know you'd like to gain as much as possible as quick as possible, but heavy weights arent' the best way to go about FR. It is much more preferable to put a bit of pressure to stimulate celular growth of the softer more sensative inner forskin instead of stretching shaft skin.

I was turned onto FR by my girlfriend. She comes from oversea's where they do not practice the butchering of their son's.

I actually started FR before I started Penis Enlargement. Unfortunately when a man is cut he looses specialised pieces that are never able to be regained, but improvement can without a doubt be had. I read a story by a man who went through most of his live uncut, had the surgery to fit in, then was horrified by the results and took up FR. He said uncut sex was a 10, cut it was a 3 and after restoration it was a 7.

Check out this site and look at the lost list to see some of what has been taken form you:

Its a great site over all.

I had a few other very good sites about the topic but inadvertently deleted my Penis Enlargement/FR folder of my bookmarks. Will rebuild and post if any are interested.

I would also like to ask any that do educate themselves to spread the word and hopefully do away with the barbaric practice. The closest female equivelent is the removal of the clitoral hood, although this pales in comparisson to the male mutilation. Read the lost list.

Hey man, it is good to see another person who does this as well. Have you fully restored yourself? I dont use heavy weights minimum, 2.5lbs, and max is 5lbs, you think that is to much?

Norm is really good, I bought some books on this as well. Thanks a lot for posting man, means a lot to me.
Pesonally I'd say the 2.5 is better then the 5. You have to keep in mind that your not trying to stretch here, your trying to stimulate celular growth. I personally use very minimal stress. I prefer an elastic band that I can adjust, this way I can wear it throught the day. I use a hand made cone that is in the shape of my glans and paper tape. I leave my cock rest at night, although do protect the glans with a non consticting cover to allow for nocternal erections. I am very much of the school that the body grows when it rests.

I am not fully restored. Not even close but have made some nice progress. I have been side tracked since starting Penis Enlargement a couple of months ago but have just started to incorperate the 2 routines.

If you read NORM and have done some research you are probably familiar with the point of equalibrium. Use that to your advantage. The main method that sensation is restoredis through reversing the keritinization that has occured. The glans and the inner foreskin are not normal skin, they are mucus membrain like the inside of your mouth, intended to always be protected and moistened by the foreskin. The membrane is exposed and looses its membrane qualities as it grows "caloused". As you protect it, it will slowly sloth off it calous and once again be thin, soft supple membrane. I have even heard stories of restored men producing smegma which is a very good thing.

Unfortunetly I lost my entire frenulum, which contains not only the most nerve endings then any where else on the male body, but specialised nerves at that. I will never know the joys of having my partner softly flick her tounge over my "g spot". The ridge bands are another major loss that cannot be regained. Not only do they retract the foreskin and keep it snug to the glans they also contain many specialised nerves.

For an idea of the nerves lost, very lightly run your finger over the back of your hand. I mean very lightly...barely touching. Now just as lightly run it over your palm. That is just a very small peek of what has been taken from us.
i want to restore my foreskin. what should i get? [words=]TLC[/words] [words=]tugger[/words]?

also, what is best for stretching my sack? rings? leather stretcher?
trips said:
Pesonally I'd say the 2.5 is better then the 5. You have to keep in mind that your not trying to stretch here, your trying to stimulate celular growth. I personally use very minimal stress. I prefer an elastic band that I can adjust, this way I can wear it throught the day. I use a hand made cone that is in the shape of my glans and paper tape. I leave my cock rest at night, although do protect the glans with a non consticting cover to allow for nocternal erections. I am very much of the school that the body grows when it rests.

I am not fully restored. Not even close but have made some nice progress. I have been side tracked since starting Penis Enlargement a couple of months ago but have just started to incorperate the 2 routines.

If you read NORM and have done some research you are probably familiar with the point of equalibrium. Use that to your advantage. The main method that sensation is restoredis through reversing the keritinization that has occured. The glans and the inner foreskin are not normal skin, they are mucus membrain like the inside of your mouth, intended to always be protected and moistened by the foreskin. The membrane is exposed and looses its membrane qualities as it grows "caloused". As you protect it, it will slowly sloth off it calous and once again be thin, soft supple membrane. I have even heard stories of restored men producing smegma which is a very good thing.

Unfortunetly I lost my entire frenulum, which contains not only the most nerve endings then any where else on the male body, but specialised nerves at that. I will never know the joys of having my partner softly flick her tounge over my "g spot". The ridge bands are another major loss that cannot be regained. Not only do they retract the foreskin and keep it snug to the glans they also contain many specialised nerves.

For an idea of the nerves lost, very lightly run your finger over the back of your hand. I mean very lightly...barely touching. Now just as lightly run it over your palm. That is just a very small peek of what has been taken from us.

I am very lucky, I still have my frenlum. Great info, thanks
You're lucky. The docs got my frenulum. I have some remnant tissue here and there between the glans and c-scar, but not much sensation-- going by how other men talk about it. Most of the feeling is in the glans, thanks to F.R. for returning that to me at least!
I hope that sometime within my life time stem cell research gets to a point that I can be restored to a natural state.

Supra I'm sure you knew alot of what I stated in my last post already. Was more for people who may not know as much.
trips said:
I hope that sometime within my life time stem cell research gets to a point that I can be restored to a natural state.

Supra I'm sure you knew alot of what I stated in my last post already. Was more for people who may not know as much.

I dont know everything, I just like to learn, I got some good info outa that. Thanks
Sounds interesting people, maybe a Sub forum should made for FR?
I have a question, say i didnt want to go the whole way of restoring, if i kept my glans wrapped up in say Cling film (plastic wrap) Would that help in De-keratinization of my head?
TheExecutioner said:
Sounds interesting people, maybe a Sub forum should made for FR?
I have a question, say i didnt want to go the whole way of restoring, if i kept my glans wrapped up in say Cling film (plastic wrap) Would that help in De-keratinization of my head?

Kong and I already have forum set up for FR only, click on it in my signature.

Yes that will help with the De-keratinization of your head
Supra said:
Kong and I already have forum set up for FR only, click on it in my signature.

Yes that will help with the De-keratinization of your head

Yeah im already a member there ;) , how confident are you about the plastic wrap re-sensitizing my head?
Last thing i want to do is Walk around with cling film on my dick realizing it gonna do nothing :P
If i recall correctly supra said it took about 3 weeks for the head's natural moisture (lube) to come back, how long did it take for you other guys here whos restoring?
I havea better meathod, get a film canister, cut a hole in the bottom for urination, then stick you penis in the cap hole, the other one, not the hole you cut, pull your skin over it and tape it, this is the best way to do it.
I have about 2 inches of mucosal inner foreskin between the c-scar and the glans (lighter, more sensitive skin). When I use t-tape, that mucosal tissue is held over the glans, protecting it. I usually notice the glans has been moisturized by it if I leave the tape on for more than a couple hours. I once went like 14 hours taped (overnight and some of the morning) and had smegma, which is very healthy for the little buddy, although it looks slightly nasty. In my experience, t-taping all day long will resensitize your glans within a matter of days, although I think the dekeratinization process takes longer. I have been doing this for over two months now, and still do not feel as though it has completely dekeratinized...
I'd say the cling film would definetly help restore some sensetivity, but may I ask why for minimal extra effort you wouldn't want to repair the natural protection? You won't have to walk around with anything. Your glans will naturally slide into it's protective sheath as was intended.

Kong if you have smegma after a few hours thats awsome. I get moisture build up but I think it more of the skin on skin for extended periods of time thing then smegma.

As far as full dekerinitization, look at some pics on the net of an uncut or restored glans. When your head is smooth, shiny, wet, and that deep healthy color you know it has occured.

I started just cross taping. Basically just pull your skin over the glans, even if it means pushing the glans in a bit. Make sure the the inner forskin has tention on it, and just tape in a cross top to bottom and left to right.

Supra I've come across the film canaster method before but I don't like the idea of stretching outwards. When I am fully restored, I want my fauxskin to lay as snug to the glans as possible. The loss of the ridge bands prevents the natural mechanism for this.
I mean as in applying pressure laterally or across the diameter. I prefer the pressure be applied down the shaft with equal tention on the inner skin but away from the body not outwards.

Kind of difficult to put into words. You understand what I'm saying?

Lets say the skin is a balloon. I try to avoid the type of stress that would occur if you put 2 fingers in the hole and pulled it open. I prefer the type of stress that would occur if you grabbed the ballon by either end and stretched it length wise.
Well for me its Day 2 of Cling film wear and it is already more sensitive than before, with a slight mucous building up, nothing special though.
Reason why i am using Cling film instead of my skin is becuase my skin doesnt stretch over my head becuase im tightly cut, so im gonna use cling film for now, to get a taste of uncutness.
ayo Supra you believe in God right,you're a christian,and you believe in the Bible.

In the Bible God has ordered the believers to get circumcised,so what are your beliefs on that?
Kassit said:
ayo Supra you believe in God right,you're a christian,and you believe in the Bible.

In the Bible God has ordered the believers to get circumcised,so what are your beliefs on that?

I beleive in god, but i also am a Catholic which means i follow the new testament, so please point me to the part in the bible that says i should be circumsized.......
Kassit said:
ayo Supra you believe in God right,you're a christian,and you believe in the Bible.

In the Bible God has ordered the believers to get circumcised,so what are your beliefs on that?

Ummmmm...... Read the Bible before trying to quote it, Kassit! In the Old Testament, God required his chosen people to circumcise themselves as a mark of the covenant between Him and them. But in the Old Testament, man was also saved by Law, as Jesus had not come yet and saved us by Grace.

Now that Jesus has come and died for our sins so that we can be saved by Grace, we are no longer held to the old ways. Jesus freed us from the laws of the Covenant. We are no longer Jews but Christians. In fact, when the old Jews were going around trying to get new Christians to circumcise themselves in the early days of the church, the Apostle Paul warned us NOT to circumcise ourselves and told these trouble-makers that if they wanted to cut up penises so badly, to go and cut theirs off!

We are saved by Grace, Kassit, not by body mutilation...Isn't Freedom great!?!
Galatians 5:6 -
"For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but faith working through love."

I found this after doing a search on circumcision on . Im not sure its in the correct context, but i think it is. Remember there are two contexts of circumcision: 1) There is the physical circumcision of the penis that we all know and love (kind of) and 2) the spiritual circumcision as in the new covenant we as christians have with God. Do some research on both.
Yea there is absolutely no reason for a Christian to get circumsized. I guess everybody went crazy with it cause some doctors said it had health benefits. Probably parents of those that now say Penis Enlargement doesn't work.

Question: Devices like [words=]tlc[/words] [words=]tugger[/words] do not actually restore foreskin unless you add weight, right? It's just to restore sensativity?
Actually, circumcision became widespread here in the us in the late ninteenth century because doctors believed it would cure men of the terrible disease of masturbation, which, as we all know, is responsible for heart attacks, hairy palms and lunacy.

Then, as medical science advanced, the armed forces started forcibly circumcising recruits and their children during world war 2, supposedly to stop the spread of venereal diseases and for hygiene (both false beliefs).

Finally, now, medicine has evolved to the point where the AMA has publicly stated that circumcision is nothing more than cosmetic surgery...penis reduction surgery IMO. In the west, the circumcision rate is dropping down to about 50%, but in the Bible belt it is still a horrible 75% to 80%. Many Christians falsely believe that they are supposed to be circumcised because of their faith. Alot of people also have the false notion that it is "better that way", although I do not feel that a small, scarred, hairy penis with turkey neck balls and stretch marks is all that sexy at all!

That's why I'm restoring.

Oh, yeah, and also because it feels GGRREEEAATT!!!
Kassit said:
ayo Supra you believe in God right,you're a christian,and you believe in the Bible.

In the Bible God has ordered the believers to get circumcised,so what are your beliefs on that?

That was while the law was set in place, and that was a coventat made between israel and God. Once Jesus Died all of that was removed and is null and void, if you choose to do it its fine, but it is not a commandment or a law anymore. Anyone that reads what took place can see that.
TheExecutioner - I understood that you are cut. I thought you ment you wanted to use cling film for the rest of your life instead of looking into restoring. Was asking what your avertion to restoring was.

And on the religious circ topic, even outside of Christian vs Jew or any covenents, the circumcision that was preformed was a symbolic circ. Very little of the foreskin was removed. The glans was still covered. At most the meatus (the hole) was exposed. That's a very different procedure then the one practiced today who's entire function was/is to rob a man of pleasure and make him a less sexual being.

Look into the $$$ behind institutional mutilation of boys. I'll have to verify the exact number, but I believe forskins go for about $3000 a square yard. It's a huge bizness.
Thanks, Trips, for stating that.

Many men don't want to face the fact that they were robbed of part of their sexual anatomy so that the medical establisHydromaxent can make $$$$$$$$$$$! It is just too horrible, and makes me furious whenever I think about it!

I don't usually bring it up because guys don't WANT to believe that they were so terribly victimized!!! It is psychologically hurtful and takes a while to accept and work through it when the full realization of it hits home.
kong1971 said:
I have about 2 inches of mucosal inner foreskin between the c-scar and the glans (lighter, more sensitive skin). When I use t-tape, that mucosal tissue is held over the glans, protecting it. I usually notice the glans has been moisturized by it if I leave the tape on for more than a couple hours. I once went like 14 hours taped (overnight and some of the morning) and had smegma, which is very healthy for the little buddy, although it looks slightly nasty. In my experience, t-taping all day long will resensitize your glans within a matter of days, although I think the dekeratinization process takes longer. I have been doing this for over two months now, and still do not feel as though it has completely dekeratinized...

Kong I only have about 1/8 of an inch of inner foreskin. It is so tight when I clamp there is no give at all.
I started wearing the restoration cone in bed at night but it comes off I guess because I get erections.

So I can only wear it during the day. Would wearing clingfilm at night help?

I really want to get restored but it seems like it will take forever with the cone.
I was Actually Circ'd becuase i told the pareants it hurt when i Pee. The Doc said it needed to be chopped off so off it went :(
I was about 3 when i told my pareants.
dogs, I feel your pain. 1/8" of inner foreskin is terrible. Please understand that I am no expert on it. I am sure there are ways to regenerate some of that important mucosal tissue, but to be honest, I don't think cling wrap works all that great. I tried it, and although it will hold your skin in place, there just doesn't seem to be all that much tension. Try manual stretches, t-tape or the cannister method, and apply the tension exactly on the c-scar, that way not only the shaft skin is being tensed, but the inner foreskin as well.
dogsdoodahs said:
Kong I only have about 1/8 of an inch of inner foreskin. It is so tight when I clamp there is no give at all.
I started wearing the restoration cone in bed at night but it comes off I guess because I get erections.

So I can only wear it during the day. Would wearing clingfilm at night help?

I really want to get restored but it seems like it will take forever with the cone.

Hmm id say wear it 24/7 for around 4 Days, you notice sensitivity return a little bit but its nothing special. i took the cling film off in the end.
dog your situation may requier a bit more commitment but you most definetly can get huge returns on you energy.

Ex 4 days is nothing. the true sensitivity isn't resored untill the complete calous is sloughthed off.
True, Trips. Although you guys can expect a jump in sensitivity after just a couple days, hold on to your weiners cause it just keeps getting better! ;) I have been doing this for a little over 2 months now. My glans is becoming moister and much smoother and softer and just touching it is like ZOW! OH SHIT! WOW! ooh, do that again!
Yeah, i have found cling film to be inefficent as it unravels during the days normal events such as Pissing, erections and going flaccid the cling film cant cope.
Whats the name of the tape you people use to keep the skin in place?
Supra uses rejuveness tape, which gets rid of the scar tissue or fades it or something. I use the [words=]tlc[/words] cone or simple bandaids with the tape part cut down to about .25" so that more tension is applied to the skin. I will be taking another set of pics in 2 weeks to document my progress and I will do one of the t-taping so you can see what it looks like when applied. Starting to get a little bit of spontaneous roll-over when sitting or bending now...the skin is right there at the ridge of the glans!
kong1971 said:
Supra uses rejuveness tape, which gets rid of the scar tissue or fades it or something. I use the [words=]tlc[/words] cone or simple bandaids with the tape part cut down to about .25" so that more tension is applied to the skin. I will be taking another set of pics in 2 weeks to document my progress and I will do one of the t-taping so you can see what it looks like when applied. Starting to get a little bit of spontaneous roll-over when sitting or bending now...the skin is right there at the ridge of the glans!

I use the rejuveness tape with the PUD [words=]Tugger[/words]
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    gabrieljones is our newest member. Welcome!
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    tbean750 is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    Guest pedguin has joined the room.
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    silverberg is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    thescholarjt is our newest member. Welcome!
  • MoS Notifier MoS Notifier:
    mos is our newest member. Welcome!
      MoS Notifier MoS Notifier: mos is our newest member. Welcome!