Has there been any comparison as to who gains better: circ or non-circ? I have been wondering if gains are limited due to being circumcised. If the skin is tight vice loose, then it seems length gains would be slower. Thoughts?
Nah, it shouldnt make a difference, Skin stretches very easily, especially with the exercises.
I think some of us so-called fast gainers are just leapfrogging up to our potential size. I know that I have improved my circulation down there and loosened up an extremely tight circumcision as well as dropped 50 lbs, making a huge leap of 5.5 to 7.25 in just months, but now the gains are slowing down, and I believe I'm actually going to have to start working hard at it to get any more gains.

As far as skin stretching, try this: make an ok grip at the base, hold it there, then grab with the other hand and see how far it "stretches". Tight-circed guys can really make a jump in gains if they restore some of that lost skin, even if they don't want full restoration of their foreskin. Supra and I have started a forum that deals exclusively with foreskin restoration. Go to it here:


You can check out my post in the picture proof section to see what a difference foreskin restoration and Penis Enlargement working together can make.
RBSS said:
Has there been any comparison as to who gains better: circ or non-circ? I have been wondering if gains are limited due to being circumcised. If the skin is tight vice loose, then it seems length gains would be slower. Thoughts?

In medical school, I did a clinical clerkship with a Urologist who remarked that he has noticed a distinct pattern over the years: as a group, uncircumcised adult males have larger penises than those who were circumcised before puberty. What accounts for this? Most likely, residual scar tissue retards the normal rate of growth during puberty. Conceivably, disruption of the native vasculature, and the all-important blood supply, might also play a role in this.

This doesn't address the specific question that you posed, but it is closely related. The scar tissue doesn't just go away, for example, nor will the native vasculature ever be quite the same. Recently, I raised two blisters on the glans during a pumping session. I laid off from pumping for a week or two, at which point one blister had healed completely, whereas evidence of the other, larger blister remained. When I resumed pumping, after about 40 minutes into the first session I raised a blister again in the same spot that was still slowly healing. It's been three or four weeks since that recurrence, yet a discolored patch of skin still betrays the injury. What is the single most important factor that affects wound healing? As any surgeon would tell you in an instant, the answer is blood supply. If you keep up with current headlines, you'll already be well aware that blood supply is paramount for tissue growth in general. Witness the recently announced research in which obese mice were reduced to normal weight by giving an experimental drug that targets the blood vessels that supply adipose (fat) tissue.

This should be food for thought, and cause for action. It was for me. We all know that the penis is highly vascular (duh), but on the basis of tissue mass, how much of the cardiac output is ordinarily aportioned to the penis? A miniscule fraction. Organs with high metabolic demands (brain, liver, and kidneys, for example) get the lion's share. Taking this cue, I recent changed my hanging routine. Every morning after I shower, I stand in the tub and soak my penis in hot water for 5 to 10 minutes (I use a large plastic tumbler for this). I follow this immediately with 5 minutes of manual stretching, then hang weights. I repeat this routine in the evening, and on weekends I include one or more additional sessions between dawn and dusk.

My next project will be to get some battery powered heated socks, (or the materials that are used to fabricate such devices) and modify these as necessary to make a cock warmer to wear while I sleep. I've tried various methods for stretching at night (e.g., the [words=https://track.moreniche.com/hit.php?w=113512&s=1220]Jes-Extender[/words], or weights hanging from a pulley), but invariable I wake up after a few hours needing to remove the device, and then feel notably deprived of sleep the next day. I gave it up, but no great loss, I think. I believe that the duration of time spent stretching or hanging has been overemphasized at the expense of the important issue if tissue healing. Once you've achieved a good stretch, the most valuable thing you can do is promote tissue repair and healing. Intuitively, after a relatively short session of "deep" stretching, it makes good sense to maintain a light stretch for a longer period: you would like tissue repair to occur while your penis remains extended to something approaching its maximal length. This is fine as long as promoting the increased blood supply that will hasten healing is not neglected. Of course, this must be part of the reason why jelquing is so valuable.

So, why not coddle your cock in cozy heated comforter at night, and get the most out of your hard fought Penis Enlargement regimen? I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has already experimented with this, or from anyone with suggestions on how fabricate a cock warmer from readily available materials.


Hmm This sounds quite interesting, Kong say i didnt want to go the full way of restoreing what is the best method to stretch the skin?
OK grip at the base and pulling to the top?
RBSS said:
smiley, what would the increase in blood flow of a heated/warmed penis be over non-heated?

I don't know how to answer your question, in a quantitative sense. I am certain that the technology exists for gathering such data, but it is doubtful that physiologists have studied this.

In general terms, I can say this much, which you probably know already: external application of heat causes localized vasodilation and increased blood flow, thereby providing a mechanism for efficient conduction of excess heat away from the affected body part. Applying heat increases the local blood flow for as long as the heat is applied; increased blood flow supports a higher metabolic rate, and thus accelerates tissue growth and repair.

I suppose that it would be interesting to have a quantitative answer to your question, but more important is the empirical result. Does it produce an observable, and worthwhile difference? The only way to answer this question is to put the proposal to the test. It should be relatively easy and inexpensive to try it, and also perfectly safe as long as the temperature is kept within rational limits. There's nothing to lose. And it's not farfetched to imagine that some of us might also discover that this is a useful technique for promoting a good night's sleep.


I tallied up the results from a couple polls I ran earlier and here are some results...

Circumcised men ARE smaller, with the average cut erect measuring 6.2" and the average erect uncut measuring 6.7". That's a half an inch difference!

Uncircumcised men DO make more gains, with the average gains for uncut being 1.6"
and the average gains for cut men measuring 1.25"

I bumped this post cause I thought Smiley's answer here was extremely intelligent and well written! The best news is, you don't have to stay cut. You can restore!
I am uncut, and i started out at an ok length of 6.5, but my girth was 5, which actually always looked kind of skinny to me. So I'm wondering if, although being uncut maybe gives you an advantage for length, that being cut if it prevents you from naturally getting longer, would it not also put more pressure outward, meaning that cut would have an advantage girthwise?

I am talking about before Penis Enlargement, not after. I have to agree that the skin stretches more easily than ligs and tunica, so Penis Enlargement wise, I don't know if there's an advantage either way.
I can only answer from my own experiences so bear with me.

Everybody keeps saying, "Skin stretches, so what is the difference?" but if you test that theory, you will quickly find that it is in error. Pull your earlobe as far as possible and see how far it stretches. Not far, huh? A quarter of an inch is what I get. Furthermore, no matter where you test that on your body, you are going to get just about the same thing. .25" to 1" of stretch before pain makes you quit pulling. The same applies to the penis. How do you expect the stretch your ligs by only applying 1" max of stretching? How can you expect to grow your penis 3" if you can only stretch it 1" beyond its normal limit before skin starts tearing?

Now, about circumcision being good for girth...You may have a point there about the longitudinal pressure causing circumcised men to be thicker. I myself am around 5.5" to 6" in girth, and I have observed by pressing inward on an erection that it does seem to make it thicker...a little. However, and this is just me, the bad thing about circumcision is the scar. Scar tissue resists stretching in any form. Believe me. I have tried to stretch my circ scar for two months, and not only does it burn and itch like crazy, it stretches EXTREMELY slowly. I have observed on my own penis that there is actually an indentation encircling the shaft of my penis that corresponds to the original position of my circ scar, before I started restoring. I can only assume that the growth of my penis was restricted as I developed in puberty, causing this narrow/weak area. Another point to take into consideration, and you probably didn't think of this because you are intact, is that the penis BENDS as a circumcised man developes at purberty, borrowing the extra skin it needs to accomodate the post-pubescent penis length from either the pubic area (hairy shaft syndrome) or from the scrotum (turkey neck).

You have to understand how much more skin you have than I do. If our penises were skinned (eewwww) and the skin stretched out and measured, I would have maybe 7.5" of skin, where yours would measure 13"! That is a really big difference. Foreskin is not one layer of skin, but two, doubled over!

Count yourself lucky. If you do your Penis Enlargement routines consistently, you will get your girth, and all your extra skin (about 65 square inches total) will accomodate it easily. I can get more girth too, but in order to get it my 42 square inches of skin is going to have to grow some!