Well this is my first post here. This seems to be the most advanced Penis Enlargement site I've stumbled into so I hope to learn a whole hell of alot more than I currently do. Anyway, I'm sure this as probably been asked before. But I've never really gotten a definit answer from the previous forums I'Ve visited. I'm currently also doing body building, I'm really in the process of establishing a routine. So I was wondering, is it better to Penis Enlargement before or after? Some say exercise raises testosterone, others say it lowers it, so I'm a little confused.
Thanks for any help.
Well this is my first post here. This seems to be the most advanced Penis Enlargement site I've stumbled into so I hope to learn a whole hell of alot more than I currently do. Anyway, I'm sure this as probably been asked before. But I've never really gotten a definit answer from the previous forums I'Ve visited. I'm currently also doing body building, I'm really in the process of establishing a routine. So I was wondering, is it better to Penis Enlargement before or after? Some say exercise raises testosterone, others say it lowers it, so I'm a little confused.
Thanks for any help.