
Well this is my first post here. This seems to be the most advanced Penis Enlargement site I've stumbled into so I hope to learn a whole hell of alot more than I currently do. Anyway, I'm sure this as probably been asked before. But I've never really gotten a definit answer from the previous forums I'Ve visited. I'm currently also doing body building, I'm really in the process of establishing a routine. So I was wondering, is it better to Penis Enlargement before or after? Some say exercise raises testosterone, others say it lowers it, so I'm a little confused.

Thanks for any help.
Hmmm... are you by any chance the same wohoo from the Mens-Network forums?
To address your question: the elevation in your testosterone levels is not going to have a marked impact on your Penis Enlargement efforts for better or for worse.
However, I'd say that you would do well to Penis Enlargement before since you will be generally fatigued after an intense session with the weights, and your hands may also be too tired for certain exercises. Back when I still Penis Enlargement'ed regularily, I noticed that lifting definitely affected my ability to do succesful manual stretching. My hands were either too tired for the effort, or they cramped and thus made it impossible. I was also sometimes feeling too fatigued overall to be able to concentrate on the exercises or maintain a good erection, so my girthwork suffered as well.
Bodybuilding and Penis Enlargementing don't interfere with each other in any other sense besides the fatigue you will experience for a while after lifting, which may or may not hinder your efforts. Try and do your Penis Enlargement in the morning and weights in the evening, or the other way around, if you feel like it is difficult to do these things consecutively.
i agree with shafty. i am into bodybuilding and i also teach martial arts and i space everything out. i lift in the morning, martial arts in the evening and pe at night. haven't had no ill effects. i rarely do one right after the other but if i had no control over it, i would do what i gotta do.... ya know. i think you have to know your body (training threshold, recovery time, etc.)and develop a plan from there. hope this helps a bit rofl
Shafty said:
Hmmm... are you by any chance the same wohoo from the Mens-Network forums?

Yes I am hehe. I don't remember you being as active as you were before. So this is where you've been hiding rofl

Good to know about the body building thing. I just wasn't sure at all.
wohoo19m said:
Yes I am hehe. I don't remember you being as active as you were before. So this is where you've been hiding rofl

Good to know about the body building thing. I just wasn't sure at all.

Yeah, I resigned my mod status and left after the whole mess with Supra getting demodded and banned for peddling his RoP's, and me taking his side (in hindsight, it was a bad call to go against the administration since the RoP turned out to be one of those Penis Enlargement aids that only works on a psychosomatic level). I've been around here for a good while ever since, except the past 3 months, during which I wanted to put some distance between me and anything related to Penis Enlargementing after deciding to quit. I still hang around, though (especially in the bodybuilding forum), since I really came to like a lot of people here. It's a good community.

So, how have you been doing since the last time I checked back at the Mens-Network forums?
So that's the story about Supra being banned. I always wondered...

I've been doing well, re-started Penis Enlargement in April and gained about 1/4" in lenght and 1/2" in girth in that time. But now that I've found this site, I'm finding a more "scientific" method to it where there's actually a reason to do a specific exercise. I was beginning to get a little bored of being one of the people to know the most on the boards, since most over there are just newbies. I still post from time to time in my log to give the guys encouragement though.

So you quit Penis Enlargement huh? Why did you go and do that for? :P
Yep, that's the main reason for Supra losing his mod status and access rights, but there was more to it. I think things got down to a personal level with Ed and Supra, and I suppose the whole situation was bordering on an all out e-war. I talked about it with Ed, Falcon and the others, and they were still cool with me, though. I could have stayed and remained in the mod team, but I thought I'd let the dust settle and come back after a while as a regular member. I never did, since I can't really focus on actively posting or contributing to more than one Penis Enlargement forum at a time. It would be good to go back some day and see what's happening, though.
Sounds like you've made some good gains! I've gained a bit of length since I left (something like 0.3"), but no girth. I'm currently 7" BP x 5.3" EG midshaft (6.2" base girth), and that's all the size I need. The reason why I quit was I got fed up with banging my head against the brick wall that is Penis Enlargementing (girth, to be specific). Around last december, I thought I would get a cable clamp to help me bust through the girth plateu I had been at practically since I first started out. I had to order it through a dutch friend of mine (goes by the name of Yves here and at the MN forums), who got it from turtle. Long story short: I finally got the clamp and thought it would be my salvation, and I used it with utmost dedication for half a year, up until this past June or so. I even thought I saw some gains, but I guess it was just post workout swelling, since I hadn't gained one tenth of an inch during the 6 month period that I used and abused the clamp like a maniac. And I put in some serious hard work- in fact I had never been more dedicated, hardly missing a single workout and trying all sorts of different exercises. So, as you can probably guess, my motivation for any further Penis Enlargementing went down the drain after I came to find out I hadn't gained anything. Besides, being seriously committed to bodybuilding and the healthy lifestyle that comes with the territory takes up a lot of my spare time, so I could never go all out with several hour/day viagra fueled pumping/clamping marathons, if that's what it would take for me to gain more girth. I just don't have the time to do that consistantly.
I know I could gain some more length, but then I'd end up with a pencil dick, so I thought I'd let it be.
meh, your much better off here. Over there it's all newbies always asking the same questions. Turtle and Falcon should be tired by now :D

Have you tried to shock your dick into growth? I tried an experiment that they do in body building when you shock your body into growth. Took the same principle to Penis Enlargement and it helped me cement my gains. It just consists of doing more reps than you usually do for one time only. But if you say your happy with your size, then I'm cool with that, your a good size after all, slighly above average :)
I've tried shock routines... but they don't sit well with me. :D I end up with erectile dysfunction (somehow my dick doesn't take kindly to prolonged sessions).
IMO being happy with your size consists of 50% of looking down at your penis, judging its size from different angles and accepting it for what it is, and 50% of reflecting upon the size of others. You can be hung like a horse and still feel miserable about it if you constantly raise the bar and compare your own unit to those who are either born bigger or those who have gotten bigger thorugh Penis Enlargementing. I don't do that any longer, and even though I'm not big (still bigger than average), my size doesn't bother me. As long as you're not in the small minority of men who are actually born tiny, the problem of inadequacy is in your head.
Well said, personally, I don't really compare myself to bigger guys. I'm rather like, "whoa! That's the future me!" :D It really is all in your head. I mean, women are generally happy with average size dicks. They just use the bigger dicks are better argument so they can have more control over us men. If yo uthink about it, women really are becoming the superior sex now. Men are like their puppets, doing as they say :P
Exactly! If you can turn a deaf ear to the belittlement of the small population of women out there who use our dicks as weapons against our self esteem, you are set for an emotionally stable future (in regards to your male psyche, that is). It's all too easy to let women get away with walking all over your ego by playing the old "I like bigger dicks than yours" card. That is usually the last resort of an insecure woman who feels like she can't control her man in any other way, and it should be taken as such. If you have an average sized dick and she belittles you over it, the problem is rooted either in her own insecurities and control issues, OR, if it's really a physical need for a bigger dick, her having an unfit pussy. I mean think about it, why would the most common size for men be what it is if evolution hadn't intended it to be the most convenient fit for its feminine counterpart? It's like women are twisting the situation to regular dicks being small, and those on the small side (say 5" bpel) being tiny. It's fucking ridiculous!
I train in the mornings, hard resistance training and then go home, shower and do mainly girth work and save my stretching for the evening. I find that I get good workouts but would probably get better if I did not train before Penis Enlargement'ing but that is what my schedule dictates, occaisionally a little cialis helps me out. I just make sure that I keep my protein intake up so my muscles don't suck it up and leave nothing for Penis Enlargement recovery.

As far as Mens Network goes, it's hurtin' big time. It just in the last week change the whole set up there and it's all about marketing their stupid pills, patches and system. You guys aren't around too much and neither is ebon00 which is a shame because there is soooo much mis-information going on there it turns my stomach so I don't post there anymore.
Of course there's misinformation running wild there. I get the feeling that the people running mens-network don't even know what they're doing or how Penis Enlargement actually works. At least from the posts I've read, they never give advice about Penis Enlargement. They mostly post to welcome someone or to answer a question regarding their products.
I agree that the whole setup is more profit driven over at Mens-Network. There isn't really much of a communal spirit there; it's just newbies looking for answers, or casual/experimenting users of their products. People don't bond like they do here (not that bonding can be experienced to any remarkable degree over the net, but still).

I just received an e-mail from Darren Beale, the guy who runs the sites and affiliate programs, asking for a testimonial on my gains. I haven't gained much, but still enough to go on, so I thought I'd help them out. After all, most of my gains came early in my Penis Enlargement career through the use of the exercises on the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]penis-health[/words].com site (although I surmise it was just your run of the mill newbie growth spurt; the exercises themselves were very basic stuff). However, he needed a video testimonial, which I can't provide because I don't have a digital camcorder, so no luck there. Anyway, I suppose they are having trouble convincing people that what they're selling actually works (it does, to a certain extent, but it's overpriced and they just push their products too hard IMO)..
He sent that email to everybody who's ever bought their products IMO, cuz I got one too. He wanted audio or video testimonials, he'd even pay for them so we could provide testimonials. But I just don't think I could give an honest testimonial...I mean, they're program is ok...for a month. It's pretty basic.
One thing to remember; after really heavy work you flood your system with HGH naturally. So if you ever go to multiple failure levels ( positive and negative ) on your leg days and assuming you're not one of those animals who uses a lot of deadlifts or hack squats, which also rip your forearms to shreds, then Penis Enlargement as close to your maximal workout would SLAM your penis with HGH. I've used that conjunction for about three or four months now, just after I discovered this site and began Penis Enlargement in earnest, and I've gained about one third inch in length and almost the same in girth.
One thing to remember; after really heavy work you flood your system with HGH naturally. So if you ever go to multiple failure levels ( positive and negative ) on your leg days and assuming you're not one of those animals who uses a lot of deadlifts or hack squats, which also rip your forearms to shreds, then Penis Enlargement as close to your maximal workout would SLAM your penis with HGH. I've used that conjunction for about three or four months now, just after I discovered this site and began Penis Enlargement in earnest, and I've gained about one third inch in length and almost the same in girth. And if cramping is a problem get to the grocery store and buy something called Nu-Salt ( not: No-Salt ) Nu-Salt; it's potassium chloride as opposed to salt's being sodium chloride. Use it just like salt, use it even more than salt because most of us run around with our potassium/sodium ratios all screwed up anywyay ( far too much sodium in the typical diet ) and this is a cheap, easy, effective potassium supplement. Sodium sucks water OUT of your cells and puts it into your intercellular fluid, potassium puts the water back IN your cells and that'll help yer willie grow. Keep it healthier too!
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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