Hi, fellas. I'm new to this site but not new to Penis Enlargement'ing. I'm coming from another site to get a change. Here's my current work out.

Hot rag warm-up
30sec stretches Up Down Left Right
50 dry Jelqes
30sec stretches Up Down Left Right
50 dry Jelqes
Hot rag warm-Down

I used to do wet jelqes but they didn't seem to be doing much. It's a pretty simple routine but it works. I've been thinking about pumping but I'm not sure if i want to do it.
Well, your only doing 100 jelqs so that could be your problem but idk. Why dont your try some squeezes after your jelqs.
Yeah maybe you're right. Should i bump it up to 200? Sometimes my skin hurts after doing dry jelqes could i be doing something wrong?
Hi Beardick

Massive gain in your lenght (start / now) How long time you done this?:O
Great job

Well - i use wet jelqs, i think you should do the same...! The dry jelqs are very hard on your dick, thats why your soor...!

Make 300-400 jelqs, 80-90 % erection. with a 1 min break after each 100, in this break you use your warming piece, and before starting on your next 100 - you do an squeze on your dick ( with an "ok grip" hold your 80-90% erect penis at the bottom and hold the pressure in 30 secs, ( if loosing your erection , squeze your dickhead with the other hand to restrain blood in your dick)

This takes about 30-40 mins, this will make your dick grow in girth!:cool:
So you think that'll work, huh? I'll start it Monday. I wanna do it so bad but i know the 30-40min commitment will kill me. But starting Monday I'm making a goal of at least going to christmas with this one. Should i do it everyday or every other?
Well - i think you should! And so do yourselvf! - after 2 weeks, get the motivation from seeing your increased girth, and do 400-600 till new years eve. You can read my log and you might get some pointers, you can allso see my gains done by this way in my log!
It's been 10 days since I've modified my routine to 250-350 wet jelqes and I think there's starting to be a difference. I'm not gonna measure until a full month . I'm pretty pumped, I love seeing results!
Well I did my first set of 400 jelqes! Felt F'n great. i found that doing them in the shower works great because the hot water is there for warming and down. I also found that shaving cream or gel works as a great lube. I can really see my head getting larger and a little in the mid and base. Thanks Thyrring
I'm still on it. I feel great I might be on a roll here. I think i gained a 1/32" of girth. No just kidding, I can see a decent gain so far. I can't wait to measure after the first. I did have a little issue with doing that many jelqes. I have a set of small veins on the front right lower of my wang that sometimes hurts after alot of jelqes. It kinda sucks when i get to the 300 mark i really have to be careful. The veins kinda feel like they get moved around to much and really get irritated.
The new year is rapidly approaching and i can't wait to measure up. I think the specs will be good. I can really see the thickness, flaccid and erect. Ohhh I'm so excited!
BOOMSHAKALAKA I GAINED! I just measured and I am really pleased.

Current Stats
BPenis EnlargementL 7.9387" =7 15/16"
BPenis EnlargementG 5.25" WOW! I can't wait to hit 6!!!!
I finally figured out what works for me in the girth department. 500 SLOW hot jelges. Warm ups are very important. This feels really good after your done. I do them in sets of 50 with a short (2min.)warming period at the 250 mark.
What I do is have a good warm up and warm down first off. And use alot of shaving cream for lube, i use gelette gel. And when I jelqe I just pay attention on how hard i grip on hte side with the little veins. I haven't had any problem in awhile but jst thinking about make it feel sore :).
Well, I need some help. For once I have a issue with length. My girth is growing really nice. I haven't measured in a good while but I can tell. It feels nice and fat. My length is starting to suffer. I thought my pumping was helping a little but I think I'm wrong. I have stunted growth in the length department. I stretch for 15 sec every time I go pee. And when I get home I do 10 sets of 30 sec stretches up dn left and right. What do you guys think I should do.
Well, I've been stretching like a MAD MAN. I swear i actually stretch in my SLEEP! The one morning I woke up my dick was hanging long and felt a little stretched, later that day my wife told me I was doing weird things between my legs in my sleep. I say FUCK IT I'll TAKE that to the BANK! i haven't measured in forever and I wouldn't be surprised if I gained 3/4"! It's funny because my girth has plateaued now. I don't grow both ways at the same time. So we'll see maybe I'll whip it out tonight and measure up. Wish me luck.
beardick;385297 said:
Well, I've been stretching like a MAD MAN. I swear i actually stretch in my SLEEP! The one morning I woke up my dick was hanging long and felt a little stretched, later that day my wife told me I was doing weird things between my legs in my sleep. I say FUCK IT I'll TAKE that to the BANK! i haven't measured in forever and I wouldn't be surprised if I gained 3/4"! It's funny because my girth has plateaued now. I don't grow both ways at the same time. So we'll see maybe I'll whip it out tonight and measure up. Wish me luck.

HAHA, that is priceless!
Well, I finally measured up. I'm impressed and not at the same time. Awesome thing is I did hit the 8" mark! Which kinda puts me in the officially big dick class. I think my wife knows I'm up to something now. I've joked around about penis pumps and stuff and I think she now knows. She can't complain though so whatev. Although she does complain about the length, it hurts when she's not fully aroused. So in reality I created more work for myself in the foreplay department. I didn't grow at all in the girth department which I'm starting to think is fine, this way I can still get decent blowjobs. So all in all I gained the most in flacid state, .5 inches! Which is cool because now I'm a shower. Erect length went up to 8 1/8". I think I'm cool where I'm at for a while. Maybe i'll get back to the girth, 5.5 sounds nice. I'm pretty satisfied with myself, I wish I had been taking pictures throughout the past 4 YEARS! WOW It's almost exaclty four years I've been in the game. With a total gain of 2.375 erect inches! Now I'm happy.
Well, I've been gone for two years! And man it sucks. I've been so busy. In the time I've been gone I've got a new job, bought a new house, and had a baby. But now things are leveling out, a little. Time to start Penis Enlargement'ing again. And it's sad to say I've lost alot. .625 in length and .25 in girth! Still bigger than when I started though. Good news is I'm back and eager to start again. Bad news is I can't jelq anymore because of these weird little veins on the side of my dick. Good news is the Redz Frendo exercise is around now! So I've been stretching all day everyday (piss pulls) for about 2 weeks now. And I swear I can already see length coming back!. for girth I'm gonna try clamping and continue pumping. The Redz Frendo seems really awesome I'm pumped to make a custom device and starting working towards a wider cock. I've been a hard gainer in the girth department. But hey we'll see what happens. I don't know how a lot of you guys have so much time to dedicate to this. Just with a family and job I struggle for personal time.
beardick;527088 said:
Well, I've been gone for two years! And man it sucks. I've been so busy. In the time I've been gone I've got a new job, bought a new house, and had a baby. But now things are leveling out, a little. Time to start Penis Enlargement'ing again. And it's sad to say I've lost alot. .625 in length and .25 in girth! Still bigger than when I started though. Good news is I'm back and eager to start again. Bad news is I can't jelq anymore because of these weird little veins on the side of my dick. Good news is the Redz Frendo exercise is around now! So I've been stretching all day everyday (piss pulls) for about 2 weeks now. And I swear I can already see length coming back!. for girth I'm gonna try clamping and continue pumping. The Redz Frendo seems really awesome I'm pumped to make a custom device and starting working towards a wider cock. I've been a hard gainer in the girth department. But hey we'll see what happens. I don't know how a lot of you guys have so much time to dedicate to this. Just with a family and job I struggle for personal time.

Welcome back.

Why are the veins limiting you (a good sign of blood flow)?

When was your 'currently' measurement?

What routine did you use to make your gains?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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