Ive been hanging with my BIB starter for a few months now, 3 sets of 20mins a day. Im up to 14lb in weight. I tend to reach fatigue about halfway through the first set and then reduce for the following sets but I tend to ride as much discomfort as possible. For the last few weeks my dick has been feeling very tired after hanging, so much that sometimes I have trouble getting a very strong erection (certainly not strong enough to take any sort of measurement).

My question is, do I need to take a break for a week or two or is this common and should I just battle on? Other peoples experiences would be appreciated.

I would personally just drop down to 20 minutes a day for a week, and see if your erections get harder. Then work your way back up from there.

>Ive been hanging with my BIB starter for a few months now, 3 sets of 20mins a day. Im up to 14lb in weight. I tend to reach fatigue about halfway through the first set and then reduce for the following sets but I tend to ride as much discomfort as possible.<

I do not like the sound of that, "discomfort". Do you mean you are gritting your teeth to get through a 20 minute set? If so, you are probably pushing it a little too much. You might need to back off your max weight, and possibly drop weight a little quicker. No pain should be involved. None.

>For the last few weeks my dick has been feeling very tired after hanging, so much that sometimes I have trouble getting a very strong erection (certainly not strong enough to take any sort of measurement).<

I would have this from time to time. For me, usually one or two days off would take care of it. Or, sometimes just dropping my max weight would do it. Basically just cutting back on the amount of stress. I never got to the point where I could not sexually perform though.

Thanks fellas.

I must admit to a bit of teeth clenching and clock watching during sets. Ill knock the weight down a bit I think. It would be nice to see some positive results for all this hard work!!!!

>I must admit to a bit of teeth clenching and clock watching during sets. Ill knock the weight down a bit I think.<

You must relax and let the weight do the work. This is passive Penis Enlargement. Read, surf the net, watch TV, whatever. You should easily be able to concentrate on something besides hanging. Just be sure to check everything from time to time.

>It would be nice to see some positive results for all this hard work!!!!<

Now this is a different subject. What exactly is your situation, and what are you doing. I assume you have been hanging for a while without gains? You may need to work smarter, so let it out.


Ive been hanging consistently for about 4 months following a thrombosed vein. I hang an hour a day, sometimes 2 hours at the weekend exclusively BTC. My LOT seems to be between 7 and 8 but I still get some tug back right down to 6. Ive gained a little girth but no length that is measurable consistently. My stats are 6"bpel. I have never done any [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] as this is not convenient. Im still motivated so have no problem carrying on with what Im doing but Im really jealous of these people who make easy beginners gains.

When you hang, and it becomes uncomfortable, where is the discomfort. Is it in the soft tissues, the skin, etc, or in the collagenous tissues? I know it is hard to judge sometimes, but you need to learn how to tell.

If the teeth clenching comes from the skin, or something else, it could be because of poor technique. If the teeth clenching comes from highly stressed connective tissues, then you surely need to cut down on the weight.

Let me know please.


As you say, its quite hard to tell exactly where the discomfort is, but it seems to be at the base where it enters the body, usually mainly on the top left hand side for some reason. The discomfort feels like an ache rather than a burn so I assume its not the skin. I hung this evening with a lower weight than normal and I wasnt gritting my teeth. Only in the last 5 mins of each set did I really notice the discomfort but it was very bearable. I do notive that when I take off the weight and lift the penis the base of the shaft aches quite sorely under the movement. This discomfort doesnt last very long though, usually minutes.

I seem to have a slight bulge halfway down the shaft which sometimes helps to hold the hanger. When this happens I know its definitely hanging off the inner structures. But sometimes the hanger slips past this bulge and rides on bulged up shaft behing the glans. Dont know if this is less effective. It also helps if I get a bit of blood into the penis as this gives the hanger a bit of volume to bunch up behind. If there is no blood in the penis then the hangr just rides way down.

Thanks for all the help.

>I hang an hour a day, sometimes 2 hours at the weekend exclusively BTC. My LOT seems to be between 7 and 8 but I still get some tug back right down to 6. Ive gained a little girth but no length that is measurable consistently. My stats are 6"bpel. I have never done any [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] as this is not convenient. Im still motivated so have no problem carrying on with what Im doing but Im really jealous of these people who make easy beginners gains.<

OK then. Going back to the gains: Try to be a little more precise with your LOT measurement. Is it 6,7,8? Also, do the other little tricks to see how much potential for gain you have from lig stretch. Find the bottom of your pubic bone by palpation, then measure the distance from the bottom of the pubic bone to your penile exit point. Tell me that. It may be that you have no potential for gains from lig stretch at this time. That is what the LOT theory is for, to help you work smarter.

It may be that you need several months of upper angle work, stretching the inner and outer tunicae'. Then you can raise your LOT and get back to lower angle work. It is bad to become discouraged with a bunch of hours of hanging when you don't even have a good shot with your technique.

>As you say, its quite hard to tell exactly where the discomfort is, but it seems to be at the base where it enters the body, usually mainly on the top left hand side for some reason. The discomfort feels like an ache rather than a burn so I assume its not the skin.<

That sounds about like a lig stretching. But you really need to see if that stretching has potential at this time.

>I hung this evening with a lower weight than normal and I wasnt gritting my teeth. Only in the last 5 mins of each set did I really notice the discomfort but it was very bearable. I do notive that when I take off the weight and lift the penis the base of the shaft aches quite sorely under the movement. This discomfort doesnt last very long though, usually minutes.<

That sounds better.


Ive never been very good at estimating my LOT. I seem to get some level of tugback right down to 6 oclock although it starts getting weaker around 8.
Sorry, I dont really understand the pubic bone measurement. Is there a thread that you can point me to that maybe has a diagram?

One thing that has always puzzled me is that why when someone has no potential for lig gains is it recommended that they hang at higher angles. Surely tunica gains can still be achieved by hanging BTC or SD as this is still pulling on the shaft. Wouldnt continuing to hang BTC achieve both tunica gains and any remaining lig gains.

Ive taken a few days off to reassess and recuperate and those hard erections are back again.

Great questions.

>Ive never been very good at estimating my LOT. I seem to get some level of tugback right down to 6 oclock although it starts getting weaker around 8.<

That is not unusual. What you are looking for is the area of angle where the ligs begin to take the stress away from the inner tunica. Kegaling the PC pulls the inner tunica back. This produces the tugback that you see at the upper angles. As you move the angle of stretch down, at some point, you engage the ligs, which begins to reduce the amount of tugback you see. For some range, the kegal is still able to get past the ligs, and show a tugback. But you will still be able to see how much the ligs affect the stretch, and about where they come into play.

>Sorry, I dont really understand the pubic bone measurement. Is there a thread that you can point me to that maybe has a diagram?<

I think I did one on Thunders that kind of showed what I mean. But it is not too tough really. Where your legs come together, and between your legs, begin palpating the bottom of your pelvic region. Feel around possibly below your balls, or within the scrotum. You should feel a hard bone, the pubic bone. Find the bottom of this bone, where the penis shaft comes from within the body, under the pubic bone, and then continues on and exits the skin. Put your left forefinger on this spot, where the shaft come under the pubic bone. Then, put your left thumb where the shaft exits the skin. The distance between the forefinger and thumb shows a good bit of how much shaft can be pulled out by lig stretch. It is the susp and fund ligs which are holding the shaft UP in this position. Of course, you will also have more inner shaft, within the body, on the inner side of the pubic bone, that may be pulled out by upper angle work.

Or, another method: Follow the penis shaft DOWN into the body, palpating, feeling slightly back and forth. At some point, you will come to the pubic bone. You should easily be able to feel point at where the shaft comes under the pubic bone.

Is that any better?

>One thing that has always puzzled me is that why when someone has no potential for lig gains is it recommended that they hang at higher angles. Surely tunica gains can still be achieved by hanging BTC or SD as this is still pulling on the shaft.<

I am glad you asked this, because many guys seem to have trouble with it.

Following is considering a guy with a low LOT, and little potential for gains from lig stretch, pulling out and down the inner tunica:

OUTER tunica stress and gains can still be acheived by hanging at the lower angles. However, you may not be able to stress the inner tunica. The ligs will be there no matter how long or short, loose or tight. Unless you completely stretched them, or cut them completely, they will take SOME MEASURE of the stress away from the inner tunica when hanging at the lower angles. Cannot get away from it. Therefore, you are only stressing a percentage of the tunica, being less efficient. So, why not raise the angle of hang, and stress the entire tunica, inner and outer?

As the inner tunica is stressed, stretched/grown, comes out further, the ligs will become somewhat tighter and pull the outer shaft up. As this process continues, it generates potential for more lig gains. It is a slow see-saw effect. A month or two (or longer) out and up, followed by a month or two (or longer) down and out. Just go by your LOT. Does that make any sense?

This gets back to my point about having a plan of attack, knowing the anatomy, and being efficient in your work.

>Wouldnt continuing to hang BTC achieve both tunica gains and any remaining lig gains.<

It would acheive OUTER tunica gains, and would allow any remaining lig gains. But the returns would be constantly diminishing. Until you affect, and pull out more inner tunica, you will not generate any more potential for lig gains. Hanging at the lower angles will not pull out any more inner tunica. As stated above, you will only be working, stressing a percentage of the tunica. Very inefficient.

Really good stuff.

>Ive taken a few days off to reassess and recuperate and those hard erections are back again.<

That is great!

As a side note, and to go along with the post above, while you are palpating, you should go ahead and find your ligs.

The susp ligs will be from the front bottom of the pubic bone, extending to the shaft of the penis. The longer they are, the easier they will be to feel. Grasp by the shaft behind the head, kind of like a regular stretch and pull out and slightly up, not too hard. With a pinching type motion of your other hand, feel through the skin at the base of your shaft. Then slightly pinch under the skin, reaching a little deeper each time you pinch. Soon, you should be able to feel, and even grasp the bands of ligs. These are the supspensory ligs.

Now, continue the pinching type motion between thumb and forefinger. Follow the shaft down further into the body. Around where the shaft comes under the pubic bone, you should find another, smaller, tighter band of ligs. These are the fundiform ligaments.

With most Penis Enlargement work, the susp ligs are the first to be stresses, stretched, and provide gains. It takes a lot of time and work to get to the point of stressing the fund ligs, and the gains are not as dramatic.


LOL, Ive tried VERY hard to follow your instructions and I am really struggling to find the pelvic entry point. Also, Im not sure if Im feeling ligaments or blood vessels. I knew I should have paid attention in biology class. I need to dig out some good diagrams of this area and have another go when I have some more knowledge.

Regarding my LOT, I definitely start to lose tugback on the head at 8 oclock so at the moment Im unsure whether to continue BTC or go for some SO or OTS.

Thanks for the clarification on the reasons for going to the higher angles, thats clear to me now.

Many thanks for the help.

>LOL, Ive tried VERY hard to follow your instructions and I am really struggling to find the pelvic entry point.<

It might be that you do not have a picture in your head. Pelvic entry point does not sound right. The shaft goes UNDER the pubic bone, the front of the pelvic girdle. It does not go THROUGH anything. IOW, the pubic bone is between your upper thighs. The penis shaft goes under this bone, so it should not be too tough to find. Another technique: Start at your anus; just in front of your anus, you should feel the prostate, then a little more in front, you should feel the beginings of the shaft. Follow it a little further forward, palpating around the shaft, and you should feel something very hard, which is the pubic bone. Then, just find the front of the bone and where the shaft clears it.

>Also, Im not sure if Im feeling ligaments or blood vessels.<

The ligs will be much tougher material than blood vessels. Also, when you pluck a blood vessel, it twinges a little, maybe not hurt, but uncomfortable.

>I knew I should have paid attention in biology class. I need to dig out some good diagrams of this area and have another go when I have some more knowledge.<

Gray's anatomy, online, is very good. Also, I think Bartlebys (sp) has a good anatomy section online.

Nevermind, I found the pic I was looking for. Let's see if I can post it here. This is from Grays.

I have no idea if the pic worked.

>Regarding my LOT, I definitely start to lose tugback on the head at 8 oclock so at the moment Im unsure whether to continue BTC or go for some SO or OTS.<

Stick with BTC until you quit gaining, or don't gain, or when you feel you are no longer getting a good stretch, or a combination.


I guess that did not work. Following is the link:


In the drawing, find the pubic bone, Symphysis pubis. Notice how the shaft goes under it.

There are a couple of things to point out about the drawing. First, this is nothing like my actual anatomy when I started Penis Enlargement. I had, and in fact still have, a lot more shaft behind the pubic bone than is shown in the drawing.

Second, the 'subject' in the drawing has a low LOT, not much curve up of the shaft after it clears the bottom of the pubic bone. In this drawing, there is not much shaft to pull down and out. He should do work at the upper angles.

Also, the ligs are drawn somewhat, but not labeled in the drawing. You can see them extending from the pubic bone to the top of the shaft. Not exactly accurate.

Hope this helps.

Following, from Tom Hubbards site, shows about the same diagram, but you can see a more pronounced curve under and up from the pubic bone. This subject has a much higher LOT:

http://pearchive.Thund3rs Pl@ce.com/TomHubbard/anatomy.htm

Thanks for the links. I managed to find the Grays anatomy one myself but couldnt work out which bone you were talking about. Its clear to me now. So, measuring from the underside of the bone to the top of the base of the penis is about 3 inches. When I get erect I can feel a substantial length of inner penis, similar to the diagram on your second link. I guess that means I have some potential?

I still havent been able to pinpoint the ligs for definite. Im feeling what seems to be a chordlike structure to the side of the shaft but Im not sure if this isnt the side of one of the chambers in the shaft as this sensation seems to extend far up the penis.

After this week off Im going to start hanging BTC again. One thing Ive never done is [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] to let the ligs heal in the elongated state. Did you ever do any form of [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] in your Penis Enlargement career? The problem I have is that I hang late in the day therefore I dont have much opportunity for [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] before I go to bed, and wearing something constricting to the penis while asleep cant be recommended.

Many thanks for all the help.

>Thanks for the links. I managed to find the Grays anatomy one myself but couldnt work out which bone you were talking about. Its clear to me now. So, measuring from the underside of the bone to the top of the base of the penis is about 3 inches. When I get erect I can feel a substantial length of inner penis, similar to the diagram on your second link. I guess that means I have some potential?<

It sounds as if you have potential. Did you ever feel the shaft and bottom of the pubic bone at the same time/place?

You will not realize all of that particular three inches. Some will be taken up in fat pad and skin. But you will probably gain a bit more from the shaft on the other side of the pubic bone, when you get around to working it.

Work on feeling around to try and learn as much as you can. It will also help when you get an ache or pain to find out the structure of cause, and perhaps the mechanics.

>I still havent been able to pinpoint the ligs for definite. Im feeling what seems to be a chordlike structure to the side of the shaft but Im not sure if this isnt the side of one of the chambers in the shaft as this sensation seems to extend far up the penis.<

First, feel the septum within the outer shaft of your penis. It should feel like a cord. Then, follow that cord on down within your body. The ligs do not feel like the septum. Each bundle is individually smaller, and they are bunched together. When you pinch, and pull your thumb and fingers across them, you can feel the individual bundles. Kind of like strumming a twelve string guitar.

>After this week off Im going to start hanging BTC again. One thing Ive never done is [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] to let the ligs heal in the elongated state. Did you ever do any form of [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] in your Penis Enlargement career?<

No, I never did when I was hanging for gains. I did play around with an [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] though. PPlus, I used a [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]traction[/words] wrap, or rather simply remained wrapped after a hanging session. I think it can be a good idea after hanging.

>The problem I have is that I hang late in the day therefore I dont have much opportunity for [words=http://www.phallosan.com/shop/catalog/default.php?z=eNortjIxtVKyL0pNszWxMFcrSSxKTy2JL0hMT7U1UisoykyxtbBQSy4tLsnPjS8uKcrMS7dVsgZcMMpbEbo%2C]ADS[/words] before I go to bed, and wearing something constricting to the penis while asleep cant be recommended.<

Hmm, that can be tough. All I can say about that situation is to do the best you can. You might go to bed earlier, hang in the morning, then stay wrapped for a while during the day.


Just a brief note. I may have may a slight gain. Because of the hanging my dick has been very fatigued (obviously) and Ive not been able to maintain a strong erection for very long which has made measuring difficult. However, I measured this morning and was up to 61/8 or 61/4 bpel from 6inch bpel.

Ill have another go at finding the ligs later on.


>Just a brief note. I may have may a slight gain. Because of the hanging my dick has been very fatigued (obviously) and Ive not been able to maintain a strong erection for very long which has made measuring difficult. However, I measured this morning and was up to 61/8 or 61/4 bpel from 6inch bpel.<

Sounds really good. Congratulations.

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