Brothers, you do know that the G-spot and A-spot do change over time, inversion of location, and sensitivity reduction, right?

When the females are young, most G-spots remain the same, large glans corona stimulates the G-spot well, but over time, sensitivity drops during sexual maturity or organ hypertrophy (due to too much or too little use), including weight gain causes. The funny thing is, the G-spot gets relocated through adaptation. My wife and her friends can vouch for it.

Same with A-spot. It can cause by trauma or giving birth. Cervix gets inverted, relocated, or even shrinks/enlarged permanently. G-spot got a whole lot more complicated on top of A-spot location and simultaneous stimulation. This is where I am now. This is my journey to adapt to those changes.

Chasing that 8x6 at a minimum. I can't even visualize DLD now. Python at 14x10? 😋
The g spot is where we're looking to get to the most. Because that is what gives a woman a orgasm
Brothers, you do know that the G-spot and A-spot do change over time, inversion of location, and sensitivity reduction, right?

When the females are young, most G-spots remain the same, large glans corona stimulates the G-spot well, but over time, sensitivity drops during sexual maturity or organ hypertrophy (due to too much or too little use), including weight gain causes. The funny thing is, the G-spot gets relocated through adaptation. My wife and her friends can vouch for it.

Same with A-spot. It can cause by trauma or giving birth. Cervix gets inverted, relocated, or even shrinks/enlarged permanently. G-spot got a whole lot more complicated on top of A-spot location and simultaneous stimulation. This is where I am now. This is my journey to adapt to those changes.

Chasing that 8x6 at a minimum. I can't even visualize DLD now. Python at 14x10? 😋

I have learned that the G-Spot is actually a G-area and not an actual spot.
A bit farther back than the cervix.
I have learned that the G-Spot is actually a G-area and not an actual spot.

Correct. G-spot is a massive area, literally the entire area below the bladder. If you look at it meticulously, it's actually the nerve bundle area of hidden clitoris. That's an 8in x 8in area. Huge area for a golden G-spot to be located in the area. Good luck..
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I'd like to add this to this thread. I am now seeing that wifey likes it when I'm reaching the cul de sac but giving a variation of strokes.

I'd like to add this to this thread. I am now seeing that wifey likes it when I'm reaching the cul de sac but giving a variation of strokes.

How much length do you have to reach cul de sac. I hit the cervix but only hear it’s painful. Think I need more length to go behond
My tipping point was 6.75 BPEL but the girth was the main factor that changes everything. Beyond a 4.75 girth with that length you should be snugging up to the cervix with no pain but getting into that A spot - P/O spot
My tipping point was 6.75 BPEL but the girth was the main factor that changes everything. Beyond a 4.75 girth with that length you should be snugging up to the cervix with no pain but getting into that A spot - P/O spot
Similar size. I’m above 6.75 and above 5 girth
Some females have deeper cervix near the bottoming cul de sac. Most have the cervix about 2 inches before the end. Those who have the cervix at the end suffers pain. Those that don't enjoys the brushing of the penile glans and shaft and not getting poked at by the glans constantly. It's like brushing your flat side of the finger on your arm vs poking our arm.
Some females have deeper cervix near the bottoming cul de sac. Most have the cervix about 2 inches before the end. Those who have the cervix at the end suffers pain. Those that don't enjoys the brushing of the penile glans and shaft and not getting poked at by the glans constantly. It's like brushing your flat side of the finger on your arm vs poking our arm.
I found small women can take more then larger women. But in my opinion any women can take any size with practice. If a women can have a baby they can certainly handle a big cock
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