Yep, like I said:
And who's to say just what someone else should be satisfied with?
Lookit DLD; he's got 10.5" o' hog leg swangin there...and yet, he continues pullin' for that extra 3.1"....just to set de record.
SwedishChef said:
Penis Enlargement is for people who want to improve themselves. This isn't JUST for people who are less then average size. I myself am 6.25 x 5. Pretty average but I could live with it. Some people collect stamps, some people build model aeroplanes, I pull on my penis.

:D That was funny
job application form:

name: ????????
age: ????
d.o.b: ???????
hobbies/interests: PULLING ON MY Penis EnlargementNIS

lol the perfect hobby
Painful Pleasur said:
I dont understand how all of these people on this forum are like "yeah my dick is 8 inches long and I'm going to start using Penis Enlargement for a while." Hello your dick is already almost twice the average size!!! It's rediculous. If your dick is the size of a kielbasa then there is no reason to make it bigger. The guys like us who are a full grown adult and are hung like 10 year olds, thats who Penis Enlargement is for. I'm sorry if this sounds dumb, mean or jealous but I just can't understand why they are even worried about their huge cock being any bigger. Is it just me? Am I missing something here??:(

everybodys greedy wouldnt you want to be the biggest you can be? i know if i could grow more id keep doin it
Hey, i resent some of the stuff that's being said here and some things i agree apon but i can ask you this: Do you think this website was made for under average/small people to get to just over average and then stop ??!

Well i started at 6.5"bpel x 6.5"eg and i'm aiming for 8.5nbpel at the very least. I'm at 7.5"bpel ( or was 2 months ago ) at the moment and loving it. Am i greedy?, am i crazy?, am i showing off or feeding my ego?. No man, you got it all wrong here cause it's NO on all counts. I do this for myself, for the friends i've come to make here, to get even more pleasure out of sex and to be able to give my GF more pleasure too. Well how big is big enough? I really don't care cause that's not what is important here. How good one feels about one's self is. I feel better and better everyday i Penis Enlargement and i'm not hurting anyone here i think so why should i stop? Everyone is different and what is too much for one is not necessarely too much for someone else right?

I want more so i'll go ahead and get more, what ever i can get until my goals are attained. Respect one's choices and yours will also be respected friend.


There are so many other avenues here for improving ourselves as well--and dammit, pulling your dick is fun!! I don't care how large you are to start with.


When I think about it, I have a pretty good self image--actually quite a large ego. The Mrs. will confirm this. I had mild E.D. when I arrrived. P.E. sure as hell put an end to that.


And now going from way above average to way, way above average, for me, it's kind of like climbing Mount Everest, (I hope this is not too clumsy an analogy), he, he. It's just there!!!

Once you realize that such a possibility is not a figment of your imagination, and that you can actually achieve it, why of course you're going to go for it--that is, if you're the kind of person who is constantly setting new goals for himself.

See you later, guys!! I have to get back to the mountain.

goinfor11x7 said:
Once you realize that such a possibility is not a figment of your imagination, and that you can actually achieve it, why of course you're going to go for it--that is, if you're the kind of person who is constantly setting new goals for himself.

Why can't these motherfuckers get it through their minds...mind first then body:D
Just as one of my inspirations, Edgar Cayce, kept advocating. Read the quick quote, then check out the link and just see where it leads you. Personally, I find the entire subject pretty damn fascinating.

"To better understand our bodies, the Cayce readings suggest, we view ourselves as being composed of three parts: a physical body, a mental body, and a spiritual body. Each is separate from the other and, at the same time, they are one and the same thing. Each can be worked with in its own realm and yet they are constantly affecting each other. Change in one is reflected as change in all of them, similar to the integrated “body-mind” continuums now being recognized in science. A premise in the Cayce readings which helps to understand and start working with these components of ourselves is Spirit is the life, Mind is the builder, and the Physical is the result.".
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