
Aug 10, 2008
so i just received it today, and i'm trying to wrap it to be as comfortable as possible. i've tried a couple of ways, but it always seems to hurt right above the glans.

any ideas as to the best way to wrap? any input would be appreciated. thanks.
yeah, i just noticed it after i started this thread. i'll try it out and see how it works out.
I've used the LengthMaster a couple of times now, and I'm wondering if I'm using it correctly. Like I've said, I've been having trouble finding the most comfortable way to wrap it, as it hurts when I stretch and it presses under my glans.

The only wrapping method I've been able to tolerate has been the one that SWM has used, where I noticed in the video that he places the wrap maybe 1/2 an inch below the head of the penis, and allows some of the foreskin of the penis overlap the glans. It helps me, as it doesn't allow the LengthMaster to directly pinch up against my glans.

My question is that since the wrap is closer to my body, am I getting a proper stretch? I know when I'd stretch manually, I'd grip the head of my penis and pretty much the entire shaft of the penis would be stretched. Where as with the wrap, a lot of the shaft of the penis is being gripped by the LengthMaster, and what's under the LengthMaster doesn't feel like it's being stretched. I'm feeling more of the stretch coming from internally, at the base of my penis, and not necessarily the shaft. Does this make sense? Am I doing it correctly?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I don't own the LM, but I have a very similar home-made device. I wrap with the sports pre-wrap about 8 layers, covering the head a bit. Then I put on a silicone sleeve that is about 2 inches long. I then attach my device right before the head. I use a sock and perform sock stretches, using the device as an anchor to loop the sock around. It seems perfect for me because it is pretty comfy and I can pull as hard as I want. I hope this helps and is not too confusing.

Terdfurgeson, I think the purpose of the LM is to do exactly as you describe, stretch the ligs at the base of your unit primarily, while of course secondarily stretching the shaft. It sounds like you have got it right, you seem to be feeling it where you are supposed to.

Thanks for your input. What is this silicone sleeve you're talking about? And where can I get it? It sounds interesting and like something that may help me. But yeah, I hope I'm doing it right. I just wish I could attach it closer to the glans to stretch more of my penis.
Also, how are you able to apply as much pull as you want? It doesn't feel like slipping with so much tension?
I made the silicone sleeves from a product called Eco-Flex, I ordered it from smoothon.com. The stuff is awesome, I have all kinds of silicone accessories. Use the search function to look up silicone sleeves, a member named DB2silicone (I think) makes and sells the sleeves on ebay, but if you are handy you can make them yourself by creating a mold out of pvc pipes. I can give you more info. on that if you want.

As for the slipping, attach the LM hanger (you don't need the handle, just the hanger portion) just like normal. Then take a long sock and drape it over your shaft, just below the hanger attachment. You then gather up the two ends of the sock in one hand and pull straight out to stretch, it makes the hanger angle upwards so that all your pulling force is not working to pull your penis out of the hanger. I hope that makes sense, let me know if you need more clarification, maybe I can post a pic of my set when I stretch tonight.

dickfordays;375158 said:
Then take a long sock and drape it over your shaft, just below the hanger attachment. You then gather up the two ends of the sock in one hand and pull straight out to stretch, it makes the hanger angle upwards so that all your pulling force is not working to pull your penis out of the hanger. I hope that makes sense, let me know if you need more clarification, maybe I can post a pic of my set when I stretch tonight.


Nice idea but could you clarify this point, don't quite have in my head yet. I have found the silicone wrapping is very good but I have wondered how to prevent the hanger from wanting to slip off the penis like it does, and you have conquered that it seems with the sock.
Red, I'll take some pics of it when I work out later.
Great ideas guys, keep it up.
Here are some pics.
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Great idea! Looks DIY but powerful.
This is the same type device I posted pics of a couple months ago, but without the handle, I found myself using the sock more, so I didn't need the handle. Below is the page that shows the original.


Also, on this one, I drilled some holes that you can see on the bottom piece, and bored out the front of the holes so that I can use it on my Static Stretcher heavy duty base, I never could seem to get the SS head piece to hold strong enough. Necessity is the mother of invention:)

dickfordays;375199 said:
Necessity is the mother of invention:)


So true.
Very cool! Thanks for all your input. I think I might grab that sleeve on Ebay. It looks really comfortable.
Quick question regarding the placement of that sock. Is the hanger gripping it? I'm confused on that. Also how much do you hang with this .. thanks.
Looks like it is a pulling and hanging point.
I drape it over the shaft, right before the hanger, the hanger does not grab the sock at all. I haven't really tried any serious hanging with it, I just experimented with 10 pounds or less to see if it would work as a hanger and it seemed to work fine, but I don't know about heavier weight. I've been using it to do manual stretches, in all directions. I have a thin rope attached to the ends of the sock that I put around my neck for straight up stretches, all I have to do is lean back and get a totally hands free stretch. I can also loop the rope around my feet and lean back for a hands free straight down stretch, or around a door knob for straight out. Like DLD said, it is pulling and hanging point so there seems to be tons of options, I like the hands free methods because I tend to hold the stretches longer if I can just get into position and forget about it for a few minutes.

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