Also, check out the link in post #14 that I cited, it shows the device close up and might give you a better idea of the mechanics of how it grabs. I don't own a LengthMaster but I tried to make something as close as possible to it, so I assume it works similarly. The device in the pics on this post is another device, with a similar design (minus the handle, and with holes to use it on my Static Stretcher base). On the first one with the handle, you can see that I attached a hook to the front of it and tried to hang with it, but the weight just wanted to slip the device off. That's why I use the sock instead because of it's ability to redistribute the pull.

i still can't seem to find a comfortable way to use the LengthMaster. my glans always seem to hurt when i try gripping close to the glans.

the only way that seems to be somewhat tolerable is when i grip higher up the shaft, and allow some of my foreskin to overlap the glans, protecting it. but then again, i'm not getting a full stretch of the whole shaft, and i only feel tension on the internal base, and not necessarily anywhere else on the shaft.

i've used many different wrapping methods, but none seem comfortable enough to do for a while. and for this reason, i'm only able to stretch for 5 minutes, or less even.
That's okay, the goal of the LM is to stretch primarily the ligaments at the base of the penis where the penis attaches. You'll get some secondary stretch on any exposed shaft, but it sounds like you are feeling it where you are supposed to. If you have to attach it lower, that's fine as long as you get a strong, comfortable grasp and a good stretch at the base.

okay, i really hope so. i just notice that for the most part, everyone grips close to the glans.
With my set up, I feel it almost totally in the ligs (base of the penis) like you do. I have gotten some definite BPFSL gains and possible some BPenis EnlargementL gains from using it to stretch with, so keep at it and it will hopefully pay off.

Everyone wrapping should include their methods here. Pictures, videos, illustrations or text descriptions will be so helpful.
I just found a great wrapping that makes the LM incredibly comfortable. I have tried combinations of sports pre-wrap, sweatshirt material, ace wrap, and THERABAND, but I always had some glans pain. Even if I squeezed the blood out of the head, it would come back and create pressure & pain. I have ordered a couple silicone sleeves from eBay to try but haven't received them yet.

I have the Static Stretcher medium kit but had never tried the static press-vac because it is mainly for uncircumsised men, but I just tried it on and noticed that because of the vacuum, I could really apply a great stretch with it. I put the LM on without using anything else for wrap, and it was an very strong stretch that is more comfortable than anything else I have tried. One of the silicone sleeves I ordered is sealed at one end for manual stretching with a vacuum. The silicone is thicker than the SS Med (could be better or worse but I'll post my experience).

I've gained 2" in my 4 years of Penis Enlargement (only about a year of consistent work) and I hope that this will give the force that I need to continue gaining.
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Could you post some pictures of this set up?

Look at step 1b. I used a few layers of ace wrap on top of this, then attached the LM regularly. I think the silicone sleeve might work even better because these seem like they might not last long. The vacuum held fairly well for me today. I had to readjust the static press vac a couple of times because it will slide a little, but the vacuum of the silicone sleeves should be stronger, which will eliminate this.
Any more comfortable methods out there? I like the look of yours Baba_Booey, however I don't have a Static Stretcher and i'm assuming you can't just buy that particular part?
I've just re(re-re)started the DLD newbie routine (or phase 1 on the site) and find that the manual stretching part can often become sore and hard to get a decent grip. I'm thinking I could just use my LengthMaster I bought last year to eliminate the uncomfortableness, but obviously don't go too far in the actual stretching? Therefore I'm in need of a sure fire wrapping method that is easily available in the UK
There is a new method I just read using a sponge, have you read that?
Yeah thanks DLD, that's the one I'm going to use as of tomorrow!
kiplynx;390461 said:
Yeah thanks DLD, that's the one I'm going to use as of tomorrow!

I will try it tonight too, sounds very good.
Looks great! I bet that sleeve really helps prevent friction that you would otherwise get using the sock for the pulling.
DLD, kiplynx and others: Can you tell me how to use the sponge with the LM? What kind of sponge do you use? Just a regular one? DLD what wrapping method do you currently use with the LM? Thanks
dibocarmona;407447 said:
DLD, kiplynx and others: Can you tell me how to use the sponge with the LM? What kind of sponge do you use? Just a regular one? DLD what wrapping method do you currently use with the LM? Thanks

I have not heard about a sponge method? Any links?
Any new wrapping technique?
DLD, I have heard alot of guys feeling skin stretch while using the LenghtMaster, why is this happening and will the skinn always be a problem for those people?

Also I heard alot of people complaining about the Wrap, what is the best way or most popular way to wrap, I know this is very different from human to human but... The most popular way and most common I would want to know.
LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging users - do you guys re-wrap every set? I've started hanging with LM doing 3 - 20 minute sets. Currently I'm doing some manual stretching between sets with a few minute break but then re-wrapping. Does anyone just keep the same wrap through multiple sets?
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