goodtogreat;643540 said:
LM users - do you guys re-wrap every set? I've started hanging with LM doing 3 - 20 minute sets. Currently I'm doing some manual stretching between sets with a few minute break but then re-wrapping. Does anyone just keep the same wrap through multiple sets?

I do because wrap can kind of get out of shape during a session and wrinkle up a bit. It takes a couple extra minutes but it does really help keep consistent comfort.
Thanks for the response @DLD and @YKM123321. I've seen your wrap and its similar are 1 strip of THERABAND about 1.5 inches wide around the head then I follow up with a 3 inch strip of theraband that overlaps part of the 1st layer of theraband - so this 2nd layer of theraband is were the LM is going to be attached to my dick. Then I wrap with the entire length of the Ace bandage. I have no pain discomfort or anything, so I'm happy with it for the moment. Currently I start with the SG for an hour or 2 to warm up then I'm doing 3 sets of 20 minutes at 8lbs to start. From there I'm back in the SG for as much time as I can a day.
goodtogreat;643677 said:
Thanks for the response @DLD and @YKM123321. I've seen your wrap and its similar are 1 strip of theraband about 1.5 inches wide around the head then I follow up with a 3 inch strip of theraband that overlaps part of the 1st layer of theraband - so this 2nd layer of theraband is were the LM is going to be attached to my dick. Then I wrap with the entire length of the Ace bandage. I have no pain discomfort or anything, so I'm happy with it for the moment. Currently I start with the SG for an hour or 2 to warm up then I'm doing 3 sets of 20 minutes at 8lbs to start. From there I'm back in the SG for as much time as I can a day.

Great news! I love when our Brotherly advice helps another Brother achieve his wishes!
Does anyone else have issues with the wrapping irritating your skin. Doesn't seem like I can find anything soft enough. I'm cut and have been working on restoring some sensitivity to my glans and now that I have successfully done that I have hell doing any length work with my lengthmaster. I'm a little dissapointed with it at this point. The ace bandage feels like it has teeth.

Anyone else havery any suggestions??
What if you put the hanger further back from your glans? Tried theraband? Sports pre-wrap for protection?
templnite;660178 said:
What if you put the hanger further back from your glans? Tried theraband? Sports pre-wrap for protection?

My issues with that has been I haven't felt like I am pulling the muscle. Always feel like I am stretching only my skin. I know you are probably right but I can't seem to find that fit. All my other stretching devices seem to work better which is frustrating because I know how effective the LengthMaster could be
What you need to do is apply your lengthmaster at a comfortable grip then begin to stretch a little. After some minutes your tunica will 'mold' to the shape of the grip chamber, and from here you can tighten down even further without pain. That's how you get a good grip on the tunica, by letting the 'shoulders' form on top of the chamber.
templnite;660181 said:
What you need to do is apply your lengthmaster at a comfortable grip then begin to stretch a little. After some minutes your tunica will 'mold' to the shape of the grip chamber, and from here you can tighten down even further without pain. That's how you get a good grip on the tunica, by letting the 'shoulders' form on top of the chamber.

This is true and everyone who is getting a LengthMaster should expect a period of time where you will need to learn the whole process. With experience will come mastery. Wrapping is the first and most important parts of LengthMaster use. Experiment with different wraps, there are many stacked in this forum, the Hanging forum & the SizeGenetics forum.
Yestarday i had this 20some min session n i was about to continue whit my session......but i couldnt have a proper wrapping,i jiust took the thera band n the ace wrap n stoped my session i was tired n frustrted........:p
shortdick;660254 said:
Yestarday i had this 20some min session n i was about to continue whit my session......but i couldnt have a proper wrapping,i jiust took the thera band n the ace wrap n stoped my session i was tired n frustrted........:p

20 minutes is a good amount of time. What was wrong with your wrap? I thought you had that mastered?
yep i was out of focus yesterday..lately ihave been trying the inner pennis stretchings,n the wrap moves forward,a tighter wrapping works better LMAO
shortdick;660348 said:
yep i was out of focus yesterday..lately ihave been trying the inner pennis stretchings,n the wrap moves forward,a tighter wrapping works better LMAO

Oh, OK, you have the wrapping down! I was worried for a minute.
doublelongdaddy;660496 said:
Oh, OK, you have the wrapping down! I was worried for a minute.

Thanks a lot, wrapping correctly is key, sometimes the velcro hurts the glans n i have to take it off n rewrap again..A proper wrapping+ LM n ishould change things up a lot:)
today i started a LM sess n noticed blood on the the ace wrap and on the theraband...maybe i tighted the clamps way too tight :p
shortdick;695464 said:
today i started a LM sess n noticed blood on the the ace wrap and on the theraband...maybe i tighted the clamps way too tight :p

Yes I had that happen too once or twice, it came from the base maybe even the testicles, but could've been the extender as well, but I doubt it.
I dont think the extender can cause me that,i had that blood using the LM it was way too tight and the wrapping putting too much pressure right below the glans....

I had that situation before while i was doing some hand stertchings:O

i got a bit shocked because the ace wrap had a few blood droplets
shortdick;695483 said:
i got a bit shocked because the ace wrap had a few blood droplets

You should clean that ACE bandage frequently, I washed mine yesterday!
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