
Active member
Oct 9, 2012
Hey everyone, long time no post. Finally gotten to the point of potentially buying the SG extender. However I'm guessing it's not really easy, if not recommended at all, to pee while it's on.

So one, can those that have worn it confirm or deny about peeing with it on. And if you can't, are there any methods to make it as seamless as possible?

As always appreciate the brotherhood!
To be honest I think you are going to have to remove it every time you go to pee, but think of it that way- it might be strategic to your plan. Whenever you take it off (go to the toilet) just pull off some stretches. You can either do 3xeach side BTC or 1 30sec rep at each angle. It is of your choice, but I think doing this from time to time will definitely give a bonus to your gains. If you have any questions I will be around, I hope I helped. Cheers, All the best, Zam :)
Peeing with it on can be a very bad idea. I did it once accidentally and it hurt like hell.

But you need to take breaks anyways to retain good blood circulation. And what Zam said. :)
smokey622;617983 said:
SG wouldn't be too much a hassle, but something like the Phallosan Forte would be a nightmare for someone who drinks a lot of water like me. . .

I don't see why. Putting on the Phallosan takes me a couple of seconds (if all goes wrong, which barely happens, maybe a minute).
i urinate a lot too, but since i started PE I've been trying to hold it in longer, between so i can get a nice stretch session going. i think of it as part of my PE and dick health in general.
Using the VLC with the SizeGenetics makes peeing a snap, it goes on and off so quickly, as quick as zipping down your zipper.
Hey guys thanks for the info and help! And yes Zam I think that's a great thing to add, though of course I couldn't do so while at work!

And DLD, are you saying use the VLC and SG together? (Sorry if that's a dumb question but I checked out the site and I'm not sure if the VLC is meant to add too the SG.)
curiousmate...yes you can use the VLC with any extender. there are many threads about it here some even with pics. just search the forum.

absolutely can't pee with it on.

smokey622 - I have used both extender and a PF. The PF is much easier to deal with urination b/c of how easily and quickly you can take it off and put it on
youknowme - Geeze, yeah I've been seeing threads with them for a while around here... Was just curious with how it aided in being able to take the SG off quicker.
CuriousMate;618139 said:
Hey guys thanks for the info and help! And yes Zam I think that's a great thing to add, though of course I couldn't do so while at work!

And DLD, are you saying use the VLC and SG together? (Sorry if that's a dumb question but I checked out the site and I'm not sure if the VLC is meant to add too the SG.)

Yes, the two of them together. It will completely change the entire process of extending and give you comfortable and intense stretching for hours. You will be able to put on and take off in no time at all so peeing is not an issue. Believe me, get a VLC and it will make the SizeGenetics your favorite tool.
Cool, I wasn't sure how the one integrated with the other... Now obviously I'm still learning and I've been researching the videos here and online. It looks like there are two methods, one with tethering it to the knee and the other without. If you go by the tether method is it even really necessary to use the SG then?
CuriousMate;618492 said:
Cool, I wasn't sure how the one integrated with the other... Now obviously I'm still learning and I've been researching the videos here and online. It looks like there are two methods, one with tethering it to the knee and the other without. If you go by the tether method is it even really necessary to use the SG then?

The SizeGenetics gives a stronger stretch but what the Phallosan lacks in intensity it makes up for in convenience of use, especially night time use. Many guys are using both, the SizeGenetics in the day and the Phallosan at night. The Phallosan is also more concealable than the SG.
Barnstool123;618803 said:
The vlc to me looks like a strong skin stretcher

The VLC is mainly an attachment for the SizeGenetics or a stand alone ADS, skin stretching comes from their TLC product.
I urinate a lot too. A way to overcome it is too drink less water. Do not pee with the extender on. Sometime when I go for a pee, I throw in basic stretching or DLD Blasters. Taking it off for a few moments will not lead to loss gains. As long as you feel the soreness when you're done using your extender then it's a good indicator that your penis got workout.
MandingoBro;619011 said:
I urinate a lot too. A way to overcome it is too drink less water. Do not pee with the extender on. Sometime when I go for a pee, I throw in basic stretching or DLD Blasters. Taking it off for a few moments will not lead to loss gains. As long as you feel the soreness when you're done using your extender then it's a good indicator that your penis got workout.

Nah, drinking less water is not a good idea. Water is vital to the body and we desperately need it. I'm not saying he should drink unhealthy amounts of water, but I'd rather have my Pelvic Floor stronger (to keep me from peeing every 30 minutes or so) rather than reducing my water intake...
Well yeah it seems after doing the research, both the SG and PF have their charms, the PF especially that it's easy to take on and off and you can wear it at night. However the SG is a good bit less expensive and with the deal here especially you seem to be able to get more bang for your buck!

DLD et al, are there any coupons codes \ current or upcoming discounts for the PF? (For that price I could order an SG and a new HM!)
CuriousMate;619367 said:
Well yeah it seems after doing the research, both the SG and PF have their charms, the PF especially that it's easy to take on and off and you can wear it at night. However the SG is a good bit less expensive and with the deal here especially you seem to be able to get more bang for your buck!

DLD et al, are there any coupons codes \ current or upcoming discounts for the PF? (For that price I could order an SG and a new HM!)

Phallosan gives you 4 extra condom sleeves and that is the discount, there are no codes, simply order and send Julian an email and you will get the condoms. With the SizeGenetics you are getting a huge discount, couple that with a BathMate and you will be at about the same price as the Phallosan.
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