Jun 3, 2003
There has been a lot of new members over the past few days and I want to welcome you. One of the best ways to make gains in penis enlargement is by getting involved in the forum. Your involvement, questions and contributions will help you make a commitment to your own program. This connection will also allow your piers to motivate you. Get involved, there is no stupid questions.

Just wanted to say hello to everyone.

I have been Penis Enlargementing on and off for years.

Years ago, I was at roughly, 7 x 5.5

Now at roughly, 8 x 6.25 (Which I consider as larger average)

Would like to reach 12.5 x 8 some day.

Often, there are people coming and going at my house. So, finding time alone for Penis Enlargement isn't easy.

DLD, I am looking forward to posting and reading messages. The site looks great.

Originally posted by rain
DLD, I am looking forward to posting and reading messages. The site looks great.

Rain, Welcome to the forum. It's great to have another Penis Enlargement Vet in our forum.
Yea Rain welcome aboard! What DLD meant to say was, if you have any questions make sure you ask Stillwantmore. ;) Just kidding! Good to see you here! I've been in the game myself for a few years off and on and, have done decent so far going from 6x5 to 7.5x6".
Hi everyone, Daring here. I'm new to this forum, and fairly new to NPenis Enlargement. Been Peing for over three weeks now and have gain .3inches of girth but no length. Hope the lengths soon, as I'm below average. Well, just want to say Hi, and I really appreciate that everyones so friendly and willing to help other.
Welcome Daring79! You are in the right place. Very nice girth gain...what are you doing for length right now?

Originally posted by pyro
new to the board, just wanted to say hi to everyone, I have never pe'd im just looking around, I want to learn some of these techniques... :D

Welcome pyro, there is a great bunch of guys and (girl) here! You will be in good hands:)
Also hi to everybody,

recently looking around here, great place!! been peing on and off for 9 months, made some gains, 1 in lenght, 1/2 in girth. Will gain more teh next couple of months undoubtfully, while you motivate me to do my exercises,


Originally posted by vantheman
Also hi to everybody,

recently looking around here, great place!! been peing on and off for 9 months, made some gains, 1 in lenght, 1/2 in girth. Will gain more teh next couple of months undoubtfully, while you motivate me to do my exercises,



Van, very nice gains! Your right on the ball when you talked about motivation. Staying involved and active with this board will help you gain knowlede, keep you motivated, help others learn and keep them motivated. Support groups are one of the most powerful tools if used right.

I'm new. Great site by the way. I really look forward to this.

Question? How does alcohol and nicotine(sp?) affect erections and stamina?

Also, once you do make gains with the exercises are they lasting?

First, welcome to the forms.

Nicotine constricts blood vessels, so it would likely effect Penis Enlargement to a degree.

Hi I'm a new member and I'm not sure how this site is supposed to work But I would like to say I think that Its great and I'm looking fwd to getting started on some sort of routine If anyone has any suggestions please reply measurement: 5.75length by2.5wide:confused:
Originally posted by deagan85
Hi I'm a new member and I'm not sure how this site is supposed to work But I would like to say I think that Its great and I'm looking fwd to getting started on some sort of routine If anyone has any suggestions please reply measurement: 5.75length by2.5wide:confused:

deagan85, Welcome to the forum. This was my original routine: http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=28. It can be scaled down or used as is. There are other routines listed in this forum too. I am sure we can put something together for you. Nice starting stats (especially on the girth)

Hey hey,

I am brand new to this forum and to Penis Enlargement for that matter. I have been working the past couple weeks in getting motivated and ready to try NPenis Enlargement. I think with this MOS forum and the Penis Pride Forum I will have the motivation and support to keep at it, and hopefully join the likes of many of you in having a much healthier and bigger penis. I am not sure what my current size is...i think i am starting out at 6.5" NBPenis EnlargementL girth erect is a hair over 5"

look forward to getting involved and maybe one day becoming a role model like DLD and many others involved in NPenis Enlargement.

Anyway, hello to everyone...and i look forward to making huge gains with everyones help.

Originally posted by dickiesmalls
Hey hey,

I am brand new to this forum and to Penis Enlargement for that matter. I have been working the past couple weeks in getting motivated and ready to try NPenis Enlargement. I think with this MOS forum and the Penis Pride Forum I will have the motivation and support to keep at it, and hopefully join the likes of many of you in having a much healthier and bigger penis. I am not sure what my current size is...i think i am starting out at 6.5" NBPenis EnlargementL girth erect is a hair over 5"

look forward to getting involved and maybe one day becoming a role model like DLD and many others involved in NPenis Enlargement.

Anyway, hello to everyone...and i look forward to making huge gains with everyones help.


Welcome to MOS D.S. (were gonna have to change that name when your ready:)) You are starting out at my original starting length with a bit more girth than I had. Your are in the right place and you have the right attitude...GOOD LUCK.
I'm sort of a newbie. I've been member of this site for a little over a month now. My lack of participation is a combinatioin of internet connection, and not knowing exactly which part of the forum fits me the best........lig, tunica, etc. So far I fit in the sexy pic section but that's not doing me much good for gains is it? :D
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