
Jan 24, 2014
my current routine is just for maintence but im looking for the most effective routine 1 min crank stretch 3 min jelq and then 10-15 min pump and then 3 min jelq after pump and i try to do 2-3 hours of traction in extender since ive already completed 10+ months in one and kegel routine is one min quick flex's 5 min 5 sec holds and like 5+ one min holds throguh out the day but when you do it all at once it feels like more of a work out my current size is 9x5.5 but i use a 1.75" cylinder pump and im thinking about using 2.0 circumference to get more girth gains since thats really what im going for i eat a good diet and eat the right vitamins im at a good size i guess im just stuck inside too much cuz its winter and im bored with my current routine and looking to spice it up a bit any advice from experienced vets would be awesome thanks oh yeah its a 5 on 2 off routine but when i did a 10 min jelq one weekend one of my days off i was performing at tippy top A plus game soo im thinking encorporiating more jelqs into my rotuine might be best since after all i still do have a inguina hernia but as my knowledge on PE grows so does my potenital and my size so just gotta get outta this plateau i guess
zilla9;637925 said:
my current routine is just for maintence but im looking for the most effective routine 1 min crank stretch 3 min jelq and then 10-15 min pump and then 3 min jelq after pump and i try to do 2-3 hours of traction in extender since ive already completed 10+ months in one and kegel routine is one min quick flex's 5 min 5 sec holds and like 5+ one min holds throguh out the day but when you do it all at once it feels like more of a work out my current size is 9x5.5 but i use a 1.75" cylinder pump and im thinking about using 2.0 circumference to get more girth gains since thats really what im going for i eat a good diet and eat the right vitamins im at a good size i guess im just stuck inside too much cuz its winter and im bored with my current routine and looking to spice it up a bit any advice from experienced vets would be awesome thanks oh yeah its a 5 on 2 off routine but when i did a 10 min jelq one weekend one of my days off i was performing at tippy top A plus game soo im thinking encorporiating more jelqs into my rotuine might be best since after all i still do have a inguina hernia but as my knowledge on PE grows so does my potenital and my size so just gotta get outta this plateau i guess

Sounds like a good plan. I think a girth increase of .5" would be ideal for your 9" length so the bigger tube makes sense. I would not be surpassed if you made additional length gains too.
yeah thats actually what im going for ive been much thicker at the base then i am now it comes and goes usually with more jelqs but im looking for something i can get a great stretch with that dosent dig into my base like the extender does but i can still make gains with but ive been doing the cylinder milks and kegels in the cylinder everytime with the clamp jelq when i squeese the base and behind the head for few secs every couple of jelqs deff gives you that thicker veins and snake look
yeah i think the 2.0 cylinder casues weird pains and i think thats why i stopped using it becasue its like a mm too big and it hurts my hernia while the 1.75 cylinder barely fits i fill it almost immediatly and i get much more red dots but i guess ill just keeep using that... im wondering if a 10 min jelq is more effective then a 10 min pump session
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