gishdu;497022 said:
Why on earth would you keep your foreskin pulled back if you are lucky enough to have one... lol. I really really wish i had one.

Many men retract in Penis Enlargement to help with over sensitivity to stretching. Keeping the foreskin retracted helps allow the skin to become used to the intensity of the stretches.
hepcat;497041 said:
Tom Petty actually wrote a song about it! Oh wait, that was "Free Falling". The difference is negligible.:)

Indeed, hepcat. That could become a great tune for Penis Enlargement LMAO
gishdu;497022 said:
Why on earth would you keep your foreskin pulled back if you are lucky enough to have one... lol. I really really wish i had one.

I have been doing it for about 10 or 12 years now, so, to be honest, I don't ever remember clearly why I started doing it in the first place. :)

I was a virgin at the time and I believe I started keeping my foreskin pulled back as an attempt do lose some sensitivity, so that when I'd have my first time I would last more than 30 seconds. LMAO
With time, I learnt that having my foreskin pulled back also helped in the hygene deparment. Make no mistake, I wash everything thoroughly every day, at lease once. Nevertheless, throughout the day, the "hood" created by your foreskin creates a space where residues of all the natural secretions from your pubic area can acumulate, which may cause some unwanted odor (sorry for the graphic description). It's not like you pull your dick out and it smells like it's about to fall out rotten, nothing of the sort. But if you're a guy in your late teens and you're desperately wanting to get laid or, at least, get a blowjob, you want your penis to be the most appealing it can be. :p

So, it started as a way to lose sensitivity on my glans, but now it is basically for hygene. :)
To each their own, obviously, but personaly, what keeps me away from underwear nowadays is comfort.

I've wore slips and I started feeling uncomfortable with the elastic bands on the legs.
I've wore boxer briefs and some of them looked really nice and sexy, but the fucking thing kept rolling up my legs, no matter the model or brand. Besides, since I'm a grower, my penis tended to get all shriveled up in it <:(
I've wore loose boxers, which is the type of underwear I feel most comfortable in, but lately, even the elastic band on the waist was bugging me.

So, yeah, appart from the risk of the eventual drop ending up on my trousers (which could also happen from time to time when I wore underwear), I'm all for freeballing now LMAO
Freeballing for the win! Not that I do it all the time ... I would feel too bold freeballing at work. Maybe I'll do it someday anyway, haha!
For now my best choice is loose boxers. I used to wear these damn cock huggers and damn, they suck. Too bad I don't have too much of loose boxers at the moment.
Anyway, as soon as I get home, of goes the underwear! Instead I'll wear loose sweatpants.

By the way, I used to roll my foreskin back as well. Nowadays I don't do so though. But I must say I never had this "huge" foreskin hanging all over the glans.
But! It's good training about sensitivity, to roll your foreskin back. Overall, the "debate" is many times that uncut guys last so much less than cut guys, because of the sensitivity.
Mind power and training, that's what I say.

A cock is a cock, cut or uncut!
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