
Nov 18, 2003
ok guys here is my situations i am 5'8" 140lbs...i go to the gym 5 days a week.. upper body on monday and friday, lower body tues and thurs..wednesday i usually do cardio...mon, wed, fri i do ab work....i am very toned..which isn't hard cuz i don't weigh nothing...i am trying to change that....i don't eat like i am suppose too...i am in college in class most of the day and i work at night...i don't most of my meals are things i can make on a foreman grill (chicken patties) or tuna sandwiches....i try to get 4 meals a day (haven't started the protein shakes yet...will when school start back up) but i find most days i don't get in two good meals....i drink lots of water all day...i feel stronger and my muscle are more defined but what i want is weight...i would love to put on twenty pounds....i know the best way for me to gain is to eat pasta, breads, potatos, etc...i just don't feel i have the me not knowing how to cook(i really need to learn) question for you guys out there is what can i do or what can i eat to gain this weight...i'm not looking to pack it on fast...over a period of time is fine...any help is appreciated...
Heres what I used to do with the protein shakes. Get yourself a nice little blender, and a big ass tub of protein. Put some milk in the blender and throw in two servings of the protein, usually two scoops. Then, slap in some ice cream, a banana or strawberries, peanut butter maybe (depending on the flavor of protein) and whip that stuff up all together. It's really good, thick, kinda like a milkshake. But if you drink them like twice a day, along with your workouts, you'll definitly gain some muscle mass.
If you're trying to gain weight isn't cardio kind of counter productive? Also the meals are the key. Food in mass quantities is required especially for those with a more skinny persuasian, I know 'cause I'm in the same boat :p
i only do about 20min on a treadmil on wednesday...just to keep my limbs limber...i think it helps especially cuz i am coming off a leg day
Yeah cardio is definitely important, whether you're trying to gain weight or lose it. Even pro bodybuilders do a little bit of cardio. A very little bit. It's just good health sense.
I agree drop the cardio for a while. Don't worry about health, proper weight training is very good for exercising the heart. The only thing you'll be lacking is the cardiovascular training, you can do without that for a while.
You're at the dimensions I was a couple of years ago. What worked for me was cutting down my weight training sessions to 2-3x per week max, consisting of a few basic compound lifts. Less is more for a hardgainer. Start a nutrition log and keep track of what you eat day in, day out. This way, you can find out how many calories you are actually getting in. I thought I was getting a lot, but I was way off. Once you do, try to eat 5-6 smaller meals a day. Don't worry about what you're eating right now, just try to get those meals in there. You can slowly work on the details later. Hope this helps.
20 mins of cardio is not going to hinder you in reaching your goal, so dont worry about that.

I graduated high school weighing 155 lbs. Like Penis Enlargement, it takes time but I now weigh 215 mainly muscle. It took me about 2-3 years to do it too. Best advice is just EAT everything you see. There is no getting around not eating enough. It doesnt matter how much you workout if you dont eat enough to replenish and build.

Look for things that are high in calories and easy. Trail mix is a real good one.
twins172_up said:
ok guys here is my situations i am 5'8" 140lbs...i go to the gym 5 days a week.. upper body on monday and friday, lower body tues and thurs..wednesday i usually do cardio...mon, wed, fri i do ab work....i am very toned..which isn't hard cuz i don't weigh nothing...i am trying to change that....i don't eat like i am suppose too...i am in college in class most of the day and i work at night...i don't most of my meals are things i can make on a foreman grill (chicken patties) or tuna sandwiches....i try to get 4 meals a day (haven't started the protein shakes yet...will when school start back up) but i find most days i don't get in two good meals....i drink lots of water all day...i feel stronger and my muscle are more defined but what i want is weight...i would love to put on twenty pounds....i know the best way for me to gain is to eat pasta, breads, potatos, etc...i just don't feel i have the me not knowing how to cook(i really need to learn) question for you guys out there is what can i do or what can i eat to gain this weight...i'm not looking to pack it on fast...over a period of time is fine...any help is appreciated...

All right man, here goes...get ready to put on 8 pounds in one month no joking. Go to a GNC and pick up a GNC Pro Performance Weight Gainer 2200 Gold. I reccomend chocolate. Or their weight gainer 1850 (no creatine). This is what I am going to use once I get back to working out. I ussually use the winter months to bulk up. If you workout that much and drink this shake for two months you will gain at least 10 pounds. The reason why I gained 8 pounds in the first month was because I did everything right and never skipped a shake. It's crazy though the first few days you are on it because you are basically drinking enough calories for a day and a half in like 15 minutes. But have at it and even if you don't drink it every day or whatever you will gain weight. It is like 32 bucks or so if you have a gold card with them. But if you are serious about gaining the weight and exercise you will get what you want.
Twins you should be getting at least 155 grams of protein a day. I'd recommend someone around 200 grams for you so you are guaranteed to grow. Try to eat oatmeal at random times throughout the day. Oats have fiber, and fiber is necessary for muscles. Also, try lifting heavier, like no more than 8 reps.
I agree with the bros here that diet is first and foremost when it comes to gaining or losing weight... it is also the hardest. You are simply NOT eating enough. I don't agree that eating pasta, breads, potatos are the best ways of putting on weight. You just have to eat more of everything (not just carbs) and eat more often. I also agree that you should drop the cardio for a while and only bring it back into your workout if you notice that you're gaining some fat. People like you that have a high metabolism can't gain weight if you're not eating enough and most importantly, doing too much cardio.
People like you that have a high metabolism can't gain weight if you're not eating enough and most importantly, doing too much cardio.
I am fucked I run varsity cross country.

Just got back from morning practice. 3 mile warmup, then 60 seconds hard, 30 seconds rest, until finishing the whole 3 mile course again.

Ah well I bet you I can still gain :)
i wanted to know how do i go about counting calories...i want to make a daily journal of what i eat and how much calories intake i am getting...say if i make eggs, grits, turkey bacon, and toast in the morning how do i know how many calories that is...thanks guys...
AncientChina said:
Not very likely that you could can much muscle mass if you are a long distance cross country runner.
Exactly. I'd go as far as to say it's impossible to have a lot of muscle mass with alot of endurance training.

Remember guys, cardio is catabolic, not only by burning calories, but hormones are shifted in favour of catabolism as well.

Don't use weight gainers, they are super-high carb high GI and will put fat on you like nothing else.

The best advice has already been said, eat. Quality food that is, high protein with every meal, minimize high GI carbs (sugars) and saturated fat.

One tip that helped me alot, was OLIVE OIL. Mix several tablespoons of that in your shakes, it can easily add 500-1000 calories to your diet. It is monounsaturated fat, which is lacking in most diets, and is quite good for you believe it or not. Do a search on it...
quijjiboo said:
Exactly. I'd go as far as to say it's impossible to have a lot of muscle mass with alot of endurance training.

Remember guys, cardio is catabolic, not only by burning calories, but hormones are shifted in favour of catabolism as well.

Don't use weight gainers, they are super-high carb high GI and will put fat on you like nothing else.

The best advice has already been said, eat. Quality food that is, high protein with every meal, minimize high GI carbs (sugars) and saturated fat.

One tip that helped me alot, was OLIVE OIL. Mix several tablespoons of that in your shakes, it can easily add 500-1000 calories to your diet. It is monounsaturated fat, which is lacking in most diets, and is quite good for you believe it or not. Do a search on it...

Yep, oil is a great way to easily add calories to your diet. You can limit bodyfat accumulation and still get the required amount of calories if you eat high carbs during, say, the first 3 meals of the day, then cut the carbs drstically for the fourth meal replacing the calories with fat, and finally going zero carbs with just protein and fat for the last meal. I would however recommend something other than olive oil. Rape-seed oil for example has a much better fatty acid profile (more omega3's), as does flaxeed oil. Olive oil is highly overrated in it's health benefits.
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