AncientChina said:
What do you think of Natural Peanut Butter? I love that stuff.

With 210 calories for 2 tablespoons is a nice way to get in a shit load of fun calories.

I agree q, I would love to see a long distance runner put on a solid 10lbs of muscle, I don't think its possible to put on much if any at all.

Actually natural peanut butter and olive oil aren't too bad if you don't have rape-seed oil (that's what it's actually called! LMAO ) or flaxeed oil in your local supermarket. Peanuts and olive oil have a higher ratio of omega6's to omega3's, which means that they don't have the same health benefits (mainly to condition your heart and circulation- omega3's make your blood run more ''smoothly'' and drastically decrease your risk for a heart attack later on in life). Your body generally needs less omega6's and more omega3's, but getting too little omega6's in your diet could spell doom for your testosterone output. The difference isn't that great though, and I also take olive oil and peanuts occasionally. Peanut butter does sound like a good source of calories, so I see nothing wrong with eating it every now and then. You could try alternating between peanut butter and rape- or flaxeed oil, though.
twins_127up, you must be the twin black me. :D
I just noticed im weighing 139lbs and im 5'8". It so freaking easy to lose some weight but gaining hell no.

How to lose some bodyfat and gain some muscles the best way, and yes i have a little fat in the stumach region. DO regular situps and such work that way?
same here, 145, 5'8.......and I just cant gain any weight......When I went to junior high school I weighed nothing......ate poutine at lunch for a couple months, gained 30 pounds and was a fat little fucker....then hit puberty and was skinny again.......

ANd I eat a ridiculous amount of food, people are disgusted with my eating habits......I can probably easily comsume like 7-8000 calories a day I bet (after the chili cheese fries).......but I cant gain any weight......
Though I dont do shit workout wise, but I plan to change that.....cuz my workout bench is in my greasy basement....gonna put it in my bros room....then Il be packin....
VladtheImpaler said:
same here, 145, 5'8.......and I just cant gain any weight......When I went to junior high school I weighed nothing......ate poutine at lunch for a couple months, gained 30 pounds and was a fat little fucker....then hit puberty and was skinny again.......

ANd I eat a ridiculous amount of food, people are disgusted with my eating habits......I can probably easily comsume like 7-8000 calories a day I bet (after the chili cheese fries).......but I cant gain any weight......
Though I dont do shit workout wise, but I plan to change that.....cuz my workout bench is in my greasy basement....gonna put it in my bros room....then Il be packin....
Sounds like me, but i have never in my whole life been fat, always kinda slim.
Shafty said:
Yep, oil is a great way to easily add calories to your diet. You can limit bodyfat accumulation and still get the required amount of calories if you eat high carbs during, say, the first 3 meals of the day, then cut the carbs drstically for the fourth meal replacing the calories with fat, and finally going zero carbs with just protein and fat for the last meal. I would however recommend something other than olive oil. Rape-seed oil for example has a much better fatty acid profile (more omega3's), as does flaxeed oil. Olive oil is highly overrated in it's health benefits.
Of course guzzling down flax or Udo's would be alot better, if you're Donald Trump lol
quijjiboo said:
Of course guzzling down flax or Udo's would be alot better, if you're Donald Trump lol

You do have a point there... :D
It gets expensive in the long run, but hey, it's a small price to pay if it saves your ass from a heart attack later on! :)
I defenitely hear the ring of a bell here, I'm about 5"11 , 147 pounds. Have quite a toned body but still quite small, would love to put on some muscle, although have a small amount of fat on the stomach I'd like to lose, doing weights alone won't shift this if I'm correct ?

I also don't know if I should lift anything too heavy as I'm 19 and suspect I'm still growing.

Rock and a hard place.
Not very likely that you could can much muscle mass if you are a long distance cross country runner.

Exactly. I'd go as far as to say it's impossible to have a lot of muscle mass with alot of endurance training.

Remember guys, cardio is catabolic, not only by burning calories, but hormones are shifted in favour of catabolism as well.


I agree q, I would love to see a long distance runner put on a solid 10lbs of muscle, I don't think its possible to put on much if any at all.

Lol @ that. The guy who won Mt. SAC[san antonio college, in southern cali] (biggest high school cross country invite in the USA), ra na 14:54 or so 3 mile, and this guy was fucking buff.

He probably weighed twice as much as any marathoner around. He was approx 6' and had to be 210-220. He had like 0 fat. It was such an awesome site to see.

Anyways, point is long distance only catabolizes muscle after 90 minutes, and this can be delayed longer if you eat tons of carbs. It is possible to be pretty cut/buff and have awesome endurance, you just wont be HUGE like 250+ lbs
sephin said:
Lol @ that. The guy who won Mt. SAC[san antonio college, in southern cali] (biggest high school cross country invite in the USA), ra na 14:54 or so 3 mile, and this guy was fucking buff.

He probably weighed twice as much as any marathoner around. He was approx 6' and had to be 210-220. He had like 0 fat. It was such an awesome site to see.

Anyways, point is long distance only catabolizes muscle after 90 minutes, and this can be delayed longer if you eat tons of carbs. It is possible to be pretty cut/buff and have awesome endurance, you just wont be HUGE like 250+ lbs

Really. Hey I knew a guy who smoked 2 packs of cigarrettes a day, and guess what, he lived to be 95. So I guess anything is possible right? LOL

If you want to tell the guy who started this thread that cardio is fine for gaining weight because you heard there's this real buff guy who ran for 15 minutes once, well I can't say that's really good advice.

For someone with a fast metabolism who has trouble putting on pounds, aerobic training is going to fuck up your weight gain.
i appreciate all the responses here...i will take them all into consideration...i just really started cooking for i plan to eat more often...i figure if i at least eat breakfast lunch and dinner and two or three shakes a should make a difference...seeing how i only go most days eating once or would be nice to gain about 5 or so pounds a month...i know some months i am not going to reach that..some months i might exceed it...but i really would like to add another 20 pounds to my frame...with your suggestions and advice i think i can achieve it...thanks a lot....but don't stop suggesting ideas...and anyone else that is trying to gain weight and want to ask ?'s in this all means ask...
Make sure that your workout is inline with your goals. Everything should be high weight low reps. I've heard the pyramid method is not the best for all out strength (large muscles). Try 5 sets of 5-7 reps with 3-5 min breaks on most stuff. I wouldn't scratch the little bit of cardio that you do, just make sure your lifting isn't cardio also.
You're not supposed to do cardio, and the secret is to eat ANYTHING, every 2 hours just about, just anything, you cant eat only 2-3 meals a day, you need to keep eating. And only workout 3 days a week and cut cardio out.
Gaining OR cutting is all in the diet. Weight training period is at least 75% diet. I trained for years with a poor diet... as soon as I changed my diet to a proper lifting diet I exploded and grew 0.5" on all my muscle measurements (except calves, which are a trouble zone) in a 6 week training period. Your caloric intake is going to be a guess and test game... no calorie calculator is accurate for me. It takes 3,500 calories per day with my activity level to maintain my current weight (based on being weighed every day for 3 months) -- the best number any calculator can give me is 2,600 calories. If I want to bulk up I'd have to increase this number to close to 4,000 per day or if I want to cut down I'd have to do around 3,000 calories or so.

Any specific diet questions? I'd be happy to help. I've been on the weight lifting diet hardcore since around June of this year.
thanks arawndark...i know i need to eat more and some of my questions are what to is hard for me to eat every two i need a meal plan that is going to be high in protein and calories
twins172_up said:
thanks arawndark...i know i need to eat more and some of my questions are what to is hard for me to eat every two i need a meal plan that is going to be high in protein and calories

Some of my favorite food items are as follows:

* Tri-O-Plex bars (a solid 400+ calories w/ 30g of protein and lots of complex carbs)

* 1 cup Plain Oatmeal w/ Honey and a scoop of Muscle Milk Protein (around 500 calories here, complex carbs and protein once again)

* Fat Free Cottage cheese -- I go through a pound of this a day, if you are a slim guy trying to gain weight you should probably use the 2% milk variety. No, it's not a flavor sensation, but the curd is an AWESOME food for body building.

* PB&J sandwiches! Use whole wheat bread, natural PB, and reduced sugar jelly and you have yourself a great snack with almost no sugar (about 5g from the reduced sugar jelly and thats it). Bread and PB together also have a complete amino profile.

* Eggs -- eggs are a staple! When you cook them you should prefer the "sunny side up" variety wherein the yellow is barely cooked and the white is fully cooked. A liquid yellow has non-oxidized cholestorol which does NOT stick to your arteries -- and cholestorol is a building block for testosterone. When you heat the yellow it oxidizes the cholestorol and makes it stick to the arteries, the more solid the yolk becomes the worse. And the white is healthier for you cooked. I usually eat 3 eggs a day, with 2 yolks. If I have the urge to scramble them I only use 1 yolk due to the oxidization of the cholestorol.

* Milk -- drink alot of milk if you can! If you are a hard weight gainer drink whole milk to get those last few calories you need to achieve a calorie surplus, you WILL put on weight.

Need any more tips? Just ask.
just updating this post...not too long after my last post i was unable to go back to the gym...and i haven't started back..(will on monday) my motivation to gain weight disappeared...but now it is back...i am going on a trip in march and i want to try to gain 10lbs...before i i plan to eat whatever is not stapled down in my house...the advise that i got before was very helpful and i will use some of it...if anyone else has anymore good advise i will incorporate it in my plan...thanks guys

p.s. i lost 5 135 <:( ...i had my bodyfat check it is 10%
Same here I lost about the same (6lbs) then got it back, like I said in the PM.

All I did was eating buns and some apples 2 hours after the last meal for the day.
And that was it. I can also recommend eating oatmeal, not fat and its healty, I eat it morning and late evening.

WHen you start gymming get yourself a box of gainer, and drink alot, alot of water when hitting the gym. You may also use Creatine, that will give more water to your muscles and you can gain like 10lbs in short time. But hey, then you have to drink even more water, and when you stop its al the same. Thats why I only going to run on water and gainers.

Would be nice If we lived in the same country then we could push each other and get the training more effective.

On monday we both are going to gym, should we like set small goals for us?, because were at the same weight.

Like this week, goal gain 2lbs.

What you say?
sounds good to will probably keep me motivated to eat and work me
RazedNegative said:
Heres what I used to do with the protein shakes. Get yourself a nice little blender, and a big ass tub of protein. Put some milk in the blender and throw in two servings of the protein, usually two scoops. Then, slap in some ice cream, a banana or strawberries, peanut butter maybe (depending on the flavor of protein) and whip that stuff up all together. It's really good, thick, kinda like a milkshake. But if you drink them like twice a day, along with your workouts, you'll definitly gain some muscle mass.

I'm 24 now, but back in High School, the most ripped guy I knew said he ate a ton of PB&Js but mostly just peanut butter sandwiches plus he worked out. The protein shake and some PB&Js or just the PB would prolly do it...You could also try some Creatine, but have never tried it myself and heard different opinions on it...although I know it gets you buffed out.
I shoulda been in on this months ago. LMAO I'm currently bulking myself. I'm 5' 9" and about 180 lbs. My goal is to hit around the 200 mark...then go on a cutting diet to get rid of the fat. Maybe I'll try to even hit 210...who knows.

The keys to this:

1) Work out like an like an animal! Don't over-train. Going 5 days a week may actually slow your progress. Your muscles need time to recouperate. Go lift heavy weights, with maybe 5-7 reps per set.

2) Get at LEAST 3500 calories a day. Cooking is easy, especially pasta. Get a pot, put water and butter in it, and throw the pasta in....let it cook for maybe 8-10 minutes. Try whole-wheat pasta. And don't skimp on the sauce...the lycopene in it will help to eliminate free radicals in your body, which can be the cause of cancer, or can aid in the spreading of it. BUT, don't go too crazy with the antioxidants, because you can go to far, and actually have a pro-oxidizing effect, which you don't want.

3) Train maybe 3 times a week. Anything more is overkill in my opinion, if you're going in there and really pushing yourself. Rest days are VERY important.

4) If you really want to put on the weight, make sure you're getting at least 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight you have. 1 1/2 grams per pound would be better. And take a daily multivitamin. Theres too many vitamins that you need to go into it all, so just take a multivitamin.

5) Try taking creatine. Thats the way to really accelerate gains. And, if you feel like it, try combining the creatine with a NOS product. The nitrous will expand your blood vessels, allowing more fresh blood and water to get into your muscles. Combine this with creatine, and you'll get a great pump, really accelerating your muscle growth. Make sure to drink plenty of water if you do this. Here's a site where you can get it cheap: I get my protein powder, and anything else I need from them. If you're interested in the NOS, take a look at the Met-Rx section. They have a pretty cheap NOS that will definitely help.

Let us know how it goes.
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