
Feb 7, 2016
Greetings Brothers, As you can tell Im fairly new to this site. I've always been intrigued by Penis enlargement techniques but I thought they were all scams until I got into boot camp where this guy with a 10 inch schlong boasted that he obtained his size due to "jelqing". Five years later I decided to google "jelqing" and ran into this site..Im pretty much sold now..

Any-who, I recently(less than a week) received the Bathmate x30..Im slowly learning but Im enjoying it so far. My question is, Im looking for another device to help with length as I'm about 5.8 inches erect and 3.5 flaccid. I need length. SizeGenetics has truly raised both eyebrows also the LengthMaster. I want both. as a newbie the LengthMaster looks or appears to be more of a intermediate and up device and not for a novice like my self. The SizeGentics, looks fairly simple and very well could add some length and allow me to get accustomed to stretching.

Sizegentics is a 100% go. My dilemma is if I should hold off on the LengthMaster or purchase now and incorporate the Bathmate, Sizegentics and LengthMaster into my routine.
Welcome to the forum, brother :)!

You can purchase all three of them and hold off the LM for later use, but at least you got them.
But it's a great piece of equipment when you're stuck and hit a plataeu.

Extender are great to keep your penis in an extended state to lock the gains you made and go into passive PE.
You should start with the Newbie Routine.

Also check out the SRT-Thread:

Once you're accustomed you can also start with Hardcore Stretches or Girth program (SRT 5x5x3) BM Super-Sets:

10incher is crazy!
lightlyfried;687618 said:
10incher is crazy!

It's all for the ladies :)
Or your ego... same thing, same thing, lol
Munto;687671 said:
It's all for the ladies :)
Or your ego... same thing, same thing, lol

I think 9inches would be enough for both for me :)
I just cant wait to get mine lol yeah n ten incher is an ego boost n for the Girls too:cool: LOLView attachment 31517;)
lightlyfried;687742 said:
Nor can I !

You're getting those? Man, I need your mailman
Munto;687761 said:
You're getting those? Man, I need your mailman

I hope my mail man brings me 10 x 7 in the post lol!
lightlyfried;687796 said:
I hope my mail man brings me 10 x 7 in the post lol!

Make sure its that cyberskin doe
lightlyfried;687796 said:
I hope my mail man brings me 10 x 7 in the post lol!

Wow you guys must be loaded :)
lightlyfried;687817 said:

You got a mailaman that is bringing you a 10x7 penis in his bag and putting it into your mailbox
templnite;687831 said:
Your malebox XDXD

XDXD Man why didn't I think about that one...
The mail a man bit would have worked too but he wouldn't've been a man rather a gay :p
Upon arrival it was the mailman but when he left it was the UPS man because, you know, he's all brown now :s. You should order the hydrodouche next fried chicken
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Munto;687582 said:
Welcome to the forum, brother :)!

You can purchase all three of them and hold off the LM for later use, but at least you got them.
But it's a great piece of equipment when you're stuck and hit a plataeu.

Extender are great to keep your penis in an extended state to lock the gains you made and go into passive PE.
You should start with the Newbie Routine.

Also check out the SRT-Thread:

Once you're accustomed you can also start with Hardcore Stretches or 5x5x3 BM Super-Sets:


Now this dude is sexy!
doublelongdaddy;687847 said:
Now this dude is sexy!

Yes and I keep posting videos with that guy. I must be obsessed :)
Munto;687851 said:
Yes and I keep posting videos with that guy. I must be obsessed :)

Who is this guy? Sounds like he knows a lot like PE ! LOL!
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