
Apr 18, 2012
I'm going to be returning my Bathmate X-40. I've been using it for two weeks and the gaitor causes significant pain and discomfort while in use. I've tried using the Bathmate with a sleeve and it still hurts. I've tried pumping at really low pressure and didn't get pain, but then I don't get any expansion either. The problem can't be my girth, because I am only 4.5" girth.
When you say you feel pain, where? How? At the base? Mid shaft? Do you have a curve? Explain what you are dealing with regarding pain. The Bathmate is a good device - would hate to see you lose out on the benefits of a good product ...
The gaitor pinches the bottom portion of the shaft of my penis, closer to the base. The more pressure I apply, the more it pinches me. I even tried the wine-vac modification so I wouldn't have to compress the gaitor and the gaitor still pinches me. And the pain/discomfort lasts for hours after the session. Like I said, the only way I can avoid the pinching is to use very little pressure, but then I get no expansion. And even with the higher pressure and pinching, the expansion I get isn't that great.

So I'm stuck. Either I pump with little pressure and get no results, or I pump for higher pressure and hurt myself while getting very minimal results.

If someone can help me solve these issues, I would gladly keep the Bathmate. But right now, it seems like I made a bad purchase and should have bought an air pump of some kind.
There are some pads that you could use that can possibly help alleviate some of the pinch. I believe they are the replacement pads that can often come unglued from the bottom (mine has done that - nothing that Gorilla glue can't handle). The extra padding seemed to help those guys with the pinch. Maybe that can help ...
Rub moisturiser on the base of your penis and that stops the gator from pinching as much. Simple!
If the gator is pinching the bottom part of your penis, put the Bathmate further down. If it's pinching the top of your penis, but the Bathmate further up.

Unless you have an 8 inch girth, which you don't, the gator shouldn't pinch if it's on correctly. Bathmate takes a while to get used to. Keep at it.
I always lube the shit out of the rings with plenty of vaseline also on the inside ridges that way when your penis starts expanding inside the cylinder the ridges are lubed so you dont pinch the shaft when they compress.... Being completely honest and forward!!! you have to imagine you are manipulating your body in a gentle place and your gonna have to grin and bare the pain if you expect to get anything in return!!!! it boils down to how bad you trully want it and what your willing to go through in order to get it????
I'll try the moisturizer and re-positioning, but I won't get my hopes up.

Thanks for the advice.

p.s. Medicating - It's actually pinching the sides and top.
Won't vaseline ruin the gator if I rub it on there?
No pain no gain man. Unless you're seriously injuring yourself or the pain is absolutely unbearable, it's a matter of how much you're willing to put up with to get what you want. I'm 5 1/4'' unexpanded and I get marks/rings from the gator after an intense session, but they go away in a reasonable amount of time, and the amount I've been gaining so far with the hardcore stretches is worth it. It a'int gonna be luxurious but you gotta put up with it if you wanna grow.
Sucks to hear that man...try to see if there are any other solutions. It takes time to adjust and get use to some times.
Vaseline ruins the gator indeed if left on long enough. You have to clean it, and when I workout I usually dedicate like an hour and 15 minutes to a Bathmate session. I heavily lube the gator with vaseline, but after I'm done with one set I have a washcloth nearby and clean it up the vaseline that it's on and inside the gator since I don't feel like going back and forth to clean it with soap and water between a set. At the end of the entire workout, I clean it thoroughly with soap and water.
so true. ive had a few intense pain moments with my penis over my Penis Enlargement careers, but it was worth it. especially with the Bathmate when the pad comes off.
Adjustable Gators would be the best modification Bathmate could make!
Yes, I am still reading this thread. And I decided to keep the Bathmate and try it with some of the suggestions given above. We'll see how it goes.

I will throw out this word of caution for people who are thinking about buying one. READ THE REFUND TERMS & CONDITIONS. Bathmate Canada will only refund half of the purchase price and they only give you a 7 day window in which to return the Bathmate for the refund. This is one of the reasons I decided to keep mine. It's not worth the hassle to return it for a partial refund, and I am willing to see how it goes with people's suggestions.

And sorry exiled, but Penis Enlargement shouldn't hurt. If you're dumb enough to push through pain, pain which is likely an indication you are causing damage to your dick, then you deserve the ED which will surely be headed your way. There is no way I am going to risk ruining the one dick I have because of some moronic "savage" mindset.
I wasnt trying to sound so much as a mindless savage more so trying 2 instill the warrior spirit in you!!! And im glad to hear your sticking it out and trying to make it work, it will be well worth it if you get through this little bump in the road... And just to be completely honest about it shouldnt hurt I one hundred % agree with you there buddy but sadly it does and we just have to make the pain as virtually painless as possible through trial and error and then its all for the most part smooth sailing... accept for the Bathmate sessions they can be pretty intense at times and definetely at first will lead you to think what the fuck was I thinking in the first place!!!! best wishes to you and just stick with it and sometimes the savage beast mentallity is what will keep the drive in you to do this day after mondain day....
gotta listen to your body, you will know when you have gone to far, but ripping a new dick outta yourself doesn't feel like nothing, its gonna feel strange/weird and at least a little achey if not somewhat painful, pe like weight training is about controlled sustained "injury" through training and giving your body time to heal up, and heal bigger than before.
With time, your penis will adjust and you'll get used to it.
icebreak023;480949 said:
With time, your penis will adjust and you'll get used to it.

There is a adjustment period where your penis will become more able to handle the workouts. Work up slowly and get yourself slowly accustomed and add intensity as you feel ready.
Exiled15;480338 said:
ive been doing the vaseline trick for around 3 and 1/2 years and it hasnt ruined mine.... trust me man give it a go and defenitely dont be stinjy with the goop... And like gishdu said when your done with a good pump your gonna have quite the ring impressions around your base!!! you need to really keep in mind were not playing paddy cake here this is a full contact sport... The man thats willing to grin and bare it, take a little bit of pain especially when its temporary, focus his mind to subside the pain by any means, and not just throw his hands up in the air and say I quit is gonna be victorious!!!! you need to place this thought into your mind... 2 years from now if you do decide to stick it out and do successfully add some bonus length and girth are you gonna still be feeling the pain of today or look back and say it was all worth it and what was I being a wuss for??? its your purogative, but I guarantee you every man on hear thats putting input on this site has gone through some hellacious pain or they would refer to it as discomfort many of (days, months, years) consecutively as a sacrifice they were willing to make in order to make their vision come true. It comes down to sacrifice and what your willing to put up with!!! This shit isnt for everybody thats for damn sure!!! Im one tough son of a bitch that has put his penis through some shitty fucking years , but my gains go to show how dedicated I am and if it means having to dance around on my tippy toes biting down on a towel to get through the last 10 minutes of my Bathmate session you better believe what my ass is doing!!!! I think more so you just need to put in perspective how important this is to you???


Dude, I FUCKING like your style.

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