
May 28, 2010
What's up brothers,

I like many others who own the SG can not get 6-8 hrs, for me it is pretty much impossible. I was reading about Pavlov's conditioning and immediately thought about my dick. I'd rather not get into what it's about but I figured if you can condition a brain why not condition a penis. I know wearing the SG for a lengthy duration at a decent tension will cause growth. But I don't have time for said duration. I have had my SG around the same amount of rods for a while now and just use more tension. But I was thinking why not add bars, have a ridiculous stretch that my penis can barely (I'm stressing barely) reach. To the point where if it's any longer my penis will pull itself out of the headpiece.

So I added longer bars and my penis is now being stretched almost a half an inch further then my usual. I obviously can't get in so much time as I said and I also want to closely monitor my circulation but I'm thinking that if I can just condition my penis to be at this size or stretch to this easily and keep pushing my penis to the next level. Logically this makes sense in my mind. But we shall see
this does make a lot of sense and is probably how the penis grows , repeatedly getting stretched to its max over and over again then it can go past its limits when it gets to its previous max length easily
Makes good sense to me and it would be a great personal quest to see just how effective it is. This should be kept track of very closely so if it is a gainful method you will have full directions and outcomes to share. Good work my Brother!
I'm trying this right now, also due to time constraints. 30-45 minutes from 5:30 am and then a couple of sets of 45+ minutes in the evening. Max+ tension and changing rods incrementally every 2-3 weeks. Also staying wrapped all day long when not in the SG, and if unable to wrap for whatever reason, I wear 2 cockrings (one around cock n balls and one around cock). Then a loose wrap again at night.

I've ceased Bathmate based girth work altogether because it messed up my dick colour so now it's stretching only and quick manual jelqing and __________ stretches during toilet breaks/re-wrapping.

The main concern with over-stretching in the SG has been pain during and only while ejaculating. It's not painful anymore but there is discomfort which I'm monitoring closely...

Hopefully I can reach my mid year length target of 7.4" with this routine...
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Sounds like a good plan. What is the issue with discomfort in the SizeGenetics? How are you attaching?
This is a great theory and WILL GIVE YOU GAINS! Example of my routine as follows;
10 min warmup
5 mins DLD Blasters
5 mins bundled stretches w/ LM
Basic stretches w/LengthMaster - Penis Bundle Stretcher & Weight Hanging
5 mins expressive stretches w/LM
4 -5 sets Phallogenetics 1 hour sets. All sets I apply a heating pad.
First hour is all rods & spacers in the SG headpiece( these are nothing more than 3/4 inch plastic rods cut from a plastic coat hanger.
Set 2 & 3 I crank up the rod adjustments to full extension. You'll definetly feel this stretch!
Sets 4 & if I have time set five I back the tension down. Between each set I'll do a quick basic stretch set(s).
After these sets I'll use a phallosan forte & wear it for 3,hours.
I've been doing this for two weeks & my flaccid hangs longer & thicker, even the next morning. Looks like a different cock!.if I get a partial to full blown erection with the phallogenetics on I'll just ride it out, if this happens in sets 1,4,5 I'll crank it up to max tension & apply heat,heat & more heat!
Like doing erect stretches.
Sorry for the long rant.
MaxRichards;690294 said:
I'm trying this right now, also due to time constraints. 30-45 minutes from 5:30 am and then a couple of sets of 45+ minutes in the evening. Max+ tension and changing rods incrementally every 2-3 weeks. Also staying wrapped all day long when not in the SG, and if unable to wrap for whatever reason, I wear 2 cockrings (one around cock n balls and one around cock). Then a loose wrap again at night.

I've ceased Bathmate based girth work altogether because it messed up my dick colour so now it's stretching only and quick manual jelqing and __________ stretches during toilet breaks/re-wrapping.

The main concern with over-stretching in the SG has been pain during and only while ejaculating. It's not painful anymore but there is discomfort which I'm monitoring closely...

Hopefully I can reach my mid year length target of 7.4" with this routine...

I'll be meeting you around that same goal haha.
What do you mean pain while ejaculating? I've yet to run into this problem and hope not to. Only thing I can think of would be a circulation issue. If so, do you take any supplements?
mahoney1234;690387 said:
Only thing I can think of would be a circulation issue. If so, do you take any supplements?

Did a thread about it just recently... I reckon it was an overstretched urethra or something as there was no discomfort at any time other than sharp pain when ejaculating... felt it with each pulse/contraction. But there was no discomfort when doing kegels and no discomfort when doing any stretches or manual work...

It has improved so not too worried at this stage. Also, my erection frequency and strength has improved considerably since quitting Bathmate! My dick was always fatigued before... slightly less girth is an acceptable trade-off for a more "ready to go" dick... especially since pump girth is inflated anyway.

p.s. the race is on! Let's hit that goal :)
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Muffbuster;690374 said:
This is a great theory and WILL GIVE YOU GAINS! Example of my routine as follows;
10 min warmup
5 mins DLD Blasters
5 mins bundled stretches w/ LM
Basic stretches w/LM
5 mins expressive stretches w/LM
4 -5 sets Phallogenetics 1 hour sets. All sets I apply a heating pad.
First hour is all rods & spacers in the SG headpiece( these are nothing more than 3/4 inch plastic rods cut from a plastic coat hanger.
Set 2 & 3 I crank up the rod adjustments to full extension. You'll definetly feel this stretch!
Sets 4 & if I have time set five I back the tension down. Between each set I'll do a quick basic stretch set(s).
After these sets I'll use a phallosan forte & wear it for 3,hours.
I've been doing this for two weeks & my flaccid hangs longer & thicker, even the next morning. Looks like a different cock!.if I get a partial to full blown erection with the phallogenetics on I'll just ride it out, if this happens in sets 1,4,5 I'll crank it up to max tension & apply heat,heat & more heat!
Like doing erect stretches.
Sorry for the long rant.

Sweet Baby Jesus! That is an awesome routine! Very wise use of the SRT theories!
Thanx DLD! This is definitely a plateau breaker.Routine is based off the "1 in 3 months routine you developed. 2 1/2 months from now I'll let the brotherhood know my progress. I'm sure I'll get an inch!
doublelongdaddy;690357 said:
Sounds like a good plan. What is the issue with discomfort in the SizeGenetics? How are you attaching?

Hey mate, the ejaculation pain issue wasn't while being in the SG but a symptom of over stretching too aggressively and too quick.

But for comfort I'm simply using the same wrap during SG work as when wrapping for retaining elongation during healing... (except that when in the SG, the wrap only covers half my dick as I do a few extra laps of wrap below the glans to keep the foreskin back and for extra padding and grip).
Muffbuster;690374 said:
if I get a partial to full blown erection with the phallogenetics on I'll just ride it out, if this happens in sets 1,4,5 I'll crank it up to max tension & apply heat,heat & more heat!
Like doing erect stretches

Lately I've been strapping into the SG partially erect purely for that erect stretch action. The SG tends to act as a cock ring if your erection grows while strapped in...

I still think it's one of the better devices around, even if simply for the multi-tasking aspect of doing internet work/reading/other chair based stuff while passively stretching! If time is money, this thing pays itself off rather quickly!
Just an update, I posted this two weeks ago and I can say it is seeming to work. When I posted this I was using a set of the long, med and small bars and using max tension. I probably was stretching around 3-5 hrs a day. I would say the bulk of time was 4 hrs in. Maybe 4-5 days ago I took off the med and small bars and added the other set of long bars. So now it is technically 3 long bars and I am working my way to max tension. It's about 1/4 inch more but I haven't noticed any difference in my flaccid or erect size. I will keep pushing though and I will soon add the smallest bars.
Excellent!!!! My advice; order extra bars now!!!! I've maxed out my bars & the spacers. I'm now unscrewing the small threaded rods that go into the springs for an extra "1/2. BTW, this isn't a theory. It's using the SRT routine with the SG as an active gaining tool more so than as for healing/passive gains.To prove my point I wasn't going to measure for another 2 months, but I couldn't help myself.
Not cemented yet but "9 BPEL!!!!!
Up from "8 3/4 last month. A big shout out to DLD & all the Brothers for inspiration an advice :-D
Muffbuster;691292 said:
Excellent!!!! My advice; order extra bars now!!!! I've maxed out my bars & the spacers. I'm now unscrewing the small threaded rods that go into the springs for an extra "1/2. BTW, this isn't a theory. It's using the SRT routine with the SG as an active gaining tool more so than as for healing/passive gains.To prove my point I wasn't going to measure for another 2 months, but I couldn't help myself.
Not cemented yet but "9 BPEL!!!!!
Up from "8 3/4 last month. A big shout out to DLD & all the Brothers for inspiration an advice :-D

Agreed! When getting bars be sure to get a couple or 4 .25" bars, they make incremental changes very easy.
Muffbuster;691292 said:
Excellent!!!! My advice; order extra bars now!!!! I've maxed out my bars & the spacers. I'm now unscrewing the small threaded rods that go into the springs for an extra "1/2. BTW, this isn't a theory. It's using the SRT routine with the SG as an active gaining tool more so than as for healing/passive gains.To prove my point I wasn't going to measure for another 2 months, but I couldn't help myself.
Not cemented yet but "9 BPEL!!!!!
Up from "8 3/4 last month. A big shout out to DLD & all the Brothers for inspiration an advice :-D

Congrats on the gains man. Where is a good place to order bars from? I think I have sometime though before I need more
In the Size Genetics thread there's a brother asked where to get them & DLD supplied a link to sizegenetics spare parts. Don't wait like I did and be broke & need them at the same time.
Keep us posted on gains. That's all that really matters.
stillwantmore2;691419 said:
Keep us posted on gains. That's all that really matters.

This high intensity and short duration is the similar principle as hanging

Its not hard to hit 1000 - 1500gm of tension on the SG and this is what hangers are supposed to start with

So if you guys are pushing hard with the SG tension each session... isnt that what hangers do as well?

Youre just using more SG + bars instead of weights to get your tension

Ps: actual question; I like this idea of more tension less time over the opposite; are you guys securing the penis in the SG any differently? For me its usually a pain in the ass getting it just right to ensure adequate blood circulation plus grip for the long durations
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