The growth of my cock has stopped(but in the Bathmate it is increasing), but I have a lot of extra skin, even when I'm erect. It's like my cock is uncircumcising itself as the skin is now overlapping my bellend a bit.

Also, I've been going into Bathmate semi har because my balls keep getting caught in it. When I'm finished, my cock looks a bit swelled and there are marks on it from the Bathmate suction part that take hours to go away. Is this normal and should I stop going in semi hard? I'm definitely not going over the 20 min mark as well.
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Dublindude;463473 said:
The growth of my cock has stopped(but in the Bathmate it is increasing), but I have a lot of extra skin, even when I'm erect. It's like my cock is uncircumcising itself as the skin is now overlapping my bellend a bit.

Also, I've been going into Bathmate semi har because my balls keep getting caught in it. When I'm finished, my cock looks a bit swelled and there are marks on it from the Bathmate suction part that take hours to go away. Is this normal and should I stop going in semi hard? I'm definitely not going over the 20 min mark as well.

Are you only pumping or are you adding other exercises in?
doublelongdaddy;463638 said:
Are you only pumping or are you adding other exercises in?

Just pumping, mate.

Just out of the shower now and tied my balls with a hair band and it stopped them from being sucked in. For some reason, I didn't reach the max amount I normally do(missed it by about 5mm) but my cock is not as bad as it was Friday night. I didn't use it on Saturday because I wanted to rest it and my cock was smaller then normal flaccid and was very tenuous when erect yesterday. Today, my cock was fine and looked fine.

The skin now is not overlapping my bellend, but it's still a bit swelled at the bottom of the bellend(skin bridge is the term, I think). Suffice to say that I won't be going in erect anytime soon as I was really worried the last time because of the swelling, but the fact it made my cock look repugnant.

On the manual exercise techniques, I looked some of them up a while ago as I said before, I'm new to all this stuff, so didn't know the terms, techniques, etc. There are a lot of side effects you can get reading about some of them which have turned me off the idea of doing them and I'm just sticking to the Bathmate.
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