wakingdream;730173 said:
Thanks guys.
I understand alot more now.
So aside from the differences in the straps and rods, etc, which of the suction devices has the strongest suction and comfort for intense manual stretching?
The VLC has attachments for weights, so it sounds like it can withstand alot of pulling, but do you think it's more comfortable than clamping on a lengthmaster or bib, etc?

In my opinion I would just get a LengthMaster, it has everything you need for both Manuel stretching and hanging. I've had mine for a few months now and love it. As long as you have a comfortable wrapping technique with it you should find it to be a very comfortable experience.
Since I'm being told to get an extender and an LG, I'm reposting my OP haha :p

wakingdream;729869 said:
My main goal is to have something to grip the head of my penis, comfortably and preferably for a long time. I currently have a LengthMaster and a SizeGenetics, but I'm looking for something a little more comfortable. I can get comfortable in the LD and SG, but it can take a long time to get it right, or I'm sitting there trying to get a good wrap instead of actually doing PE.
I enjoy manual stretching but sometimes I don't feel a strong enough pull with just my hands, or my fingers can get sore/tired. So suction sounds like a good idea to try, right?
I guess I was even imagining a mod for the lengthmaster, to put a suction device on it.
But I think what I'm hearing is that for me, suction is not really what I want, and probably not strong enough. I think I want to work on my wrap more for the lengthmaster.

wakingdream;729869 said:
I'm also interested in restoring my foreskin, so it'd be nice if the product I buy does that as well.
As for this, I probably will get the VLC for foreskin, and for SRT. It sounds like suction is best for keeping elongated for SRT, and suction is not really meant for strong manual stretching.
wakingdream;730245 said:
Since I'm being told to get an extender and an LG, I'm reposting my OP haha :p

I guess I was even imagining a mod for the lengthmaster, to put a suction device on it.
But I think what I'm hearing is that for me, suction is not really what I want, and probably not strong enough. I think I want to work on my wrap more for the lengthmaster.

As for this, I probably will get the VLC for foreskin, and for SRT. It sounds like suction is best for keeping elongated for SRT, and suction is not really meant for strong manual stretching.

I love when I hear that someone is going to mod a LengthMaster, I can't ever imagine what it would be but it excites me none the less.
JB007;729953 said:
Just get the tugger or stick with the SG until a better extender comes out.

I have a phallosan and while it is comfortable I don't feel like it gives that great of a stretch. Especially considering the price of the device itself plus the monthly or bimonthly costs of buying new sleeves and protector caps. Honestly not worth it. I wish I had gotten the tugger instead. I still might actually.
I still stand by what I said about the price but I have to say I think this is actually a really useful device for stealth and comfort. And it honestly gives me a great flaccid hang after wearing it for a while. My penis is really stretchy and loose afterwards making it the perfect warm-up for manual stretching. Granted, there are other, less costly ways of accomplishing that.

But if you're gonna be sitting around not doing anything, or running errands, working or anything like that you might as well log some passive pe hours and this is perfect for that.

Unfortunately, again, it's really expensive for a passive pe/warm-up device. If it gave more of an intense stretch that would actually create length just by wearing it alone... that would be worth the price and maybe more. That's what I'm looking forward to in the future- active pe extenders that are comfortable, discreet, and can be worn for hours.

I realize that's essentially what extenders purport to do now but I don't think any extender on the market can create gains beyond newbie gains. After a certain point they're mostly for maintenance or pre-fatiguing the tunica for manual work.

Maybe I'm asking too much but surely someone will create an active pe device in the near future. Perhaps phallosan themselves will be the ones to do it in their next generation of the pf. They came pretty close with this one but it needs some improvements.
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JB007;732221 said:
I still stand by what I said about the price but I have to say I think this is actually a really useful device for stealth and comfort. And it honestly gives me a great flaccid hang after wearing it for a while. My penis is really stretchy and loose afterwards making it the perfect warm-up for manual stretching. Granted, there are other, less costly ways of accomplishing that.

But if you're gonna be sitting around not doing anything, or running errands, working or anything like that you might as well log some passive pe hours and this is perfect for that.

Unfortunately, again, it's really expensive for a passive pe/warm-up device. If it gave more of an intense stretch that would actually create length just by wearing it alone... that would be worth the price and maybe more. That's what I'm looking forward to in the future- active pe extenders that are comfortable, discrete, and can be worn for hours.

I realize that's essentially what extenders purport to do now but I don't think any extender on the market can create gains beyond newbie gains. After a certain point they're mostly for maintenance or pre-fatiguing the tunica for manual work.

Maybe I'm asking too much but surely someone will create an active pe device in the near future. Perhaps phallosan themselves will be the ones to do it in their next generation of the pf. They came pretty close with this one but it needs some improvements.

Everyone has a different experience with different equipment. The Phallosan is the choice of many and they love the many things that are possible with it, particularly being able to use while sleeping. The 3 extenders we carry should allow everyone to have exactly what they wan.

The PeniMasterPro
The SizeGenetics
The Phallosan

Men need to research all three to see what is best for them.
Ya know, come to think of it the best extender available on the market right now is easily the phallosan/SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender combo.

I quit using mine because the sleeves were ripping way too fast but that was back when I was still using phallosan sleeves. I've discovered lg hanger sleeves since then and they last a really long time on my phallosan.

But I remember measuring my flaccid size while in the extender and it was close to 9 nbp. I had to add rods and everything. Think I might give this another shot.
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Yeah it is expensive. Both are expensive just by themselves. But I already have both so why would I buy yet another expensive device that does the same thing and probably not as well? I've never used the pmp but it looks inferior to the phallogenetics. Just my opinion. No need to go into one of your overly defensive tirades. Lol.

Also, it's not $700. The pf is $365 and the sg is $200 if I'm not mistaken. That's $565. Still expensive but $700 is exaggerating.

And as for the large and xl bell not fitting right, that may be a legitimate problem. Because back when I was combining the two I was using the medium bell but since then I've been exclusively using the large bell so I'll have to mess around with it. I think it can work but it won't be completely straight, which does kinda suck. Maybe there's a way to mod the headpiece to fit the larger bells.
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2slow;732313 said:
Yes that is a great combo, but after buying the 2 your what 7 maybe 800$ into a stretcher? CRAZY! And if you use the xl bell it fits horrible, shouldn't even use it then. Then you ad the pump on the end of the pf and it makes it even bigger. Can't believe so many endorse thos poor product then say to spend hundereds more on a stretcher to modify it. When you could just save the money and buy a stretcher that has all that already. 300 hundered versus 700$ 🤔

"poor product" Explain?
2slow;732317 said:
Sorry was off on price

Yeah, please do research before posting pricing.
2slow;732401 said:
Dld, first off i was just throwing a price out there meaning it's expensive to have to buy the 2 just to make one. And if you use the large bell or xL bell it doesn't work. And the pf is a poor product. It doesn't stretch worth a s--t and it can't get past your hip. Everything is cheaply made. The only thing that is decent about it is the bell it's self. And with the pump it makes it long. The belt is even cheap and doesn't give you options. And anyone past 7" maybe 8" couldn't even use it. Now that you asked me why i thought this, let me ask why you think it's so great? Besides you can sleep with it. Which by the way you can with some other one's also.

You show no respect and you are constantly starting issues with other members and attacking our partners. If I see ONE MORE negative comment towards a member or if you troll our product line you will be out of here. Phallosan has been a friend to the Brotherhood far longer than you and the many men that have gained using it love it. I do not need to explain myself to you! Remember who's house this is!
2slow;732408 said:
You asked me a question and i answered you that's all. Then i asked what you liked about it. How is that beimg a dick?

I have seen you troll others posts and threads...stop this or I will have to ban you.
All the products here on MOS (and competing sites, which often showcase some or all of the same products) are effective. Some people respond better to some products than others. You can use the PF by strapping to your ankle or calf for a downward pull. Stretchers like SG are best choice for most when it comes to curve correction. It seems you can pump harder using water pumps than air pumps and avoid injury or ruin EQ.

Of course, people aren't made in factories, so YMMV. PE has not been a top priority in medical research, but most authorities recommend slow and steady most of the time with intensity here and there will provide the best permanent gains. There aren't a gazillion people who've grown to 11-12 inches; most people are satisfied before then and back off, so we'll never know what their max potential could have been.

In a nutshell, with my dick, I've seen growth with PF and other products, and if I get to 8-9 inches and it stops working, I'll report back. Until then, I'm going to stick with products that DLD, Joel Kaplan, the other busy forum and urologists who do PE recommend. If you can afford to invest in yourself, even if you have to do it slowly, I'd get a Bathmate Extreme, SG, PF, backup air pump and VLC, in that order. I'd get the MOS membership, some personalized advice, consider chemical PE and yes, expect results. You're investing in yourself and the dividends you'll reap far exceed the cost and effort. When a woman gets a boob job, we can all see the results and it will help her. When we grow our dicks 2 or more inches, or go from below average to above average, nobody can see anything (we hope) but somehow or another, the world knows, recognizes and rewards the stronger man.

BTW to anyone who's glib about the significance of an 8 inch penis (top .01%), here. If you manage to get to 8-9 inches and started PE as an adult, you've done quite well. https://calcsd.bitballoon.com/full
growtime;732529 said:
All the products here on MOS (and competing sites, which often showcase some or all of the same products) are effective. Some people respond better to some products than others. You can use the PF by strapping to your ankle or calf for a downward pull. Stretchers like SG are best choice for most when it comes to curve correction. It seems you can pump harder using water pumps than air pumps and avoid injury or ruin EQ.

Of course, people aren't made in factories, so YMMV. PE has not been a top priority in medical research, but most authorities recommend slow and steady most of the time with intensity here and there will provide the best permanent gains. There aren't a gazillion people who've grown to 11-12 inches; most people are satisfied before then and back off, so we'll never know what their max potential could have been.

In a nutshell, with my dick, I've seen growth with PF and other products, and if I get to 8-9 inches and it stops working, I'll report back. Until then, I'm going to stick with products that DLD, Joel Kaplan, the other busy forum and urologists who do PE recommend. If you can afford to invest in yourself, even if you have to do it slowly, I'd get a Bathmate Extreme, SG, PF, backup air pump and VLC, in that order. I'd get the MOS membership, some personalized advice, consider chemical PE and yes, expect results. You're investing in yourself and the dividends you'll reap far exceed the cost and effort. When a woman gets a boob job, we can all see the results and it will help her. When we grow our dicks 2 or more inches, or go from below average to above average, nobody can see anything (we hope) but somehow or another, the world knows, recognizes and rewards the stronger man.

BTW to anyone who's glib about the significance of an 8 inch penis (top .01%), here. If you manage to get to 8-9 inches and started PE as an adult, you've done quite well. https://calcsd.bitballoon.com/full

Now this is something I can agree with and it is a fair and honest review. I can understand someone not liking a product since it did not work for them, but to go off and say the product does not work for anyone is just not true. Many respond to the SG, many respond to the Phallosan and many go for the PMP. I can say that a BMW is crap to me but that does not mean it is crap for all, some love their BMW.
I just got a phallosan and have had the chance to wear it a couple of days, and I wanted to give my opinion on it since there is a lot of controversy over it in this thread. If you are on the longer side, yes it does have to sit on your hip, but it is not a deal breaker in my opinion. I've managed to get 10 hours a day in at max tension, and the only (slight) discomfort I've had is the base ring bite. The belt and suction bell dig into the hips a little, but are easy to adjust on the fly, and all this combined is not even close to the discomfort of being strapped into my extender at full tension. I struggle to hit four hours a day in a regular extender, and I'm almost tripling that in the phallosan. There is all the tension you could want as well, if the springs max out, you can still tighten the belt and get more. All and all I think this is a great tool and think it's really going to make a difference in my program.
I'll put in my .02 cents;
Lengthmaster-must have!
Bathmate-gotta get one.
Sizegenetics- pain in the ass but use it as a phallogenetics!
Phallosan Forte-customer
service sucks! Use the LG hanger sleeves.
I feel for me it's an
anti turtling devise/passive gaining tool.
hanger-I have no problems with it once you get the wrap down.
hanger clamp-👍
Now all that being said I see a lot of talk about how expensive this or that is. I have family in the machining trades- molds aren't cheap! R&D isn't cheap! And yes some companies prey on our sensitive ego. But it's your dick! if it's too expensive save your money up or don't buy it!
Muffbuster;732616 said:
I'll put in my .02 cents;
Lengthmaster-must have!
Bathmate-gotta get one.
Sizegenetics- pain in the ass but use it as a phallogenetics!
Phallosan Forte-customer
service sucks! Use the LG hanger sleeves.
I feel for me it's an
anti turtling devise/passive gaining tool.
hanger-I have no problems with it once you get the wrap down.
hanger clamp-👍
Now all that being said I see a lot of talk about how expensive this or that is. I have family in the machining trades- molds aren't cheap! R&D isn't cheap! And yes some companies prey on our sensitive ego. But it's your dick! if it's too expensive save your money up or don't buy it!

On point, I wish Phallosan had more customer service people, they would do so much better.
I'm 8 1/2" BPFSL and I can use it without a problem, not sure why you think it can't be used beyond 7", but that is not the case for me. But seriously chill out man, everyone else is entitled to their opinion as much as you are entitled to yours. But the fact is that this is the only stretching device approved by the FDA for any reason, and you don't get that badge by being an ineffective pos.
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ThatDude512;732727 said:
I'm 8 1/2" BPFSL and I can use it without a problem, not sure why you think it can't be used beyond 7", but that is not the case for me. But seriously chill out man, everyone else is entitled to their opinion as much as you are entitled to yours. But the fact is that this is the only stretching device approved by the FDA for any reason, and you don't get that badge by being an ineffective pos.

It can and 2Slow was a troll. He is now eliminated completely! No more of his crap! The Brotherhood is a peace once again!
doublelongdaddy;732738 said:
It can and 2Slow was a troll. He is now eliminated completely! No more of his crap! The Brotherhood is a peace once again!

I told you he should be banned when he and templnite went on a rant on me a couple weeks ago, so much toxicity
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