curve correction

  1. B

    Lengthmaster routine

    Hi I’m looking for advice on curve correction using the LengthMaster . Could anyone advise on a routine to get started with ? I have a left curve that I would like to correct as quickly and efficiently as possible . Thankyou look forward to hearing from you guys 🍆. Pic for attention !
  2. T

    TCDreamer higher erection curve correction technique recommended by @DLD

    Gents. This is an additional vid with a recommendation of @DLD as to addressing a “curve or bend” with a higher erection level. I tried to get to 💯 to conduct this technique. Wasn’t completely there, but close. As my narrative points out, a higher erection does indeed yield a more pronounced...
  3. B

    Curved penis

    Just wanting to double check because the internet seems to be giving me a lot of negative thoughts right now . If a penis curve is “congenital” from what I’ve read one side of the penis is more stretchy than the other side causing a curve . Can this still be corrected with traction techniques...
  4. C

    after 1 year of PE i must still be a noob-no gains,no curve correction! HELP

    Hey guys im 27 years of age, a type 1 diabetic,i was circumcised as a baby due to phismosis i have had my downward curve since i can remember, i am actually happy with my size (18.4cm BPEL)however i need the curve fixed i was a very tight RC-0 cut and it is horrible, i have bad turkey neck that...
  5. wakingdream

    Phallosan vs VLC tugger vs others

    I'd like to get a suction product for length. I did a ton of research and reading on the forums, but the more I read the more undecided I am. My main goal is to have something to grip the head of my penis, comfortably and preferably for a long time. I currently have a LengthMaster and a...
  6. habban

    Bundled stretches and curvature

    Hello! I think bundled stretches was the reason my right CC got bigger and that my penis suddenly points to the left. That is what i experiencing at least, right CC bigger and penis points to left and looks kinda twisted like a bundled twist without me doing anything. Its permanent twisted now...
  7. Mlathem

    Im Back, Went to the Doc- Diagnosed Peyronie's

    Hey guys, I left for about 3 weeks due too my injury. I thought it was Thrombosis but I just went to the Doctor and he said there was Calcification on the top of my Penis. He diagnosed it as peyronie's plaque, he said there is nothing I can do. I good and well know that there is a solution and...
  8. P

    need help with routine guys

    my routine is here nearly same on all days...but see from day 5 or day 6 now i need to add a air pump for fixing my bend in this routine...i need to use this for...
  9. kofandy2001

    To the almighty moderator

    Mos is one of the best penis enlargement site out there. I check for new post few times a day before my emails. Would be awesome if we have a forum thats dedictated to peyronise and penis curvage correction. Be nice if there is a spot for us curve guys to hear others succes stories and...
  10. grow4me

    fix curve with bathmate

    hi brothers, i have a slight leftwards curved penis which i am working on correcting. I saw a thread posted by master_mind: about fixing a curve while pumping and i...
  11. Simyan

    Simyan's update - grinding, tears, defeat, success and motivation!

    I've finally got my shit together and have recommenced a heavy, thorough and dedicated P.E routine. I shall update what I have been doing and in a few weeks / months post progress pics. I've been in and out for a few years, BPEL is 8 inches and girth is 5.2. I have a slight curve to the...
  12. JakeM82

    Intro + Progress + Questions

    Hey guys, I have been lurking around the forum for a few days now. I decided to join after reading all of the incredible material and advice posted. I am very new to PE, in fact I didn't even realize what I was getting into when I was buying a traction device. It was suggested to me by my...
  13. GeoKnight94

    Saw the Urologist

    So I finally saw a Urologist about my curved dick & he tells me that it is naturally curved, not caused by peyronies or any other thing else, & that there isn’t any treatment I need for it. I was honestly shocked by it I kind of messed up the information I was going to give him about this...
  14. master_mind

    Correct your curve and bend while pumping. Working for me.

    This method is working for me . I later plan to stick some plastic rod inside my cylinder for a better modification.
  15. grow4me

    my homemade ADS for curved penis :)

    hi bros, i think i have just made something that will help to cure my left wards curve. Its really simple it took me 30 minutes to make, the idea popped into my head today at work today, as soon as i got home i started work on it and i am really happy and proud of it. I've had it on for an hour...
  16. P

    fixing my bend hasnt been working!

    i've been using sizegenetics for five weeks and some jelqs against the bend but it doesnt seem to get my bend out my bend is from the middle to the end bend down and i want it to go up slightly, some kegels more jelqs or other jelqs ?
  17. C

    New to pe, curve fixture

    Hello. I'm new to PE and I have been reading a lot in this forum for the last days/weeks. My aim is especially to fix my curve which is going to the right (from birth) and for the beginning I dont really care about gaining girth or length (length of course for my shorter side, but in the best...
  18. G

    Can DLD bends cure curvature?

    Hi all, I'm struggling with an annoying leftward curve that I've been attempting to fix for the past 4 weeks. I believe there has been minimal improvement which is expected as I hear curvature correction takes time. I read about DLD bends for girth, I was wondering if the same ideology...
  19. G

    Has anyone really cured a curve? If so please help me.

    Hi, When flaccid, my penis is straight. However, when erect, it curves to the left. I wish to correct my curvature. Most PE forums suggest doing erect bends against the curve , erect jelqs against the curve and stretching against the curve. After doing this however, my penis even while...
  20. J

    Curvature Correction

    So I'm trying to correct a natural curve in my penis. I'm wondering if clamping would help with this? I have a SG already and was thinking maybe do like a superset of SG than clamping. Would this stretch the penis and then fill it with blood (thus maintaining the stretch) ? Or am I totally...
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