
Jul 6, 2011
Just wondering how long it takes to get gains from the Bathmate?? I've been using it for 5 weeks with no results thus far!! I use it 5-6 days in a row, for about 30-40 mins a day. I do some hardcore Bathmate stretches in a morning session then do supersets of Bathmate and SSJs with nothing to show for it.
Fellow Bathmateers can you give gains and time frames!
Usually few months but you should have seen something in 5 weeks. Perhaps cut the time down to 20 minute sessions every other day and see how that pans out for 2 weeks. Maybe your over training and some rest will help, otherwise it could be a case that pumping doesn't do it for you.
I gained with the Bathmate, noticed after several months. It can take long time with penis enlargement, so be prepared to wait. Another thing is that everyone seems to gain at different rates so what works for Mr A might not be quite the same for Mr B and Mr C. Overall though from my experiences it takes 6 months to have the gains in place and permanently cemented.
Cheers fellow Englander! Iam not put off by not gaining yet, i will keep going for 3 months and see how things are going then!
yeah Red is correct. It does take a little time. He may be onto something. You may be overtraining. I noticed that when I was pumping every day, it seemed as though I was not making good gains. Then I took a couple of days off during the week. Pumped Mon and Tuesday. Wednesday off, Pumped Thurs through Saturday and took Sunday off. Also I did one day off and One day on. I noticed gains were coming from doing that. Actually my wife did. She told me she can feel I was bigger when she had it in her hands and when I was inside her. So don't overtrain and you will gain
Ive cut down to 20-30mins a day! i think that is a bit more sensible. Go by how you feel you can only judge for yourself.
Are you doing straight 20 mins or splitting it up like Dan Clizers method 6X6. You sound like your worried but a war can go on for years. Check back in in 3 mths and tell us the results. Good luck.
runningignus;474230 said:
Are you doing straight 20 mins or splitting it up like Dan Clizers method 6X6. You sound like your worried but a war can go on for years. Check back in in 3 mths and tell us the results. Good luck.

i do 10-15min in one go and then i do 10 mins with jegls and warmdown with warmpad and kegls, i try to but its hard with those kegls.
Try putting a cock ring on after. I've gained half inch in girth. Used for 2 months stopped and now been using a few months straight but haven't measures in a month
n8dogg;474236 said:
Try putting a cock ring on after. I've gained half inch in girth. Used for 2 months stopped and now been using a few months straight but haven't measures in a month

how long do you use it?
do your dick get purpol color to it the when you use it that long?
could you explain abit more in detail please?

regards me
No I use a silicone ring so it stretches well but still keeps your dick plump for awhile.
got stuck at170 for 2weeks started at 140 just knukled down almost at 180 3 mil away will get there inthe next few days seems after maxing out the pump small bit of air lets you get another go at pumping brings it a little further down the line
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toddystufer;474288 said:
got stuck at170 for 2weeks started at 140 just knukled down almost at 180 3 mil away will get there inthe next few days seems after maxing out the pump small bit of air lets you get another go at pumping brings it a little further down the line

Cool, keep it up. In the beginning I did'nt want to go too high either with the pump but once you get there its awesome and you can really feel it
tks n8 where do you get this ring you use
sound like i need this and a wrapfor flacod strech
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