
Well-known member
Aug 27, 2009
So basically from about mid shaft to my glans my dick gets thinner every little bit.
I don't know why that is, but it's annoying as hell, especially when your 5 3/4'' girth mid shaft and below 5'' at the glans!!! >:(
I've tried everything i can think of, isolated compression exercises, every girth exercise, wearing a clamp at mid-shaft, but nothing seems to be affecting this area, it's so frustrating!
from my base to mid shaft i get swole during my sessions, but the shape never changes, i may get expansion, but it still always thin angle towards the glans.
Any advice would be of great help, thanks guys! ?:(
It's either just your natural shape or bathmate gave you a bell shape, or both. I deal with the same thing it's pretty frustrating
Tell me about it! lol
I've even gone as far as doing Clamped ATS rollers starting at mid shaft , and still no change!
I used to have the same thing; lately its been alot better though. I just do my jelqs, really balloons that top half. Though my drop is only slight from midshaft to glans.

Did you ever feel like your bottom half was less sore than your top? To control this I begin my session with half jelqs, follow with full jelqs, and end with half jelqs. That way I work that base real good. I know it'll make my cock more conical, but I don't care as a gain is a gain.
It's just that it narrows so much that i lose the trapped blood jelqing, which is why i do squeezes, but they aren't working for some reason.
Its tough man, but not impossible. Plus your dick probably acclimatized to squeezes by now, and will respond better to jelqing.
i think spot training with Slow Squash can help.........i wanna increase girth at base so i squeeze the shaft when doing ss and focus only on the base area...
pogzee;660288 said:
i think spot training with Slow Squash can help........
I totally agree with this !

jekyllnhyde360, do you grab at the base or below the head when you stretch ? maybe this is related ...
I would say SlowSquashJelqs and DLD Bends as being the best to spot train one isolated area.
jekyllnhyde360;660388 said:
Ya i've been doing those forever, i'm not sure why it isnt working.

Did you try bundle stretches before girth work?Maybe the tunica is thicker in that point and that's why you have a hard time gaining in that area..i don't know,just saying...try it.
you seem to have made a substantial gain in a relatively short period of time, what was your routine?
jekyllnhyde360;660427 said:
you seem to have made a substantial gain in a relatively short period of time, what was your routine?

Who,me?Only jelqs xD They work really good for me...i have no problem gaining girth...length on the other hand... <:(
Ya you lol
but, ya that's how it is for some reason, some people can get massive gains doing easy stuff and other need more intense exercises.
I have the same issue bro, I am using Jelqs and holding a certain points during the stroke to allow certain areas more time to expand. This has started to even it out some, but it has been slow. If you find anything that helps better let me know to so I can add it to my routine.
well, i've found one thing that seems to be working, and thats clamping at mid shaft, instead of at the extreme base.
jekyllnhyde360;660436 said:
well, i've found one thing that seems to be working, and thats clamping at mid shaft, instead of at the extreme base.

I don't have anything for clamping, but I may just start adjust my cock ring.
ChilDsh;660401 said:
Did you try bundle stretches before girth work?Maybe the tunica is thicker in that point and that's why you have a hard time gaining in that area..i don't know,just saying...try it.

This is a good suggestion and one we have all been interested in as of late. If there are uneven sections pre-stretching the Tunica may help with tissue increase in the areas needed. Sorry the SlowSquashJelqs are not working for you, I thought pretty much everyone was benefitting from SSJ.
SSJ work great, regular jelqs don't do much girth wise, for me at least.
The only prob i ever get with SSJ, is burst capillaries.
^ Red dots? Those aren't a problem bro they show that your tunica is more pliable. If you don't like it you can just take your cock, and rub it between the hands like you're making fire. That's bound to get the blood diffused into the skin.
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