loco said:
man reading this makes me so stinkin glad I am married and have done it up right. before marriage was a virgin and so was my wife. niether of us were with someone else ever and plan on keeping it that way. Just the way God had intended it for man to be since the beginning of time.

Loco, I actually think that's great. It's certainly an ideal way of life for those with such faith and principles, and has some benefit for anyone. I kind of think that would have been a cool way for things to turn out. Hell, size wouldn't be such a sexual issue if a woman didn't have to measure a man up to all the others she had been with. Not that I want to put DLD out of business of anything. :D

As a former Christian, let me state my problem with the policy. Years ago, it was common for people to be married by the time they were 18 or so. Usually a person married someone he had known for most of his life. These days, so many people are living together before marriage because of an uncertainty around the trust issue. The days of marrying someone in the local community are gone. This is because the days of simply graduating high school, marrying your sweetheart, and working in the factory or farm your father and grandfather worked are gone.

I don't see an alternative. You might convince people to hold-off from having sex until they're 18 or 20, but these days we have singles running around 25-30 and even older. The message is just not going to sell at that point. You'll not even find a doctor or psychologist that wouldn't even pretend that such a thing is healthy.

The way God intended it is completely incompatible with the modern way of life.
penguinsfan said:
The way God intended it is completely incompatible with the modern way of life.

Nothing worth doing was ever easy. Besides, to a christian it is clear-cut. The Bible says sex before marriage is wrong, so it's as simple as that. True christians dont pick and choose their beliefs, their beliefs are spelled out for them. This is not a knock at christians, I'm just clarifying this for non-christians. God didn't say "ah well, forget it if its hard...", did he?

I admire anyone who can hold the course and stay in control of their urges until marriage.
levista said:
Nothing worth doing was ever easy. Besides, to a christian it is clear-cut. The Bible says sex before marriage is wrong, so it's as simple as that. True christians dont pick and choose their beliefs, their beliefs are spelled out for them. This is not a knock at christians, I'm just clarifying this for non-christians. God didn't say "ah well, forget it if its hard...", did he?

I admire anyone who can hold the course and stay in control of their urges until marriage.

I dont agree with the reasons, but I do agree with the principles and respect that greatly.
penguinsfan said:
This is because the days of simply graduating high school, marrying your sweetheart, and working in the factory or farm your father and grandfather worked are gone.

And I think that is a Very Good Thing.
bigbutnottoo said:
And I think that is a Very Good Thing.

I'm not so sure it is.

We've got higher divorce rates, juvenile delinquents out of control, an epidemic of unsupervised children without two parents in the home, etc. I'm not saying that there is never a case for divorce and I'm not saying that single mothers never do an adequate job of raising a child, but these are clear disadvantages under normal circumstances.

My parents got married when my dad was 21 and my mom was 17 (she was not pregnant). I never heard my parents fight anything like so many of today's couples, though they had normal disagreements. When my four sisters and I would step out of line, he would take the belt to our asses and we've all turned out to be decent, productive individuals. Compare that to today's parents.

Also, the promotion of the whole "adolescent" period of life is a relatively modern idea that is worthless in the grand scheme of things. Back in the old days, 18-20 year olds actually WERE mature enough to marry, because they acted more like adults, since they didn't have "expert" psychologists promoting an entire period of life devoted to immaturity. In the old days, kids were phased into adult responsibilities at a younger age.

Don't get me wrong. I'd rather be doing what I'm doing today than working in the steel mill like my old man and caring for a handful of kids, just to relive the days of old. I'm glad I went to college and shit, but when you compare the family structure today versus yesterday, we've taken huge steps backwards.
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levista said:
Nothing worth doing was ever easy. Besides, to a christian it is clear-cut. The Bible says sex before marriage is wrong, so it's as simple as that. True christians dont pick and choose their beliefs, their beliefs are spelled out for them. This is not a knock at christians, I'm just clarifying this for non-christians. God didn't say "ah well, forget it if its hard...", did he?

I was not suggesting that such sexual activity is no longer sinful, from a theological standpoint. When I said that Christianity and our modern lifestyle are incompatible, I wasn't meaning the Bible should be re-written. If anything, the Christian community should rethink the way they do things. Granted, the Amish take things to extremes, but perhaps churches should promote a more traditional sense of values and lifestyle.
AncientChina said:
Another point is many people seem to forget all the negatives of the older times and of tradition....They speak of a great family system, but what about other societal issues, such as huge amounts of racism, pure sexism. I am sure women wouldn't like to be stuck in one role as just mother's...... A lot of ignorant thinking, and people had far less control over their lives if they wanted to be "different". Where those times any better than today? In my opinion no, I am really starting to like many of the the newer beliefs and changes in the Western World......Yeah sure sex is exploited to no end and there are a few drawbacks, but nothing beats equality or near equality.

The Bible had many teachings that were probably needed at a earlier era, as to pull people into doing things most crucial and needed at the time, such as sex and family....but we are not living under the same circumstances....and I have to disagree with good Christians just doing what is said in a book, I think intelligent, self aware, and fair people should quesiton the validity of a rule, and make sure that it holds up some relievence to them not just out of the sake of "taking the easy road", but out of the sake of taking the right road. Sex is demonized and so forth, but is having sex before you married that horrible, if one disregards the teachings of a religion?

P.S I am not trying to be disrespectful to anyone's beliefs.

well bud I don't think you could be further from the Truth. I totally believe there is room to disregaurd what God has given us. Or to break his commandments (and no not just the popular 10 everyone thinks of). Back in the days of old there were definately less problems because peoples focus and respect is much different than today. Back then it was "love your neighbor as yourself" and today it's much more like screw everyone in your path and look out for number 1. And as mentioned before look at all the STD's, illegitement children, single parent homes, crime, etc. compare lifestyles or families of christians or other churched goups vs. non God fearing folks/families. if the christians or others following what God has laid out in His Word you should see solid families lives, hopefully no criminal record, etc... Think about it, it's all stuff we all desire. Life back when we followed such values was much more valued. Now most view it as a dime a dozen, something so precious shouldn't be taken so lightly.
The problem is this "bad" stuff has always been going on. There have always been gay people. Teenagers have always had sex. Guys were always trying to get laid before they married. Jesus hungout with whores. There have also always been killers, thieves, and rapists. Especially in biblical times. Increasing freedom does not increase crime so much as the zealots use phantoms of crime and times past as an excuse to try to restrict intellectual and social freedom. To me freedom and responsility are good things, when they are infringed that is the worst crime.

And I am assuming you made a typo when you said

"I totally believe there is room to disregaurd what God has given us."
bigbutnottoo said:
Its called Progress.

The negative aspects are more related to priorities.

Time and tendencies have progressed, but family stability has definitely regressed.

There might be some issues with priorities, but in my opinion the problems we have today are largely caused by the fact that few people today marry a person they've known more than 2-5 years, whereas they used to grow-up in the same community.
AncientChina said:
Another point is many people seem to forget all the negatives of the older times and of tradition....They speak of a great family system, but what about other societal issues, such as huge amounts of racism, pure sexism. I am sure women wouldn't like to be stuck in one role as just mother's...... A lot of ignorant thinking, and people had far less control over their lives if they wanted to be "different".

Racism has nothing to do with the mating tendencies of a society. As for sexism, it depends on what is considered to be sexist. I'm sure my definition would differ from that of NOW, but I don't consider myself sexist at all.
penguinsfan said:
Racism has nothing to do with the mating tendencies of a society. As for sexism, it depends on what is considered to be sexist. I'm sure my definition would differ from that of NOW, but I don't consider myself sexist at all.

Damn, I have no race preferences, back in the day I would consider myself lucky fuck any of em:D
doublelongdaddy said:
Damn, I have no race preferences, back in the day I would consider myself lucky fuck any of em:D

Indeed, there are beautiful women of all kinds. Nothing quite does it for me like a nice caucasian blonde, but a beautiful woman is a beautiful woman and they come in all designs.
UPDATE ON �naked people movies� STAR WANTING TO HAVE SEX

Well, it finally happened. I met up with her... We had a few drinks at a bar and danced a little ... She was gorgeous and the real thing too....Everybody was looking and too which was making me nervous. She got right to the discussion of want she wanted.
She wanted two things... Me to cum in her and to film it.... I told her I didn't have unprotected sex... She started to get pissed off... But, I sweet talked her a little and went back to her place.... Lots of alcohol helped me persaude her. She told me to sit down... Well, she gave me one hell of a lap dance.... She told me to stroke my cock while she gave me the lap dance... She done it completely naked too.... I was getting a little nervous because I was wondering if she had the camera hidden somewhere just rolling away... After about a 10 minute lap dance and me stroking my cock while she done it, she burried her face into my balls...began to lick them all over... I was loving life... Then, all of the sudden boom, my cock was buried in her mouth.. She sucked it soooo damn good to.... But, I was still a little worried... Well, sure enough she stood up put her pussy in my face, then laid down.. While on the floor, she spread her legs real wide and told me to fill her up... I pulled a rubber out of my pocket and she screamed "NO DAMMIT, I WANT YOUR CUM"!! As she kept pulling me on top of her I kept telling her I would not fuck her without a condom...... She got really pissed off again....She then said hey lets do a line of c#ke... I guess she thought after I did a line of c#ke, I would give in. I pretended like I would... She snorted her line while I watched... As she fell back onto the couch I acted like I snorted a line too... but I didn't....she then went into the other room to grab her little movie camera. she sit it up in front of the couch... Let me tell you she was totally fucked up, falling all over the place. So, I told her I would set it up for her and turn it on... I told her I wanted her to suck my dick for the camera. Keep in mind the camera was never on....She went sucking away......I told her to open her mouth while I jack off in her mouth... I must have blew a load in her mouth like a horse would... Then she laid down and said "now fuck me !!! Again I was persistant with not fucking her without protection.. To be honest, I didn't even want to fuck her especially after I blew my load... She got beyond mad this time yelling and screaming at me.. So, I turned around pulled my pants up and began to walk out the door.... Next thing I know, the camera came flying towards my head.........I closed the door behind me, and walked to my car.. She still came outside screaming at me calling me every name in the book...... I Drove home and felt pretty good about myself that I got to blow my load into a �naked people movies� stars mouth... didn't have unprotected sex and didn't get filmed....and should say didn't get killed or get knocked int he head.
The only regret that I have is that I didn't bring my own camera to show you guys some pics.... I have to tell you though, my heart was racing so fast during all of this I thought my chest was going to explode.... I was nervous the whole time... I still didn't know if someone was there waiting to knock me in the head or something like that... I don't think I will try that one again....... Anyway..I still feel great for blowing my load in her mouth and then leaving.... Thats a big mark I will put in my belt. It did cost me about 100 dollars in drinks though at the bar.. but oh well !!
One more thing... Not to be rude... but please don't ask me this �naked people movies� star's name... I do need to keep that a secret.... Somehow, I am sure it would haunt me if I told...
Not to mention, I am married !!!! Yes, thats right ... as a matter of fact, the avatar is a pic of my wife.... So, now I am laying low for awhile and hope this little adventure doesn't catch up to me.
damn tim, thats a crazy story. why was she so insistent on you cumming in her?
Crazy dude! Wow. And good for you for not snorting coke or banging her without a condom. Kudos. Don't tell wifey and I won't!
The baby thing makes a lot of sense. If you cum in her, she can blame it on you. NOT a good situation, especially with a wife.
It's not fair to say that all �naked people movies� stars or strippers have mental issues. I've talked to many strippers in my visits to strip clubs and many of them are actually really intelligent women just trying to make ends meet (whether your want to admit it or not stripping is a great job for women, as it pays extremely well). It's also unjust to say that all �naked people movies� stars and strippers have sexual diseases...I don't believe that for a second. In today's sexually enlightened age, I find it hard to believe that �naked people movies� companies don't schedule regular checkups for their stars to ensure that they aren't transmitting deadly diseases...
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