Threak-X;703239 said:
If you follow the Bible, circumcision is a natural act for God in the Old Testament, which was lifted and no longer a requirement in the New Testament.
1 Corinthians 7:19 - For it makes no difference whether or not a man has been circumcised. The important thing is to keep God's commandments.

The internet (technology) changes how we think, the way do things, and created mindsets that can be distorted and dysfunctional if you don't learn to think freely. We have become a society heavily depended on it to where we are slaves of the new technology.

PMMA is semi permanent because it doesn't maintain its structure forever, it may take years if not decades to change, but it will eventually change. There are dangers with it, if the doses are not done properly, complications can develop, lumps are formed, and the worst is developing "Septic-Shock" which can be fatal if not treated immediately. Also, it cannot be easily removed, because how it bonds into the collagen. Maybe that's why it's considered permanent.

I understand what you are experiencing in the sense of not being comfortable in your own skin (or lack of foreskin) because I wasn't physically like my other peers, even my own brothers. I always felt like the outcast, odd man out, different, mentally preoccupied and constantly full of anxiety and depressed. Until, I learned to accept myself "as is", because my philosophy is, "I was dealt this body for a reason, and it's up to me to learn how to use it, take care of it, and change it for the better using natural methods. But, that's what I come to understand about myself, and it works for me.

You can't blame your parents for the circumcision and the way it makes you feel, because they were doing what they thought was best for you at the time. Forgiveness needs to be exercised in order to free yourself from the anchor that's hold you down mentally and to regain your power over yourself. The main thing is how they treat you now, not what they did back then. I'm happy to hear you discussed this with your parents and they're trying to understand your pain and support you on your decision. I wish the best for you, your parents, and everything works out both mentally and physically for you. All of us here would like a periodic status update on your process/progress to your better self.

That's true PMMA is semi permanent.. I guess it's more permanent than the other fillers so that's why they say permanent. I should expect touch ups indefinitely maybe even yearly.

I'm planning on getting it done a few months after I graduate in December I'm in my late 20s. Right now I'm trying to get my glans used to the phallosan so I can go longer periods of time and more tension in my phallosan/SizeGenetics - Penis Traction Extender modification without pulling a blister. I use cotton in the bell but I still pull a small blister at light tension for one hour so I'm going to wear it with 0 tension to get used to it. 0 tension in the bell while sleeping doesn't give a blister. Off topic but that my plan to get big after PMMA, the strap might make an indentation so the phallosan is a nice touch. I'm also going to be using plenty of heat if they say it's ok and Viagra and be horny while I'll massage the PMMA overnight, I plan on getting the maximum amount and don't care about astetics. I'm starting out as 5' erect girth and my goal is to get to 6.5-7' which one guy got with 3 rounds of PMMA.

That with pumping 3 times a day for 5 min like Dr. C and wade promote when swelling goes down should give a very nice look and make me look like a show-er instead of a grower lol. I'm still trying to find other tips on what to do pre and post procedure. I have a list and I'm going to execute everything when the time comes.

Getting PMMA is a way of me finding happiness in trading pleasure for size. The fact that I can opt for higher doses because I'm cut is a big factor and the only advantage I can find for being cut. Thanks for your advice I'm glad I have the MOS brotherhood to turn to when things get rough. I'll keep everyone posted by bringing back this thread when I get it done and start writing blogs again in my sticky thread in the newbie forum which is out of date lol.
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pewannabe;703245 said:
Have you looked into the tlc tugger to regrow it?

Also, what part of the world are you from? Where I am at most guys are cut, and uncut freaks girls out.

Yes I've tried the TLC tugger and other products as well. I liked the TLC products because they were comfortable but I liked the DRT retainer better. I'm from the United States and the girls say that because there ignorant and should look at there own vagina. I don't even like American women and a European women would probably find my circumcision a little strange.
MaxRichards;703247 said:
That's what's called confirmation bias.

You're finding info to reinforce your current view point regardless of the fact that there is info out there that covers all angles.

It's the catch 22 of the internet. In a sea of information, more than has ever been collected in the history of the human race, you'll still only find what you are looking for (and not see the rest).

I searched YouTube "cut vs uncut" and there are no videos that say they prefer cut and if they did it was because it was cleaner which isn't enough of a reason. When they talk about an uncut guy they have so much good to say about it. If you look at the lost list which shows what's cut off it makes me sad. Also a new Danish study which says cut men are more likely to have erectile disfunction. How good intercourse looks in a video for an uncut man. How Kellogg's said that circumcision should prevent masturbation to make it less pleasurable. Any women saying she prefers uncut. The list goes on and on.
Threak-X;703167 said:
PMMA (PolyMethyl-MethAcrylate) is a "synthetic" semi-permanent dermal filler for soft-tissue augmentation. This material seems to be the new obsession for cosmestic enhancments for both men and women who want to look younger and bigger. Personally, I'm not a believer in "synthetic" enhancements unless there is an unnatural deformity.

We live in a society so fixated on physical appearance, using a vanity mirror to view ourselves more and more distortedly. A brain-washed generation that has been deceived by the 1,000+ advertisements each day of unrealistic and often unhealthy images. We also live in a society, what I call the "Instant-Age"; a culture of faster instant gratification and never-ending impatience. We have been systematically reprogrammed to stop thinking about long-term anymore for the things we want or think we need. There are numerous things in life that are worth any real true value takes time. We become so preoccupied on comparing ourselves to these fraudulent images, the instantaneous gratification for them to the point of developing mental disorders of anxiety, dysmorphic, depression, sexual, suicide, and several others.

My suggestion, have a consultation with a mental health specialists for yourself before moving forward with any enhancement procedure. First and foremost, you have to accept yourself as you are now and learn to change the things you dislike if they are physically possible.

I feel for you, we all have things we don't like about ourselves, including myself. That's why we come to this forum, to better ourselves. Thank goodness, DLD has given us place to voice it, sort it out, the tools and exercises to work on to becoming a more confident and better person.

Everything you do in life you have to pay for, whether you want to or not, because your actions will determine your consequences... choose wisely.

Are you stating you are a gay man or bi-sexual?

I think this is wise, and thoughtful. Personally I agree that this type of procedure should be well researched and thought about. And not by reading pamphlets from those making the financial gain. PMMA is thought by some to be extremely dangerous. Similar to synthol. I am not an MD so I cannot intuitively argue either way, but the picture of Rich Piana should serve as an indicator. Either way wish you the best... And yes. There is a thing about all of us that we do not like. Myself included Acceptance is the answer. :)
AboveAvgAries;703254 said:
PMMA is what Rich Piana of 5% nutrition is believed to have used to get his arms as big as they are.

"Bioplasty is a technique of inyectable implantation done under local anesthesia for facial and buttock lipoatrophy and for reshaping other body parts. The product usually used is PMMA (polymethylmethacrylate microspheres) and it is usually (but not always) injected using a micro-canula (gun like device that enables faster and smooth dispersion of the product under the skin) . Two brands used overseas are Metacryl and Newplastic. In the States, Artefill is the only PMMA based product approved (for cosmetic use, not lipoatrophy)."

I recently heard Dr. C now uses linea safe instead of metacrill now I'm not exactly sure why or what the difference is. They say linea safe is more dense but I'm going to have to ask phalloboards or email Dr. C.
AboveAvgAries;703275 said:
I think this is wise, and thoughtful. Personally I agree that this type of procedure should be well researched and thought about. And not by reading pamphlets from those making the financial gain. PMMA is thought by some to be extremely dangerous. Similar to synthol. I am not an MD so I cannot intuitively argue either way, but the picture of Rich Piana should serve as an indicator. Either way wish you the best... And yes. There is a thing about all of us that we do not like. Myself included Acceptance is the answer. :)

I heard the American doctors discourage people from using PMMA but promote the other brands of fillers they use in the United States and want you to get the temporary ones because they want you to keep coming back. Although I see what your saying, it sounds a little good to be true. Either way I'm so warped with depression I'll do anything at this point regardless of risks. The fact that cut men have an advantage with the PMMA is enough to get me lol. I guess circumcision actually does have benefit.
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truant;703279 said:
I heard the American doctors discourage people from using PMMA but promote the other brands of fillers they use in the United States and want you to get the temporary ones because they want you to keep coming back. Although I see what your saying, it sounds a little good to be true. Either way I'm so warped with depression I'll do anything at this point regardless of risks. The fact that cut men have an advantage with the PMMA is enough to get me lol. I guess circumcision actually does have benefit.

No judgment whatsoever, but just so that I understand more, what exactly are you depressed about?
AboveAvgAries;703280 said:
No judgment whatsoever, but just so that I understand more, what exactly are you depressed about?

I'm depressed about my circumcision. And the fact I'll never feel what an uncircumcised man feels. Any girl who says they prefer uncut brings me low and reading articles that show the horrors of circumcision. The fact it was done to reduce pleasure and how the numbers of infants in the U.S who are circumcised is dwindling. Although I'm happy some parents are starting to realize. I see see videos of mothers crying when they realize what they done.
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Rich Piana admitted to using PMMA because he developed a large noticeable gap in his left bicep after he tore it. If he uses PMMA to enhance is physique who really knows and cares except himself and his doctor(s). You really don't want to use PMMA as a Muscle enhancer because the muscle requires nutrition to function and grown properly, which is being limited by the tiny micro-spheres embedded in the muscle fibers. The thing about PMMA, it's permanent in the sense it can't be removed easily. It has to be surgically removed, which involves cutting the muscle to extract the numerous micro-spheres along with some of the muscle tissue itself.

The issue I have with PMMA is the product is synthetic and the human body is composed of inorganic and organic compounds. The human body is a nature chemical factory, when you introduce synthetic compounds it disturbs the organization, interaction, and function of these chemicals. In turn, will eventually cause medical issues somewhere down the line if you're not dead before it occurs.

I'm waiting for the day when these women who had PMMA Butt-Lifts to later having issues/complications from it. Then there will be a class-action lawsuit which will do them no good because their butts will have to be surgically removed. I can hear most of them saying, "But hey, I looked good when I had it." Meanwhile, their quality of life has been diminished, all because they wanted to be part of the vain "Generation Me."

I'm not here to tell anyone what to do with their body, because your actions will determine your consequences... choose wisely.
truant;703282 said:
I'm depressed about my circumcision. And the fact I'll never feel what an uncircumcised man feels. Any girl who says they prefer uncut brings me low and reading articles that show the horrors of circumcision. The fact it was done to reduce pleasure and how the numbers of infants in the U.S who are circumcised is dwindling. Although I'm happy some parents are starting to realize. I see see videos of mothers crying when they realize what they done.

It's a chance I'm more than willing to take.
Thousands of women are running around with silicone implants and sure there maybe complications but nothing serious ad least for the majority.

I agree that it sounds too good to be true or else every guy would be getting this.

I'm not really doing this to get bigger. Sure it's an added benefit but the real reason is so I don't go crazy with depression and end up killing myself. I don't need mental help I need that physical help. Men are visual beings.
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truant;703287 said:
It's a chance I'm more than willing to take.
Thousands of women are running around with silicone implants and sure there maybe complications but nothing serious ad least for the majority.

I agree that it sounds too good to be true or else every guy would be getting this.

I'm not really doing this to get bigger. Sure it's an added benefit but the real reason is so I don't go crazy with depression and end up killing myself. I don't need mental help I need that physical help. Men are visual beings.

How far have you gone with PE?
truant;703287 said:
I don't go crazy with depression and end up killing myself. I don't need mental help I need that physical help. Men are visual beings.

that is a blessing! I have struggled with depression and suicide for most of my adult life. I am so much better over the past 2 years but prior to that I would be gone 3 months out of the year. Today I find my joy and happiness in prayer. I feel for anyone who struggles with depression, it is a tough thing. Anyone whoever needs help, please just ask me.
doublelongdaddy;703425 said:
that is a blessing! I have struggled with depression and suicide for most of my adult life. I am so much better over the past 2 years but prior to that I would be gone 3 months out of the year. Today I find my joy and happiness in prayer. I feel for anyone who struggles with depression, it is a tough thing. Anyone whoever needs help, please just ask me.

Yo where the new pics @ DLD gotta see that transformation dude
doublelongdaddy;703425 said:
that is a blessing! I have struggled with depression and suicide for most of my adult life. I am so much better over the past 2 years but prior to that I would be gone 3 months out of the year. Today I find my joy and happiness in prayer. I feel for anyone who struggles with depression, it is a tough thing. Anyone whoever needs help, please just ask me.
Myself, I struggled with depression throughout my childhood and in my early adulthood. My family and friends just thought I was just moody. Myself, I thought it was just normal to feel that way, until I reached my mid-30s, and I finally spiraled-down into a deep-major depression(5-years) and thinking I will never come(recover)out of it. The people around me didn't understand me and didn't know how to help me. I was unemployed, broke, lost everything, no where to live, and wanting it to all go away permanently. A female friend, opened her heart and let me live with her and her family. She satisfied her space found another bed for me to sleep on and shared her bedroom for me to live there. She made meals to share until I could get back on my feet.

I thought at the time I couldn't seek any help because I didn't know where to go and didn't have any funds for professional help. I spent the following 18-months going to the library and reading/studying about depression, reading a multitude of self-help books I could get my hands, learn and practiced mediation, and going to church to find peace in my life. I slowly discovered why I was experiencing so much pain, which stemmed from my experiences and parent-relationships in my childhood. I finally changed my way of thinking, doing positive inner-dialogue, saying positive things, having gratitude for everything, staying away from negative minded people, and my life started to turn-around. I went back to school full-time, found two-part jobs to support myself and pay my friend and her family for letting me live in their home. Another 6-months later, I found a full-time job, my own apartment, and started to rebuild my life. The full-time job turned to be a true-blessing for me. I got to travel 40+ weeks a year around the country, from Alaska to Florida and Hawaii to Maine and experience different cultures, foods, personalities, city-life, rural-life and anything between. It was a grueling schedule and did that for 10-years. I wouldn't been able to maintain if I still had the old mindset before I started the job.

It was a major struggle to turn it all around, but coming through and out the other side of it. I discovered myself, what I'm capable of, how I place limits on myself, and how to manage the depression when it starts to creep back in my life. Now, people make comments like, "Doesn't anything get you down", "You always seem so happy no matter how hard things get for you." I simply tell them, "It's the way you look and think about things, they're not problems or issues, they're more like challenges which can be conquered."
"It's the way you look and think about things, they're not problems or issues, they're more like challenges which can be conquered."

LONGERDICK7+;703443 said:
"It's the way you look and think about things, they're not problems or issues, they're more like challenges which can be conquered."


Ive been there on all accounts:). Today, I am stronger from it

AboveAvgAries;703463 said:
Ive been there on all accounts:). Today, I am stronger from it

That hits deep for me. The feels.
kyomoto;703494 said:
that hits deep for me. The feels.

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