goinfor11x7 said:
That's the normal response, P. The problem was I fell in love with the drink rather than the pussy!!


lmfao...that is classic!LMAO
I gotta tell ya that you've got to be one of the most honest, open, forthright people I've ever "met" in my entire life. The deeply personal shit you've discussed on here, with no holds barred, is courageous to an extent that's very rarely seen in this world nowadays.

Just the sheer guts it takes to come out and admit that you've got a problem, then giving that problem a name and then freely admitting that your problem sometimes wins the fight is not only brave but damn inspirational too.

So damn many of us run around in our lives ignoring or avoiding our problems on a constant, daily basis; yet we are somehow amazed when these same problems give us the same exact troubles time and time again.
Hopefully your candor will prove to be an inspiration and the necessary catalyst for someone out there who needs to face their own demons and give themselves a good old fashioned reality check.

And for that, if nothing else, you deserve congratulations.

One piece of advice you're most probably familiar with, yet can't possibly be over-emphasized is this:
Something like this that's been such a large part of your life (albeit a destructive one) will leave a very large void that needs filling.

Mike; you gotta, gotta, GOTTA fill that void faster than yesterday with something both positive and as far away from your demon as humanly possible.
My personal favorite was heavy bag and speed bag workouts. I'd pound the shit outta that bag until my fuckin bone marrow was cryin' from fatigue. I looked at the pain as (like Richard Pryor useta say) weakness leavin' my body.

Mike, whatever avenue ya choose I wish you all the best the world has to give and you know damn well that all of us here will give ya every prop you might ever want.
You desreve that and so much more.

Good luck to ya bro' !!
I gotta tell ya that you've got to be one of the most honest, open, forthright people I've ever "met" in my entire life. The deeply personal shit you've discussed on here, with no holds barred, is courageous to an extent that's very rarely seen in this world nowadays.

Just the sheer guts it takes to come out and admit that you've got a problem, then giving that problem a name and then freely admitting that your problem sometimes wins the fight is not only brave but damn inspirational too.

So damn many of us run around in our lives ignoring or avoiding our problems on a constant, daily basis; yet we are somehow amazed when these same problems give us the same exact troubles time and time again.
Hopefully your candor will prove to be an inspiration and the necessary catalyst for someone out there who needs to face their own demons and give themselves a good old fashioned reality check.

And for that, if nothing else, you deserve congratulations.

One piece of advice you're most probably familiar with, yet can't possibly be over-emphasized is this:
Something like this that's been such a large part of your life (albeit a destructive one) will leave a very large void that needs filling.

Mike; you gotta, gotta, GOTTA fill that void faster than yesterday with something both positive and as far away from your demon as humanly possible.
My personal favorite was heavy bag and speed bag workouts. I'd pound the shit outta that bag until my fuckin bone marrow was cryin' from fatigue. I looked at the pain as (like Richard Pryor useta say) weakness leavin' my body.

Mike, whatever avenue ya choose I wish you all the best the world has to give and you know damn well that all of us here will give ya every prop you might ever want.
You desreve that and so much more.

Good luck to ya bro' !!

Maxam, Your post brought tears to my eyes. I really appreciate everything you said and you are right, there is a massive void I am trying to fill (everyone knows it's Jen:s ) One day I will be happy, I know this. Having this place, you guys who really care about one another and me gives me so much security. You are a good man!

Yo! DLD, great to hear you're in the rooms.

Im sober 3 years. No slip - its the man upstairs' power not mine.

Slowly learning that I have other emotional addictions I got to address.

�naked people movies� too - it has destroyed my life in a way, im going to address this habit. Glad it was on here.

Man im so happy to find out that i can improve the size of my dick, and naturally. Your website didnt grab me at first until i looked thru it properly, you have given us insightful info, that is very helpful DLD. Its kind of therapy in a way - Penis EnlargementNIS THERAPY!


I spent my whole life ashamed bout the size of it. Found this site a few months ago and im going to get the starter kit soon.

God bless DLD, keep going back to the rooms..

For me the Sinclair Method has been a godsend. I was never an every day drinker but I couldn't go more than a couple days without having a powerful urge to drink- and when I would start I couldn't stop til I was passing out drunk. Then I heard about a book called 'The Cure for Alcoholism' by Roy Eskapa, PhD which I promptly bought. It tells about David Sinclair who discovered a link between alcohol addiction and the opioidergic system in the brain. Alcohol stimulates the release of endorphins (the bodies natural opiates- like natural morphine) which reinforces the action of drinking alcohol. Do it enough and your brain becomes wired to drink to get that high. If you take the opiate and and endorphin blocking drug Naltrexone BEFORE you drink, every time you drink, it eliminates the endorphin high and over time the brain reprograms itself to not associate alcohol with that high. I've personally been using this method for 6 months and have had phenomenal results. Now I don't get much of an urge to drink and if I do I take my naltrexone 1/2 to one hour before drinking. I can actually have 1 or 2 drinks now and stop with ease.

The method has been studied for over 30 years now. If you have a drinking problem or know someone who does, check out www.sinclairmethod.com for more info. It may sound crazy to most, especially since we've been told for years that alcoholism is an incurable disease but that's not the case. I haven't had a drink or even the urge to for over a month now but I might have 3 or 4 drinks on New Year's Eve with some friends- or not and I'll just be a DD for the night. Depends how I feel that night , I guess.

You don't have to be a slave to alcohol or an antisocial hermit to avoid drinking if you don't want to be. That 'powerless over alcohol' thing is what stopped me from going to AA and IMO is actually a destructive thing to beat into peoples' heads. Check the sinclair method out, it's backed by tons of research and naltrexone is FDA approved for treatment of alcoholism and it's safe, non-addictive and not psychoactive. I have no affiliation with the the Sinclair Method people or the authors of the book I mentioned earlier. I just use it with great success as do around 85% of the people who try it. Most of those who are unsuccessful on the program are so because they don't stick with it.

Just thought you all might like to know about this.
doublelongdaddy;254859 said:
I do have a full bottle of Lorazepam which should help with the next few days.

Please be careful with that Mike, it’s very addictive shit…
All the best,

Mal. :)
I've been a heavy drinker for 4 years now. What got me to cut back was withdrawal symptoms. I'd shake vomit and sweat if I didn't drink by noon, which I just lived with until about a month ago. I still drink a few beers or whatever a day though.
I was a year sober from the drinks on Christmas....thank GOD for weed
dmoney101;368514 said:
the greatest thing ever lol

Yes indeed, my salvation is weed...it has solved all of my addiction problems.
doublelongdaddy;254859 said:
I slipped for the past 2 months<:( Got up to a pint of vodka daily (before, 7 years ago, it was more than a 5th daily) This is so hard to say, believe me I know how crappy this looks. I decided to stop today, had my last shot at around 5:00 pm (just to help with the withdrawals) I can't believe a beer can turn into this, it blows my mind. This is my 4th try at sobriety. I am already feeling the withdrawals. I do have a full bottle of Lorazepam which should help with the next few days.

I feel so shitty about this, thoroughly embarrassed. I really thought I could handle it:s It started out great but it went from good to bad to worse. I have allot of willpower when I decide to do something and I know I can beat this. My admitting this to you guys is a big step. I have no one I can really tell.

I do not look forward to the next few days but I will get through it. I am going to start to attend meeting again (once I get the guts)

I look forward to the support I know you guys will give me.

I'm short on words in moments like that. I guess... all I can say is that I deeply and sincerely believe that you will overcome this (though it's not easy), and I really mean it.
Failing your attempts the past 4 times it's just getting you closer to succeeding this time. ;)

Keeping outdoors and the mind occupied is really the best thing to do (at least in the early stages) to get around what's pulling you down; if you keep outdoors most of the time, it should be good to get home very tired so you can just take a shower and go to bed, you know?

Maybe you can also like... switch this feeling/avoid it by doing something that might consume your time but in a healthier way: building a tree house, assembling those miniatures of planes, cars, motorcycles (damn! those things I can tell by myself might take a lot of time T_T), puzzles... multiplayer online games takes a lot of time, I mean... if you ever gonna play any MMO Rpg, man... geez, I almost don't recommend it. :p (and obviously, you can do the classic ones: exercising, focusing on work, etc.)

Mike... it might have sounded naive but I really believe that making these little things, alternating between tasks or things to entertain yourself may REALLY help you big deal in the big picture and when you look back, you could maybe say "Damn! There's been a long time since I had my last shot".

If I was religious I would pray, since I'm not... I can only wish you the best of luck... I really wish that. :)
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doublelongdaddy;368553 said:
Yes indeed, my salvation is weed...it has solved all of my addiction problems.

lol well since i have a mild weed addiction myself i can't say the same. at least my addictions are good though. weed and Penis Enlargement. what more could you want? haha
dmoney101;368572 said:
lol well since i have a mild weed addiction myself i can't say the same. at least my addictions are good though. weed and Penis Enlargement. what more could you want? haha

Weed may not be for everyone. A lot of people will abuse it or it may have a negative effect on them. For me it gets my creative juices flowing and it gets me working hard accomplishing so much. And believe me, I WORK MY ASS OFF. Aside from working with MOS, which is a full time job, I have 20 others projects I am always doing...crazy. I think I get more done in a day than most get done in a month.
DLD, if you (or anyone else, for that matter) ever fall off the wagon get a scrip for Naltrexone 50mg. It's safe, non-addictive and non-psychoactive. Take it 1/2- 1 hour before you drink. Do this EVERY TIME you drink and before you know it the compulsion to drink will become less and less and can actually go away all together. I talked about this in an earlier post. It's called the Sinclair Method and it worked for me and everyone I know who's done it. Alcoholism is actually an OPIOID addiction. Alcohol stimulates endorphin release in your brain so every time you drink you get a microdose of your own natural morphine. Drink frequently enough and your brain associates that high with consuming alcohol and the behavior becomes wired into it. Naltrexone is an endorphin blocker. Long story short, when you have the urge, take naltrexone BEFORE you drink. It eliminates the endorphin response and in time your brain will no longer associate drinking with that high thus weakening or eliminating the compulsion to drink.
I hope those with a drinking problem on here might see this and actually look into it. Alcoholism isn't a disease, it's a learned behavior that can easily be unlearned. I tried AA, group and one-on-one counseling and none of them gave me any hope. Instead I thought I had an incurable disease I would have to battle for the rest of my life. I suffered from depression every time I got sober because I felt defective for having the compulsion to drink. I wished I could be like my friends who could stop after one or two and could go months without a drink and not even think about it.
Then I read an article about the Sinclair method and figured I'd give it a shot. I looked into it and found that a doctor visit for a scrip and 30 50mg. tablets of Naltrexone would cost me the same as two one-on-one counseling sessions- and I didn't have to go to counseling anymore (although you still can if you want.) I'm unbelievably happy I took that chance because it's worked out beautifully. I started in June of last year and now I rarely have even a small craving for alcohol and when I do get one I take my Naltrexone and have a drink. The craving doesn't last more than a drink or two where it used to be I couldn't stop til I was passing out drunk once I started. Now I can have a drink or two with friends (as long as I take my Naltrexone) and I don't end up being the embarrassing buddy who has to be carried outta the bar at the end of the night.
This is the alcoholism treatment of the future. Once people learn that traditional treatments don't really want to cure addiction but just keep people coming back and forking over their money I think it'll really catch on. But we have a $6 billion-a-year drug and alcohol treatment industry to contend with and something tells me they're not gonna embrace a method that could halt their gravy train. At least not until so many people have tried it successfully that they can't ignore or deny it any longer.
TheStick;368762 said:
DLD, if you (or anyone else, for that matter) ever fall off the wagon get a scrip for Naltrexone 50mg. It's safe, non-addictive and non-psychoactive. Take it 1/2- 1 hour before you drink. Do this EVERY TIME you drink and before you know it the compulsion to drink will become less and less and can actually go away all together. I talked about this in an earlier post. It's called the Sinclair Method and it worked for me and everyone I know who's done it. Alcoholism is actually an OPIOID addiction. Alcohol stimulates endorphin release in your brain so every time you drink you get a microdose of your own natural morphine. Drink frequently enough and your brain associates that high with consuming alcohol and the behavior becomes wired into it. Naltrexone is an endorphin blocker. Long story short, when you have the urge, take naltrexone BEFORE you drink. It eliminates the endorphin response and in time your brain will no longer associate drinking with that high thus weakening or eliminating the compulsion to drink.
I hope those with a drinking problem on here might see this and actually look into it. Alcoholism isn't a disease, it's a learned behavior that can easily be unlearned. I tried AA, group and one-on-one counseling and none of them gave me any hope. Instead I thought I had an incurable disease I would have to battle for the rest of my life. I suffered from depression every time I got sober because I felt defective for having the compulsion to drink. I wished I could be like my friends who could stop after one or two and could go months without a drink and not even think about it.
Then I read an article about the Sinclair method and figured I'd give it a shot. I looked into it and found that a doctor visit for a scrip and 30 50mg. tablets of Naltrexone would cost me the same as two one-on-one counseling sessions- and I didn't have to go to counseling anymore (although you still can if you want.) I'm unbelievably happy I took that chance because it's worked out beautifully. I started in June of last year and now I rarely have even a small craving for alcohol and when I do get one I take my Naltrexone and have a drink. The craving doesn't last more than a drink or two where it used to be I couldn't stop til I was passing out drunk once I started. Now I can have a drink or two with friends (as long as I take my Naltrexone) and I don't end up being the embarrassing buddy who has to be carried outta the bar at the end of the night.
This is the alcoholism treatment of the future. Once people learn that traditional treatments don't really want to cure addiction but just keep people coming back and forking over their money I think it'll really catch on. But we have a $6 billion-a-year drug and alcohol treatment industry to contend with and something tells me they're not gonna embrace a method that could halt their gravy train. At least not until so many people have tried it successfully that they can't ignore or deny it any longer.

A drug that allows you to drink,,,,I am game for that....need more research first
It's FDA approved. Your doctor might recommend a liver function test first but mine didn't. He said since I have no history or symptoms of liver problems 50mg would be safe. He said he's unaware of healthy people having any issues with it with a dose that low. He would most likely prescribe 50mg daily as mine did. I didn't tell him about the Sinclair Method, just that I was trying to quit drinking and heard Naltrexone could help. It's nice cuz you only take it WHEN you drink so a 30 dose scrip can last awhile. If you do decide to give it a go don't expect to suddenly be a different sort of drinker though. It takes awhile to retrain your brain to that.
when you go to aa ,na or what ever you can say your name is Joe Blow or Susie Q.there are no records kept.What ever you want to be called that's you,They are there to help you with you problem ,and to stay clean..
AA is a bs program thats why. It lets those poor ignorant people live a lie and feel better about themselves when there just as selfish as when they ruined other peoples lives.
I have managed to stay off the juice for a year and a half now....how I did it? Weed:)
Ive been off the sauce and the weed - been clean now nearly 4 years, but now only learning that my head tells me alot of bullshit.

Ive been in the rooms this long and the majority of my changes are of the internal variety. its on the Inside that im feeling/getting better. I only wish my wellness was coupled with extreme material success!!

Never mind, if i never sobered up i wouldnt have found MoS and be working towards a BIG DICK!

Ive gotta push myself towards my all my goals, otherwise getting sober and step work these few years was a waste of time and i may aswell go back on the drink.... Fuck that shit..
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