Its kind of crazy to see that some of the largest guys in �naked people movies� are only an inch or so longer than me eventhough I only started pe two weeks ago and have yet to gain. Considering these guys are payed to look big I would assume they are actually big by normal standards too which would mean I'm actually really big compared to normal people. Thats really an eye opener.
kak03;640069 said:
Its kind of crazy to see that some of the largest guys in �naked people movies� are only an inch or so longer than me eventhough I only started pe two weeks ago and have yet to gain. Considering these guys are paid to look big I would assume they are actually big by normal standards too which would mean I'm actually really big compared to normal people.

Thats really an eye opener.

If anyone wants to see how much you vary compared to the majority, then simply put:
'cock pictures'
or similar in to google and once you get past the 'big cock' groups and photoshopped-fantasy you'll find tumblrs and blogs where normal dudes send their cock pics.

You quickly get to see that the only place where the majority are 6.5"+ and where 8"+ is common, is on MOS and similar PE forums where guys are putting effort into making it happen.
For some that may mean coming to terms with what is in fact a gifted amount of penis.

For others this may serve to make you want to get to 8"+ all the more.
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Who the fuck wants to be normal? I want a big dick. And for me a 8x6 would be enough to make every girl go "oh my" hell i might even go for 9 lenght (but staying at 6 girth as convincing girls to do anal is hard already as it is)
yeah i think we are the guys doing the things that would take us farther in life,PE can be a hard thing specially at the end of the fecking day...i had this bathmate session this morning and i have this late night session ssj+stretchings.n have to get my ass up early in the morning. But I want my gains thats what i want..:)
Aimingforthetop;640086 said:
Who the fuck wants to be normal? I want a big dick. And for me a 8x6 would be enough to make every girl go "oh my" hell i might even go for 9 lenght (but staying at 6 girth as convincing girls to do anal is hard already as it is)
LOL great words
Do any of you have an explanation why so many people who are already large feel compelled to do PE? Why is it that we feel the need for it while regular sized people dont? I know there are average and small people here too, but there is a surprising amount of us who are already large.
kak03;640174 said:
Do any of you have an explanation why so many people who are already large feel compelled to do PE? Why is it that we feel the need for it while regular sized people dont? I know there are average and small people here too, but there is a surprising amount of us who are already large.

Look up bigorexia
Im 7 bpel but i feel so inadequate..and im going to be 7nbpel quite soon wish me luck n i want to gain 2+inches lenght n girth maybe more
kak03;640174 said:
Do any of you have an explanation why so many people who are already large feel compelled to do PE? Why is it that we feel the need for it while regular sized people dont? I know there are average and small people here too, but there is a surprising amount of us who are already large.
What about those of us who went from small to large-average size.

I've seen DLD say.. in PE you are never big enough. It kinda concerns me that he says this, of all people, because people of his size got to enough years ago.

I think it has some part at least in what psychological researchers have shown, that how we perceive the world is the result of a significant amount of editing of the signals that the raw world causes in our brain.
You've heard how if you make a person wear glasses that invert the image provided to the eyes... that is, flip it 180 degrees so that everything the eyes see is upside down, that in a couple of weeks the brain will 'right' that inversion, to allow the person to see the environment the right way up even while wearing the inverting lenses?

Similarly I found that while I was gaining as a newb. I felt I had a bigger penis. I was astounded. And truly felt blessed to be able to move past what I'd felt was a permanent limitation.

Now even though I have more than double the volume of penis I had before... I am no longer grateful, or feel any of that sense of magic or discovery.
I have this urge to be bigger.
I believe that being huge will satisfy that... but won't it just happen again...? That what relative to my size now I see as huge, will become, 'just my dick' once it is between my legs?

It is a design limitation, so to speak, that the brain - in all living things - evaluates everything relatively, instead of absolutely. Meaning it relies on comparisons to get a sense of what something is, rather than really taking the quantities of the thing on their own merit.

To the brain, if it saw evidence that everyone else had a smaller dick than you, it would evaluate you as exceptionally large... even if your penis was in fact 3", it would just take everyone else being smaller to have that effect.
And vice-versa.
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1 When i was smaller i wanted to get bigger now years later i have gained,but in my mind those gains are meaningless due to the fact that as you wrote above we get affected by the raw world,and we want to get bigger to get those sensations and negative ideas away,

We really dont give credit to our achievements we feel that we have failed everytime we measure....

Penis size is partially an imposement where the bigger a man is the better....and thats why we got here we had short peckers and we werent attractive or man enough to satisfy a that im bigger im still strugglin and dealing whit size issues,i dont think im big enough,and im very dissatisfied and always wanting to get bigger and wanting to find a perfect routine..
just a few words:)
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kak03;640174 said:
Do any of you have an explanation why so many people who are already large feel compelled to do PE? Why is it that we feel the need for it while regular sized people dont? I know there are average and small people here too, but there is a surprising amount of us who are already large.
It probably has alot to do with �naked people movies�. Which is exactly what this thread kind of points out. �naked people movies� dicks are so impressive looking and we watch so much of it that we start to feel like we have to be that big to satisfy women. That's mostly true for me anyway. Not that I'm big already. I just meant �naked people movies� is one of the reasons I want to be bigger.
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It is not the �naked people movies�s fault and it is not a disease no.

It is human nature.

The guys who make 100.000 $ a year is looking at those making 1000.000 $ a year and thinking. Damn

And the guys making 1000.000 looks at those making 10.000.000 $ and thinking.... Damn.

Now have many people do you think look at themself and say: damn. Im perfect!

Even those people with high self esteem still want to be better/prettier etc.

It is.... Human nature.

We want to be bigger prettier faster stronger. Smarter. Richer. Fitter. Etc etc.

Most garbage being sold now a days revolves around this aswell. So why is it any way different that we want a bigger penis? Most people would say what we do is weird. But they don't even believe in it. If people knew this worked you would see alot more people trying it
Millions and inches want them both hahaha=====================================D
Commodore;640222 said:
i just whant bigger penis so i can listen to OMG OMG OMG O MY GOD while i am fucking :)

lol, I am waiting till I get home but I know my 19 year old girlfriend will be saying many OMG's:)
Yea if you pay close enough attention, you can see the size differences between the different shots and positions. In one shot the guy may look 10+ inches, in another shot/position he'll like like he's 6-7".
Commodore;640277 said:
Lucky bastard.

yup, 48 years young hitting a 19 year old:) I could be her grandpa:)
doublelongdaddy;640479 said:
yup, 48 years young hitting a 19 year old:) I could be her grandpa:)

what a lucky man you are,you are going to twist her perception about what a human penis is....shes gonna spend her life believing most guys are 9+or somethng crazy as fuck lol
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