
Mar 18, 2015
Hello everyone, I'm a old reader, I know a lot about PE, but only made the decision the start PEing this year in February(02/21) after being skeptical and shit.
So I bought the PF, BM x30, and I'm about to buy the Stealth and maybe the LengthMaster.

I also got this link from another PE forum(GLL) that I now frequently log my daily routine to keep progress.
I'd like to know from you guys, what do you guys think about me creating one log here with my progress, and copying and pasting what I have in the other forum?

So, �naked people movies� fucked up my self-esteem badly because I've seen �naked people movies� dicks like something unachievable, but it really is just camera tricks to fool you to believe that __________ has a 13" penis, which he really doesn't(as you're about to see in the link).
This goes out to all the skeptical, afraid men that just like me, had confidence issues because of �naked people movies�.

The link(NSFW):
�naked people movies�star measurements

Keep it hung!:cool:
Now thst is a nice blog you found there my friend.

DLD made a thread some years ago about this thing aswell. But his was more scientific and explained methods. This is more easy edible version
Yeah my friend, it's all about camera tricks and proportions.

They find a freaking 5'1" girl and a 6'4" guy with 6.5 NBPEL and it looks freaking huge when the camera is filming next to the dick in proportion to her.
Its not just a big dick... �naked people movies� stars are thin and fit. I will never look like that because I have a much bigger build :(
Have you ever gone house hunting? You look at this picture of a nice big kitchen and you think daaaaaaiiimn thats a big ass kitchen. Then you see the big kitchen. And you can barely turn around in it..

Same thing goes here. It is all illusions
Wow, excellent find. Many are right on point but there are also a bunch of incorrect measurements. Someone did a lot of work putting this together...wish it was on a faster server, good job anyway.
Aimingforthetop;639894 said:
Have you ever gone house hunting? You look at this picture of a nice big kitchen and you think daaaaaaiiimn thats a big ass kitchen. Then you see the big kitchen. And you can barely turn around in it..

Same thing goes here. It is all illusions
Hahaha very nice analogy
doublelongdaddy;639896 said:
Wow, excellent find. Many are right on point but there are also a bunch of incorrect measurements. Someone did a lot of work putting this together...wish it was on a faster server, good job anyway.

Thanks DLD, my brother, been a fan of your for quite some time, but I was a skeptical mofo to believe enough in PE.
Started PE this February, and I'm thinking about doing the SRT routine.

I have a BPEL 6"-6.3" and MSEG-5.3"
My goals are at least NBPEL 7.5" BPEL 8" and EG 6"+

It's an honor to have you here! See ya man!
Aimingforthetop;639915 said:
View attachment 30322

if this doesn't make people realize how easy size is to manipulate with with a camera lens then nothing is

Yeah you are right most people specially guys are deceived believing that those guys have 10 11 12 inchers when IMHO most �naked people movies� actors are 7 inchers maybe the biggest can go from 8 to 8.5 ..and those are hard to find..�naked people movies� can destroy men self image and make them believe that they are inadequate,that is a really sad thingLMAO
This does make you look at all those 'huge' sizes differently.
Crazy to think there are dudes trying for 12 - 13" in PE who may get there (I don't know, do they DLD? ) when in fact the �naked people movies� actor they thought they'd be like has a penis a full 4" shorter ; D

Crazy world.

I still want a 9.7" x 7.3"
/* I keed, I keed */

If you did have a 11.25" x 7" cock then the only person who'd be able to blow you would be a guy.

What I've often tried to work out, hydraulically, how does that work? Where does all the extra blood to fill an 11.25 x 7 inch cock come from?

This is not trivial for the body. Have a guess how much blood it would take to fill a cock of that volume.
(if you cheat and go ahead and cacluate an answer reply with your workings smart-assholes ; ) )
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They did a competition in denmark where you would be payed 1000 kr for each cm to the winner.

And the biggest guy was 25 cm. Thats around 10 inches. I will try to see if i can find the pictures
Aimingforthetop;639973 said:
They did a competition in denmark where you would be payed 1000 kr for each cm to the winner.

And the biggest guy was 25 cm. Thats around 10 inches. I will try to see if i can find the pictures
I bet.
I'm starting to get now that from the amount of blood required, plus the heart-rate necessary to keep the penis rigid with blood, 10 inches x 7 approaches the human-limit of what the body can do... unless I've misunderstood something or there are genetic freaks that can handle the difference in blood-pressure.

For those who want to get to 10" and beyond, why not? It's only a couple more cm ;)

25.5cm = 10"

28cm = 11"

30.5 cm = 12"

see you there ; )

Do this. Get an A3 sized piece of paper. Put it to the edge of a desk or table. Mark out the inches from the edge and see that 9.75" is huge -2ml short of 25cm, or 24.8cm - and it is a 3-hander of large hands.

If you feel 9.75" isn't huge.. you must be mating outside your own species.
Or you are picturing it without girth.
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Actually when we start to see what 8+inches are we start to understand a few things as i have said before im 7 bpel but i have been kegelin lately and i can tell i m going to get to 7 nbpel hope so and yeah id say 7inches is not small at all..
mosbrother123;639996 said:
makes me think I could be a �naked people movies� star :D

what do you think is the average size of �naked people movies� actors..
shortdick;639997 said:
what do you think is the average size of �naked people movies� actors..

I used to think they were all 8x6 ( kinda why I insecure bout my girth )

but I don't really watch proper �naked people movies� ( films) all that much if at all maybe a few times in my life so don't know these big names but can see how they look huge with these camera tricks
asianshower;639931 said:
Thanks DLD, my brother, been a fan of your for quite some time, but I was a skeptical mofo to believe enough in PE.
Started PE this February, and I'm thinking about doing the SRT routine.

I have a BPEL 6"-6.3" and MSEG-5.3"
My goals are at least NBPEL 7.5" BPEL 8" and EG 6"+

It's an honor to have you here! See ya man!

That is great news! I love the covert process here, we have made many believers and those men go on to make incredible gains. More than that this is a wonderful Brotherhood of men who truly care about one another. Thanks for your great resource you posted!
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