No Thread specified. If you followed a valid link, please notify the administrator
Blue Whale;359556 said:I dont know its hard for me to believe that this thread got deleted by accident.It was 2 big and 2 important.
It was the biggest rising thread in Penis Enlargement history and had biggest replys then any thread and for a good reason and that reason is tons of results experienced by [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] members that tryed it.
I have a feeling that someone is behind this and i dont wont to speculate all i know that if this thread doesnt get back this will be my last post ever.
p.s.Thanks all of you guys for believing in this exercise and trying it and thank you for your support.Always yours Blue Whale.
8InchMIKE;359572 said:Red, as you can read in my response to you on your other post regarding what is going on...I had no part of this. I ask that my password is reseted and sent back to me.
Someone may have hacked my account. I have not even been very active and this is giving me a bad rep.
I DID NOT, repeat, DID NOT delete that thread !!!!!!!!!
Someone check this please or my MOD activity stops today from lack of trust in my own account.
joschka;359867 said:You can view most of the pages on google cache (try firefox plugin Cache view)....I just printed page 1-10 (with page 9 missing).
and so on....
joschka;359988 said:Hi DLD!
Go to google.com and if you want to access a page copy and paste
ONE line in googles search textfield:
and so on.... works with pages 1-14 with page 9 and 13 missing...the rest is missing too :-(HTML:Page1: cache:http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49887 Page2: cache:http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49887&page=2 and so on.... cache:http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49887&page=3 cache:http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49887&page=4 cache:http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49887&page=5 cache:http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49887&page=6 cache:http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49887&page=7 cache:http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49887&page=8 cache:http://www.mattersofsize.com/forum/showthread.php?t=49887&page=10
doublelongdaddy;360081 said:Oh I see, it is still in your cache! Please guys check and post if you can grab a bit. I know that going back is possible but when you do, you restore from that day and lose ALL POST FORWARD. Tough decision, unless there is someone good with vBulletin willing to lend a hand.
GrowthSpurts;360253 said:The lost thread will be in a backup of the database. Anyone who has a little experience in MySQL should be able to retrieve the missing thread. If no one else is experienced I've got at least a decade of SQL experience and could easily restore the data. Just let me know.
Threak-X;363260 said:What's going on to recovery this LOST thread ?![]()
I know these things take time, it been lost four-weeks now :O
Blue Whale;363424 said:The thread was never ment to be back.People are realizing this.I dont want to insult anybody with this statement but thats just the cold truth.
We all make mistakes, get over it Blue Whale that's just cringe worthy acting like that.8InchMIKE;363534 said:Hey Blue Whale, it has been proven that i, me, 8incHydromaxike, have accidentaly deleted your thread along with a huge mix of spam and other things related to regular mod maintenance.
I have formally apoligized to you by PM, i was sincere and honest and admited to my error.
For your information, i have been here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] for a very long time and, like you, have NEVER earned a dime. I always did this job for the love of the site and all the good people inside it. You included.
This was an accident, many mods have linked my IP to the deletion of your thread. I have many times before said "i'm sorry" to many many people who have accused me of doing this on purpose.
For your information, i have resigned my MOD job on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] because of this error. I have since been replying to many people who seem to, like you, think this is a conspiracy against you personaly. Stating somekind of wrongdoing on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] part is unfair and shows you do not have the maturity to really compreend what an accident is. This was MY FAUL ALONE and noone else's.
This, to me, was so big an error that i felt it was time to go on my way. I have... and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], even though it has been my "home" for the last few years, is now better off without me or my unfortunate mistakes. ( ONE mistake in all these years ! ).
So, this has cost me a lot more than it has cost you, you can always stop crying and rewrite your thread and just go on with the show. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] deserves your kind of contributions and people willing to help others.
Understand once and for all, IT WAS AN HONEST ACCIDENT and all that can be done to recover from it is being done.
I am signing off of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] now, you can rest assured that you will be well taken care of by all the good people you find here. I am sure of that.
Mike ( 8incHydromaxike ) out,
P.s. To all the good people i have gotten to know here, a very BIG THANK YOU for all you have tought me and all the great advice and good times spent while belonging to the best online community i have EVER had the pleasure to work with.
Happy lives to all of you, stay cool and enjoy every minute of it...
8InchMIKE;363534 said:Hey Blue Whale, it has been proven that i, me, 8incHydromaxike, have accidentaly deleted your thread along with a huge mix of spam and other things related to regular mod maintenance.
I have formally apoligized to you by PM, i was sincere and honest and admited to my error.
For your information, i have been here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] for a very long time and, like you, have NEVER earned a dime. I always did this job for the love of the site and all the good people inside it. You included.
This was an accident, many mods have linked my IP to the deletion of your thread. I have many times before said "i'm sorry" to many many people who have accused me of doing this on purpose.
For your information, i have resigned my MOD job on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] because of this error. I have since been replying to many people who seem to, like you, think this is a conspiracy against you personaly. Stating somekind of wrongdoing on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] part is unfair and shows you do not have the maturity to really compreend what an accident is. This was MY FAUL ALONE and noone else's.
This, to me, was so big an error that i felt it was time to go on my way. I have... and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], even though it has been my "home" for the last few years, is now better off without me or my unfortunate mistakes. ( ONE mistake in all these years ! ).
So, this has cost me a lot more than it has cost you, you can always stop crying and rewrite your thread and just go on with the show. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] deserves your kind of contributions and people willing to help others.
Understand once and for all, IT WAS AN HONEST ACCIDENT and all that can be done to recover from it is being done.
I am signing off of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] now, you can rest assured that you will be well taken care of by all the good people you find here. I am sure of that.
Mike ( 8incHydromaxike ) out,
P.s. To all the good people i have gotten to know here, a very BIG THANK YOU for all you have tought me and all the great advice and good times spent while belonging to the best online community i have EVER had the pleasure to work with.
Happy lives to all of you, stay cool and enjoy every minute of it...
airshy;363574 said:The answer is simple just get that thread back online as it HAS to be out there.
airshy;363578 said:DLD I am bothered by this statement as it does not fit what I know of you please clarify:
"when we perform it we will get this thread back but if it keeps being called some sort of conspiracy I will be less apt to do anything to restore it."
are you confirming we can get this thread back eventually? are you saying you will not assist if people continue to ask questions? what if the only questions is... can we get this thread back...
this does not need to be a big deal nor should it be. i do not feel comfortable with a threat the knowledge will not be released if I or others continue to ask if we can get this thread back.
maybe I am reading what you are writing incorrectly and if so I apologize
bossalinie;363586 said:yo i don't know if this is the exercise that you're referring to but check this out:
The Lexington Steele Secret to Length
Finally it has been released to you all this baby has helped me go from 8-8.3 inches erect length recently and is based on blue_whales mother of all lig stretch.
I can honestly say hand on heart I have never felt anything this intense on my ligaments EVER and thats incl hanging, dld blasters, dlds squat stretch and the blue_whale mother of all ligament stretch. This method gives me the best ligament stretch ever, that I feel every burn from those ligs as they are pulled to the maximal limits they can manage and it has shown in my new gains
This has took its time getting here, but to be honest its hard to explain and I needed pictures so I decided to draw on paper and scan this into the computer, albeit not the best art skills they will suffice to show you how to setup the exercise and what to do.
The name
The name Vox Succurro extorqueo is from the Latin meaning power assisted wrench as this is very apparent once you read and than try it yourself. Its like you are trying to wrench your penis out of the socket, but ofcourse dont go so brutal and always know your limits
I've used a Latin name because I know some Latin and also as its a lovely language, makeing a change to the usual plain English wording we see and makes it sound rather more interesting, for it indeed is.
How does this work
It works by trapping the suspensory ligament via the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] [PA] against the pubic bone while pre-stretched and tense, than pulling it as hard as you can against the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] in the direction of it, while the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] pushes hard into the pubic bone region, keeping the ligament trapped and creating a 'hook-like' effect in that the ligament becomes stretched in such a way it mimicks it like you have hooked it which creates MASSIVE tension and elongation in the ligament that you will feel a very strong burning sensation, which is the ligaments getting stretched at their maximal capacity .. a positive sign and the only exercise I have done in my life where I can mimick that like turning water on at the tap
In time this will create additional length gains as the ligament becomes elongated. Your actually stetching more efficiently than many other methods incl hanging weights because your trapping the ligament right at the very base, as close to the entrance point to the body as you can which no hanger can do without pulling skin in the process .... thats also something you dont get with this method .. skin stretch, its zero so this is as direct as you can ligament stretch you will find anywhere.
Please dont go mad with this stretch because if you do and stretch past your limits, you will hurt yourself and albeit a ligament tear would be hard to do you could easily badly strain it if your too overzelous, so please be cautious and go slowly at first knowing your body wisely.
Would help to do some light pulls while flaccid to the left, right, up, down and straight out so that the ligaments have had a pre-stretch.
How you do it
You'll see from the diagram when you have your right leg lay outwards [We shall use the right leg as the example here] that your pre-stretching the penile suspensory ligaments and keeping it under tension while the leg is out, like a guitar cord keeping it tight so that when its trapped and pulled the elongation in the ligaments is maximal. While the leg is to the right, you move your penis over to the left and can now feel with your right hand [Still stretching the penis with the left] at the very base, closest to the pubic bone how tight that ligament feels.
Next, you will use the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words] [PA] to push into the very base, as close to the pubic bone as you can while trapping the ligament underneath it. Feel beforehand where the ligament is before you place the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] into the area, so you get the best stretch.
Once the ligament is trapped underneath the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words], start pulling your penis to the right against the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] while forceing that into the region. You should feel a very powerful burning sensation, which is comming from the ligaments and a thread can be found on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] in the boo boo section about these burns, it means in a nutshell that your ligaments are at a maximal stretch.
Hold this stretch now for how long you want to, but a good target to aim for would be 5 seconds and than going higher while keeping intensity higher the time will become lower. Use intensity as much as you can safely with the right time you can manage without hurting yourself. I release once I feel a deep burn and have to let go, I just know I have to let go otherwise I will get an injury so dont stretch even further and harder once that burn kicks in.
You can also do this to the left side of the body aswell but do opposite for hand and leg positions etc.
It wasnt uncommon for me to see a larger flaccid penis afterwards from these
Can I do these semi or erect?
Yes you can and once you master the flaccid versions try adding semi and erect variations to your diet because you will get alittle more force as the ligament moves from the erection. I prefer semi erect doing this exercise than fully erect, because fully erect its very difficult to get the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] right into the region and trap the ligament at all and you run the risk of bending your penis, so try the semi variation which I found was really powerful and gave me a really nice stretch.
I hope you like this stretch and gain from it like I have and special thanks [Not many here thank the people who inspired them but I do ] to Blue_Whale for his mother of all ligament stretch and getting me into that, which than got me thinking of this method and without him this wouldnt have been born. Also DLD for his [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]power assist[/words] and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] for its members constant support.
Question than please ask and let me know how you find it
anth1225;360075 said:I copied the first post with the exercises description
In a standing position grip your dick just beneath the gland with an OK sign with your palm facing down.
Now rotate your hand 180 degrees so your palm is facing upwards.Your whole dick except the glands should be on the knuckles which serves as a lever point or fulcrum but because of the rotation of the fist it also bundles your dick(bundling can be controled you can bundle your dick multiple times thats up to you) similar to DLD-s double bundled strech.
Now when you are in position where you have rotated your fist 180 degrees(or more) and your palm is facing up with you holding the dick just beneath the glands and your shaft is on you knuckles your down side of thr palm should be resting around your belly which wil enable you to generate incredible amount of force without spending energy.
Now for the final part.The way you generate leverage is simply by bringing your wrist upwards without moving any other part of your arm just using your wrist as a leverage(your fist is on the belly).You dont pull upwards like in an upward stretch rather its an adduction of the wrist shown in the 3 rd exercise on the next link http://www.exrx.net/Articulations/Wr...l#anchor263084
When doing the stretch you should feel extreme sterching of the inner penis from the shaft all the way to the ass if you put your hand on the part of the dick thats closest to your ass you should feel extreme hardness.
The stretch is very painfull also.If you dont feel extreme inner dick strecth you are doing something wrong.
On little thing.If youre dick is 2 big put some pading around your knuckles so it spreads better around your knuckles enabling you more tightness.
One last thing i wanna give credit to DLD whos done great thing for Penis Enlargement comunity with his hard work and inovative exercises that take 1000-s of hours to be created.
doublelongdaddy;363571 said:Mike, you were doing your job and a mistake was made this is nothing you should feel badly about. You are one of my best mods and will always have full access to all MOD privileges. There are thousands of exercises on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] and at times things will get messed up...if people can't understand that then that is their problem. I love you and you are truly honorable.
Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shoppedguin said:Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend