First off, thank you for responding, and secondly, let me apologize for not quoting you properly. I went back and looked and you did not say you would "only" do
BTC, you just said you would concentrate mainly on it, but my quote was wrong and I should have checked before posting it.
I think that I will switch to SU for a few months and see how that goes, although I've tried
hanging SU before, and I absolutely HATE the feeling of the intense tunica stretch right behind the balls. Oddly enough, I enjoy the feeling of a lig stretch. Heh, I'm probably weird though.
The main reason for the decision to switch, is I can't feel ANY stretch in my ligs when I'm
hanging BTC now, even laying on my back, with my hips elevated a little bit. I checked erection angle too, and it's a good deal lower than parallel... heh... using the LOT clock, its right about 8.
I tried BTB jelqing yesterday in between sets, and I really liked it and can see how effective it might be. I had recently given up clamping and jelqing in exchange for intense manual stretches between
hanging sets and for 30-60 minutes afterwards as well. Maybe this is the key to my slowed/stopped gains.
My LOT is definately 6:30 or so right now, and it's been this low for a fairly long time. Like I said above, I'm going to try
hanging SU with my Bib Starter, with BTB jelqing in between
hanging sets, and manual stretches SO to the left and right when I have the time. Hopefully this will jumpstart my gains again.
For some reason I'm just a little nervous to start
hanging SU, it's almost like I don't believe tunica gains can be made. I've been so gung-ho about stretching the ligs, I think I've developed tunica-phobia. LOL. I read the boards everyday, so I'll just continue my research and report any gains, or findings I have made.
Here's a couple more questions before I go to the gym.
1. Has anyone had substantial luck/gains that they can attribute directly to
hanging SU?
2. Has anyone tried
hanging without
weights? For example, for SU, attack a rope to a pullup bar, or something similar, and you constantly control the tension with body position? If you could honestly put effort into the stretch, and not go easy on yourself, it would seem like this would be the best way to stretch, because you could always be stretching as hard as you could handle for that exact moment.
Thanks again for the replies!