You cant say this because people are around who are satisfied with average or small penis size but its known a thicker penis gives the fuller feeling and stretches out the vagina while also placing pressure onto the clitoris as its rooted in around at the top so with more girth the hidden root attaching to the clit also gets moved and this increases pleasure. Isn't to say one is better then the other, as this leads to men thinking they are better then another man or women favoring X over Y which is pure bullshit.
Length does have its advantages aswell because it can reach the cul de sac at the back which some women like to have stimulated, also the arousal levels of seeing a long penis filling up the pussy could create more satisfaction.
I dont see the need for a very long (over 9.7 inches) and very thick (7 inch or above) penis as most pussy will at best take 1/2 of that. I feel now in my journey that you cant have both to the extremes as they cancel one another out. A 10 x 7 inch penis is useless for example unless you fuck horses but 10 x 6 would be doable with the girth manageable in many pussy and that length
hanging out good for your own pleasure, ego and arousal in some women?
If a guy came to me and asked I need a larger penis ... currently I'm average or small and I just want to gain quickly and so what should I go for where I can grab more pleasure from myself and the women 9/10 times ... I would say add more girth every time over getting it longer. This isnt to say length is no use, so don't misinterpret me as this example is based on someone just wanting more size for extra pleasure right away. Girth is the answer ... with more length and not much if any growth in girth you wont see much difference and neither will the women as its just length ... sometimes its more painful for the women and if you grow larger it hangs out in the cold like with Kingsnake on these forums whom does have 9.5 inches but he often has 2-3 inches in the cold and can only get most of it inside a pussy when semi erect i.e not hard erection which as we know isnt really acceptable when your aiming for a harder more manlier penis.
The extra girth, even small amount she will feel it .. the entrance to the vagina is very sensitive as explained earlier in this post. So if I was to choose one I would suggest adding more girth but for overall growth regarding guys like us who do this often and with more of an art form it needs to be kept in mind that extremes in both will not work in synergy and actually look ridiculous rather then arousing. Good example is Shane-D or Shorty Mac who have good length but they aint monsters in length with Shane-D being 8.5 at the very very most but girth wise we know they are massive ... look at Lexington Steele who is believed by many to be 9-9.5 inches length but his girth is only around 6 inches on the best days .. he isn't very girthy at all but his length is what he has more of. You don't see these guys with monstrous sizes in both girth and length, usually the larger length men are thinner in girth even though they are often over average they aint huge with the thicker men being not as large in length.
So Lexington Steele would be better suited for deep penetration versus Shorty Mac or Shane-D. The longer man has the advantage he can hit those hard to reach places that some women love but the thicker guy cannot as he is just too girthy to get right inside the women and hit the back unless she becomes used to it or isnt deep herself which is a blessing. The thicker guy has the advantage of stretching out the pussy and giving that amazing feeling inside the vagina that its all nice and full which the longer thinner penis does not do.
All in all they both have merits and one has to choose which path they want or have little of both as you cant have extremes of either and use both to its full advantage. Even DLD will tell you he cannot use all his size, yet if it was thinner I bet he could use more or if it was less its size in length easier to manage.