Hey I just tryed yesterday and I had the worst trip ever and I seriosly thought i was going to die.. Ijust wanted to know what the symptons where when you smoke? Is that normal what i went through? Has anyone ever went throughb a bad expirience with smoking pot? Im just wonderintg because ive been kind of paranoid because it reaklly scared me when i thought i was going to die.
Sometimes my breathing would close off, I'd get really cold and start shivering terribly. I've seen this happen to other people. Horrible experiences. One of the things that seems to bring it on is the cold.

Sometimes I'd get really paranoid and/or have negative thoughts. You have to be prepaired for this sort of thing when you do drugs. :shocking::balling:
Yeah well i didnt know what it could do to you.I thought it just made u laugh and maybe a little hungry but this is not wut I expected. After I smoked I looked at my hand and it was kinda 3D then i got up and started laughing and kept on saying oh my god this is crazy to my girlfriend and i was like u have to try this and i cudnt stop laughing and everything i stared at looked normal but just a lil dif shade but I didnt actually start tripping until I came out of it. I snaped out just like that.. i was laughing then i just stoped and everything i was looking at came back to normal color then blacked out for like 1 sec then when i relized wut happend i was like wtf cuz it felt like i was possesed or sumthing cuz it felt like i didnt have control over my body n shit then when i looked in the mirror i was really pale. But idk I prolly just over reacted but it scared me enough not to do it agian ha.
The worst experience(most scared) on pot would be when I was at a Bone Thugz 'n Harmony concert in Austin and I had cleared 4 one-hitter bowls of some Northern Lights x Haze. I was like 10/10 high, where my consciousness was actually blasting off into space, like I wasn't in my body anymore. When I get this high it can freak me out if I'm around other people but usually I handle it fine. So I was really, really high and was loving the music, waving my hands in the air with everyone else. Then all of a sudden the cops come rushing in carding and handcuffing people. They were busting everyone under 21 for being around alcohol even though it wasn't being served to minors. Needless to say I started FREAKING out and was panicking for a while. My friend and I eventually found some hole in the fence and we jumped through it and just ran. After that it was all good. Also didn't help I was holding about an 1/8th of high quality weed on me.

As for other times I have cried when on weed because the visions I see are #1 so beautiful or #2 so frightening.

When you think gravity is on the side of the wall instead of on the ground and you honestly feel like you're floating at the same time while you consciousness is flying through a psychedelic swirling warp-gateway, yeah, that's when you know you're high.

And yes, it is possible to get Open Eye Visuals on weed, too, pretty amazing, although I think the room or outside needs to be dark for you to really notice them.

Yes sometimes I have been sucked into these mind-warp things and my third eye sees shit like swirling vortexes that I "zoom" through, it gets pretty crazy. Man this is making me want to get blazed rofl .
MakeItHappen said:
could you have gotten some bad weed laced with something hard?

No, it's just really good bud. Even schwag can make me feel it pretty good, although true chronic weed can't be beat.

Also, my tolerance seems to be pretty low, as I get higher than everyone else smoking. There was some university student who wrote a site arguing that the higher the lithium count in your brain the higher you get from weed(more you trip). He and the two friends of his who really tripped(like a mild mushroom trip) had high lithum counts compared with the average. I have never taken mushrooms myself but I would try it if a friend had some.

A friend described LSD to me as "going into these mind warps", and it seems that I get a light version of this with weed. I'd like to try LSD to see how it is but it's pretty impossible to get pure LSD-25, if it's even LSD at all. There are alternatives like AMT and other legal substances which are similar to if not more potent than LSD.

I have tripped on salvia divinorum and I don't think anything other than pure n,n DMT could touch it, which I'd also like to try.
ha dude you are crazy man that shit scared me and im not going to do it agian.. i know it was only a bad trip but i dont want to get hooked on that shit and possibly go onto more hardcore shit.... but what were somethings that u saw and scared u when u where high?
WantsMore9 said:
ha dude you are crazy man that shit scared me and im not going to do it agian.. i know it was only a bad trip but i dont want to get hooked on that shit and possibly go onto more hardcore shit.... but what were somethings that u saw and scared u when u where high?

Are you for real? I've been smoking pot for a very long time and this has never happened to me even when i started, and all i smoke is good stuff. I think you were more than likely fighting the high instead of just relaxing and rolling with it. People who dont want to think its doing anything and try to act stupid are usually the ones who wind up on a bad trip and get paranoid. If you just sit, relax and enjoy it, you should have a good time.

You also could have put way to much emphasis on the high which could easily ruin it for you. Knowing that your high and thinking about how high you are can lead to a crappy time aswell because your worried about the state your in. The whole point is to relax and chill man. If your a first time smoker, you shouldnt try to impress anyone. Smoking to much for your first try can definitly be a bad idea for some.

As for pot leading to harder drugs, thats a load of crap. The reason people say pot leads to harder drugs is only because odds are the people who are dealing the smoke are dealing harder stuff, which makes the odds of you doing stuff you shouldnt, alot higher because you might be around it. I've been around coke, meth, h, pcp, u name it and i have NEVER taken any of them because i wanted to expierience a different high or to get higher.

Pot doesnt lead you onto anything else, you lead yourself by making the choice to try the coke, the meth, the heroin, whatever your drug of choice you make the choice, not the pot. Pot is not addictive either, i've stopped smoking for months at a time easily. Pot has no addictive qualities, this has been stressed millions of times. Last and certainly not least, pot is not a drug, it is an herb. BTW is anyone else around here aware that pot is the #1 cash crop in America right now?
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WantsMore9 said:
ha dude you are crazy man that shit scared me and im not going to do it agian.. i know it was only a bad trip but i dont want to get hooked on that shit and possibly go onto more hardcore shit.... but what were somethings that u saw and scared u when u where high?

Please remember I usually don't go for a 10/10 high most of the time. And no, cannabis is NOT addictive. I went for over 3 weeks without smoking it for finals and I had no problems whatsoever in "quitting." I had no physical withdrawls and had no psychological addiction, as the weed is always there for me to do and even if a friend had the best weed ever I wouldn't have smoked it because I knew what I had to do to do good on finals. It's no problem for me to stop smoking, I have gone months without smoking weed, again, no problem.

You won't probably want to go into more hardcore shit. I don't have the urge to and I was interested in other psychedelics before I even tried pot. I also stay away from opiates and stimulants, including caffeine.

Even when I'm not meditating(seeing 3rd eye stuff) when high I can close my eyes and see good Closed Eye Visuals behind my eyelids. It's like when you rub your eyes together and you keep them closed, you see all those crazy patterns, only it's like 5x more intense on weed(and even more on shrooms, I've heard).

I have also seen spirals and triangular patterns in the dark with my eyes open, moving towards me, constantly morphing.

Also, when I'm making love on weed, my girlfriend and I connect our souls together, I literally feel like I'm in her body and her with me. It's a very beautiful experience. We fly together into the cosmos. Again, I'll reiterate that making love when high is AMAZING, I'd recommend it to people who want to "spice things up." This headshop back in my hometown sells stuff that makes you troll(trip + roll). The lady said it's just like taking a hit of acid and a pill of X at the same time(she has done many things, and she knows her stuff). It's kind of like AMT, I don't know what substance it was though, there are quite a few "legal LSD/Ecstacy substitutes" out there that are just as good if not better than the illegal thing. Mind you I haven't done any other psychoactive substances other than alcohol, pot, and salvia divinorum.

But weed has always been amazing for me. When I get really high I'll be sitting there in the living room with friends talking and tripping at the same time. If I get a predominately sativa hybrid then I'll be soaring through space while chilling with friends, tripping out, hearing all these audio hallucinations, weird sounds, just amazing.

Right before I left for home after finals I got high and I heard a song just by listening to my fan. I didn't even have any music on yet it sounded like a full orchestra with the computers and fan running in my room. It was amazing, just beautiful. You'll also hear lots of "womp whoomp woop ween wat woon" when you get a strong sativa plant. Also, you'll get some crazy visuals on it.

Strong indica plants stone me right good, and I just feel locked against my bed as I'm laying on it. I smoked some BC Bud when I woke up hungover from drinking WAY too much after I had thrown up a few times, and the BC Bud immediately "cured" my hangover. I was so nauscious it felt like the room kept spinning. But after I took 2 hits worth from the pipe I felt the weed just "fighting" the alcohol in my brain and it changed the alcohol-spinning feeling into a fun weed-spinning feeling. I was able to go to sleep, drink, and eat, while otherwise I would've been sick all day and puking my guts out.

It really is amazing.
NewGuy311 said:
Are you for real? I've been smoking pot for a very long time and this has never happened to me even when i started, and all i smoke is good stuff. I think you were more than likely fighting the high instead of just relaxing and rolling with it. People who dont want to think its doing anything and try to act stupid are usually the ones who wind up on a bad trip and get paranoid. If you just sit, relax and enjoy it, you should have a good time.

You also could have put way to much emphasis on the high which could easily ruin it for you. Knowing that your high and thinking about how high you are can lead to a crappy time aswell because your worried about the state your in. The whole point is to relax and chill man. If your a first time smoker, you shouldnt try to impress anyone. Smoking to much for your first try can definitly be a bad idea for some.

As for pot leading to harder drugs, thats a load of crap. The reason people say pot leads to harder drugs is only because odds are the people who are dealing the smoke are dealing harder stuff, which makes the odds of you doing stuff you shouldnt, alot higher because you might be around it. I've been around coke, meth, h, pcp, u name it and i have NEVER taken any of them because i wanted to expierience a different high or to get higher.

Pot doesnt lead you onto anything else, you lead yourself by making the choice to try the coke, the meth, the heroin, whatever your drug of choice you make the choice, not the pot. Pot is not addictive either, i've stopped smoking for months at a time easily. Pot has no addictive qualities, this has been stressed millions of times. Last and certainly not least, pot is not a drug, it is an herb. BTW is anyone else around here aware that pot is the #1 cash crop in America right now?

I agree.

If you try and fight a high then you will always feel bad. I've gotten to the point where I can go out in public high and not freak out like I used to when I first started. I'm pretty good as most people don't suspect that I'm high, they just think I'm "tired." That is my excuse at least if they ask what is "wrong" with me.

Pot isn't addictive at all, I could be getting high right now but I have no urge to.
Im trying to find stuff on the internet about how marijuana works on the brains and why it does what it does because I think its very interesting expecially after the things 10inchadvantage has told me haha. If any one has a site I can read send it here
Sorry I didn't read all the posts to this thread, but damn if you're smoking pot is making you trip where did you get the pot? I want some. I love to smoke. Its not much of a party drug for me though, thats alcohol. I have done mushrooms once and I won't do those again... bad trip, real bad trip. I almost killed myself and I thought it was what God wanted me to do. That shit can fuck with your head.

I did 1/8 of an ounce of shrooms and I was around a lot of people who weren't tripping and I didn't know them well. So i left and the whole way home I felt so in control that I thought life could be completely controled by me. I was doing 80 mph around corners and stupid shit. But some how, I got home safe.

At the time my baby's mother and I were broken up. Well, I went into my son's room (I'm so glad he wasn't there) and it made me feel so alone I think it set me off. I went outside in my boxers, socks, and a wife beater and walked around my street and thought I was having flash backs to a recurring dream. I thought that when we dreamed was the only time we were really alive and that our conscience minds was in some sort of a trap. I thought I was the only person on Earth. I was freaking out, I felt like I was in some kind of an Edgar Allen Poe story. It was insane, fucking crazy. Don't do shrooms unless you have someone sober with you who can calm you down.
Smoky said:
Sorry I didn't read all the posts to this thread, but damn if you're smoking pot is making you trip where did you get the pot? I want some. I love to smoke. Its not much of a party drug for me though, thats alcohol. I have done mushrooms once and I won't do those again... bad trip, real bad trip. I almost killed myself and I thought it was what God wanted me to do. That shit can fuck with your head.

I did 1/8 of an ounce of shrooms and I was around a lot of people who weren't tripping and I didn't know them well. So i left and the whole way home I felt so in control that I thought life could be completely controled by me. I was doing 80 mph around corners and stupid shit. But some how, I got home safe.

At the time my baby's mother and I were broken up. Well, I went into my son's room (I'm so glad he wasn't there) and it made me feel so alone I think it set me off. I went outside in my boxers, socks, and a wife beater and walked around my street and thought I was having flash backs to a recurring dream. I thought that when we dreamed was the only time we were really alive and that our conscience minds was in some sort of a trap. I thought I was the only person on Earth. I was freaking out, I felt like I was in some kind of an Edgar Allen Poe story. It was insane, fucking crazy. Don't do shrooms unless you have someone sober with you who can calm you down.

I wouldn't recommend 3.5 grams of shrooms to a newbie. I've never tripped on LSD or mushrooms but I'm certain I will someday. Yes, people have told me "always have a level head around" when you are tripping, as you can really get caught up in a trip.

As for "trippy" weed, only a few people get tripped out on it, as you can see in my lithium post above. I know that when I'm really high everything stretches out, like I have a widescreen-TV or something, and I have even seen open eye patterns. It honestly feels like I "melt" into a painting, and I am "frozen" in the painting sometimes, it is so unbelievable, but a lot of people would freak out I'm sure, I almost did a few times. Closed Eye Visuals are always pretty strong if I close my eyes and relax.

The best way I can describe open-eye stuff is that you're in a painting, like everything stops being 3D and molds into 2D. It's unreal. :)
twice actually, both times was laced and dusted up. The three of us were in the park smokin an L in the van, me behind the wheel, all three of us were not even like half way thru, was like, yo we are to stoned, I drove out of the park clutched to the steering wheel dusted. ( bad experience!)
blackice said:
twice actually, both times was laced and dusted up. The three of us were in the park smokin an L in the van, me behind the wheel, all three of us were not even like half way thru, was like, yo we are to stoned, I drove out of the park clutched to the steering wheel dusted. ( bad experience!)

A reason why you shouldn't buy bad pot. Who the hell would lace weed? I mean, a gangster dealer would still lose money by lacing some schwag with another smokeable drug.
DMX got hooked on crack when he was young because someone laced his weed with crack. Before he even knew what the fuck he was smoking on he was hooked and jacking mother fuckers to get some crack. But he stopped smoking crack. I think that might be why he never dealt drugs and only robbed people.

That is according to his biography. But if you want to get someone hooked on crack or something else just lace their pot with it - its a dirty fucked up thing to do, but thats how some pimps get crack whores and maybe even other fiends. They can make hella money by "investing" $100 of crack in a few people's blunts. Very bad thing to do to someone... I don't think a drug dealer can get much lower than that.
Smoky said:
DMX got hooked on crack when he was young because someone laced his weed with crack. Before he even knew what the fuck he was smoking on he was hooked and jacking mother fuckers to get some crack. But he stopped smoking crack. I think that might be why he never dealt drugs and only robbed people.

That is according to his biography. But if you want to get someone hooked on crack or something else just lace their pot with it - its a dirty fucked up thing to do, but thats how some pimps get crack whores and maybe even other fiends. They can make hella money by "investing" $100 of crack in a few people's blunts. Very bad thing to do to someone... I don't think a drug dealer can get much lower than that.

I don't know if you can smoke crack by normal weed/tobacco smoking techniques. You have to vaporize crack at a certain temperature or it won't get you high. I don't think crack would be able to withstand the amount of heat right by it if you were smoking weed. You have to get the flame like 1/8" away from weed to ignite it properly (I tell people all the time, DON'T TORCH THE BOWL). When I have seen videos of people smoking crack they had to have a vaporization pipe and a flame about 1/2" inch under it, effectively cooking the crack, and you can see the vapor start to smoke off of the rock.

Also, don't buy from gangster-ass people. Buy from reputable citizens or grow your own.
as far as pe is concerned smoking reduce the size of ur blood vessels leading to less blood flow. other wise it can have differnent effects on different people. i smoked pot for a good 4 years straight sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. at first it was all fun i had the giggles n everything nicer. tv movies music food tasted better i was relax chilled out. then the paranoid thing started and i was addicted i guess its cause i abused it instead of doing it ocasionally. my advise do it only sometimes and if u dont have a good time while high then dont do it at all. it has lead me to major memory loss and my reaction time and thinking process have slowed down.
i've have been paranoid badly to the point that it made my anxiety worse. i have had my leg start to twitch and i have started to shake uncontrolablly when when high these things make u nerves and it effects ur thinking cause u dont think clearly. u start thinking like oh im shaking and i cant stop it people are looking at me etc etc. when i enjoyed it moset was by myself in my room alone. just blast some techno 2pac or what not play video games or watch trippy movies. the wait till i get the munchies and pig out the burnout and have such a nice nap. and since ur not out in public u have no fear of anything. i loved to smoke in my room and just watch the smoke swirl man. another thing is its always on my mind i havent smoked for over a year and a half but i think about it trought out my day. man i wish i could smoke a blunt right now, but i did to much damage to my brain, if i have dont it in moderation i could have enjoyed it for a long time.
Ive only had one bad experience where i went overboard and everything slowed down i could hear every noise.. the wind.. the animals every car speratly lol fucking crazy i thought i was gonna fall thru my bed into the ground or something.. like heavier gravity on my body or something.. other then that its all been good
pitbull said:
i've have been paranoid badly to the point that it made my anxiety worse. i have had my leg start to twitch and i have started to shake uncontrolablly when when high these things make u nerves and it effects ur thinking cause u dont think clearly. u start thinking like oh im shaking and i cant stop it people are looking at me etc etc. when i enjoyed it moset was by myself in my room alone. just blast some techno 2pac or what not play video games or watch trippy movies. the wait till i get the munchies and pig out the burnout and have such a nice nap. and since ur not out in public u have no fear of anything. i loved to smoke in my room and just watch the smoke swirl man. another thing is its always on my mind i havent smoked for over a year and a half but i think about it trought out my day. man i wish i could smoke a blunt right now, but i did to much damage to my brain, if i have dont it in moderation i could have enjoyed it for a long time.

I don't think the weed is the problem. I've seen a few people who can just never sit down and enjoy weed. It generally shows that they are nervous/anxious people in reality and the weed just really brings that out. Like I said, it isn't the weed, it's the person smoking it. Everyone gets different things out of weed.
10inchadvantage is right, everyone reacts differently to drugs. I used to be a huge stoner, I would smoke bales of the stuff day and night. First thing I did in the morning was pack a bowl, I'd even smoke at work from time to time. I let it get way out of hand, and that being said, it's because I have an addicitve personality.

I don't think there is anything wrong with smoking pot in moderation. In fact, the best times of my life were when I was smoking pot. No joke either. It really helped in alot of areas of my life. It cured my insomnia, helped with anxiety, and it often times gave me creative insight.
yeah i agree weed can be a cure for many things. for me its good when I have a lot stress and confusion. It helps me recenter and appreciate the subtler things in life. I think its also good for thinking of ideas and getting a better perspective. Ganja literally means "from which wisdom is born". In this light I always thought America and weed are a great mix because one can think of great idea when they're ripped and make lots of money (if they have the determination and vision to make it happen). I've heard it said many times that the best ideas are the simplest. However I also think it can be thought of as a "danger" to a capitalist society, in some sense, because it makes the user aware that happiness and material objects and/or social status have NO connection, and that happiness, wealth and a fulfilling life are found inside ourselves.

Also with what 10inch said about weed and sex tis sooooo true. It feel a lot better but, at least in my experience, it takes a lot longer to get to climax. Furthermore I'm more aware of my body so I can "ride" the waves of pleasure thus making it more enjoyable and easier to slow or stop when I approach the point of no return. But if you haven't really done it before I wouldn't recommend smoking a lot or smoking potent shit.

Agreeing with most of the posts here you must be as open minded and care-free as possible for psychedelics which are unlike other drugs (opiates, pharmaceuticals, stimulants) that you should just never ever do. True again everyone reacts differently so weed just might not be your thing or maybe the strain you got wasn't for you. The different highs from the vast range of bud is fuckin mind boggling. But if your really serious about Penis Enlargement I would avoid all drugs including alcohol and caffeine

That said harder psychedelics (DMT etc) have their place in ceremonies and spiritual journeys and shouldn't be used for fun anyway.
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I read that lithium thing. I wonder if it occurred to anyone that perhaps weed interacts with lithium synthesis and thus people who smoke weed have a higher lithium count. thats just my 2cents based on his cross section versus the doctors comments.
goal8*6nick said:
ithiel is back to gain more than he had lost!

Yea [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] def I'm out to do something. I seen that I had lost like a half inch of my latest gains. Really pissed me the fuck off. No sweat though, Ima get it back.
As you know, everything has side effects..One of marijuana's big side effects is Depression..The more you smoke, the more Depressed you will be?:(
Weed will amplify any mood you were in prior to smoking. One thing that works for me is getting involved with something first, like making a beat, adding to my BLOG, research on line, etc. The biggest thing you need to remember, even if you have to write it down, it is all in your mind and when you come down you will realize this. Weed is fun, when you become used to it and understand that occasional paranoia will come up, you will be fine. Listen to music, write, draw, take a walk, all of these things will be amplified when you smoke.

Another thing that might not make much sense is smoking more. A friend of mine who has been a blunt-head his whole life taught me that and it works. The best thing to do to avoid a bad experience is alcohol (if you drink) a nice combination of the two, without going overboard will give you a nice experience.

Finding a good supplier who is consistent is also a nice tip. Jumping around buying from anyone who is selling will give you a different high every time which can freak some people out.

Finally, my best advice is for you to remember that weed is a hallucinogenic which means you will hear, see and feel thing (like your heart beat, breathing, etc.) Smoking weed 24/7 will put you out of reality which is not a good thing. Respect the plant and it will respect you. For the dude that was talking about his breathing, watch FRIDAY'S it will make you laugh and it will stick with you next time you smoke.
doublelongdaddy said:
Weed will amplify any mood you were in prior to smoking. One thing that works for me is getting involved with something first, like making a beat, adding to my BLOG, research on line, etc. The biggest thing you need to remember, even if you have to write it down, it is all in your mind and when you come down you will realize this. Weed is fun, when you become used to it and understand that occasional paranoia will come up, you will be fine. Listen to music, write, draw, take a walk, all of these things will be amplified when you smoke.

Another thing that might not make much sense is smoking more. A friend of mine who has been a blunt-head his whole life taught me that and it works. The best thing to do to avoid a bad experience is alcohol (if you drink) a nice combination of the two, without going overboard will give you a nice experience.

Finding a good supplier who is consistent is also a nice tip. Jumping around buying from anyone who is selling will give you a different high every time which can freak some people out.

Finally, my best advice is for you to remember that weed is a hallucinogenic which means you will hear, see and feel thing (like your heart beat, breathing, etc.) Smoking weed 24/7 will put you out of reality which is not a good thing. Respect the plant and it will respect you. For the dude that was talking about his breathing, watch FRIDAY'S it will make you laugh and it will stick with you next time you smoke.

Good post. I like the Friday's take on it, too. It has been the best representation of a marijuana high I've ever seen in a movie. The way his vision is wavey and tunneled looking, also with the intense breath noise and hearing things differently.
Basically the smoke you had was more indica and was too much for you, you were probably close to whitey, dont worry, just stick to your sativa if you want to smoke in the future!
WantsMore9;247528 said:
Hey I just tryed yesterday and I had the worst trip ever and I seriosly thought i was going to die.. Ijust wanted to know what the symptons where when you smoke? Is that normal what i went through? Has anyone ever went throughb a bad expirience with smoking pot? Im just wonderintg because ive been kind of paranoid because it reaklly scared me when i thought i was going to die.

weed makes some people paranoid , it makes your heart beat alittle faster depending on the quality of it. and i reccommend it lol
How do you convince your girlfriend that weed isn't as bad as DARE told us as little kids. I told her to research it but I don't think she really looked into it. We almost broke up because of it. I mean I love her to death but fuck I'm 19 and I want to live my life freely before kids and a career.
longstretch;279655 said:
How do you convince your girlfriend that weed isn't as bad as DARE told us as little kids. I told her to research it but I don't think she really looked into it. We almost broke up because of it. I mean I love her to death but fuck I'm 19 and I want to live my life freely before kids and a career.

Some things are best kept private. Some people will never understand weed, they will see it as a drug and something bad. Sometimes it is impossible to change their view and this is when we need to make decisions for ourselves. My Ex-Wife is totally against weed but she loves my personallity as of the past 2 years. Prior to this time she saw me as a frustrated, impatient man...today she sees me as a patient, peaceful man. I would never tell her I am a pot head but if I was not a pot head she would hate the person I am. Weed has made me a better person and this is personal. I have no desire to let her know but I will always give credit where credit is due. WEED IS LIBERATING!
longstretch;279655 said:
How do you convince your girlfriend that weed isn't as bad as DARE told us as little kids. I told her to research it but I don't think she really looked into it. We almost broke up because of it. I mean I love her to death but fuck I'm 19 and I want to live my life freely before kids and a career.

I think the best way to go about changing her mind is get high a lot before you go out with her, but hide it (cologne, Red Eyes, etc). After a few months of doing it regularly ask her how high people act. If she says something other than "just how normal people would" then straight up tell her the "experiment" you have been doing, then tell her you're high right now! I know this really changed my uncle's opinion on how weed effects you. When he saw that I could smoke a whole joint to myself and still be able to function just as if I was sober, he thought that a pretty powerful statement to just how safe a cannabis high is.

Don't stop smoking for her. How much do you smoke, anyway?
Pot is my cure for hangovers, period. The night before the Nintendo Wii came out my roommates and I had our girlfriends/fuck buddies over for a little Mad Dogg 20/20 hands. I had just started hooking up with this really chill pothead girl and the sex was AMAZING (stoned sex always is). I got so drunk that I puked in the refridgerator at Wawa and had to be dragged out before I got arrested. She didnt even start her second forty and was extremely horny so tried to get me up so that we could get it on, but for the first and only time in my life I couldn't get it up, mostly because I was so drunk I barely noticed that she was sucking my dick.

Anyway, the next day I woke up sleeping in my back yard with no pants and lipstick all over my cock. I puked 4 or 5 times within the first hour, down to the point where I would just gag and a little stomach bile would come up. My whole body was wrecked. Anyway, after I stopped puking for a while and resigned myself to the fact that I had ruined any chances of ever seeing the sexy lady of my dreams again, she showed up with a quarter of AK and her bong. I took one big hit and coughed so hard that I puked again. But then it was on, I was so high that I passed out for an hour while we were watching The Hills Have Eyes. I woke from this to find that she had rolled two blunts, we took those to the face with my roommates and basically just layed around all day. My one roommate who had to quit for a while to get his job was layed up all day puking and feeling horrible, and I usually get worse hang overs than him, so I hesitate to think what it would have been like without my precious lady MJ. Later that night my FB suggested we go to WalMart and get the Wii since everyone was so out of it from the night before. Why do I tell you all these extraneous details? Because they reveal hidden secrets, want to be with a girl who is drama-lite (NONE of them are drama free, you are blinded by love or pussy if you think so) and will enjoy sitting around and playing video games and then having sex? Go out with a girl that smokes, just don't be an idiot and have sex with her friend because she is out of town and you are horny, because then you'll regret every time you have to masturbate.

PS - totally unrelated, ithiel, your av is depressing. I miss AI so much in Philly that it is ridiculous. Unfortunately I am probably one of three white people in Philadelphia that was always a fan of AI, the rest of the idiots drove him out of town. Kind of sad to get rid of a guy that kept us in or at least in contention for the playoffs nearly every year he played. Number 3 will be missed. Damnit I get sentimental when I am high.
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Other than Paranoia I've never had a "bad" trip. But I choose not to do it any more. As for any negative Penis Enlargement effects I see none other than the fact that I got a fat pad from getting the munchies so dam bad. It's amazing how you can almost choke to death swallowing peanut butter with cotton mouth and keep eating it.
For some reason I don't get the munchies as a side effect from cannabis. Sure, when I get hungry naturally when I'm high, it's just that much more intense, but I've never just been hungry as a result of being high. Anyone else never get the munchies?
10inchadvantage;280721 said:
For some reason I don't get the munchies as a side effect from cannabis. Sure, when I get hungry naturally when I'm high, it's just that much more intense, but I've never just been hungry as a result of being high. Anyone else never get the munchies?

Yeah me, when I used to be completely wasted the last thing on my mind was trying to eat something.
I don't always get the munchies, but when I do it hits hard. I remember a couple years ago my mom went to the store and when she woke up in the morning I had ate my way through $50 worth of groceries. lol
BillyMan;280695 said:
It's amazing how you can almost choke to death swallowing peanut butter with cotton mouth and keep eating it.

That's so true it's not even funny. The munchies led me to a solid 25lb. weight gain sophomore year of college.
Oh, I know man. I wrestled for 6 years, so weight loss is nothing new to me. It was just that I had just started to smoke pot more than once every blue moon, and having a dining hall start serving food at 4:40 (20 minutes after 4:20, right when those munchies set it) wasn't helpful. At my high point I got up to 190, I lost 20 pounds between that May and the next August from good solid gym time (and long sleaves). To get back into six pack shape I need to drop another 10 at least, but its been slow going, I can stay in reasonable shape by not running much (astHydromaxa and knee surgery have hindered me) but to get down lower I need to start hitting it up again. Thankfully I hit the gym pretty well a few weeks ago and since have dropped 5 lbs while building muscle.

Pot fits into this as my chill out afterwards, I go to the gym, put my time in, and then go home and relax with a nice bit of good bud. I really want to get a vaporizer though, while I like blunts, they just aren't great for your lungs, and plus those volcano vap's stone the crap out of you.
Baazbold;280919 said:
Oh, I know man. I wrestled for 6 years, so weight loss is nothing new to me. It was just that I had just started to smoke pot more than once every blue moon, and having a dining hall start serving food at 4:40 (20 minutes after 4:20, right when those munchies set it) wasn't helpful. At my high point I got up to 190, I lost 20 pounds between that May and the next August from good solid gym time (and long sleaves). To get back into six pack shape I need to drop another 10 at least, but its been slow going, I can stay in reasonable shape by not running much (astHydromaxa and knee surgery have hindered me) but to get down lower I need to start hitting it up again. Thankfully I hit the gym pretty well a few weeks ago and since have dropped 5 lbs while building muscle.

Pot fits into this as my chill out afterwards, I go to the gym, put my time in, and then go home and relax with a nice bit of good bud. I really want to get a vaporizer though, while I like blunts, they just aren't great for your lungs, and plus those volcano vap's stone the crap out of you.

Save the $500+ from the volcano and get a lbs or more of some good outdoor sinsemilla, or an ounce of some crazy indoor. Why not get a vapezilla for less than $200 on ebay, when it does the exact same thing? Volcanoes are over-rated. I've only been high on a vape once, was a very different high. Are you a tobacco smoker? Generally blunt smokers are tobacco smokers. I think it ruins the flavor of the weed so I just smoke with rice or hemp papers.
I smoked out of a vaporizer once. It was the highest I have ever been. Of course, it might have been because it was the only time I was face to face with the person who grew it and it hadn't gone through 3 other people who keifed the fuck out of it before reaching me.