Hey guys i was wondering are there any scientific papers regarding Penis Enlargement and how it works on the molecular level? i myself am a phd student right now in biochemistry and i was wondering why nobody do some experiments in the lab to find the mechanism of Penis Enlargement?
there are many threads on the topic but i think putting together a single thread on the issue would be wise. Maybe collect info throughout the web, comparative views, urological studies ect. I know there are also many articles on the other pe forums. I would also post it on the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] blog.
"Treatment of men complaining of short penis"

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/puBathmateed/15922413?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.Penis Enlargementntrez.PuBathmateed.PuBathmateed_ResultsPanel.PuBathmateed_DiscoveryPanel.PuBathmateed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=1&log$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=puBathmateed
"Penile enlargement."

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/puBathmateed/18832943?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.Penis Enlargementntrez.PuBathmateed.PuBathmateed_ResultsPanel.PuBathmateed_DiscoveryPanel.PuBathmateed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=4&log$=relatedreviews&logdbfrom=puBathmateed
Excellent stuff, this is going to be a highly educational thead. I will toss in some stuff once I am back on my computer. Thanks.
"A pilot study on the early use of the vacuum erection device after radical retropubic prostatectomy"

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/puBathmateed/17822466?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.Penis Enlargementntrez.PuBathmateed.PuBathmateed_ResultsPanel.PuBathmateed_DiscoveryPanel.PuBathmateed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=2&log$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=puBathmateed
"Clitoral sexual arousal: neuronal tracing study from the clitoris through the spinal tracts"

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/puBathmateed/18707740?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.Penis Enlargementntrez.PuBathmateed.PuBathmateed_ResultsPanel.PuBathmateed_DiscoveryPanel.PuBathmateed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=5&log$=relatedreviews&logdbfrom=puBathmateed
"Women's orgasm"

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/puBathmateed/16913280?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.Penis Enlargementntrez.PuBathmateed.PuBathmateed_ResultsPanel.PuBathmateed_DiscoveryPanel.PuBathmateed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=5&log$=relatedreviews&logdbfrom=puBathmateed
i think thats enough for now. what i find interesting is that the publactions never mention Jelqing or stuff like that. that means that nobody until now has done any experiments to discover the molecular mechanisme after jelqing.
"Penile elongation and thickening--a myth? Is there a cosmetic or medical indication?"

http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/puBathmateed/10643519?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.Penis Enlargementntrez.PuBathmateed.PuBathmateed_ResultsPanel.PuBathmateed_DiscoveryPanel.PuBathmateed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=5&log$=relatedreviews&logdbfrom=puBathmateed
byakugan2;329206 said:
i think thats enough for now. what i find interesting is that the publactions never mention Jelqing or stuff like that. that means that nobody until now has done any experiments to discover the molecular mechanisme after jelqing.

There was a study done in the 70s on various Penis Enlargement techniques. It was known as the "Chartham Study" and it was conducted by Dr. Brian Richards, a British urologist with an impressive medical pedigree.
Big Al;329208 said:
There was a study done in the 70s on various Penis Enlargement techniques. It was known as the "Chartham Study" and it was conducted by Dr. Brian Richards, a British urologist with an impressive medical pedigree.

Any link on that Al? These studies are just food for Penis Enlargement progress.
Just google Chartham Study, first link leads you to Thund3rs Pl@ce. Interesting read indeed. Hey, that rhymes.

But there´s one thing that ´makes me al little sceptical...

12. After the initial measurements, test subjects were instructed in the "Chartham Method" and told to start practicing it (Tr. 139). Insofar as possible the penis of each subject was thereafter measured, in the method above described, on a weekly basis (Tr. 139, 140). Dr. Richards recorded each measurement. Of the test subjects two dropped out of the test and two achieved no gain in dimensions. Dr. Richards recorded gains among the twenty-eight remaining subjects ranging from 2.4 cm. to 3.6 cm. (.94 in. - 1.4 in.) in length and from 1.4 cm. to 3.1 cm. (.55 in. - 1.2 inc.) in girth (Tr. 142; RX-5). No changes of any significance were found in the measurements taken of the control subjects (Tr. 145, 146). He reported the success rate as 87.5 percent in the test group (Tr. 143). In Dr. Richards' opinion, the study was conducted in accordance with prevalent medical and scientific standards (Tr. 142). The report of Dr. Richards' study has been accepted for publication in the British Journal of Sexual Medicine (Tr. 143).

...those gains in length and especially in girth within a time span of just 3 months sound totally exaggerated. What the hell did they do to be that successfull?

I mean that´s what I gained within years all in all. Really depressing.
I wish I had a link to the whole study ?:( I'm in the process of trying to procure it.

Besides the details below, here's a couple of links:



large1;329409 said:
Just google Chartham Study, first link leads you to Thund3rs Pl@ce. Interesting read indeed. Hey, that rhymes.

But there´s one thing that ´makes me al little sceptical...

12. After the initial measurements, test subjects were instructed in the "Chartham Method" and told to start practicing it (Tr. 139). Insofar as possible the penis of each subject was thereafter measured, in the method above described, on a weekly basis (Tr. 139, 140). Dr. Richards recorded each measurement. Of the test subjects two dropped out of the test and two achieved no gain in dimensions. Dr. Richards recorded gains among the twenty-eight remaining subjects ranging from 2.4 cm. to 3.6 cm. (.94 in. - 1.4 in.) in length and from 1.4 cm. to 3.1 cm. (.55 in. - 1.2 inc.) in girth (Tr. 142; RX-5). No changes of any significance were found in the measurements taken of the control subjects (Tr. 145, 146). He reported the success rate as 87.5 percent in the test group (Tr. 143). In Dr. Richards' opinion, the study was conducted in accordance with prevalent medical and scientific standards (Tr. 142). The report of Dr. Richards' study has been accepted for publication in the British Journal of Sexual Medicine (Tr. 143).

...those gains in length and especially in girth within a time span of just 3 months sound totally exaggerated. What the hell did they do to be that successfull?

I mean that´s what I gained within years all in all. Really depressing.

The subjects were supervised and guided throughout the process, so they didn't have to go through the trial and error that most men undertaking Penis Enlargement do.

This study was used as testimony in a lawsuit against a sexual aids products company and was published in the British Journal of Sexual Medicine, so it's very likely that it's authentic. Though the aforementioned company was successfully sued, the court did uphold Dr. Richards' work on the study.
Last edited:
Here´s the whole study. What a drag that they don´t mention the exercises involved.

Wasn´t there only the jelq, pump and normal manual stretches back in the days?
Shouldn´t we be able to produce even better gains with the huge variety of exercises we have nowadays...like DLD blasters, slow squash jelqs, just to name a few really innovative exercises?

Alright then, here we go

http://www.Thund3rs Pl@ce.com/usps_v_modern_age.html
large1;329459 said:
Shouldn´t we be able to produce even better gains with the huge variety of exercises we have nowadays...like DLD blasters, slow squash jelqs, just to name a few really innovative exercises?

Yes. The new innovations in Penis Enlargement over the past 8 years have increased gains to the entire Penis Enlargement community from the way they were prior to this time. When I first became involved in Penis Enlargement there were very few exercises and the gains to most were slow, very slow. A gain of a half inch in 2 years was views as good. When I first came out with the gains I had made using my exercises most thought I was full of shit. I came into a society of slow gainers boasting a 2" gain in just over 6 months. It was very hard for people to understand. My first post at either Thunders or Peforum was introducing myself, my gains and techniques. The thread became a flame thread where I practically felt ostracized from the community. It was only after many men were making huge gains in length using DLD Blasters that it was believed. The DLD Blasters thread became the biggest thread at Thund3rs Pl@ce ever. The only reason the thread is no longer growing is it was closed by Thunder a few years back (a silly move in my opinion.) I feel that thread was instrumental in the growth of Penis Enlargement across the board.
large1;329459 said:
Here´s the whole study. What a drag that they don´t mention the exercises involved.

Wasn´t there only the jelq, pump and normal manual stretches back in the days?
Shouldn´t we be able to produce even better gains with the huge variety of exercises we have nowadays...like DLD blasters, slow squash jelqs, just to name a few really innovative exercises?

Alright then, here we go

http://www.Thund3rs Pl@ce.com/usps_v_modern_age.html

That's a link to the lawsuit that quoted some of the results of the study.

As DLD stated, more intense exercises have enabled men to gain faster than with a standard jelq only routine. Even with the best exercises available though, the limiting factor is usually the trainee not sticking to the program or not paying attention to clues that let him know that he's doing too much/not enough. Penis Enlargement is an individual thing that requires fine tuning over time in order to get maximum results.
Big Al;329518 said:
That's a link to the lawsuit that quoted some of the results of the study.

As DLD stated, more intense exercises have enabled men to gain faster than with a standard jelq only routine. Even with the best exercises available though, the limiting factor is usually the trainee not sticking to the program or not paying attention to clues that let him know that he's doing too much/not enough. Penis Enlargement is an individual thing that requires fine tuning over time in order to get maximum results.

Excellent point Al.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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