Just google Chartham Study, first link leads you to Thund3rs Pl@ce. Interesting read indeed. Hey, that rhymes.
But there´s one thing that ´makes me al little sceptical...
12. After the initial measurements, test subjects were instructed in the "Chartham Method" and told to start practicing it (Tr. 139). Insofar as possible the penis of each subject was thereafter measured, in the method above described, on a weekly basis (Tr. 139, 140). Dr. Richards recorded each measurement. Of the test subjects two dropped out of the test and two achieved no gain in dimensions. Dr. Richards recorded gains among the twenty-eight remaining subjects ranging from 2.4 cm. to 3.6 cm. (.94 in. - 1.4 in.) in length and from 1.4 cm. to 3.1 cm. (.55 in. - 1.2 inc.) in girth (Tr. 142; RX-5). No changes of any significance were found in the measurements taken of the control subjects (Tr. 145, 146). He reported the success rate as 87.5 percent in the test group (Tr. 143). In Dr. Richards' opinion, the study was conducted in accordance with prevalent medical and scientific standards (Tr. 142). The report of Dr. Richards' study has been accepted for publication in the British Journal of Sexual Medicine (Tr. 143).
...those gains in length and especially in girth within a time span of just 3 months sound totally exaggerated. What the hell did they do to be that successfull?
I mean that´s what I gained within years all in all. Really depressing.