I had a 1-2 Month break in Penis Enlargement but now I want to start again.
My actual BPFSL is 7.7 Inches (19,5cm).
There were times when I measured 8.27 Inches (21cm) of BPFSL but I dont know if this was because of different measuring or If I really had more BPFSL because there wasnt this Wire that stops my flaccid from being stretched 100%.
At one time (I measured every 2 months) I noticed my bpfsl was much shorter than before, like 7.1 Inches. I dont know if it was because of the measuring or if it was the cord that limited my stretch now,
but after I read about that Cord I noticed that this "theory" somehow applies to me.
I have an upward curve, when I'm stretching my flaccid it doesnt gets pencil thin, I can really feel the cord that restricts the stretch. I can feel how it pulls back the stretch, its a pull like a kegel while stretching (It my flaccid back).

I found this thread:
But there are no updates about it for years.
Someone has experiences with that? If I can pull it out like that, does that mean I can just do my stretches like this, and theres no other way to do it?
And are there any stretches that attack that septum except fulcrum hanging?
And I read that V-Stretches are dangeros for the dorsal nerve, so what should I do?
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I know the septum is limiting my stretches/gains because I can just work the ligs when I grip at the base.
If I grip behind the glans I will feel NOTHING except the cord that stops me from stretching out more.
When I grip at the base I feel the lig burn, but just if I stretch to the sides. Straight out will not do anything.

I think I wont see any new gains because the strong cord would hold new length back.
Has anyone gained something with that cord?
If I do lig stretches from the base to the left and right I feel a lig burn.
Does that mean I can still grow or is the cord preventing growth of length?
And are fulcrum and A-Stretches in a hot shower (heat + fulcrum) enough to stretch the cord or does it needs much more time, like with a hanger or smth??
I am still SO LOST on this cord stuff, why would some guys have a body part others don't"? Someone help me here???
I've read threads on the 'cord' the septum or whatever its called and also I'm lost. Its part of the penis right? stretch with enough intensity progressively and change up the angles of the stretch and over time you will gain, you have to because the stress being applied to the body makes it adapt to it by growing new tissue. I cant see how this cord will make it harder, yes it may be strong but increase intensity or attack it from different angles and it WILL grow ... read medical books on Physiology and adaptation on the body from stress, more particularly with growth or exposure to it such as the sun = tan or burn, lifting weights = bigger muscle + stronger muscle or overstraining and soreness.

Good subject this septum cord thing dont get me wrong and we can all learn from it but for me many other Penis Enlargement forums (I have seen it on other forums) make penis enlargement so complicated and fancy, perhaps to justify them being different? who knows but its not rocket science and needn't be so hard. You can make taking a shit sound complicated but the simple fact its a very easy act a child can mimic.
in my experience hanging was able to budge this 'cord' but i still find hanging to be a huge pain in the ass. as for manual exercises, bundled stretches help to budge it a bit. for me the confusion lies in whether there are some exercises which can make the cord *stronger* and how to avoid doing those exercises. its also possible that the very exercises which 'budge' the cord (hanging, etc) are the same ones that make it stronger. my belief is that steady Penis Enlargement against this 'cord' will help to budge it more permanently.
When I stretch to the sides (gripped at the base) I feel a strong ligburn and no cord, but when I stretch up, down or straight out I will feel nothing but the cord restricting the stretch.
I never felt a lig stretch gripped behind the glans, maybe I could have at the start but who knows.. just the internal stretches gripped at the base work.
I dont think its that easy to stretch because it really feels like steel, pulling on it would result in nothing, and I dont want to try it because I dont want it to get stronger.
If I'm right then that is the buck's fascia that gets stronger and thicker to prevent nerv injury or whatever it tries to protect.
After 5-6 month of Penis Enlargement (I think so) I measured, and I was shocked how my size was somehow less than 2 months ago. BPFSL and BPenis EnlargementL.
I dont know if it was the way I measured, or if it had to do anything with that cord, but I went from 8 - 8.27 Inch BPFSL to ~ 7 - 7.5 Inch BPFSL.

Since the cord restricts the flaccid stretch I think this could be the reason, but as I said, maybe it was the measuring, but its still there messing up my stretch.
Then I took a 1 month break, and i could feel all the stretches again, like at the first time I did Penis Enlargement but just for 1-2 weeks.
Now I did another break (1 month) but the cord is still there pulling strong.
Im currently trying to break that plateau by doing fulcrum,A-Stretches and a variation of the mandingo stretch that attacks the cord (fulcrum over the backhand) together with lots of heat, but I dont know if it would work, and if, how fast.
I dont want to Penis Enlargement for 3 years to gain 0.25" in length. I think I could do much better.

When I stretch out to my max BPFSL, 7.7 Inch, I feel the cord. It also tugs back sometimes.
At that point, it feels impossible to go further. I could pull for years and I would never get to 7.700000001.
As someone described here before, its like a steel wire in a sock.
I dont feel tissue or lig stretch, just the freaking cord.

So I can still feel the ligburn when I stretch to the sides, gripped at the base, and sometimes the mandingo stretch.
It COULD give me new length, but I'm afraid that length will not come as "length" because the cord restricts any new length to the shaft (because its way stronger than anything else).
So maybe my upward curve gets stronger, or I get more girth because theres no place for the length... I dont know, Im lost on this buck's fascia topic.
I never felt a lig stretch gripped behind the glans, maybe I could have at the start but who knows.. just the internal stretches gripped at the base work.

Try performing DLD 'A' stretch with blasters (Reverse Kegels) while also pushing down onto the penis so it makes a 'V' shape. This will elongate and stretch out this cord thing. You can also look at Blue_Whales mandingo stretch and mother of all ligament stretches plus my V-SES stretch and DLD's behind the cheek stretch.

These all masterly hit the suspensory ligament and top portion of the shaft and all one needs to do is add variation to the stretch if they want to target specific areas like with this septum cord it sounds as thought a 'V' stretch would do it. I know another exercise exists that utilised such a position ... will try finding it.
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Here's the V-Stretch I was looking for. Method created by Girth_Hammer and is done via weights. With all these exercises taken into account, surely no one thinks that this cord cannot be defeated? It isn't that strong it cant be elongated ... perhaps if its so strong than more time under tension (TUT) would be required to fatigue it and than a very hard intense session to take advantage of the work but all the talk I have read in the past about it being so impossibly strong is ridiculous.

Anyone have more specific information on the septum cord?
REDZULU2003;418847 said:
I've read threads on the 'cord' the septum or whatever its called and also I'm lost. Its part of the penis right? stretch with enough intensity progressively and change up the angles of the stretch and over time you will gain, you have to because the stress being applied to the body makes it adapt to it by growing new tissue. I cant see how this cord will make it harder, yes it may be strong but increase intensity or attack it from different angles and it WILL grow ... read medical books on Physiology and adaptation on the body from stress, more particularly with growth or exposure to it such as the sun = tan or burn, lifting weights = bigger muscle + stronger muscle or overstraining and soreness.

Good subject this septum cord thing dont get me wrong and we can all learn from it but for me many other Penis Enlargement forums (I have seen it on other forums) make penis enlargement so complicated and fancy, perhaps to justify them being different? who knows but its not rocket science and needn't be so hard. You can make taking a shit sound complicated but the simple fact its a very easy act a child can mimic.

Agreed Red!!!

I think you are making this well to hard and looking in to things to much. I had the same problem and i have got past it.
I found you have to relax your hole body including your mind ( i think relaxing your mind is the most important thing) if your anxious or stressed or anything of the sort your penis will go into spot mode as i like to call it, It will tighten up and become hard to stretch at all.

It is like the tendons in your body when you stretch befor exercise etc you dont force the stretch you go with it warming your self up taking you time adding more tension bit by bit but if you force it or try to rush it they will tighten to protect the body from being injured..

You have to find something that makes you relax. With me i found to relax my mind i would listen to music or stick on a T.V show that i can get lost in to distract me a little so i wouldnt make myslef anxious so i could relax.
Then i would sit in front of a heater playing, And using a sock that i re-heated on the heater to keep my penis warm. You need to take your time with the stretchs so the cord can relax. Only stretching when the penis is soft and flexabile to get the best stretch what will mean you will have to take time inbetween stretchs it dose make stretching a little longer but worth it.

This is what i have found works for me. And if you adapt it to your needs it mite work for you.

As i say to my self: RELAX ,GO SLOW ,BE CAILM AND DO NOT FORCE THE STRECH.. i hope this helps

o and 1 more thing pull HARD really HARD !!!
i found away to beat the wire, alittle while ago i was asking the same questions .,you can even check my threads. but any way i started messing around with different stretches, like the a-stretche and found that i was getting better elasticity but it wasnt until red sent me the thread of clamped erect stretches that i found what works,(for me atleast) after clamped erect stretches i had an injury to the hand unrelated to pe, so i wasnt able to pull hard but one day while playing with myself lol i found that in a semi flaccid state, (notice how i said semi flaccid not semi erect)around just enough stimulation to be able to kegel a little blood in the head ,about maybe 8% erect ,like you should be nowhere near 50% erect, practicly flaccid, laydown on yyour back and grip about an inch befor the head so you pull some skin and not the more sensitive area behind the glans, and just pull upward for about 1 min each time, seriously its just an upwards stretche semi faccid.
i was feeling the top of my shaft while doing this and the cord seems to be spreadout throught the penile shaft while doing this stretch so it creates less resisstance.
when i grip i pull up with an ok grip like a reg jelq , not over had , and then i use my other hand for extra force !!!

also the reason i began pulling from about 1 '' for the glans and not the sensitive skin is becaus i found that when stretche on that skin it gets irritated and uncomfortable and it acts up the cord even more
REDZULU2003;418903 said:
Try performing DLD 'A' stretch with blasters (Reverse Kegels) while also pushing down onto the penis so it makes a 'V' shape. This will elongate and stretch out this cord thing. You can also look at Blue_Whales mandingo stretch and mother of all ligament stretches plus my V-SES stretch and DLD's behind the cheek stretch.

These all masterly hit the suspensory ligament and top portion of the shaft and all one needs to do is add variation to the stretch if they want to target specific areas like with this septum cord it sounds as thought a 'V' stretch would do it. I know another exercise exists that utilised such a position ... will try finding it.

Thats somehow my stretch routine. Base gripped lig stretches to the sides, the mandingo stretch, a modified mandingo stretch that stretches the septum over the backhand, a stretches over the wrist, A stretches over the fingers (smaller fulcrum), and sometimes I do the V-Ses stretch.
I can easily stretch the ligs with the right stretches, thats no problem, but I dont know if this would give me new length or not, because the cord could prevent growth in the length? (I thinks thats a question for someone who knows more about the anatomy of the shaft)
I always hear about fulcrum hanging to defeat the cord, but rarely about manual stretches. I dont want to waste my time with manual stretches if they just make it stronger
I dont know red, taking a shit is more complicated than you think, especially the wiping the ass bit and lets not mention missing the toilet.;)
Dick_Slinger;419142 said:
I dont know red, taking a shit is more complicated than you think, especially the wiping the ass bit and lets not mention missing the toilet.;)

I have never wiped my ass, I have always washed completely after. I never understood toilet paper, you wipe shit into your ass after shitting? That is gross! :)
Will fulcrum-stretches like A-Stretches, V-Stretches and other stretches (anything that stretches the top of the shaft) help to remove a bit of an upward curve?
I dont want to remove it completely, but I dont like the look.
Its just bend at the start and the rest is straight, thats why it looks more like a "kink".
My glans looks a bit like its bend down a bit.. its hard to see but its the combination of these two curves.

I want to remove these bends a bit, so I can keep that curve, but also gain some length and a better look.

What should I do? Fulcrum stretches or erect bends?
Right now im concentrating on stretches that stretch the "cord", like all those fulcrum stretches and bundled tunica stretches.
Do I need to do erect bends?
And how hard? how long? Just bend or also clamp the base or whatever?
Article here from another Penis Enlargement site that mentions the Septum and is an OUTSTANDING piece written by a doctor. Sheds light on this septum thing.
Where is this cord located? i feel something that i would call a firm cord on the dorsal part of my penis in the middle, i assumed it was a ligament that helped the penis "stand" when youre erect.
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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