Honestly, i dont think 16 weeks sounds long at all, but maybe thats just me and the juiceheads I have been around.
Yea your right about it not being potent enough, i will probably up the test dosage to 750mg a week, but still for 16 weeks. If i start to realize a platuea and not real changes after a certain point ill stop, but i think im gunna stick with the 16 week cycle. I will be taking cranberry extract pills, and also milk thistle to clean up the liver and urinary tract while on cycle, especially during the dianabol.

I don't know about arimidex for PCT. Do you think it will work as well compared to nolvadex and clomid?
goldmember said:
I'm no expert on steroid cycles, but doesn't 16 weeks sound a bit long? I know it isn't extremely potent, but if you were to ask me, I would double the testosterone and cut the time to 8-12 weeks. Also, the drugs you're planning on taking really shut down the HPTA (hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis) so some HCG toward the end of your cycle might not be a bad choice either, especially with Dianabol.

Also, consider adding some arimidex to the PCT. I also don't see much additional benefit of taking both nolva and clomid than one or the other.

As far as finasteride, it depends on your prostate and hair line (prostate being most important). Consider getting PSA tests to see if you need to take the finasteride. Both Dianabol and Winstrol especially are known for DHT-like side effects.

Hopefully prince Albert and/or sikdogg will add their thoughts.
pete i will be honest,you have fell into the trap a lot of lads do you ran a cycle made gains then after the cycle lost motivation quit training and lost everything,as sikdogg said earlier its the yoyo effect.

Unless you can commit 100% to your training diet then you are wasting your time using aas,you will just go up and down.

That may sound a bit patronizing but i no plenty who do this year after year.

I would run 500mg test and 30-35mg d/bol,no reason to jump your dosages up on your second cycle,if you carn't gain on that then its more than likely a diet issue.

You are better off running a cycle for 8-12 weeks,after that gains will have ground to a halt,the lads i know who run long cycles either change what they are using every 8 weeks or cruise then blast to keep the gains coming on a long cycle.

As GM said HCG will be needed if your going to run a cycle that long,the longer the cycle the harder the recovery.

My knowledge of gyno is limited as ive never really had any problems myself,from the little ive read if its well established then you will be unlikely to reverse it,i have heard of some minor success but normaly you need surgery to sort it out.Sikdogg may be better able to help.
Im2mackin said:
New Year, New DIET, NEW BODY!

Havent been in the gym since June 15th hard and just started back up since my workload just has been lightened. I lost almost everything and it really sucks to see how much u had and no that you look like shit now. Im probably fatter then i was in the March pics. Im gunna jump on another cycle soon and bulk the fuck up with muscles, cardio and strict ass diet... No bullshit..i have to do this. Anyways fellas, Ill be posting pics up probably mid cycle- like around February stay tuned to see me again.....

Bro, do yourself a favor and start slow... you've been out of the gym for 6 months and you want to jump right into an AAS cycle?? I suggest you take advantage of the new year and start slow. You're not in a race so plan out what you want to acomplish this year and work toward it...

As far as 16 week cycles go... they are considered on the long side. Some prefer them over short cycles but not me. Longer cycles allow you to gain over a longer period of time but you're also exposing yourself to negative sides longer. I also agree with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] that you don't need to increase test dosages... I ran 500mg of test only for like 3-4 cycles before adding anything or stacking anything with it.

For the last year or so, i've become an advocate of short but frequent burst cycles. I prefer something like 4-weeks on and 4-weeks off running something like prop/tren or prop/NPP. I never run any orals these days... they just seem to cause more sides than anything else. Gains aren't as good as when running longer cycles but i noticed that my bloodwoork looks much much better and that if anything goes out of whack, it comes back to normal real quick. Remember, it's all about health ... ;)
prince Albert said:
pete i will be honest,you have fell into the trap a lot of lads do you ran a cycle made gains then after the cycle lost motivation quit training and lost everything,as sikdogg said earlier its the yoyo effect.

Unless you can commit 100% to your training diet then you are wasting your time using aas,you will just go up and down.

That may sound a bit patronizing but i no plenty who do this year after year.

I would run 500mg test and 30-35mg d/bol,no reason to jump your dosages up on your second cycle,if you carn't gain on that then its more than likely a diet issue.

You are better off running a cycle for 8-12 weeks,after that gains will have ground to a halt,the lads i know who run long cycles either change what they are using every 8 weeks or cruise then blast to keep the gains coming on a long cycle.

As GM said HCG will be needed if your going to run a cycle that long,the longer the cycle the harder the recovery.

My knowledge of gyno is limited as ive never really had any problems myself,from the little ive read if its well established then you will be unlikely to reverse it,i have heard of some minor success but normaly you need surgery to sort it out.Sikdogg may be better able to help.

sikdogg said:
Bro, do yourself a favor and start slow... you've been out of the gym for 6 months and you want to jump right into an AAS cycle?? I suggest you take advantage of the new year and start slow. You're not in a race so plan out what you want to acomplish this year and work toward it...

As far as 16 week cycles go... they are considered on the long side. Some prefer them over short cycles but not me. Longer cycles allow you to gain over a longer period of time but you're also exposing yourself to negative sides longer. I also agree with [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] that you don't need to increase test dosages... I ran 500mg of test only for like 3-4 cycles before adding anything or stacking anything with it.

For the last year or so, i've become an advocate of short but frequent burst cycles. I prefer something like 4-weeks on and 4-weeks off running something like prop/tren or prop/NPP. I never run any orals these days... they just seem to cause more sides than anything else. Gains aren't as good as when running longer cycles but i noticed that my bloodwoork looks much much better and that if anything goes out of whack, it comes back to normal real quick. Remember, it's all about health ... ;)

Thanks for responding, to my thread Prince albert, and sikdogg.(dont worry i didn't forget you Goldmember!)

Prince Albert, thanks for the info on gyno bro! I think you are right in a sense that i have ran into a yoyo effect, sorta a vicous cycle that is hard to break from, jumping on and off because of the lack of motivation. I honestly believe that i am motivated, its just that i am working 2 jobs 1 full time 1 part time, i am a fulltime college student(still keeping that 4.0 baby) and i am trying to squeeze in working out into the schedule. It might sound like an excuse, but i assure you that i am drained and really cannot mentally focus in the gym when on this sort of workload. So i now have less work, and more time for myself which i will spend in the gym. My part time hours i have cut down, and i refuse to do overtime or fill in for anyone at my fulltime job(the staff is big enough they dont need merofl ). Also as far as the diet, i have been on it for 3 1/2 weeks now and have lost 12 lbs of fat! I feel great now in the gym and my old muscles that i had before on the sauce are starting to come back. With the dosages i think i will stick with 500mgs for 12 weeks to make sure everything is ok liver wise.

Sikdogg, i think your right that i should wait a while before i jump back on AAS because i want to gain most or all of my natural muscle back. Maybe ill start in 2 months or longer when i see that my body has adapted to the weights and cardio that im throwing at it everyday. I really appreciate the all the cycle advise sikdogg, 12 weeks is what im am going to stick with, i def dont want to deal the the gyno or any other neg sides. Your right its all about the health, and on that note

I wish all you guys who contributed to my health in this thread, a very happy and healthy new year. It gives me motivation when i have people like you guys here to chat with. Thanks again guys, good luck on your gains, god bless you all, and have a goodnight!
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hey fellas,

just wanted to give you all a quick sneak peek at what i look like now.

Any improvement?



Im having trouble uploading the pics to [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], help anyone..its says not valid image file
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man i am not sure what everyone is talking about here. U need to slime down first. U need to get your body used to burning off the fat from your body and useing all that u eat instead of sending it back into the fat on you. All of your starch and sodium in your not perfect diet will lead to alot of unhealthy weight. U look like your arms got bigger, but that is the easy to do. If u want that cut look you wont acheive it by bulking first then deiting. Stay off of the creitine for now so you dont gain alot of watter weight, maybe get on a post cycle like tribulies or something and get your deit fixed. Cut down to the body fat levels u want then bulk up your muscles and u will notice that your bulk will come strickly in muscle size and not body fat like it is now. Go with 6 to 8 meals a day. Sample: 4 whole eggs, 1 bowle of oatmeal, 1/2 pound chiken breast and equal portion of rice or yam, repeate chicken meal 4 times. Protein shake mixed in with a bowle of oatmeal and penutbutter. Its a simple diet that is cheap to follow and easy to prepare. U need to stick to balanced amount of protein and fiberous carbs then go with a multi vitiman and maybe a post tab to keep strength up. Then switch up the moves u do every week. train each body part once a week, with forearms abbs and calfs everyother day. Through alot of super sets and drop sets in and focus on your form. Unless u want to be a power lifter and not have a good shape to impress the ladies with u need to get the burn in your muscles, doing this will also get your heart rate up and keep you sweating so that combined with a good diet will get the fat off your body and the size on. When u get to the fat level u want u can try something like noxexplode to add some muscle mass but be carefull cause those things add alot of watter weight that will make u puffy looking. However when u get your fat levels undercontrol then u can move onto heavy compound movements to put on size. but when u do that u still need to make sure u are getting the pump in every excersies u do and keep your form good. U got to remeber that u aint gaing size until u feel that pump. once u start to feel the pump u are finialy beging to triger ur growth untill then u might as well be doing arobics. Also make sure u have a work out partner to do super sets with and to watch your foarm, make sure to do deep squats and lunges to get ride of the fat on your legs, work your hams and get ride of the fat on your ass. U want to see results check out eddielatoza.com go to team discipline and i am on there, i wont tell u who i am but i am one of those two big guys on there, but i am not eddie, he is a freak in size.
sikdogg, thanks brother i am still in the process of transforming into a leaner me. My diet is now strict, low carb and low fat high protein and long intense weight training. I go a couple times a week and i look and feel so much better.

andemusprime, i dunno if you looked at the 2 most recent pix(2 posts up) bro but i am slimming down ALOT. My diet is in check clean meats(grilled fish, grilled chicken, tuna , turkey), egg whites, veggies, whey protein shakes, vitamins, lots of water and thats pretty much it. Everything on me looks better and is in the process of looking better and better everyday. I dont agree that diet would help me lean up, the reason being that it is too high in fat content and carbs at this point, i dont really need. When i am happy with how i look in terms of body fat, i will follow a similiar diet that you recommended, good low GI carbs and a moderate amount of good fats, and still protein in every meal. Thanks for the critique bro.

Thanks for the contributions to the thread bros
Well i was just giving advice from what works for me. your food sounds pretty good, i would stay away from tuna, too much sodium in tuna. All i eat is either chicken or lean ground, brown rice, yam, oatmeal, and eggs. The fiberous carbs are the only carbs i intake and i try to get most of my protein from animal source not supplement. I keep myself really lean all the time. It works good for me. Haveing my diet on a rutine lets me see all the small changes right away. If i am gaing in mass then i adjust diet and i see results and i dont have to worry about cutting back down cause my matabilism is working so well i just add pure slabs of muscle not any fat. Thats my goal, if i do end up with some extra on me then i adjust diet back down. I know where my weight will be every week and every day. If u are happy with how lean u are now then gj on your goal and keep building up that muscle, but i started cutting at about your level of body fat cause i was not happy. It all depends on the look your going for. I didnt mean to sound critical either, your progress is good, might not be super fast but it is alot better then those who just spin there wheels. Keep up the good work. sry about spelling i am horrible at it
Not super fast at all is right dude..lol..thanks for the criticism i appreciate it. I just started leaning down at the end of august so im happy with what im doing so far. Im definately not satisfied until i have veins coming out of my abs! That will take lots of boring food training and sleep but its all well worth the effort because we all no that theres nothing like a hot body(except of course a massive cock...lol)
No more bitch tits felllaasssssss! I got surgery done here in NY by Dr. Blau. Hes def one of the best plastic surgeons in that area of male breast reduction (gyno surgery). Can u tell the difference?
I can definitely see the difference. Now you have to be careful not to go overboard on the test, and be sure to include arimidex, nolvadex, and possibly andractim in your pct (maybe even mid-cycle).
Isn't gyno the enlargement of mammary breast tissue in men?? I thought that once you get the surgury to remove the mammary glands you are no longer suseptible to gyno...
You are right sikkdogg, my doctor told me i will never have to worry about growing breast tissue again. He completely removed the gland unlike some doctors that remove some gland and liposuction some fat. You guys dont even know how much it boosts your confidence having a nice manly chest. It is the best investment i have ever made,investing in myself.
goldmember, na i havent had any bloodwork done recently. I feel healthy but i have to go check it soon.

Hey guys i got some nasty pics of what my chest looked like before the surgery. The pictures in the beginnign of the thread are almost all with hard nipples so it hides the gyno. This is what my chest used to look like before the beach. I feel fucking awesome that i dont have that shit in my chest n e more!



I got the surgery at the end of June

Here is the link to the pic of me now


I can't believe its me..lol
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