Hey everybody, i dont know if anyone remembers me here but i used to be on these boards a while back.
I am 6'2" 19 years old
Anyways I was 214lbs back in Oct 2005 and that day was the day i decided to start working out again, prob because of distaste with my body. I have been takin a little creatine but that was only for 1 1/2 months and dont attribute my gains in weight from that but mostly from "proper" diet. I make sure to have 2500 calories a day in my diet with a majority of it in protein. In my most recent pictures(march 23) i weight 238 lbs and i have went up in everything, including fat, not a good thing. During this period of (working out i could of gotten alot leaner than i am right now but i have been lazy and only went to the gym 4 days a week and during the college weekend(thurs fri sat sun night) i have been drinking and not really following the "proper" diet. I will take pics again before summer starts and hopefully i will be the right size by then. Im looking to get to 225 but have muscle and be lean. Well see huh.

Btw do you think i have bitch tits? I was fat ever since i was small and just dramatically lost some weight recently so i dunno. Lets see if i can make them shrink or disappear soon.

I used to do some Penis Enlargement but never got really into it. My stats now are 7BPenis EnlargementL by 5.2EG In the march pics i did some Penis Enlargement before so its discolored and also swollen.
Good results there man. You definitely can tell that you bulked up. I should dig up some pics of me taken only six weeks after bulking...I literally gained about 20 pounds. Bulk up first, then cut down, that's the best way to go. I would say you are on the right track. When you seem like you aren't gaining any more size, that's the perfect time to diet down and step up your workouts. Keep us posted.
Thanks Goldmember, i think i bulked up enough and now im gunna cut down. Please if you wouldnt mind finding those pics....id love to see them.

I am going on a cycle on clenbuterol tomorrow to help with the fat loss. I will eat like a 2000 calorie diet and cycle it on and off two weeks at a time. I hope to be cut or at least more cut by june. I will post new pics in june. Thanks for reading.
Great biceps if you ask. I'm not sure you want me to discuss your diet, but I heard you should not base the diet on a protein intake, rather on a balanced carb fat and protein diet. Even if you wan to bulk up?
Hey ggogeta, thanks i appreciate the comment on teh biceps. Everybody tells me i have big biceps. Thats my prize possesion i guess.

Balanced carb, protein, and fat diet sounds interesting. What do you suggest if i may ask?
Im2mackin said:
Hey ggogeta, thanks i appreciate the comment on teh biceps. Everybody tells me i have big biceps. Thats my prize possesion i guess.

Balanced carb, protein, and fat diet sounds interesting. What do you suggest if i may ask?
Aie, gotta ask IM2MANLY, goldmember, sikdogg or someone else, I'm not that much into those diet things as I'm the type of guy that is skinny as a mofo, even though I eat more junk than my 3 younger brothers combined.

But I'm pretty sure one should not get into "all protein" diet. It's dangerous not to have enough carbs and fat, and the body could react in some undesirable ways. Fat storage maybe... it's something like 30-30-40 but I could not tell what nutriment goes into what proportion :P
The fastest way of cutting without losing much muscle is a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD). You can do a search on it to learn more... It is a low carb diet similar to Atkins but you cycle in 1-2 days of high carbs to replenish glycogen stores which helps to keep muscle loss to a minimum. It's not the easiest diet to follow but it does work real well...

From your pics... it looks like you have gynecomastia (bitch-tits). Here's some info on it... http://www.gynecomastia.org/content/general/gynart.shtml
Thanks sikdogg for your opinion on my bitch-tits. I appreciate it. I dont think i have them as there is no hard tissue but hey i guess the easy way to know is to lose weight and cut up and see if they go away. Thanks for the diet info and ur insight. Goodnight!
Bitch-tits is the formation of fatty tissue around the nipple similar to that of women. It's not necessarily hard tissue... once it has fully set in, it will feel soft like how women's breasts feel. You don't really have that much bodyfat but your nipples point out, which makes me think you have gyno... i can see that you carry some fat around the side of your chest close to the armpit which means that what you have may be what's called seudo-gyno. If that is the case, then getting your bodyfat down should solve your problem.
sikdogg said:
The fastest way of cutting without losing much muscle is a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet (CKD). You can do a search on it to learn more... It is a low carb diet similar to Atkins but you cycle in 1-2 days of high carbs to replenish glycogen stores which helps to keep muscle loss to a minimum. It's not the easiest diet to follow but it does work real well...

From your pics... it looks like you have gynecomastia (bitch-tits). Here's some info on it... http://www.gynecomastia.org/content/general/gynart.shtml

That's what I meant... low carb or fat diet might encourage muscle loss rofl... but might also encourage fat storage hehe.

Keep us updated man.
ggogeta said:
That's what I meant... low carb or fat diet might encourage muscle loss rofl... but might also encourage fat storage hehe.
Cutting diets are generally not good for building muscle, but if well planned you should lose very little muscle while dropping serious bodyfat. You really have to decide which is most important to you, keeping all your muscle AND FAT or losing a little muscle to lose most of your fat.

Low carb diets force your body to use fat (as ketones) for energy, how will this encourage fat storage?? If you eat often so you body is well nourished and don't eat too much surplus calories, there won't be much to store as fat.
sikdogg said:
Low carb diets force your body to use fat (as ketones) for energy, how will this encourage fat storage?? If you eat often so you body is well nourished and don't eat too much surplus calories, there won't be much to store as fat.

Sure, but the minute you start eating more fat I'd guess the body isnt used to it anymore and you get more fat storage. It's like the people who follow a strict diet... and their stomac shrinks a bit because it does not need to be big anymore. They lose fat rapidly, but then they can't take it anymore and start eating again, and then, because the body isn't made for such a big ammount of food could make that into fat. That's called the "yo-yo" effect right. (people gaining more than they lost)

I thought it was the same for low fat / carb diet. once you start to eat those again in greater qty, it has a bigger effect on you. But that was just an assumption from me.
The yo-yo effect comes from people with no self-control or ones that just don't know any better. These people only know two ways to eat... either they starve themselves or the gorge themselves. They don't stop and think for a moment...when you're on calorie restriction, you can't just start eating like you did before. You have to slowly add calories back into your diet. Think about it... if you go back to eating the way you did to get fat, what do you think the result will be?? Losing weight and keeping it off is a lifestyle change... and it's forever.
That all makes sense I just thought you could store more fat from a bag of chip after lest's say some months ( say, years) of stricter diet, than before. Because the body isnt used to it anymore.

I dunno it that's clear.

Anyways I think a good normal ratio of all carbs/fat/protein + exercice will lead you eventually to a normal weight. If you want faster results, substract some 100-200 calories ( and be intelligent on the choice of what you eat) and that's it. it's a no-brainer.

what's hard might be to CHANGE your habbits.
Stay away from CLEN, man! People have had serious heart problems (partially irreversible) from that shit. Stick to a fat burner like SAN Tight! or Biotest Hot Rox. I mean this whole-heartedly.

I know a member on this forum who had a near heart attack from ONE PILL. Don't take that risk.

Also, your gyno is pretty mild. The best way to get rid of gyno is taking an aromatase inhibitor, such as arimidex. An estrogen receptor blocker might also be effective (don't take both at the same time though--dangerous and will hurt gains).

As far as the protein intake, high protein diets burn fat--period. But the kidneys will take a huge beating if you continue to consume a diet based entirely off meat or whatever. The gluconeogenesis diet worked great for me. It was based off of 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. I bet it would have worked better if I decreased the carbs to 30% and increased the fat to 30%. Keep the calories at or below maintenance, and watch the fat fly off!
goldmember said:
As far as the protein intake, high protein diets burn fat--period. But the kidneys will take a huge beating if you continue to consume a diet based entirely off meat or whatever. The gluconeogenesis diet worked great for me. It was based off of 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. I bet it would have worked better if I decreased the carbs to 30% and increased the fat to 30%. Keep the calories at or below maintenance, and watch the fat fly off!

This is the proportions I was talking about :D Sorry for being a smart ass :s

At 19 you are still very young with some "puppy fat".
You look just fine and have a heavier build (like a Rugby Player).
Bigger is better.
Who looks good when they are skinny ....
Nelly Gay said:

At 19 you are still very young with some "puppy fat".
You look just fine and have a heavier build (like a Rugby Player).
Bigger is better.
Who looks good when they are skinny ....
And a lot of THEM like skinny cut guys. This dude has a good base to start from. He's got good arms, and he shouldn't have any problems building up his chest. I personally keep my bodyfat low, and I gain a little muscle at a time, and not much fat at all. But not everyone's metabolism makes it so easy to stay lean. I have a hard time gaining weight sometimes, but ironically I gained more weight when I cut my protein intake down.
Clen/T3 cycles are pretty common in the bodybuilding world... as long as you ramp up and ramp back down, you shouldn't have any problems.
Sorry Guys Just talked to an X of Mine of 1 year 2 motnhs and that made me feel like shit and havent been on the forums. Sorry Guys, Givew me a couple minutes to respond to your Posts. I AM ALIVE GOLDMEMBER, THANK YOU for caring!!!!:)
sikdogg said:
Cutting diets are generally not good for building muscle, but if well planned you should lose very little muscle while dropping serious bodyfat. You really have to decide which is most important to you, keeping all your muscle AND FAT or losing a little muscle to lose most of your fat.

Low carb diets force your body to use fat (as ketones) for energy, how will this encourage fat storage?? If you eat often so you body is well nourished and don't eat too much surplus calories, there won't be much to store as fat.

My desicion is to keep the muscle and the fat, but increase the muscle.

penguinsfan said:
Man, you'd probably say I have a huge set of jugs on me. lol

Post a pic and Ill be the Judge Of THAT!..rofl

ggogeta said:
Sure, but the minute you start eating more fat I'd guess the body isnt used to it anymore and you get more fat storage. It's like the people who follow a strict diet... and their stomac shrinks a bit because it does not need to be big anymore. They lose fat rapidly, but then they can't take it anymore and start eating again, and then, because the body isn't made for such a big ammount of food could make that into fat. That's called the "yo-yo" effect right. (people gaining more than they lost)

I thought it was the same for low fat / carb diet. once you start to eat those again in greater qty, it has a bigger effect on you. But that was just an assumption from me.

The YO YO Effect IS only For the WEAKMINDED!!!!!!!!

.........(runs to finish off the 30 wings he left in the oven).......

sikdogg said:
The yo-yo effect comes from people with no self-control or ones that just don't know any better. These people only know two ways to eat... either they starve themselves or the gorge themselves. They don't stop and think for a moment...when you're on calorie restriction, you can't just start eating like you did before. You have to slowly add calories back into your diet. Think about it... if you go back to eating the way you did to get fat, what do you think the result will be?? Losing weight and keeping it off is a lifestyle change... and it's forever.

Very True, as in the case of 2 of my brothers. My little brother, i put him on a low carb diet last year, he lost 50 lbs (260 to 210 {hes 6'2" and 13 years old}) and hes kept it off ever since with basketball and school activities, while my older brother has had the opposite effect. Around the same timelast year i put him on a low carb diet and he lost about 30 lbs( he was 330) and then immediately after he lost the weight ~splurged~ with the Wholesale Goodness of Costco food. I mean he jumped up 50 lbs in the matter of 1 month. Some people are weak minded and some people really care about how they look. Im the type of person who cares about how they look.

ggogeta said:
That all makes sense I just thought you could store more fat from a bag of chip after lest's say some months ( say, years) of stricter diet, than before. Because the body isnt used to it anymore.

I dunno it that's clear.

Anyways I think a good normal ratio of all carbs/fat/protein + exercice will lead you eventually to a normal weight. If you want faster results, substract some 100-200 calories ( and be intelligent on the choice of what you eat) and that's it. it's a no-brainer.

what's hard might be to CHANGE your habbits.

I agree i guess my older brother was set in his ways. He could easily do it, its just he has no motivation to succeed.

goldmember said:
Stay away from CLEN, man! People have had serious heart problems (partially irreversible) from that shit. Stick to a fat burner like SAN Tight! or Biotest Hot Rox. I mean this whole-heartedly.

I know a member on this forum who had a near heart attack from ONE PILL. Don't take that risk.

Also, your gyno is pretty mild. The best way to get rid of gyno is taking an aromatase inhibitor, such as arimidex. An estrogen receptor blocker might also be effective (don't take both at the same time though--dangerous and will hurt gains).

As far as the protein intake, high protein diets burn fat--period. But the kidneys will take a huge beating if you continue to consume a diet based entirely off meat or whatever. The gluconeogenesis diet worked great for me. It was based off of 40% protein, 40% carbs, and 20% fat. I bet it would have worked better if I decreased the carbs to 30% and increased the fat to 30%. Keep the calories at or below maintenance, and watch the fat fly off!

Thank you for your concern Goldmember, but Clen has treated me pretty well so far(at 140mcg a day 2 week on week off). I mean i get mild shakes here and there but I definately see a difference in muscle definition after only two weeks.

As far as the gyno, thats what i suspected mild gyno, i feel reassured that its that after your post. But as far as taking Arimidex or Nolvadex i dont know if i want to or should for that matter as it might hinder my gains. I have them on hand now because i just started my first cycle of TEST Enanthate (........YES BROTHERS THE JUICE IS LOOSE!.......) but i dont know if i want to risk not gaining as much muscle by taking them. I know most people might not promote steroid use for whatever reason but i have decided to use it and that is my desicion.

As far as my cycle goes it will be looking as follows
Week 1- 18 Clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off
Week 1-12 Test Enanthate (mon and Thurs) 700 mg a week/ mixed with 1 ml of b12 on both days

Week 15-16 Nolvadex 40 mg a day

Week 17-18 Nolvadex 20mg a day

As far as diet im gunna stick with a high protein, low carb, low fat and around 3000 calories a day.

Nelly Gay said:

At 19 you are still very young with some "puppy fat".
You look just fine and have a heavier build (like a Rugby Player).
Bigger is better.
Who looks good when they are skinny ....

Yea you are right, i do look good..(winks at himself in the mirror):)

i am gunna get bigger and BETTER and thanks for the compliment!;)

Mr.Winkle said:

AHHH Another one of u's!!!!!

I like my girls BIG man.... at least in the butt...deff not the GUTT!

AlreadyPackin' said:
And a lot of THEM like skinny cut guys. This dude has a good base to start from. He's got good arms, and he shouldn't have any problems building up his chest. I personally keep my bodyfat low, and I gain a little muscle at a time, and not much fat at all. But not everyone's metabolism makes it so easy to stay lean. I have a hard time gaining weight sometimes, but ironically I gained more weight when I cut my protein intake down.

Thanks for the Compliments about my arms (i love my arms!), and me having a good base to start from. I am going to stay at about the same BF but def increase muscle size. IF i go down in body fat GREAT because the increase in muscle, but if not ill lose it with cardio.

goldmember said:
I wish this guy would post so we don't think he ended up in the hospital from CLEN...

No Hospital for ME Goldmember but thank you again for your concern, i really appreciate it!rofl

sikdogg said:
Clen/T3 cycles are pretty common in the bodybuilding world... as long as you ramp up and ramp back down, you shouldn't have any problems.

Definately something i here alot about Sikdogg, Clen and T3. I just didnt want to jump on the t3 so I am going to stick with the CLEN and a long first cycle of Enan

THANK YOU ALL FOR POSTING IN MY THREAD. After my cycle is over i will posting some pictures...so cross your fingers guys!
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Im closing in on three weeks of test E 700mg's a week cycle with clen 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

Let me tell you Test enanthate is some good shit, aside from the common side effects(mood more aggressive, light acne[nothing a lil clearasil cant handle], and thicker cum wads). I have increased my bench 20lbs and feel strong as ever. I was wit some girl today and we were talking and she said somesomething so random. She was like "you have some fucking huge arms". I was like "I know" and winked...lmao Great moment right there. I am looking alot leaner my muscles are showing more and i lost 5 lbs of fat and gained strength everywhere else.

Ohh yea the clen feels mighty fine too, i feel the pump so much more in the gym, it gives me that extra boost to keep going until failure.

Later brothers and have a great night!
Nice... it only gets better. At 3 weeks in, you haven't even reached max blood levels of test yet. You still have plenty of gains coming...

Is this your first cycle??
For a first cycle, you could have gone lower on the dose and still make great gains... but it's all good. I'm glad you did some research and actually planned your cycle. Most first timers start without ever thinking of PCT.

It would be great if you could post you starting stats and update as your cycle progresses... i think alot of bros would be interested in seeing how it works out for you. good luck bro.
sikdogg said:
For a first cycle, you could have gone lower on the dose and still make great gains... but it's all good. I'm glad you did some research and actually planned your cycle. Most first timers start without ever thinking of PCT.

It would be great if you could post you starting stats and update as your cycle progresses... i think alot of bros would be interested in seeing how it works out for you. good luck bro.

JUSt got back from the gym at like 3 am! i went once at like 7 and then again at like 130 am. MAN How i love 24 hr gyms!! Its kinda crazy how i have energy to go again to gym and work out hard again too. Different muscle groups of course but still 2 great pumps.

YEa i have read and heard from the juicehead crowd at the gym that 500mg of test enanthate for like 8-10 weeks would be fine for my first cycle. But i decided that the stuff i have is Mexican Pet Pharma brand 350mg/ml Enanthate so it is probably underdosed. I have read that levels had been as low as 215mg/ml in this stuff. So i guess if it is underdosed, ill be doing just fine, and if its not....eh what the heck its not gunna kill me its just test(and ill get even better results!).

Yea i definately planned my cycle man to T because i have no time for BAD cycle. I have seen people and heard to many people with testticular atrophy and other problems like BAD bitch tits.

What stats would you like to know bro just let me kno, are you lookin for liek waist size, arms size(around the biceps), chest ...or are you looking for my weight and height. I dunno this is the first time im posting about my self in this way so let me and ill get to it. Also one question for you, have you done AAS before? and if so how did it work out for you? HAve you kept any size since then?

Allright guys imma get back to Larry King Live, special on Mattie Stepanek with pres Carter. You guys gotta watch this awesome kid, its too bad he died, poor kid. Check it out at http://mattieonline.com/

Night Crew!
Only thing I would be concerned about is if your test is legit. A lot of black market labels like to give you methyl test which is a major liver fiend. Get some blood work done post cycle to make sure everything is alright.

Glad to see that you're not only well, but feeling great! Keep us informed.

So are you like a professional football player, or what are all these drugs for?
HEy guys havent been on in a while to the boards been working alot. Unfortunately i havent been working out with the intensity and frequency that i had hoped i would be doing. So now i am left with just some results. I know i could of done better because i had been splurging with food and also not going to the gym maybe 1 once a week for the past two weeks. But yea these are my new pics....... also these pics are taken completely flaccid right after the gym...there is no pump and my shit is looking tiny as ever because im sweating like a beast and all the blood is everywhere else.

Definitely a big improvement. I would assume you are getting close to the end of your cycle, and I know a lot about post-cycle therapy, but I suggest you PM sikdogg and/or prince albert because they have lots of experience with it. It could mean the difference between keeping 100% of your gains and losing all of it...

Have you been Penis Enlargement'ing at all in the past couple of months, or just bodybuilding? What sports are you competing in?
I have not Penis Enlargement'ed at all in the last couple months...the last time was the last time i took pictures in march.

I am just lifting weights, i have done absolutely no cardio whatsoever. I also am not competing in any sports at all, i just like to lift weights.

Thanks Goldmember i thought the gains werent that big but those words make me feel better.

Yea i have another week left on the test then im am going to wait 2 weeks (to clear most of the test out)and do nolvadex for 40mg for two weeks then lower the dose to 20mgs for two weeks. I dont think that pct should be a problem.

By the way on this cycle i dropped the clenbuterol 3 weeks into it because i just didnt want to mess with to many drugs and it made me too agressive. The results are from just test enanthate and the last 2 weeks i started some arimidex to control the bloating.
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arimidex is a good choice, just go light on it during a cycle, as it will reduce muscle gains (in favor of lessening fat gain in bitch areas). As far as PCT, arimidex is even better than nolvadex, but both together is almost a perfect PCT combo. Throw in some HCG and you're batting with the big boys...
Thanks for the info Goldmember!

Now its time to plan for next cycle in September, what do you think i should do for a bulking cycle?

I was thinking Dbol from week 1-6 and Test Enanthate from week 1-12(or 16 undecided on length of cycle)
Some good progress there,just a word of warning pct isn't a very nice experiance so be prepared,you will notice some weight and strength loss,pct blues can be bad for some,don't be suprised if you become emotional at times,motivation can also be a big problem.

You need to be very strict with diet during this time to help maintain gains,not strict as in super clean but in that you need to eat at least as well as you did on cycle which you should have been,even upping the cals slightly,this is probably one of the biggest mistakes guys do,they finish a cycle then let there diet slip.

Cut back on your training as well for the first month at least,drop any isolation work you may have been doing,2 compound movements per body part 3 sets each and just try and maintain your poundages,they will more than likely drop,you should still be stronger than before the cycle though.

As far as pct goes it really is a trial and error thing in my opinion,there are many different ways of running pct.

Considering the length of your cycle and the dosage i would guess your nuts will have atrophied slightly even though you might think they are the same,i would run hcg for the last two weeks of the cycle before pct starts to give the little fellas a kick start,again there are many different ways of running hcg,personaly i use 500iu eod.

For pct Ive found a combo of clomid and nolva works best for me,50mg of clomid for 21 days and 40mg nolva first 10 down to 20 for last 10.

Ive used nolva by itself but at 60/40.

I don't no what its like in the states but alot of lads in the uk are now using IGF1 as part of pct and reporting very good results,never tried it myself so carn't really comment.
PrinceAlbert, thanks for detailed reponse on the PCT, will be useful for my next cycle. I have never heard of people using IGF-1 for post cycle therapy but then again, i probably am not in the same crowd as you. Thanks for the reply Godbless, and goodnight!
Im2mackin said:
PrinceAlbert, thanks for detailed reponse on the PCT, will be useful for my next cycle. I have never heard of people using IGF-1 for post cycle therapy but then again, i probably am not in the same crowd as you. Thanks for the reply Godbless, and goodnight!
Thyroid hormones are also used to combat metabolic lag. Many cycle thyroid hormones yearly to keep building lean muscle mass all year long.
Thanks Gold, but what kind of thyroid hormones.... and are they underground like the roids? or can u get them with a script from ur doctor...

ALso what do you think about accutane because one of my friends has taken it and it has worked miracles for him. I was thinking the same thing but i here its liver toxic so i dunno about that? Any insight oh great one...lol

I dunno man, ive havent been in the gym like hard since june 15th and not in the gym at all for 6 weeks. I really gotta cut down my work hours cuz i have no time for anything.
Cytomel (T3) is the most effective thyroid hormone. Armour is also very good. T4 is less active than T3. I would suggest Cytomel, which you can get but it is a prescription drug. You can find it though.

One of my friends used accutane and it didn't work for him. Not saying it's ineffective, but wouldn't risk adding it to an already liver-toxic regiment. There is a thread called "my no-shit acne solution" somewhere in here, and plenty of natural/ less toxic cures to be found.

Im2mackin said:
Thanks Gold, but what kind of thyroid hormones.... and are they underground like the roids? or can u get them with a script from ur doctor...

ALso what do you think about accutane because one of my friends has taken it and it has worked miracles for him. I was thinking the same thing but i here its liver toxic so i dunno about that? Any insight oh great one...lol

I dunno man, ive havent been in the gym like hard since june 15th and not in the gym at all for 6 weeks. I really gotta cut down my work hours cuz i have no time for anything.

Ro-accutane is a derivative of Vitamin A and is a last ditch drug used in treating severe acne that defies normal medicines.
There are lots of side effects and it must be dispensed by a Consultant Dermatologist in a hospital setting since you need regular blood tests.
It is also costly ....
Nelly Gay said:
Ro-accutane is a derivative of Vitamin A and is a last ditch drug used in treating severe acne that defies normal medicines.
There are lots of side effects and it must be dispensed by a Consultant Dermatologist in a hospital setting since you need regular blood tests.
It is also costly ....

Yea i already planned on getting it from my doctor, but he wasnt registered to ipledge and i told him to register and he probably didnt do it yet. I think i am going to check with a dermatologist in the neighborhood. Thanks for your insight NElly Gay!

i have insurance so it cant cost that much
New Year, New DIET, NEW BODY!

Havent been in the gym since June 15th hard and just started back up since my workload just has been lightened. I lost almost everything and it really sucks to see how much u had and no that you look like shit now. Im probably fatter then i was in the March pics. Im gunna jump on another cycle soon and bulk the fuck up with muscles, cardio and strict ass diet... No bullshit..i have to do this. Anyways fellas, Ill be posting pics up probably mid cycle- like around February stay tuned to see me again.....

goldmember said:
Good to hear from you. I always think you're dead when you stop posting all of a sudden lol
LOL.... no thank God...not for a long time ..a very long time

My next cycle, in 3 to 4 weeks, will be bigger than the last cycle, since i'm looking for more mass. I was thinking of actually taking arimidex and nolvadex pre cycle to "kill" the gyno that i have in my chest and to also tighten up my body a little before the Dianabol. Im not to sure if it is "ok" to drop my estrogen so drastically before i would be loading it with dbol and test e immediately after the nolva and arimidex..what do you guys think? I also have liquid propecia on hand and was thinking of using it, but don't want to minimize gains during the cycle that much. So maybe 1mg of propecia ED throughout the cycle? Maybe i should use it in conjunction with arimidex or nolvadex?

Testosterone Enanthate 500mg wk 1-16
Dianabol 50mg everyday wk 1-7
Winstrol 50mg everyday wk 11-16
Nolva 40mg ED WK 19-20
Nolva 20mg ED WK 21-22
Clomid 50mg ED WK 19-22

whatya think Goldmember, and friends?
I'm no expert on steroid cycles, but doesn't 16 weeks sound a bit long? I know it isn't extremely potent, but if you were to ask me, I would double the testosterone and cut the time to 8-12 weeks. Also, the drugs you're planning on taking really shut down the HPTA (hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular axis) so some HCG toward the end of your cycle might not be a bad choice either, especially with Dianabol.

Also, consider adding some arimidex to the PCT. I also don't see much additional benefit of taking both nolva and clomid than one or the other.

As far as finasteride, it depends on your prostate and hair line (prostate being most important). Consider getting PSA tests to see if you need to take the finasteride. Both Dianabol and Winstrol especially are known for DHT-like side effects.

Hopefully prince Albert and/or sikdogg will add their thoughts.
Im2mackin said:
LOL.... no thank God...not for a long time ..a very long time

My next cycle, in 3 to 4 weeks, will be bigger than the last cycle, since i'm looking for more mass. I was thinking of actually taking arimidex and nolvadex pre cycle to "kill" the gyno that i have in my chest and to also tighten up my body a little before the Dianabol. Im not to sure if it is "ok" to drop my estrogen so drastically before i would be loading it with dbol and test e immediately after the nolva and arimidex..what do you guys think? I also have liquid propecia on hand and was thinking of using it, but don't want to minimize gains during the cycle that much. So maybe 1mg of propecia ED throughout the cycle? Maybe i should use it in conjunction with arimidex or nolvadex?

Testosterone Enanthate 500mg wk 1-16
Dianabol 50mg everyday wk 1-7
Winstrol 50mg everyday wk 11-16
Nolva 40mg ED WK 19-20
Nolva 20mg ED WK 21-22
Clomid 50mg ED WK 19-22

whatya think Goldmember, and friends?
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    How's everyone
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @sam hi, good to see you brother. Post in the forum and we'll chat more.
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    Out of sheer curiosity, is anyone interested in having a premature O together while we watch videos?
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    Anyone wanna cum to asians twerking or kpop vids
  • Akteon1 @ Akteon1:
    Hi. Good to be here.
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    @Akteon1, good to see you here. Join us into the forum.
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    Which forum? How do I get there?
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    I was approached by a coach from a Nigerian phone number?
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  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    @Akteon1, visit other sub forums to check out all the info in PE. Forum list
  • oldandlively @ oldandlively:
    More importantly, see the first three posts in this sub forums to answer most of your doubts and questions: Ask questions
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  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
  • H @ huge-girth:
    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
  • P (Guest) pedguin:
    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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