It seems to me that many Penis Enlargement'ers will not accept the possibility that Penis Enlargement damages penises permanently. I've come to believe that Penis Enlargement is not a good practice for at least some people, perhaps for many, and I have suspicions that erectile dysfunction is more common among people who Penis Enlargement than is indicated on this forum, thundersplace, or any other Penis Enlargement forum.

I've spent a few years now (since late 2003) considering how Penis Enlargement damages penises. I've put together a few theories:

-- Stretching of connective tissue has been clinically shown to mechanically weaken connective tissue while also improving flexibility. Mechanical weakening means reduced capacity to resist changes in structural integrity, or in other words, reduced capacity for resistance to damage. A good bit of the penis is made up of connective tissue, and perhaps weakening the strength of this tissue, even if it is made more flexible by stretching, may have some negative impact on erection firmness. I am not certain why this could be, but it seems sensible to think that mechanical weakening of tissue within the penis may cause erection problems. Admittedly, it also seems sensible that more flexible tissue in the penis could result in a larger penis, either erect or flaccid. Again, I'm not certain that mechanical weakness leads to erection problems. But it could.
--The repetitive nature of Penis Enlargement could cause scar tissue formation in the penis. I have gone over this before in another post, but scar tissue formation from repetitive injury is a well-documented phenomenon in medicine. Unlike my prior theory, I am considerably more certain of the consequences of scar tissue formation in the penis. If scar tissue forms in the penis, the scar tissue doesn't retain the properties of the once healthy tissue it replaces. For example: smooth muscle in the penis has a function -- its function is to relax when one is sexually stimulated and, by relaxing, allow blood to flow into the penis. Perhaps counterintuitively, smooth muscle in the penis is actually contracted when you are flaccid. If smooth muscle is turned to scar tissue by repetitive or acute trauma, the scar tissue won't have the capacity to relax like smooth muscle. The consequence of this is obvious -- no erection. Of course, even after years of Penis Enlargement its unlikely that all, or perhaps even most, of a person’s smooth muscle is converted to scar tissue. But I think the point I'm illustrating is clear. If some smooth muscle is converted to scar tissue, erection firmness could be compromised.
--Another example: perhaps the sinusoidal spaces in our penises (sinusoidal spaces are essentially repositories for blood that are connected to arteries that flow into our penises) are converted to scar tissue by damage from Penis Enlargement. Sinusoidal spaces are allowed to fill with blood when smooth muscle relaxes in the penis because arterial blood flow is increased. If the sinusoidal spaces are scarred or are replaced with scar tissue, they won't be able to fill with as much blood, or perhaps no blood at all, and erection is compromised.

Remember the basic physiology of an erection. The penis gets erect when one is excited because the smooth muscle in the penis becomes relaxed, blood flows into the penis and fills up the sinusoidal spaces, and the increased blood pressure pushes against the veins in your penis, which prevents blood from leaving the penis. If the tissues in your penis (either connective tissue, sinusoidal spaces, arteries, or any other tissue except perhaps veins) are damaged and they do not repair adequately, erections can suffer.

I felt compelled to respond here because I got fed up feeling like no one wants to accept that Penis Enlargement can be dangerous and result in permanent damage. I advise anyone who disbelieves me to do a search for erectile dysfunction on this forum, thundersplace, or any other Penis Enlargement forum. Also, even though Dr. Lin is a quack, there are dozens upon dozens of testimonials on his website about people having long term erection problems after sometimes even short bouts of Penis Enlargement. Since I definitely believe that Dr. Lin is a quack, the testimonials I'm referring to could be fake. I think this is unlikely because of the raw quantity of testimonials on his site and the probability that even quacks don't create enormous archives of testimonials, carefully altering the writing quality to suggest diverse origins.

I’m truly very sorry to say folks, but we could be fooling ourselves with Penis Enlargement. If you are skeptical of the safety of Penis Enlargement, even when practiced "correctly", please feel free to message me on AOL’s instant messenger at oribitalarbiter, or email me at [email protected]. I also periodically check back with this forum to see if any developments have been made regarding injury from Penis Enlargement. I am interested in speaking to anyone about Penis Enlargement, and I am particularly interested in talking to others in a more conversational style about long term Penis Enlargement injury.

P.S – To everyone who is delighted with what Penis Enlargement has done for them, I’m happy for you. Even still, your success doesn’t mean that Penis Enlargement can’t be dangerous. Please be careful.
:balling: :balling: I knew this Penis Enlargement stuff was too good to be true:balling: :balling: .....Is there any ways to make Penis Enlargement safer?.....Thanks for looking out for us man.
Remember, I'm not certain that Penis Enlargement is bad, but I have strong suspicions. I think my advice right now is, if you have a normal healthy penis with no problems getting an erection, be very careful about getting into a Penis Enlargement program. I consider it one of the worst decisions of my life.
orbital said:
Remember, I'm not certain that Penis Enlargement is bad, but I have strong suspicions. I think my advice right now is, if you have a normal healthy penis with no problems getting an erection, be very careful about getting into a Penis Enlargement program. I consider it one of the worst decisions of my life.
What did u do to penis? Did u kill it? how much did u gain?
My erection quality is considerably poorer after Penis Enlargement. I do not get spontaneous erections, and I no longer wake up with morning wood. I am able to have sex sometimes, though, so at least I can have a crippled sex life.
My dick is way bigger than it was and the wife cums like a mad woman now. Yeah, I agree, Penis Enlargement does damage your shit and it heals stronger and bigger each time you fuck the unit up.rofl Just be smart and careful guys and take your time to meet your reasonable goals!!!!!!!!!
Dashdeming said:
My dick is way bigger than it was and the wife cums like a mad woman now. Yeah, I agree, Penis Enlargement does damage your shit and it heals stronger and bigger each time you fuck the unit up.rofl Just be smart and careful guys and take your time to meet your reasonable goals!!!!!!!!!
Is adding 2.5 inches in length and 1.5 in girth a reasonable goal?
Penis Enlargement is only bad if you overdo just like Weighttraining. They both use the same principle of damaging tissue and healing. I hope orbital did not leave an [words=]extender[/words] on for more than 45 minutes at a time because that will kill your penis and that would be like weight training for more than an hour straight. You cannot do that!! Please, no more marathon session, period!! I would split your regimen for 2-3 times a day for 45 minute high intensity sessions. This could be done daily because the sessions are very short allowing the small damage to the tissue to heal stronger and longer. This also does not allow the tissue to be flexible, marathon sessions do! The key to Penis Enlargement is to allow small amount of damge to heal so that you don't have unhealthy scar tissue filling in the damage that can't be healed.
I would start weight training first before doing any Penis Enlargement just so you not only lose fat pad in the pubic area but you get an idea on HOW to train and what is too much or too little.
I am proud of the fact that I have built up 2 1/2" through Penis Enlargement over 3 years. I have done lots of research on how to do it right and thus avoiding permanent damage to my penis.
Stick with the guys here in [words=]MOS[/words]. Everyone here still has strong erections because they did not follow the bad advice that is out there. You should ask people who successfully done it without injuries rather than be skeptical about it just like you should train with a personal trainer who never used steroids.
I can understand the procupation mate. On the other hand, all i've managed to get from Penis Enlargement was more than an inch lenght and .5 in girth up to now. Much much stronger erection and hard as a mofo rock. Much better self image, more secure about myself, spontaneous erections i didn't have b4 and i have them now A LOT.

Zero injuries, besides the early first days when erection quality went way down as the penis got used to the "abuse". Second week was as hard as steel and with a mind of it's own. It's like that all the freekin' time now. No discoloration, but i don't hang yet though, no T-veins that i know of, and many many other GOOD things that i am thankfull greatly on a daily basis.

I guess if people do it wrong, try to hard, miss steps or neglet the warm up then people could get in serious trouble.

Read a lot, try out a lot, figure out what works for you and avoid going for unrealistic goals/timeframes. That'l keep you guys safe IMO.


Personally since I have only been doing Penis Enlargement for about 5 months I have decided to just do Jelqing and Kegals. I think I was doing things that my wang wasn't ready for and my erections suffered. I took a break my dick came back so now I am taking things much slower...I'm in no real hurry I am 7 inches BP so I am satisfied with the length I would like more girth but I will take my time getting there my goal girth is 6.5. I am 6 at the base and 5.5 under the head
Deon said:
Personally since I have only been doing Penis Enlargement for about 5 months I have decided to just do Jelqing and Kegals. I think I was doing things that my wang wasn't ready for and my erections suffered. I took a break my dick came back so now I am taking things much slower...I'm in no real hurry I am 7 inches BP so I am satisfied with the length I would like more girth but I will take my time getting there my goal girth is 6.5. I am 6 at the base and 5.5 under the head
I'm pretty much in the same boat. I would like a little more girth but I'm not gonna kill myself to get it.
I have to admit when I first started Penis Enlargement my erections were weak as hell after a few weeks of jelq work my wang was like steel...The problem comes in when we try to go for too much too soon. I lost my erections doing to much clamping,kegaling and squeezing trying to get girth quick..What I should ahve done was just stick with jelq for some more months before going for advanced stuff
It's very important to ease into P.E. and not to overdo it. I took months to move from one routine to the next, and approached all the intense stretches, etc. with caution. I never had bleeding, spots, discoloration or pain. It has always been a pleasurable experience for me. NO PAIN, NO GAIN DOES NOT APPLY TO P.E. as far as I'm concerned.
do you recommend taking a day off between sessions to let the tissue properly heal? Beyond that and a solid warm up/down, what other precautions are there?
orbital said:
My erection quality is considerably poorer after Penis Enlargement. I do not get spontaneous erections, and I no longer wake up with morning wood. I am able to have sex sometimes, though, so at least I can have a crippled sex life.
Orbital ... you didn't even touch on possible Dorsal Nerve damage.

From my experience since doing P.E. When my erections became weak and non-responded it was always from over-training. Myself I was over zealous in the beginning with a BIB mentality. Thinking Bigger Is Better so if I did Bigger Sets with Bigger Intensity and Bigger Times I will get BIGGER.

Try staying awake a complete week (168hrs) without any rest or sleep. Meanwhile pushing your self through a full time job, 4 hour full body strength training. 2 hours of sex each day. You will exhaust your body beyond its potential without any recovery time for it to regenerate itself. Eventually become body-impotent incapable of doing anything. If you extend yourself long enough you could do possible permanent damage to your body.

The body talks to you all the time, we just need to learn its language. Its finding the right balance of exercises, sets, time and intensity for the penis good health. If its not the right combination the body will let you know, just start listening.

I had a dog that love to play ball. We would jog 2 miles to a park and play ball for a little while there. I throw that ball she go chase it and bring it back. When she had enough of playing ball she refuse to continue with play no matter what I tried with her. She knew when to quit because we had 2 miles to jog back home. She probably listen to her body and guage how hard to push herself for the day. I know the dog story doesn't really hold water ... but it serves the point.

I find Balance Is Better (BIB) as my theory now. Find the healthy balance of exercises, sets, time and intensity to work to fatigue and not to exhaustion for my personal health and gains. And my erections stay strong and healthy when I do.

So Orbital you are correct, if you are gonna do P.E. act responsible.

I only get one body in this lifetime, so it's my obligation and responsibility to learn how to work it and take care of it.