acromegaly;717581 said:
DLD Im glad you are getting more self control back, but personally I think the idea of not giving yourself any release when you dont have a woman at the moment is kinda ludicrous? i mean thats not healthy either just limit yourself IMO. anyways you sound happy just sometimes you sound like youre punishing yourself...

yep that part can be difficult i remember once i kept myself away from masturbation and i felt ok..Not having someone and using the hand once a week is not that bad ithink..:O:)
huge-girth;717533 said:
Yesterday I masturbated 4 times. I was so horny. This thing is very difficult to stop, pornhub is my witness. I think it is really hard to be doing girth work and stay away from masturbation when you don't have a girlfriend.

haha true PE can increase the level of hornyness rofl:O
LONGERDICK7+;717592 said:
yep that part can be difficult i remember once i kept myself away from masturbation and i felt ok..Not having someone and using the hand once a week is not that bad ithink..:O:)

Once a week is a good idea but most times you end up masturbating up to two times in such days. One ejaculation in seven days when you are not in a relationship should be okay. But if you masturbate right in front of a hot adult entertainment video, you will end up masturbating later in that same day. My thoughts though.
acromegaly;717581 said:
DLD Im glad you are getting more self control back, but personally I think the idea of not giving yourself any release when you dont have a woman at the moment is kinda ludicrous? i mean thats not healthy either just limit yourself IMO. anyways you sound happy just sometimes you sound like youre punishing yourself...

No punishment nor is it difficult. I feel so much more joy and happiness that I am free from the prison of adult entertainment. Remember, I have given myself to Jesus and have no intensions of transgressing my promises. And let me tell you, at first it was difficult but as time passes it becomes easier and easier. Suffering is part of human existence and it is something that will be with us for life, I love the suffering because it gives me the opportunity to run to my Lord and give Him praise for His suffering. So do not feel badly for me, I am in the best place I have even been.

The temptations have become less and less. I find myself appreciating the woman as a whole, mind and body opposed to the way I used to view women, as objects. I look at every woman as if it was my Mother, Sister, Daughter, etc., this allows me to turn my attention away from lust before it becomes a fall into sexual guilt. I have felt guilty for too long, I have avoided that which I believe in for too long, I have made justifications of too long, I am determined to stay loyal to my one true love, Jesus.

My loving Brotherhood has made this difficult task easy. I look at my fellow Brothers who have accomplished this and my Love grows for you. My appreciation in the work you have done before me humbles me. I look to my successful Brother here as my example. Without my Brothers here I would never be able to accomplish anything I have. Much love , honor and respect to the Brotherhood!
It literally hurts when you can't shoot your load. The balls have to drain themselves.

Self-control is key. I can't stop jacking off, however. I can stay away from adult entertainment to some degree.

Raging boner is always a weakness.
Iceman338;717677 said:
It literally hurts when you can't shoot your load. The balls have to drain themselves.

Self-control is key. I can't stop jacking off, however. I can stay away from adult entertainment to some degree.

Raging boner is always a weakness.

Don't mess with Mother Nature, the human body is an amazing thing and listening to what it needs is vitally important for health and well-being. (this is not to be confused with addictions or compulsions)
huge-girth;717660 said:
Once a week is a good idea but most times you end up masturbating up to two times in such days. One ejaculation in seven days when you are not in a relationship should be okay. But if you masturbate right in front of a hot adult entertainment video, you will end up masturbating later in that same day. My thoughts though.

one is enough for a month for me :0 I used to be a 2 time masturbater at least 3 times a week... I'll hop on the ejaculation train when I get to having sex.
Iceman338;717677 said:
It literally hurts when you can't shoot your load. The balls have to drain themselves.

Self-control is key. I can't stop jacking off, however. I can stay away from adult entertainment to some degree.

Raging boner is always a weakness.

God takes care of the release :) 2 times now I have had wet dreams over my 2 weeks of abstinence so I am having a release, just not a conscious one. Now, I will repeat this as I do not want it misinterpreted, there is nothing morally wrong with masturbation but it is a hard thing to do when not thinking on something sexual. If you have a wife or girlfriend think on that. If you are single like myself and want to stop adult entertainment and masturbation, do it! It is a challenge but as time goes by you will feel better and better. I love women, I love to look at them as they are beautiful creations, but that is as far as I will go.

I can not say that I will not mess up, I pray I don't. This is all being done for a very good reason which I will get to eventually :)

For confession, in the middle of the night I woke jerking off :) I stopped it immediately but it was masturbation.
Okay, I must confess I looked at a little adult entertainment but mainly pics. It's not like I am looking at adult entertainment every day like I used to, but I must confess any way.
orgasmic19;717866 said:
Okay, I must confess I looked at a little adult entertainment but mainly pics. It's not like I am looking at adult entertainment every day like I used to, but I must confess any way.

Its alright brother. Sometimes we all just do that haha. It's honestly everywhere nowadays.
orgasmic19;717866 said:
Okay, I must confess I looked at a little adult entertainment but mainly pics. It's not like I am looking at adult entertainment every day like I used to, but I must confess any way.

Thank you for your honesty. This was a small slip, you will survive it! :) The important thing is you are taking responsibility for it and making yourself accountable. Now you can choose to do penance if you desire, something that will help remind you not to do this again. I, as always, will pray for you as I do all my Brothers I only ask you pray for me. You are aware of yourself and you are building the tools needed to deflect an assault from the enemy. Stay strong and keep that accountability going, we all are here to help each other! I would also offer (if you believe in God) to ask not only for forgiveness but the grace needed to correct and improve yourself. I am very proud of you being honest with us.
kyomoto;717892 said:
Its alright brother. Sometimes we all just do that haha. It's honestly everywhere nowadays.

This is true and where my guilt has fallen the past 2 days, every time I see Orgasmic's avatar I feel temptation :) So happy I have the tools of appreciating the beauty but them turning my attention to another place. His avatar is a good practice lesson for me EVERYDAY!
doublelongdaddy;717957 said:
This is true and where my guilt has fallen the past 2 days, every time I see Orgasmic's avatar I feel temptation :) So happy I have the tools of appreciating the beauty but them turning my attention to another place. His avatar is a good practice lesson for me EVERYDAY!

Yeah big booty can't deny its so good, but gotta learn to tell your body its okay just resist.
kyomoto;718007 said:
Yeah big booty can't deny its so good, but gotta learn to tell your body its okay just resist.

Indeed and that is how it works with me. I see the beauty, I praise Jesus for it and I look away. I will never lose the sexual urges, I know this, but as time goes on it becomes almost too easy. I have conclusively found that if I do not lust I am never temped to view adult entertainment or masturbate. If I am weak and give into the lust until it becomes dangerous I will end up in a worse condition than I started. I feel such freedom now from so many justifications I have made in the past. Today my eyes are fixed on the gaze of my Lord and I ask the Blessed Mother to help me in my lust and She has been a champ! Someday, perhaps, Jesus will put a woman in my life but right now I have no time but for my Family, the Brotherhood and God. I would not want to take away time from any of this so I pray I never have a woman ever again. I love the Brotherhood with an amazing love and I know God gave this to me and I feel so humble that I get this beautiful Brotherhood. And I have to say, if the world operated like the Brotherhood we would have peace! The Brotherhood is a image of all that is good in mankind.
OK I have something to admit and I hope the Brothers here will not be weak with me but strong and help me to correct myself and avoid this in the future. I take your opinions very seriously when you give me advice. Last night I fell into temptation and allowed myself to watch adult entertainment and masturbate. I feel some guilt but I have been praying so much that I think the fall is forgiven but still I want to be accountable to you. So I spent maybe 5 minutes in the act. What happened was I started to think if I did not do this I may do something even worse, which of course is a carnal justification. I also thought that it would be a relatable lesson to the Brotherhood, another poor justification. What I did learn is I am not perfect and I will fall. Falling is a tough think but being able to forgive yourself and move on is so important. When I think of falling I always think of Jesus when He fell carrying His cross and even when He could not carry it any longer a Brother helped Him. I feel the same when I fall, especially in this as I was doing so well, but, like Christ, I need help from my Brothers so I may not fall again.

My advice based on my experience is this; Guilt is toxic, it serves no purpose but to keep us in a state of self-hate and will keep us from forgiving ourselves as we become so focused on the fall. What is important is no so much the fall but the grace in which we handle it. if your child messed up and came and jumped in your arms and said, please Daddy forgive me, you certainly would and, although there may be consequences, the child loves you because you have forgiven them. The same thing happens after watching adult entertainment and masturbation, after we finish a haze comes over us and this is when satan does his best work, accusing us over and over and preventing us from seeking forgiveness. Admitting the mistake as soon as possible to someone or some group you trust is vital to you getting through this haze. I found an incredible article that has helped me and I hope it can help you. Regardless if you are religious or not, this will help every man here who is in the struggle:

Seven Things to Do After You Look at Pornography

A lot of Christian advice about adult entertainment addicts is unhelpful — meaning, it doesn’t contribute to real progress in repentance, healing, restoration, and recovery. Most of all, it fails to address the issues that underlie adult entertainment use. Often, Christian advice either has its head in the clouds of theology and biblical references, or is a list of superficial how-tos, and gets knocked beneath the sand of real life — of failure, and the struggle to hope. How is the gospel relevant to failing and trying again? And failing and trying again? And failing and trying again?

We too often allow unattainable ideals to dictate what we allow ourselves to say — the issues we allow ourselves to address with the congregation, with the struggler, with the mirror. Are we allowed to talk about what Christ can do (and what we can do) right after pornographic indulgence? Or do we look to the clouds and hope for the best? “Why think about how God meets you in the midst of failure? You shouldn’t even be in an ‘after pornography’ situation.” But often many are and because God can and does act in the moment of regret.

It is often in the moment after the closed door, the darkness, the screen-light, the hidden act — after pornography indulgence — that Satan spins his most eloquent web: menacing patterns of thinking; bargaining with a disapproving and distant God; twisting us in on ourselves in self-hatred. It is in the moment after pornography indulgence that Satan does his finest work. It is in this moment that we need God to do his finest saving. Here are some specific ways to search for grace the moment after the dark act of pornography indulgence:

1. Know your Enemy.

As soon as you indulge, you either plunge into self-hatred, or into self-avoidance. Satan is satisfied either way. Both paths believe his accusations (Matthew 16:23; 2 Corinthians 7:10). Recognize that you have a powerful personal agent who is singularly focused on your destruction (Job 1:7; Ephesians 2:2; Jude 1:19). Every experience you have — your thoughts, your hatreds, your impulses, your emotions, your plans, your ideas — must take into account that Satan is at work. The sooner you forget that, the easier it is to believe hidden, subversive, subtle, destructive lies. When Jesus tells the Pharisees that their father is the devil — the great liar — it is of course no surprise that they don’t know that. Satan wants them to forget that he is their father, because evil gains power when it is forgotten (John 8:44). Don’t forget: After you indulge, you are still mid-battle with a tenacious, evil person bent on stealing your life, and he has not yet gotten it.

2. Fight self-hatred.

There is no question: Pornography is the twisted manipulation of innocence for the raw crave of erotic appetite. To have a grieved conscience is a good thing. But when Judas realized “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood,” it is not surprising that “he departed, and he went and hanged himself” (Matthew 27:4–5). It’s a common feeling: to want to punish ourselves for betraying the innocent. In twisting innocence, we twist ourselves. It is not a surprise that suicide rates are high among pornography users. “I’m not as good as Christian preachers and bloggers want me to be.” To warp human dignity, in the end, only warps the user more — psychologically deforming to self-hating; contorting into self-disgust. We abhor, criticize, despise, and detest ourselves. Wallowing in self-deprecation and feeling like paying penance to God for sin is a sad and ironclad torture. It is false, and it is a wicked oppression. But grace does have a word on this.

It is no wonder David uses such deeply physical metaphors when he pleads with God for grace over sexual sin: “blot out my transgressions,” “wash me,” “cleanse me,” “in sin did my mother conceive me,” “purge me,” “wash me” (again), “blot out my iniquities,” “create in me a clean heart.” (Psalm 51:1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10). It’s a simple, roaring plea: “It’s in me. Get it OUT!” “Stop me.” “I hate it.” “I hate me.” “Bleach me.” God gives us a liturgy of sorrow and hope stretched out in the same howl. Fight, with David. Scream that, with David. Replace the groan of human self-hatred with an unbroken war cry of divine love.

If you are tempted to wallow, don’t let your (good) intuitive hatred of sin lead you to hate yourself. Be patient with yourself, because God is patient. He is fighting for your life (Genesis 32:24; John 10:10). He has not forgotten you. He has not left you. Keep fighting with him. Keep gasping for the air of divine life — the Life-Giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45).

3. Fight the haze.

Right after indulgence, a haze kicks in. Jesus knows. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). Purity is a feast on luminescent virtue. What is impurity? It is feasting that becomes self-isolated, avoiding of God and man and self, numbed, dazed, deadened, desensitized. Sexual impurity induces a spiritual cataract. Again, the feeling is common — browser history cleared, slogging through the rest of the day, lumbering from task to task, from person to person — meaningless, personless, passionless. This experience is integrated into the fabric of pornography indulgence.

There’s usually nothing to be done, if we’re honest, except ride the wave — the muddle, the daze. Keep praying (Ephesians 6:18). Keep gasping for air. Stay awake. Keep breathing. Morning mercies can be the emotional reset button we need when we spend our daily emotional cache on pornography (Lamentations 3:22–24). The lamenter is gasping. He prays what he cannot do. “The Lord is my portion . . . therefore I will hope in him.” (Lamentations 3:24). Really? Will you hope in him? Prayer is an act of hope. The prayer is the lamenter’s portion of the Lord’s work. Keep taking a step forward. Keep taking a breath. Without repeated indulgence, the haze will eventually wear off.

4. Guard others.

Pornography is a training session in the skill of using others for personal pleasure. Just be aware that you are now inclined to use people in close relationship the same way you use those in pornography — with selfish motive, with neglectful attitude, unrepentantly. Pornography puts relational blinders on us — it deeply impedes our ability to love others well. So, the best course of action is to walk as if we have physical blinders on: Tread slowly, and assume that we are currently very vulnerable and prone to treat those around us as subhuman. After indulgence, it is vital to keep in mind that those not on the screen deserve the respect and dignity that we just failed to show those on the screen.

Pornography soothes its users into a drama, a character, a story with a script and lines and actions: one person for pleasing, one person for being pleased; one person making sacrifices, another receiving sacrifices; one subhuman, one god. It takes self-control to remember that pornography is a false story — to fight the false drama which pornography gives to us, we must actively think less of ourselves and more of others: to remember human dignity, the love of Christ for those around us, our not-God-ness. The Spirit works in us to keep the flesh from ruling us (Galatians 5:17) — the Keeper protects others from the consequences of our thinking that we are God.

5. Confess to a friend.

Confess sin to a friend who will not excuse you, but equally as important, who will not crush you. Sometimes, when looking for help to get up after pornography indulgence (Proverbs 24:16), others only push back down. Find the friend that gives hope that heals when they hear confession. The purpose of confession is “that you may be healed” and “pray for one another” (James 5:16). Of course, the value of “the prayer of a righteous person” is that it “has great power as it is working” (James 5:16). Power to do what? To “cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Confession to a friend (most appropriately, a same-gender friend) is not a barrier between the sinner and Christ, but a means of fixing brokenness. The wise sinner confesses to those who will not “crush the afflicted at the gate” (Proverbs 22:22) nor “call evil good and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20). Consider attending a regular Samson Society meeting in your area.

6. Use your clarity for good.

Yes, there might be a haze after indulgence. But there can also be a flood of clarity — the hindsight of regret. “When Judas . . . saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind” (Matthew 27:3). Judas’s clarity took him down a wrong path. But you can use your clarity to get back on the right one. Likewise, Paul writes about Israel’s rebellion, “Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did” (1 Corinthians 10:6). Sometimes, we desire evil anyway. And in that case, we serve as an example to ourselves.

As Piper might say, “Don’t waste your regret.” Use it for God’s glory and your joy. Set up boundaries. Use the clarity that will surely fade before the next moment of temptation to build structures that will prevent this again. Go back and forth all you’d like on what structures are dumb and ineffective, and which are sustainable preventative measures — the basic truth is this: If you don’t have any formal structures set up to prevent you from looking at pornography in the future, it will absolutely, with 100% certainty, happen again. If you have no structures, you have no place to be picky — choose something. Here are some actions to choose from:

Get Covenant Eyes or X3Watch for all your devices.
Don’t let a single unaccountable browser app remain on your iPhone.
Delete in-browser apps that allow backdoor access to unaccountable internet use.
Get a friend to lock the app download function on your phone so that your native browser is not an option, and you can’t download Google Chrome (the Covenant Eyes/X3 app will function as the browser).
Delete pictures you have saved.
Tell a friend about the backdoors and cheat-codes you have in your back pocket. If you don’t plan at all, you’re planning to fail. Nowhere is this truer than in the practical fight against pornography indulgence.

7. Know your God.

Remember this: God loves you so, so much. He is unsettled by us (Genesis 6:6), and brokenhearted with us, and powerfully for you (Psalm 34:17–19). The haze can block us from God: “The stupid man cannot know; the fool cannot understand” (Psalm 92:6). But even when we cannot see him, even when we fail to obey him, let us pray: God, frustrate our plans to disobey (Nehemiah 4:15), and “no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2). More than anything: “God, help us to cast all our anxieties on you, because you care for us” (1 Peter 5:6–7).

He does not abandon the sinner. He does not depart from the indulger. Wait in his love. “Build yourselves up . . . in the Holy Spirit”: “keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life” (Jude 1:20–21). Know the difference between the God-mask Satan would wear to deceive you: disgusted, distant, unavailable, disinterested, and remember the face of your real God: loving, patient, working, unsurprised, unrelenting, unwavering in his grasp on you. He won’t let you go.
I have struggled with adult entertainment for a long time. Before I saw this thread I decided I would defeat this. I'm in my 30s now and was introduced to adult entertainment when I was maybe 12 or 13. It was just magazines then skip forward to the internet age and having it readily available on your phone at any minute was my pitfal.

Before adult entertainment I remember wishing I had some extra length but not for the ladies sake for my pleasure. And honestly it got worse while watching adult entertainment. Then came Masturbating out of boredom, haven't had any in a week, hell before I'd go see a girl..... then I got to a point if I was with a girl and didn't get off good enough I'd go home and fap getting the good one.

I realized that adult entertainment like everything else on tv and social media creates this false sense of what it should be like. What men and women should look like or what beauty is. This is when I realized something was wrong. No hell. I don't need professional help, but I realized I need to stop this. Even tried watching amature adult entertainment sections to look at what I call real girls lmao! I wouldn't say it was the disappointment, but every girl isn't a adult entertainment star. All cannot deepthroat, or bounce their ass while riding like Rachel Starr.

Don't make adult entertainment your God. God will not come second or share time with any other God or idol you choose. This decision was enough for me. Also finally when it came to the point of having trouble with a 100% erection with the fiancé I had enough. And good news is it doesn't take long to bounce back from adult entertainment. Idk how long it's been since I have gotten off watching a adult entertainment, but I feel like I'm 18 again in the pants. When she walks by it swells again 🤓 And I'm all systems go when we get in the sack. I can still go forever, but now I can go back to back as long as I don't get sore and that's what she loves. Maybe being horny will help with PE gains as far as testosterone levels idk. I'm not big on measuring I judge by the reactions of my lady now. Gotta love the wtf were you doing OMG 😏😏. Nothing like ya lady sleep in the position you left her when you get back from the bathroom!
Hang in there fellas look at the negatives of it. How much time you waste or how it controls you. Same thing with social media. As of now this is the only place I rack up time and that's because I am learning and asking questions and maybe one day I'll be asked to be a moderator and help other brothers here gain 2 + "s and beyond. Stay strong and hold yourself accountable. Stay focused!
1"@atime;719465 said:
Don't make adult entertainment your God. God will not come second or share time with any other God or idol you choose.


Let me make a confession that will help others understand something I call "The Pathway"

I fell again this weak and watched adult entertainment and masturbated. I was crushed afterwards, I felt as though I had destroyed my relationship with God, I was a complete mess. The article I posted helped (again) but I wanted to search deeper into why this happened and I found my answer. I [we] do not go from having a erotic thought and go right to adult entertainment, this is never the case, there is always a Pathway. For me I saw this pathway and how it worked and this failure turned into a grace. First I searched myself for when the original feeling came up and that was when I was looking through the forums, I saw an avatar that got the thoughts going, after that I went to the "How Big is His Cock" thread and justified this by saying to myself, I am only doing my job. BULLSHIT! satan was whispering this in my mind. Next thing I know I am looking at dick pictures, this brought me to click on a link to an outside site which was a adult entertainment site and from there the chains were off and I fell. What I have found to be most important in this fast is to be hypersensitive to the seemingly innocent things we look at. We live in a world of complete and utter lust. You can not turn on the TV, walk down the street, even go into a church without seeing provocative sights. These are the steps I have taken eradicate these sins from my life.

1. Blinders in public. When you spot something sexy look and turn away and don't look back. This takes self control and practice, as it is a natural thing to lust upon that which we find attractive. Nothing wrong with appreciating God's beautiful work on the women He has created where it becomes an issue, for those attempting a no adult entertainment/no fap life this is a must.

2. Turn off the TV! Plan to watch shows that do not put lust in you mind with every scene. When I do turn on the TV it is a movie, the news, or some other media that I know will not put me in a weak position. TV will bring you to adult entertainment.

3. Get a filter for you computer and forget the password. I use K9 and this plug-in and this allows me to make it impossible to visit any site that shows nudity. It allows me to add adult sites if I desire, [words=]Matters of Size[/words] was the only one I added. Now if I search for adult entertainment nothing will show. I have the password but here is the cool thing about their site, you can enter the password but it will not allow you to watch for 60 minutes, plenty of time to think about it before you act. This time I would use to pray.

4. If you can not control yourself find a wife.

5. Understand that these are mortal sins if you are Christian. Meaning, if you have these things on you soul without seeking forgiveness they can be damning to your relationship to God. God demands that nothing is greater than He and if something masters us other than God we are not in the spirit of God. If you love Jesus, remember His Passion and when they stripped Him of His clothes, this gets me every time! I see this image and I feel total and absolute disgust for the sin.

6. If you fall reach for that invisible hand to lift you up. Even Jesus fell and needed help at Calvary. We are blessed with the Brotherhood. When we fall there is always a Simon there to help us. Do not spend any time in self-guilt, this is satans work. Become convicted and run and jump into Jesus arms and ask for His forgiveness. Spend some time in prayer and seek for the lessons that are being taught. God does not expect us to be perfect, and anyone who says they do not sin are lying to themselves, we have a fount of Mercy always available to us and Jesus loves when we use it. Forgive yourself as Jesus has already forgiven you the second you ask.

7. Tell on yourself! Come here and let us know. Let us be your confessor and allow yourself to feel the good nature of the Brotherhood. We know the struggle, many of us are going through it. If you fail and do not tell anyone this will fester inside of you until you are thrown fully back into the old you.

8. Feel proud of yourself. See that women are not objects, they are people. When you are able to go through the day accomplishing your fast from adult entertainment and fap give yourself a prize for such a great day as you have done a wonderful and amazing thing.
doublelongdaddy;719558 said:

Let me make a confession that will help others understand something I call "The Pathway"

I fell again this weak and watched adult entertainment and masturbated. I was crushed afterwards, I felt as though I had destroyed my relationship with God, I was a complete mess. The article I posted helped (again) but I wanted to search deeper into why this happened and I found my answer. I [we] do not go from having a erotic thought and go right to adult entertainment, this is never the case, there is always a Pathway. For me I saw this pathway and how it worked and this failure turned into a grace. First I searched myself for when the original feeling came up and that was when I was looking through the forums, I saw an avatar that got the thoughts going, after that I went to the "How Big is His Cock" thread and justified this by saying to myself, I am only doing my job. BULLSHIT! satan was whispering this in my mind. Next thing I know I am looking at dick pictures, this brought me to click on a link to an outside site which was a adult entertainment site and from there the chains were off and I fell. What I have found to be most important in this fast is to be hypersensitive to the seemingly innocent things we look at. We live in a world of complete and utter lust. You can not turn on the TV, walk down the street, even go into a church without seeing provocative sights. These are the steps I have taken eradicate these sins from my life.

1. Blinders in public. When you spot something sexy look and turn away and don't look back. This takes self control and practice, as it is a natural thing to lust upon that which we find attractive. Nothing wrong with appreciating God's beautiful work on the women He has created where it becomes an issue, for those attempting a no adult entertainment/no fap life this is a must.

2. Turn off the TV! Plan to watch shows that do not put lust in you mind with every scene. When I do turn on the TV it is a movie, the news, or some other media that I know will not put me in a weak position. TV will bring you to adult entertainment.

3. Get a filter for you computer and forget the password. I use K9 and this plug-in and this allows me to make it impossible to visit any site that shows nudity. It allows me to add adult sites if I desire, [words=]Matters of Size[/words] was the only one I added. Now if I search for adult entertainment nothing will show. I have the password but here is the cool thing about their site, you can enter the password but it will not allow you to watch for 60 minutes, plenty of time to think about it before you act. This time I would use to pray.

4. If you can not control yourself find a wife.

5. Understand that these are mortal sins if you are Christian. Meaning, if you have these things on you soul without seeking forgiveness they can be damning to your relationship to God. God demands that nothing is greater than He and if something masters us other than God we are not in the spirit of God. If you love Jesus, remember His Passion and when they stripped Him of His clothes, this gets me every time! I see this image and I feel total and absolute disgust for the sin.

6. If you fall reach for that invisible hand to lift you up. Even Jesus fell and needed help at Calvary. We are blessed with the Brotherhood. When we fall there is always a Simon there to help us. Do not spend any time in self-guilt, this is satans work. Become convicted and run and jump into Jesus arms and ask for His forgiveness. Spend some time in prayer and seek for the lessons that are being taught. God does not expect us to be perfect, and anyone who says they do not sin are lying to themselves, we have a fount of Mercy always available to us and Jesus loves when we use it. Forgive yourself as Jesus has already forgiven you the second you ask.

7. Tell on yourself! Come here and let us know. Let us be your confessor and allow yourself to feel the good nature of the Brotherhood. We know the struggle, many of us are going through it. If you fail and do not tell anyone this will fester inside of you until you are thrown fully back into the old you.

8. Feel proud of yourself. See that women are not objects, they are people. When you are able to go through the day accomplishing your fast from adult entertainment and fap give yourself a prize for such a great day as you have done a wonderful and amazing thing.

DLD you had a good run before you masturbated. You proved to yourself you can do it. Now you can set a new goal to surpass the days you were without adult entertainment and masturbation
kyomoto;719606 said:
DLD you had a good run before you masturbated. You proved to yourself you can do it. Now you can set a new goal to surpass the days you were without adult entertainment and masturbation

Thank you for that support my Brother! I knew I would fall on occasion but withe very fall comes new strength. I am proud to say I have nothing to confess today and I pray Jesus keeps me safe for the remainder of the day. Stringing days together in abstinence is an unusual freedom and power, a lightness of conscious and a new way of seeing woman. I feel this is less of a struggle and more of a grace.
doublelongdaddy;719724 said:
Thank you for that support my Brother! I knew I would fall on occasion but withe very fall comes new strength. I am proud to say I have nothing to confess today and I pray Jesus keeps me safe for the remainder of the day. Stringing days together in abstinence is an unusual freedom and power, a lightness of conscious and a new way of seeing woman. I feel this is less of a struggle and more of a grace.
What if we had a little fun with it. We're grown we can hold ourselves accountable. I don't think once a week is bad. Even less. I'm am trying to quit masturbating period. I have done enough for all of us to last a lifetime. What if we fail. Whatever your fail is be it twice a day, consecutive days, twice in a week, month etc; we owe the brother hood 200 push-ups. Or have to put money in a naughty jar say $50. Who's in?
1"@atime;719751 said:
What if we had a little fun with it. We're grown we can hold ourselves accountable. I don't think once a week is bad. Even less. I'm am trying to quit masturbating period. I have done enough for all of us to last a lifetime. What if we fail. Whatever your fail is be it twice a day, consecutive days, twice in a week, month etc; we owe the brother hood 200 push-ups. Or have to put money in a naughty jar say $50. Who's in?

I love the idea of a sort of "swear jar" maybe anyone who falls drops a couple of dollars into the [words=]MOS[/words] Donation fund and we can use this one to help those who can not afford equipment.

What needs to be emphasized here is adult entertainment and masturbation will always lead to darkness and despair. It not only subjugates the females, it makes us have much less respect for women as being the as objects. When we are able too bring ourselves to a state of innocence we are graced with new knowledge and strength to move forward. And even in the falls we have there is always a lesson to be learned when we search conscious. Masturbation and Pornography are the two highest searched sexual terms and when searching these out you can see just how much men need our help in this area. Men are put into a perpetual nightmare of guilt and self-hate, the tools of the devil to keep us bound to our failures. What is needed when we fail is an immediate conviction to learn and get better. Failure is always an opportunity to succeed if we listen close enough to what our minds are saying. [words=]MOS[/words] has now taken on adult entertainment and Masturbation head on and this will not only help millions of men it will grow the Brotherhood in great numbers.

Men are suffering, relationships are being ruined, people are being subjugated, the world has become OK with allowing concupiscence to be a normal and moral part of our culture. As men we walk through this world seeing one lustful thing after the next making it so difficult to remain abstinent for even 15 minutes! It is sickening and needs to be addressed and stopped.

We are a very big voice in the world of men and I feel it is now our responsibility, as a Brotherhood, to help all of mankind, not just ourselves. I think the Brotherhood will be greatly rewarded in this.
doublelongdaddy;719867 said:
I love the idea of a sort of "swear jar" maybe anyone who falls drops a couple of dollars into the [words=]MOS[/words] Donation fund and we can use this one to help those who can not afford equipment.
But but mike i'll go broke if I dideit
doublelongdaddy;718986 said:
OK I have something to admit and I hope the Brothers here will not be weak with me but strong and help me to correct myself and avoid this in the future. I take your opinions very seriously when you give me advice. Last night I fell into temptation and allowed myself to watch adult entertainment and masturbate. I feel some guilt but I have been praying so much that I think the fall is forgiven but still I want to be accountable to you. So I spent maybe 5 minutes in the act. What happened was I started to think if I did not do this I may do something even worse, which of course is a carnal justification. I also thought that it would be a relatable lesson to the Brotherhood, another poor justification. What I did learn is I am not perfect and I will fall. Falling is a tough think but being able to forgive yourself and move on is so important. When I think of falling I always think of Jesus when He fell carrying His cross and even when He could not carry it any longer a Brother helped Him. I feel the same when I fall, especially in this as I was doing so well, but, like Christ, I need help from my Brothers so I may not fall again.

My advice based on my experience is this; Guilt is toxic, it serves no purpose but to keep us in a state of self-hate and will keep us from forgiving ourselves as we become so focused on the fall. What is important is no so much the fall but the grace in which we handle it. if your child messed up and came and jumped in your arms and said, please Daddy forgive me, you certainly would and, although there may be consequences, the child loves you because you have forgiven them. The same thing happens after watching adult entertainment and masturbation, after we finish a haze comes over us and this is when satan does his best work, accusing us over and over and preventing us from seeking forgiveness. Admitting the mistake as soon as possible to someone or some group you trust is vital to you getting through this haze. I found an incredible article that has helped me and I hope it can help you. Regardless if you are religious or not, this will help every man here who is in the struggle:

Seven Things to Do After You Look at Pornography

A lot of Christian advice about adult entertainment addicts is unhelpful — meaning, it doesn’t contribute to real progress in repentance, healing, restoration, and recovery. Most of all, it fails to address the issues that underlie adult entertainment use. Often, Christian advice either has its head in the clouds of theology and biblical references, or is a list of superficial how-tos, and gets knocked beneath the sand of real life — of failure, and the struggle to hope. How is the gospel relevant to failing and trying again? And failing and trying again? And failing and trying again?

We too often allow unattainable ideals to dictate what we allow ourselves to say — the issues we allow ourselves to address with the congregation, with the struggler, with the mirror. Are we allowed to talk about what Christ can do (and what we can do) right after pornographic indulgence? Or do we look to the clouds and hope for the best? “Why think about how God meets you in the midst of failure? You shouldn’t even be in an ‘after pornography’ situation.” But often many are and because God can and does act in the moment of regret.

It is often in the moment after the closed door, the darkness, the screen-light, the hidden act — after pornography indulgence — that Satan spins his most eloquent web: menacing patterns of thinking; bargaining with a disapproving and distant God; twisting us in on ourselves in self-hatred. It is in the moment after pornography indulgence that Satan does his finest work. It is in this moment that we need God to do his finest saving. Here are some specific ways to search for grace the moment after the dark act of pornography indulgence:

1. Know your Enemy.

As soon as you indulge, you either plunge into self-hatred, or into self-avoidance. Satan is satisfied either way. Both paths believe his accusations (Matthew 16:23; 2 Corinthians 7:10). Recognize that you have a powerful personal agent who is singularly focused on your destruction (Job 1:7; Ephesians 2:2; Jude 1:19). Every experience you have — your thoughts, your hatreds, your impulses, your emotions, your plans, your ideas — must take into account that Satan is at work. The sooner you forget that, the easier it is to believe hidden, subversive, subtle, destructive lies. When Jesus tells the Pharisees that their father is the devil — the great liar — it is of course no surprise that they don’t know that. Satan wants them to forget that he is their father, because evil gains power when it is forgotten (John 8:44). Don’t forget: After you indulge, you are still mid-battle with a tenacious, evil person bent on stealing your life, and he has not yet gotten it.

2. Fight self-hatred.

There is no question: Pornography is the twisted manipulation of innocence for the raw crave of erotic appetite. To have a grieved conscience is a good thing. But when Judas realized “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood,” it is not surprising that “he departed, and he went and hanged himself” (Matthew 27:4–5). It’s a common feeling: to want to punish ourselves for betraying the innocent. In twisting innocence, we twist ourselves. It is not a surprise that suicide rates are high among pornography users. “I’m not as good as Christian preachers and bloggers want me to be.” To warp human dignity, in the end, only warps the user more — psychologically deforming to self-hating; contorting into self-disgust. We abhor, criticize, despise, and detest ourselves. Wallowing in self-deprecation and feeling like paying penance to God for sin is a sad and ironclad torture. It is false, and it is a wicked oppression. But grace does have a word on this.

It is no wonder David uses such deeply physical metaphors when he pleads with God for grace over sexual sin: “blot out my transgressions,” “wash me,” “cleanse me,” “in sin did my mother conceive me,” “purge me,” “wash me” (again), “blot out my iniquities,” “create in me a clean heart.” (Psalm 51:1, 2, 5, 7, 9, 10). It’s a simple, roaring plea: “It’s in me. Get it OUT!” “Stop me.” “I hate it.” “I hate me.” “Bleach me.” God gives us a liturgy of sorrow and hope stretched out in the same howl. Fight, with David. Scream that, with David. Replace the groan of human self-hatred with an unbroken war cry of divine love.

If you are tempted to wallow, don’t let your (good) intuitive hatred of sin lead you to hate yourself. Be patient with yourself, because God is patient. He is fighting for your life (Genesis 32:24; John 10:10). He has not forgotten you. He has not left you. Keep fighting with him. Keep gasping for the air of divine life — the Life-Giving Spirit (1 Corinthians 15:45).

3. Fight the haze.

Right after indulgence, a haze kicks in. Jesus knows. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matthew 5:8). Purity is a feast on luminescent virtue. What is impurity? It is feasting that becomes self-isolated, avoiding of God and man and self, numbed, dazed, deadened, desensitized. Sexual impurity induces a spiritual cataract. Again, the feeling is common — browser history cleared, slogging through the rest of the day, lumbering from task to task, from person to person — meaningless, personless, passionless. This experience is integrated into the fabric of pornography indulgence.

There’s usually nothing to be done, if we’re honest, except ride the wave — the muddle, the daze. Keep praying (Ephesians 6:18). Keep gasping for air. Stay awake. Keep breathing. Morning mercies can be the emotional reset button we need when we spend our daily emotional cache on pornography (Lamentations 3:22–24). The lamenter is gasping. He prays what he cannot do. “The Lord is my portion . . . therefore I will hope in him.” (Lamentations 3:24). Really? Will you hope in him? Prayer is an act of hope. The prayer is the lamenter’s portion of the Lord’s work. Keep taking a step forward. Keep taking a breath. Without repeated indulgence, the haze will eventually wear off.

4. Guard others.

Pornography is a training session in the skill of using others for personal pleasure. Just be aware that you are now inclined to use people in close relationship the same way you use those in pornography — with selfish motive, with neglectful attitude, unrepentantly. Pornography puts relational blinders on us — it deeply impedes our ability to love others well. So, the best course of action is to walk as if we have physical blinders on: Tread slowly, and assume that we are currently very vulnerable and prone to treat those around us as subhuman. After indulgence, it is vital to keep in mind that those not on the screen deserve the respect and dignity that we just failed to show those on the screen.

Pornography soothes its users into a drama, a character, a story with a script and lines and actions: one person for pleasing, one person for being pleased; one person making sacrifices, another receiving sacrifices; one subhuman, one god. It takes self-control to remember that pornography is a false story — to fight the false drama which pornography gives to us, we must actively think less of ourselves and more of others: to remember human dignity, the love of Christ for those around us, our not-God-ness. The Spirit works in us to keep the flesh from ruling us (Galatians 5:17) — the Keeper protects others from the consequences of our thinking that we are God.

5. Confess to a friend.

Confess sin to a friend who will not excuse you, but equally as important, who will not crush you. Sometimes, when looking for help to get up after pornography indulgence (Proverbs 24:16), others only push back down. Find the friend that gives hope that heals when they hear confession. The purpose of confession is “that you may be healed” and “pray for one another” (James 5:16). Of course, the value of “the prayer of a righteous person” is that it “has great power as it is working” (James 5:16). Power to do what? To “cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Confession to a friend (most appropriately, a same-gender friend) is not a barrier between the sinner and Christ, but a means of fixing brokenness. The wise sinner confesses to those who will not “crush the afflicted at the gate” (Proverbs 22:22) nor “call evil good and good evil” (Isaiah 5:20). Consider attending a regular Samson Society meeting in your area.

6. Use your clarity for good.

Yes, there might be a haze after indulgence. But there can also be a flood of clarity — the hindsight of regret. “When Judas . . . saw that Jesus was condemned, he changed his mind” (Matthew 27:3). Judas’s clarity took him down a wrong path. But you can use your clarity to get back on the right one. Likewise, Paul writes about Israel’s rebellion, “Now these things took place as examples for us, that we might not desire evil as they did” (1 Corinthians 10:6). Sometimes, we desire evil anyway. And in that case, we serve as an example to ourselves.

As Piper might say, “Don’t waste your regret.” Use it for God’s glory and your joy. Set up boundaries. Use the clarity that will surely fade before the next moment of temptation to build structures that will prevent this again. Go back and forth all you’d like on what structures are dumb and ineffective, and which are sustainable preventative measures — the basic truth is this: If you don’t have any formal structures set up to prevent you from looking at pornography in the future, it will absolutely, with 100% certainty, happen again. If you have no structures, you have no place to be picky — choose something. Here are some actions to choose from:

Get Covenant Eyes or X3Watch for all your devices.
Don’t let a single unaccountable browser app remain on your iPhone.
Delete in-browser apps that allow backdoor access to unaccountable internet use.
Get a friend to lock the app download function on your phone so that your native browser is not an option, and you can’t download Google Chrome (the Covenant Eyes/X3 app will function as the browser).
Delete pictures you have saved.
Tell a friend about the backdoors and cheat-codes you have in your back pocket. If you don’t plan at all, you’re planning to fail. Nowhere is this truer than in the practical fight against pornography indulgence.

7. Know your God.

Remember this: God loves you so, so much. He is unsettled by us (Genesis 6:6), and brokenhearted with us, and powerfully for you (Psalm 34:17–19). The haze can block us from God: “The stupid man cannot know; the fool cannot understand” (Psalm 92:6). But even when we cannot see him, even when we fail to obey him, let us pray: God, frustrate our plans to disobey (Nehemiah 4:15), and “no purpose of yours can be thwarted” (Job 42:2). More than anything: “God, help us to cast all our anxieties on you, because you care for us” (1 Peter 5:6–7).

He does not abandon the sinner. He does not depart from the indulger. Wait in his love. “Build yourselves up . . . in the Holy Spirit”: “keep yourselves in the love of God, waiting for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life” (Jude 1:20–21). Know the difference between the God-mask Satan would wear to deceive you: disgusted, distant, unavailable, disinterested, and remember the face of your real God: loving, patient, working, unsurprised, unrelenting, unwavering in his grasp on you. He won’t let you go.

Let me give you one solid reason why you should be able to hold back from ejaculating through masturbation. IMO, if I stay away from watching adult entertainment, I still harbor sexual thoughts but they are not stimulating enough when compared to watching adult entertainment. Your sexual thoughts alone will hardly trigger masturbation therefore, what is needed is self control from watching adult entertainment. adult entertainment will unleash your sexual urge. The problem is, why can't we hold back from watching adult entertainment? The annoying part is that I don't feel horny enough until I watch adult entertainment. So why can't we hold back from watching adult entertainment if we are not feeling very horny?

Today I'm starting a new path not to ejaculate for 3 months. I believe I can do it as long as I don't watch adult entertainment.
It's official, I need to get a girlfriend within the next 90days. I must quit masturbation permanently and having a girlfriend is the only way out. I've been masturbating for more than 12 years and sorry to sound stupid but I believe masturbation is affecting my success in all aspect of my life.
huge-girth;720051 said:
It's official, I need to get a girlfriend within the next 90days. I must quit masturbation permanently and having a girlfriend is the only way out. I've been masturbating for more than 12 years and sorry to sound stupid but I believe masturbation is affecting my success in all aspect of my life.

What are your attempts at finding a woman.
huge-girth;720048 said:
Today I'm starting a new path not to ejaculate for 3 months. I believe I can do it as long as I don't watch adult entertainment.

I have great admiration for you and I can't wait until you feel the freedom from such bondage. You will feel like a new man!
huge-girth;720051 said:
It's official, I need to get a girlfriend within the next 90days. I must quit masturbation permanently and having a girlfriend is the only way out. I've been masturbating for more than 12 years and sorry to sound stupid but I believe masturbation is affecting my success in all aspect of my life.

I will pray for you as you pray for me and in this we will be victorious!
doublelongdaddy;720063 said:
:) But imagine all you will help in your falls!

Yeah, were gonna hookup huge girth with a bodypillow. Damn huge girth are you really that oppressed by the Jezebel demon? You're better than that bro, pick yourself up from the sludge and filth which Satan has been dragging you through. We need to live another day to fight another battle
kyomoto;720054 said:
What are your attempts at finding a woman.

I just made up my mind to find a woman less than 24 hours ago. I understand I need to start making the right steps to find one. Patience is virtue
templnite;720088 said:
Yeah, were gonna hookup huge girth with a bodypillow. Damn huge girth are you really that oppressed by the Jezebel demon? You're better than that bro, pick yourself up from the sludge and filth which Satan has been dragging you through. We need to live another day to fight another battle

I'm no longer oppressed. Throughout this year, I will strive not to masturbate at all but I will surely need a pussy by my side to smash right after girth work.
templnite;720088 said:
pick yourself up from the sludge and filth which Satan has been dragging you through. We need to live another day to fight another battle

I think Satan has been trying to attack us all and we have made it oh so easy. This forum will be clean of his evil ways very soon!
No confessions from me this week. I did have a lot of guilt and frustration going through the How Big is His Cock thread removing all the adult entertainment. Temptation arose but my disgust for it was so much stronger and I accomplished a great feat in cleansing that thread of any temptations. I feel good about the direction we are going and I know it will benefit us greatly in the future.

As I was getting to sleep last night I was awoken with an erection and I was touching myself. I really believe this is the work of God. I think in giving up adult entertainment and masturbation I am being granted wet dreams to deal with that stress and temptation. God works in amazing ways. Lust in the world has become almost nonexistent, I see and I turn immediately and get back to work or prayer. Now, avoiding lust is much easier to do in the winter, the real tests will come in the summer when every girl dresses like a Jezebel!
I think Satan caused :
arkailina to blame me for his lack of good karma but I forgive his sneaky ways , he is from a foreign land
Accro to say incoherent stuffs, I forgive him for we are both just as troubled/addled.
Rocky to say I ain't shit, that's ok I may have gotten him deported by accident. (Oops)
Me and swan ripping poor keyomoto, he deserves it though.
People watching Japanese cartoons, anime was a mistake and those people too.

Its ok though because it wasnt the brotherhood talking, it was the devil using us as a conduit for hate. I love my brothers and they love me, and if they offended me I don't care because I know those flaming darts don't come from their heart, the originate from Satan's dirty crusty infected evil tounge that was speaking through them.

Let's start anew :D and not let the enemy take control of our emotions/emojis
The enemy is satan and we have allowed fertile ground to contribute to his underhanded ways. Remember, satan has no power to make you do anything, but he can influence what you do. In his sneakiness he does not bring us directly to the thing we want to avoid but to something much ore innocent, then through small, unnoticeable steps we eventually are brought to the place we did not want to go. After we have done this he has even more fun making us feel guilty and avoiding going to God for forgives, this is just what he desires, us to stop communing with God. When satan comes to me and starts to throw temptation upon temptation I simply say, with great strength "And the Word was made Flesh" and this is too much for him to bare and he flees immediately.

After we fall it becomes easy to get discouraged and become snared in the trap of guilt. It is of the most importance, to beat the evil one, to run with complete conviction into Jesus arms and tell Him everything. When we can humble ourselves in this way God brings us so much closer to Him and the Spirit will help us in these times of struggle. If I did not have Jesus to run to I would not want to be in the world.

Never feel badly when you fall, simply reflect on the Passion of Christ and how He fell over and over! He even needed help from Simon to carry His cross. In this we can see that if God could fall and get back up we too can. If we have a cross that is too heavy, there is always a Simon here to help us.
huge-girth;720098 said:
I'm no longer oppressed. Throughout this year, I will strive not to masturbate at all but I will surely need a pussy by my side to smash right after girth work.

This is an amazing goal. I'm doing similarly, no masturbation at all unless I ejaculate from my woman

huge-girth;720097 said:
I just made up my mind to find a woman less than 24 hours ago. I understand I need to start making the right steps to find one. Patience is virtue

Oh wow thats super recent then.
huge-girth;720097 said:
I just made up my mind to find a woman less than 24 hours ago. I understand I need to start making the right steps to find one. Patience is virtue

Be careful what you wish for...finding anything for the sake of replacing or running from something else will yield similar results. Mike made a comment several weeks ago regarding privilege and I believe it rings-true for probably all facets of life, (this is my interpretation):

Every action you make has consequences, (either good, bad or indifferent) and once those actions begin to have negative effects on your life then it's time to evaluate. Here's where I think 'privilege' comes into can have a drink or two and that's your right as an adult, once you've negatively affected your life or someone else's, then you no longer get that right or privilege. This works on every level, from adult entertainment, masturbation, sex, work, food, etc. The key is to be able to recognize the negativity brought upon you from these acts and having the discipline to eliminate/adjust the actions.

It's very simple in theory, but wrought with challenges IRL
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Big Schwanz Acht;720340 said:
Be careful what you wish for...finding anything for the sake of replacing or running from something else will yield similar results. Mike made a comment several weeks ago regarding privilege and I believe it rings-true for probably all facets of life, (this is my interpretation):

Every action you make has consequences, (either good, bad or indifferent) and once those actions begin to have negative effects on your life ten it's time to evaluate. Here's where I thing 'privilege' comes into can have a drink or two and that's your right as an adult, once you've negatively affected your life or someone else's, then you no longer get that right or privilege. This works on every level, from adult entertainment, masturbation, sex, work, food, etc. The key is to be able to recognize the negativity brought upon you from these acts and having the discipline to eliminate/adjust the actions.

It's very simple in theory, but wrought with challenges IRL

Very good interpretation.
Big Schwanz Acht;720347 said:
clearly an oversimplification, but if followed I think it'll keep one focused and on their chosen path

:) Thank you for your trust!
since you've been mentioning 'trust' more and more throughout your posts, I have another 'take' on that too:

To be able to fully trust someone you have to be able to fully trust yourself. This may sound easy, ('of course I trust myself, I know what's what') but there are many conflicted with doubt and uncertainty when it comes to their own judgment. "Trust" and "honesty" are forever linked, and if one deludes oneself with dishonest praise/ego/affirmation (or negatively with guilt/flagellation/doubt) then you're not being honest with your true self and therefore unable to trust in any 'real' sense. All too often you'll hear, 'give your trust in The Lord' and people interpret this as absolving themselves of having to trust or be honest w/themselves...I don't believe that was the intent.

In 2017, I will be truer to myself, more honest in all aspects, apologize quickly/sincerely, love deeply and try to trust more openly.

Happy New Year, my brothers!
Big Schwanz Acht;720359 said:
since you've been mentioning 'trust' more and more throughout your posts, I have another 'take' on that too:

To be able to fully trust someone you have to be able to fully trust yourself. This may sound easy, ('of course I trust myself, I know what's what') but there are many conflicted with doubt and uncertainty when it comes to their own judgment. "Trust" and "honesty" are forever linked, and if one deludes oneself with dishonest praise/ego/affirmation (or negatively with guilt/flagellation/doubt) then you're not being honest with your true self and therefore unable to trust in any 'real' sense. All too often you'll hear, 'give your trust in The Lord' and people interpret this as absolving themselves of having to trust or be honest w/themselves...I don't believe that was the intent.

In 2017, I will be truer to myself, more honest in all aspects, apologize quickly/sincerely, love deeply and try to trust more openly.

Happy New Year, my brothers!

Very wise outlook and, ironically, the TRUTH :)

Trust is Earned and Trust is Humble. The two are entangled closely. For me to ask someone to trust me I am asking them to put their livelihood into my hands, a very big responsibility on my part and an even greater act from the one who is giving his trust. Over my time in the Brotherhood I have strived to continuously improve the family to build a Brotherly trust, a universal feeling we can all share in together. When this is done with humbleness and altruism it never fail but if it is done with pride and greed it will fail miserably. I put my Trust in everyone here and in this I have learned to be a much better person, the improvements I have made by learning from my Brothers would never have happened if I did not put myself completely in their hands and learn from them.

Being true to oneself is a grace earned through self-honesty and forgiveness is granted trough humbleness. In these things we can learn to apologize quicker, forgive ourselves quicker, be more loving and kind to others and a multitude of other graces. I love that you are taking on this great challenge but I know you can do it because I TRUST in you!
Oh, and a confession of sorts :)

In 4 days it will mark a month of no adult entertainment/fap
doublelongdaddy;720420 said:
Oh, and a confession of sorts :)

In 4 days it will mark a month of no adult entertainment/fap

There should be a 'chip' provided for every milestone met, (oh wait, I think someone already thought of this, lol) Congrats! (I hope your housecleaner is patient and understanding when dealing with your nocturnal emissions)
I love a good, short adult entertainment flick. I tend to stick to those 5-8 minutes long with no "plots". I alternate between a series called "Tushy" featuring gorgeous petite women getting railed balls deep in the ass and random "swallow" scenes. I have zero shame or bad feelings, nor detrimental erection issues. I also have sex with the wife a few times a month with zero problems.
Big Schwanz Acht;720444 said:
There should be a 'chip' provided for every milestone met, (oh wait, I think someone already thought of this, lol) Congrats! (I hope your housecleaner is patient and understanding when dealing with your nocturnal emissions)

1 month is the longest in my life, I am so proud of myself for coming this far. The masturbation was not really the hard part, it was the adult entertainment that really grips you and after the last fall and the hell I went through I vowed to never do it again.
stillwantmore2;720457 said:
I love a good, short adult entertainment flick. I tend to stick to those 5-8 minutes long with no "plots". I alternate between a series called "Tushy" featuring gorgeous petite women getting railed balls deep in the ass and random "swallow" scenes. I have zero shame or bad feelings, nor detrimental erection issues. I also have sex with the wife a few times a month with zero problems.
Wow such a cool story.
stillwantmore2;720457 said:
I love a good, short adult entertainment flick. I tend to stick to those 5-8 minutes long with no "plots". I alternate between a series called "Tushy" featuring gorgeous petite women getting railed balls deep in the ass and random "swallow" scenes. I have zero shame or bad feelings, nor detrimental erection issues. I also have sex with the wife a few times a month with zero problems.

Then this is not for you Still and that is fine. This is more for those who are addicted to adult entertainment and masturbation. Some may not need this help.