at the expense of comming off as a post whore, (which I appologize from everyone if that's the impression I'm giving), I have just come to a very interesting observation.

It is very lightly backed up, and at that with my own experience, so please bear with me.

As alot of you know (prince albert would remember), I have always been a strong advocate of the thought that ejaculation effects gains.

my main back up for that claim was the fact that I gained 3 spurts of length, each 1/2 an inch, and each in a 30 day period.

The first came when I first started Penis Enlargement'ing, and I remember going to my washroom since my door had no lock, and doing the exercises. I gained 1/4" in my first week ( i was only 16-17) and taking this for granted, i slacked off, but in the first month, I gained 1/2". Now this is a "10 days motivated, 5 days forget about Penis Enlargement cause i got into a fight w some1 in highschool" type routine. still i went from ~ 5 3/4 to 6 1/4.

leaving that to newbie gains, I have to remember the other 3 instances of time that I gained. these two, more recent, happened both in summer time. summer of 2002, summer of 2003, and summer of 2004.

all these three were identical. I hadn't Penis Enlargement'd forever, and I was going away with my parents on vacation for a month. being with parents all the time, I never really had time to jerk off, nor did I have the desire to (specially with no adult entertainment), so for 30 days i was jerk free. My routine consisted of going into the washroom, and trying to as quickly as possible do my Penis Enlargement routine and get out before I arose any suspicions ("what the hell is that boy doing in the washroom for 45 mins?>:( ")

each of those 3 summers i consistantly gained slightly more than 1/2" in a lil less than 30 days.

Each of those years I tried at least twice to have a 30 day jerk free month to Penis Enlargement and gain at the same rate that I had, with no avail. ?:( but come summertime and going on vacation, the gains would come.

UNTIL this summer. I had been PISSED (and still am) that I wasn't making any gains, and was kinda happy that i was gonna make another 1/2 inch gain to put me in the 8" club. I was pretty hyped up since I had just bought a laptop, and for the first time going on vacation I had my personal adult entertainment library along with me, and this time I had a room to myself where I could easily and privately do my Penis Enlargement with no disturbances. Penis EnlargementRFECT, gains for sure would be on the way.

:O But no gains, ZIP, NIL, nothing, SHIT, cock hair balls damn fuck.. >:( ?:( ?:( ?:(

and now I've been torturing myself with another 30 day regimen and no gains, even tho I'm hanging as well.

SO, here comes the hypothesis:

the times I gained were the times that I was in the washroom and AWAY from adult entertainment .

Am I a retard for thinking this? well maybe, but then again maybe not.

it's consistent with my gains, and the majority of big gainers and vetrans have all had one thing in common: Penis Enlargement was a secret they wished to keep away from their family, and hence would do it either in the washroom, or somewhere out of sight.

to say the least, I can testify that when I watch adult entertainment and Penis Enlargement, I'm artificially aroused by the adult entertainment and my eyes are completely focused on the screen to keep my arousal. as soon as i start looking at my dick i loose my erection.

perhaps looking and concentrating on our penises while performing Penis EnlargementNIS enlargement exercises, is an important thing we dont pay attention too.

maybe some ppl are able to concentrate on their penis while still looking at adult entertainment, but some can't. and if you're amongst those that are not gaining even though you're putting all the effort into it, maybe this will be worth giving a shot.

it also makes sense, because alot of people have reported gains while still ejaculating regularly, while others (like me untill now) have argued the opposite. But what's key here is that those that Penis Enlargement in the washroom and away from adult entertainment are FARRRR LESS LIKELY to ejaculate, than those that Penis Enlargement infront of adult entertainment, with an amazingly hot girl getting fucked by a cock the size of their left leg.

(again when we're watching adult entertainment we're concentrating on her ass and his dick, who knows maybe lex steels is gaining every day from ppl around the world focusing on his dick too much )

Thanks for reading. Please share your input so we can get somewhere with this hypothesis.

*puts on flame suit*
Well I havent done any Penis Enlargement yet but will start very soon....anyway I cant imagine myself not jacking off even for 1 day..but hey Im hypersexual....about affecting gains I doubt it would as long as nutrition and adequate rest/sleep are taken in consideration...

If the average Joe(and I say averahe cus some people can recover no matter wut) were to Penis Enlargement...sleep for 5 hours, drink, smoke,eat junk and jack off then yeah no gains...but if he were to Penis Enlargement, jack off, sleep ,.eat good, and not drink or smoke hed see gains....

but then again what if Joe didnt jack off at all??? for 2 even 3 months??(shit thats scary:O ) would he gain more?? prob not...remember.....jacking off and having sex do increase testosterone levels not decrease it...unless again ur low on zinc or smth

so my final verdict would be: eat good, get plenty of sleep, dont smoke, dont drink(drinking decrease testosterone for some time btw so yeah) and just to be safe......have sex or jack off around 3-5 times a week not more...for me Im still sticking to my jacking off/having sex around 8 times a day like like I have for the last 7 yearsrofl
DWTS00 said:
Well I havent done any Penis Enlargement yet but will start very soon....anyway I cant imagine myself not jacking off even for 1 day..but hey Im hypersexual....about affecting gains I doubt it would as long as nutrition and adequate rest/sleep are taken in consideration...

If the average Joe(and I say averahe cus some people can recover no matter wut) were to Penis Enlargement...sleep for 5 hours, drink, smoke,eat junk and jack off then yeah no gains...but if he were to Penis Enlargement, jack off, sleep ,.eat good, and not drink or smoke hed see gains....

but then again what if Joe didnt jack off at all??? for 2 even 3 months??(shit thats scary:O ) would he gain more?? prob not...remember.....jacking off and having sex do increase testosterone levels not decrease it...unless again ur low on zinc or smth

so my final verdict would be: eat good, get plenty of sleep, dont smoke, dont drink(drinking decrease testosterone for some time btw so yeah) and just to be safe......have sex or jack off around 3-5 times a week not more...for me Im still sticking to my jacking off/having sex around 8 times a day like like I have for the last 7 yearsrofl

Thanks for your input, even though what you said had nothing to do with the intent of the thread.

The purpose of this thread, is to discuss the setting under which people Penis Enlargement and their corresponding gains with different settings. In particular, is the affect of watching adult entertainment while Penis Enlargement'ing.

p.s. It's eat *well*. not eat good.
my bad lol

I thot u were talking about ejaculation

neway bout the adult entertainment..If nething it WILL help from
increased excitment>increased blood flow>increased recovery>incread gains

P.s eat good, eat well...WHO GIVES A FUCK just Fucking eat rofl
For stretches adult entertainment would KILL ME lol (I usually do them after girth so I cant get hard from exhaustion) but to just stare at my wang for a 45 minute girth session..... I don't think I could do it. I have never came from a girth workout (well my one and only attempt at a Supra Slammer doesn't count heheh) just some pre-cum spillage when I release my cable clamp. So I do use adult entertainment for girth work and cumming has never been a problem- If its a good workout my dick is sore and whacking off wouldn't be fun at all. Oh and I only shake hands with myself once a week if that (no serious GF at moment) as I feel it hurts girth work if done anymore than that.
The more focused you are on your goal, and the better you can visualize what you desire, the more concentrated your efforts will be. This is what every champion aims for. So if NOT watching adult entertainment helps you with your routine, by all means, stay away from adult entertainment. For me it helps me get that erection that I need for girth work (which I'm not doing right now). Work hard, hang long, I know you'll get that inch you want.
the times I gained were the times that I was in the washroom and AWAY from adult entertainment . [/QUOTE said:
I understand this part, when I download a bunch of adult entertainment to get me stimulated so I can do my exercises, I end up staring more at the adult entertainment than focusing on whats really important, I would often "edge" and watch the adult entertainment for most of the workout instead of do my exercises and gain.

So, lately I havnt been dealing with adult entertainment at all, and I've noticed I keep my mind focused on what I am supposed to be doing and not bustychristy.
Schlongsaber said:
For stretches adult entertainment would KILL ME lol (I usually do them after girth so I cant get hard from exhaustion) but to just stare at my wang for a 45 minute girth session..... I don't think I could do it. I have never came from a girth workout (well my one and only attempt at a Supra Slammer doesn't count heheh) just some pre-cum spillage when I release my cable clamp. So I do use adult entertainment for girth work and cumming has never been a problem- If its a good workout my dick is sore and whacking off wouldn't be fun at all. Oh and I only shake hands with myself once a week if that (no serious GF at moment) as I feel it hurts girth work if done anymore than that.

ya I think that right there is th holy grail of Penis Enlargement. Stare your dick while Penis Enlargement'ing!!!!

You see the more I think of it, the more creadible it becomes. In body building, if I want to really work a muscle, I don't close my eyes and pump the weight. I stand/sit infront of a mirror, and I LOOK at that muscle, and I try to FEELit get better (larger/smaller/more defined). and it works. All the great bodybuilders including Arnold would swear on it. In bodybuilding its called The Mind-Muscle Connection.[/COLOR].

We should be after the Mind-Penis connection, or in general Mind Body.

perhaps fast newbie gains can be accounted for this principle as well.
when we first start Penis Enlargement, we are physically unable to do the exercises easily. so we need to focus on what we're doing and look at our hands/penis. But as we get more advanced, Penis Enlargement exercises become a breeze, we become bored and want to occupy ourselves with something else; i.e. watching adult entertainment!
:O Just one orgasm a week?? How do you live?!?! I can't think if I don't cum at least once every two days, if that. Girlfriend or no girlfriend, it doesn't matter. I don't know how you do it...

But getting back to the subject, I think this may only apply to length gains, since I've gained nearly an inch of girth and I did almost the exact opposite of what's suggested here. But length has always been tough. I've only gained a little over an inch in that department. Even then, though, I'm not at all convinced that cumming all the time hindered my gains. I think it's because I just don't stretch enough. I'm pretty sure DLD has said the same thing, since he used to cum after nearly every session of his... and look what happened to him. :)

What do you think? Does ejaculating right after a session hurt length gains, girth gains, or both?
Schlongsaber said:
...Oh and I only shake hands with myself once a week if that (no serious GF at moment) as I feel it hurts girth work if done anymore than that.
Baraka said:
:O Just one orgasm a week?? How do you live?!?! I can't think if I don't cum at least once every two days, if that. Girlfriend or no girlfriend, it doesn't matter. I don't know how you do it...

But getting back to the subject, I think this may only apply to length gains, since I've gained nearly an inch of girth and I did almost the exact opposite of what's suggested here. But length has always been tough. I've only gained a little over an inch in that department. Even then, though, I'm not at all convinced that cumming all the time hindered my gains. I think it's because I just don't stretch enough. I'm pretty sure DLD has said the same thing, since he used to cum after nearly every session of his... and look what happened to him. :)

What do you think? Does ejaculating right after a session hurt length gains, girth gains, or both?

Well, I'm not sure. But this thread isn't discussing masturbation/ejaculation. I've come to the conclusion that it HAS to be alot more mental than physiological. I know of many people that ejaculate and gain, yet I only gained, as I mentioned, during those 30 day periods that I didn't cum. There were also other 30 day periods that I didn't cum but didn't gain either. So I guess, ejaculation isn't the limiting reagent. So far the only thing I could think of that was different between the Gain-ful periods and the Gain-less periods is the fact that I watched adult entertainment while workingout during the Gainless periods, and I didnt watch adult entertainment when I gained.

Jelqing/stretching/ etc. can be very boring in a washroom, but with the same token, if focused they can be alot more intense than while watching adult entertainment drooling over krystal steele's ass.

Today is my rest day, I'm gonna start my sessions in the washroom from tmrw.:blush:
prince Albert said:
Stretching=no adult entertainment
jelqing=loads of adult entertainment


have you ever tried, doing a whole Penis Enlargement session (minus clamping and heavy jelqs that require near 100% errection) in a bathroom?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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