at the expense of comming off as a post whore, (which I appologize from everyone if that's the impression I'm giving), I have just come to a very interesting observation.
It is very lightly backed up, and at that with my own experience, so please bear with me.
As alot of you know (prince albert would remember), I have always been a strong advocate of the thought that ejaculation effects gains.
my main back up for that claim was the fact that I gained 3 spurts of length, each 1/2 an inch, and each in a 30 day period.
The first came when I first started Penis Enlargement'ing, and I remember going to my washroom since my door had no lock, and doing the exercises. I gained 1/4" in my first week ( i was only 16-17) and taking this for granted, i slacked off, but in the first month, I gained 1/2". Now this is a "10 days motivated, 5 days forget about Penis Enlargement cause i got into a fight w some1 in highschool" type routine. still i went from ~ 5 3/4 to 6 1/4.
leaving that to newbie gains, I have to remember the other 3 instances of time that I gained. these two, more recent, happened both in summer time. summer of 2002, summer of 2003, and summer of 2004.
all these three were identical. I hadn't Penis Enlargement'd forever, and I was going away with my parents on vacation for a month. being with parents all the time, I never really had time to jerk off, nor did I have the desire to (specially with no adult entertainment), so for 30 days i was jerk free. My routine consisted of going into the washroom, and trying to as quickly as possible do my Penis Enlargement routine and get out before I arose any suspicions ("what the hell is that boy doing in the washroom for 45 mins?
each of those 3 summers i consistantly gained slightly more than 1/2" in a lil less than 30 days.
Each of those years I tried at least twice to have a 30 day jerk free month to Penis Enlargement and gain at the same rate that I had, with no avail. ?
but come summertime and going on vacation, the gains would come.
UNTIL this summer. I had been PISSED (and still am) that I wasn't making any gains, and was kinda happy that i was gonna make another 1/2 inch gain to put me in the 8" club. I was pretty hyped up since I had just bought a laptop, and for the first time going on vacation I had my personal adult entertainment library along with me, and this time I had a room to myself where I could easily and privately do my Penis Enlargement with no disturbances. Penis EnlargementRFECT, gains for sure would be on the way.
:O But no gains, ZIP, NIL, nothing, SHIT, cock hair balls damn fuck..
and now I've been torturing myself with another 30 day regimen and no gains, even tho I'm hanging as well.
SO, here comes the hypothesis:
the times I gained were the times that I was in the washroom and AWAY from adult entertainment .
Am I a retard for thinking this? well maybe, but then again maybe not.
it's consistent with my gains, and the majority of big gainers and vetrans have all had one thing in common: Penis Enlargement was a secret they wished to keep away from their family, and hence would do it either in the washroom, or somewhere out of sight.
to say the least, I can testify that when I watch adult entertainment and Penis Enlargement, I'm artificially aroused by the adult entertainment and my eyes are completely focused on the screen to keep my arousal. as soon as i start looking at my dick i loose my erection.
perhaps looking and concentrating on our penises while performing Penis EnlargementNIS enlargement exercises, is an important thing we dont pay attention too.
maybe some ppl are able to concentrate on their penis while still looking at adult entertainment, but some can't. and if you're amongst those that are not gaining even though you're putting all the effort into it, maybe this will be worth giving a shot.
it also makes sense, because alot of people have reported gains while still ejaculating regularly, while others (like me untill now) have argued the opposite. But what's key here is that those that Penis Enlargement in the washroom and away from adult entertainment are FARRRR LESS LIKELY to ejaculate, than those that Penis Enlargement infront of adult entertainment, with an amazingly hot girl getting fucked by a cock the size of their left leg.
(again when we're watching adult entertainment we're concentrating on her ass and his dick, who knows maybe lex steels is gaining every day from ppl around the world focusing on his dick too much )
Thanks for reading. Please share your input so we can get somewhere with this hypothesis.
*puts on flame suit*
It is very lightly backed up, and at that with my own experience, so please bear with me.
As alot of you know (prince albert would remember), I have always been a strong advocate of the thought that ejaculation effects gains.
my main back up for that claim was the fact that I gained 3 spurts of length, each 1/2 an inch, and each in a 30 day period.
The first came when I first started Penis Enlargement'ing, and I remember going to my washroom since my door had no lock, and doing the exercises. I gained 1/4" in my first week ( i was only 16-17) and taking this for granted, i slacked off, but in the first month, I gained 1/2". Now this is a "10 days motivated, 5 days forget about Penis Enlargement cause i got into a fight w some1 in highschool" type routine. still i went from ~ 5 3/4 to 6 1/4.
leaving that to newbie gains, I have to remember the other 3 instances of time that I gained. these two, more recent, happened both in summer time. summer of 2002, summer of 2003, and summer of 2004.
all these three were identical. I hadn't Penis Enlargement'd forever, and I was going away with my parents on vacation for a month. being with parents all the time, I never really had time to jerk off, nor did I have the desire to (specially with no adult entertainment), so for 30 days i was jerk free. My routine consisted of going into the washroom, and trying to as quickly as possible do my Penis Enlargement routine and get out before I arose any suspicions ("what the hell is that boy doing in the washroom for 45 mins?

each of those 3 summers i consistantly gained slightly more than 1/2" in a lil less than 30 days.
Each of those years I tried at least twice to have a 30 day jerk free month to Penis Enlargement and gain at the same rate that I had, with no avail. ?

UNTIL this summer. I had been PISSED (and still am) that I wasn't making any gains, and was kinda happy that i was gonna make another 1/2 inch gain to put me in the 8" club. I was pretty hyped up since I had just bought a laptop, and for the first time going on vacation I had my personal adult entertainment library along with me, and this time I had a room to myself where I could easily and privately do my Penis Enlargement with no disturbances. Penis EnlargementRFECT, gains for sure would be on the way.
:O But no gains, ZIP, NIL, nothing, SHIT, cock hair balls damn fuck..

and now I've been torturing myself with another 30 day regimen and no gains, even tho I'm hanging as well.
SO, here comes the hypothesis:
the times I gained were the times that I was in the washroom and AWAY from adult entertainment .
Am I a retard for thinking this? well maybe, but then again maybe not.
it's consistent with my gains, and the majority of big gainers and vetrans have all had one thing in common: Penis Enlargement was a secret they wished to keep away from their family, and hence would do it either in the washroom, or somewhere out of sight.
to say the least, I can testify that when I watch adult entertainment and Penis Enlargement, I'm artificially aroused by the adult entertainment and my eyes are completely focused on the screen to keep my arousal. as soon as i start looking at my dick i loose my erection.
perhaps looking and concentrating on our penises while performing Penis EnlargementNIS enlargement exercises, is an important thing we dont pay attention too.
maybe some ppl are able to concentrate on their penis while still looking at adult entertainment, but some can't. and if you're amongst those that are not gaining even though you're putting all the effort into it, maybe this will be worth giving a shot.
it also makes sense, because alot of people have reported gains while still ejaculating regularly, while others (like me untill now) have argued the opposite. But what's key here is that those that Penis Enlargement in the washroom and away from adult entertainment are FARRRR LESS LIKELY to ejaculate, than those that Penis Enlargement infront of adult entertainment, with an amazingly hot girl getting fucked by a cock the size of their left leg.
(again when we're watching adult entertainment we're concentrating on her ass and his dick, who knows maybe lex steels is gaining every day from ppl around the world focusing on his dick too much )
Thanks for reading. Please share your input so we can get somewhere with this hypothesis.
*puts on flame suit*