alright ive been doing the following: 300 jelqs and 5 minutes of stretching with a warmup n cooldown. started at 6.5 bone pressed erect length, and 4.75 erect girth. i measured, last night, and its bigger, gonna wait till halloween to post new measurements.
Good starting place man. I would suggest adding gradually some more stretch time. At least 10 min a day then up it to 20 a day
thanks c-man ill do that, i started today with 15 minutes, ill kick it up a notch next month. hopefully ill get better length gains, its funny how some people get like an inch their first month, why not me?????? jk. hopefully with more stretches ill get there, im pacing myself. anyways i good gains in girth for a month, up to 6.75x5.2, happy halloween lol
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im not going to measure again for a while, but i changed my routine, and now i do like 20-30 minutes of jelqs and every 50 jelqs or so i do a hold on the bottom, and kegel in blood for a minute, then i jelq some more. it seems to be working really well.
lol this might sound wierd, but i remember like a couple years ago just fuckin around, n i could put a toilet paper roll on my dick, and it just bounced around on it loosely, with like at least 1/4 of slack just floppin around. n now, i can just barely squeeze it on, and i cant getit all the way down. ya really cant tell when its growing bc u see it everyday, and the growth seems so much more tangible when u gauge it against something other than a ruler. anyways, im still doing the excersizes about 4 or 5 days a week, and im positive im gaining, im not measuring till the 30th though so well see. later guys.
yea i kinda gave up for the last what 5 months or so, i just started again, im at 7 and like an 8th bpl, my girth is lookin wierd, i only pe'd for about 3 days so far, but its about 5 and an 8th around for the upper half and a bit under 5 at the base but hopefully if i start doing squeezes or bends in a while i can even it out. i also got some pills in the mail that i got on ebay, its got all the usual stuff with 400mg of l arginine, so im pretty psyched for its arrival. if it gives me anything it will be worth the 10 bucks i payed for it. anyways wish me luck folks n hopefully ill keep with it this time.
seems to be working out pretty well folkS! very excited to measure in a few days, i may even take a fuckin picture bc it looks huge n menacing after a good workout. lol. yea ive just been jelqing for like a minute doing a hold for about 30 seconds, then jelqing some more and doing bends, tossing in some squeezes when i get bored of plain holds, and watching adult entertainment for about 30 minutes or so. its a good workout, i stretch like a bitch tho. i gotta get some organized system going bc i want another half inch to an inch. so anywho just plottin progress.
well its been 2 weeks, and im a little over 7 and 1/4 bp and 5 1/8 girth, coulda swore i gained in that department. probably just gets a bit larger after a workout but eventually that will be a permanent gain so im gonna stick with it till its in the 5 and a half range. 7 inches nbp is around the corner ill probably be satisfied with that. but well see.
alright so tonight i was doing my routine and my head seemed huge, and really hard just under normal erection circumstances, it was thicker than the shaft even which never happens, its usually kinda soft unless im about to blow it. i started constrictors a couple days ago, and i did a bunch of kegals yesterday for the first time in a while, and i also started to quit smoking and cut down to like 10 a day so far, so it could any of those factors. im gonna quit completely after this packs done, and well see if that affects it any more. otherwise chalk it up to kegals or constrictors or both, at any fucking rate, its awesome, and i even gained a bit of length from it, im real excited!!!!!
Right on good to hear your gains your starting stats and progress sound just like mine. would llike to hear the gains after you quit smoking because i smoke too.
ugh smoked like 3 ciggarettes today and i feel like balls, but the good news is that its measuring day, and i packed on another 8th of an inch, not bad for 2 weeks. my girth on the other hand is not gaining so well, which is odd bc i barely stretch and do girth for like half an hour. but my head is bigger and more mushroom like, so whatever im gonna pump up the stretches starting right now. all i want is 7-7.5 nbp depending on how hard my gains are, so i got a quarter to .75 to go, from there on out its all girth n gravy. on another note, i was looking for batteries today and i found an old pool hose clamp, which is convenient as i just read somebodies post about covering them with electrical tape, which just happened to be in the same drawer. so im gonna experiment with that. i also started doing supra slammers, and i must say you can feel the stretch big time, kinda like a reallly good V stretch to either direction, but its much easier bc u dont gotta pull so hard, n its like doing a bend at the same time. ergo simultaneously working girth, plus its more fun bc i watch adult entertainment the whole time. so anyways WOOOT WOOT !!!!!!
the clamp thing turned out to be a total failure, i think my penis just gets scared around mechanical devices. so i just invested in some assorted rubber bands. loop it once, and it does the trick. its also nice bc it kinda sticks to ur skin and doesnt need to be pushed back very much. im not measuring again until the first of august. if im not 7nbp by then im going to beat my penis furiously. lol. as for girth i dunno any gains will be welcomed its funny bc the first month i gained a bit over a quarter in girth, and then it stopped completely. ohhh well. so anyways i ran out of penis pills so well see how my gains go without them. and determine if they actually do anything. seeing as its my second month though i shouldnt expect my gains to be as good, as the first, but im not to much into analysis so im just gonna post them, and u folks can come to ur own conclusions. on a related note, im still trying to quit smoking although unsuccessful as of yet im down to about 6 -10 a day, so hopefully if i cut it out completely ill see better gains. i think i may be rehashing old posts but i like to write it anyway bc it keeps me motivated. long posts like this make me feel like my penis is longer, u know? ok im satisfied.
witty said:
the good news is that its measuring day, and i packed on another 8th of an inch

:redbounce Excellent!
i run it under hot water to get the life back into it, a couple minutes or so till its nice and pink and soft. thats about it. anywho i wanted to keep from measuring till the first, but i gave in. at least i settled for a bpfl measure, anyways it was suprisingly up to 8, n like n 8th or so. last time i measured it, probably a month ago, it was like 7.75 or something, so i guess gains are in the works. so stay tuned for my next riveting post.
witty said:
alright ive been doing the following: 300 jelqs and 5 minutes of stretching with a warmup n cooldown. started at 6.5 bone pressed erect length, and 4.75 erect girth. i measured, last night, and its bigger, gonna wait till halloween to post new measurements.

ok, it seems that u did more jelq than stretch.. but i heard that jelq is for girth.. so, did u gain more girth or length?
ive gained about 3/4 of an inch in length, and 1/2 in girth so far. im measuring in a few days, so hopefully its more like a full inch in length.
well i wasnt gonna measure till tommorow, but i couldnt wait. anyways 7 3/8 x 5 1/4 bp so its not bad but its not good either. i gained a good amount of girth suprisingly, so thats always good. problem was i didnt stretch much at all, so i can blame myself for my poor length gains. im gonna devote the next 2 weeks to hardcore stretching, and measure again.
im not gonna have the internet for a pretty long time till i can afford to pay for the shit. but maybe ill get a few minutes on a friends comp or something. anyways it doesnt mean ill have to stop pe, in fact ill just have more time to invest in it. so hopefully next time u guys hear from me ill be enourmous. i will surely expect everyone else to be at least an inch bigger, so get to work guys n good luck!!!!!!!!!!
witty said:
im not gonna have the internet for a pretty long time till i can afford to pay for the shit. but maybe ill get a few minutes on a friends comp or something. anyways it doesnt mean ill have to stop pe, in fact ill just have more time to invest in it. so hopefully next time u guys hear from me ill be enourmous. i will surely expect everyone else to be at least an inch bigger, so get to work guys n good luck!!!!!!!!!!

<:( Hurry Back! <:(
well i guess im not going anywhere just yet, when my free trial runs out tho ill just dissapear randomly so well see
so its been 2 weeks of hardcore stretching, n no gains... blahhgggg

anyways im gonna keep the routine for 2 more weeks, then its gettin dumped.
my hardcore stretching routine consists of, 5 sets of 3 minute v stretches. 30 second cranks in between in each direction, clockwise n counter, then 4 sets of 3 minute btc stretches 2 on each side, with 30 second cranks each way between,
i was seriously expecting huuuge gains, bc i never really stretched much n i gained pretty good, maybe im overtraining i dunno. any input on this would be welcome.
btw i was doing the 15 mins of V stretches for about a week before i added the cranks and btc's so maybe in 2 more weeks the gains will come. anyways its only been 2 weeks so maybe im just impatient.
yea i took the last few days off i can see a difference, maybe my dick was just tired, and needed a rest to get to 100% again, but anyways im def gonna take a few days every couple weeks from now on.
witty said:
yea i took the last few days off i can see a difference, maybe my dick was just tired, and needed a rest to get to 100% again, but anyways im def gonna take a few days every couple weeks from now on.

I was almost forced into doing this over the past two months due to an extreme lack of time but I have to say that it does seem to have some definite benefits. My stretching sessions are more intense and my girth sessions go better or should I say easier. I don't think I will ever be able to give up daily training but during the periods I lack time it has not really effected my gains.
well im back from a long hiatus from the internet, and im sad to report that i havent pe'd much at all. anyways ive been back into it for the last week doing clamps and kegels so well see how it goes. its good to be back
been doing 2 sets of 15 minute constrictors with 50 wet jelqs in between sets, and a few ulis during the constrictor sessions. im also 500 kegals. 3 on 1 off, measurements are 7.5bp x 5.25. contemplating throwing in some stretches but im lazy n theyre boring. my girth is so hard to get and thats all i really want. i have 7nbp n im pretty content with it. im gonna keep truckin tho i just want another quarter inch of girth.
my new workout is as follows, 5 minutes of dry jelqs, with bends sporadically throughout. 25 minute constriction, with uli's sporadically throughout. and then a few minutes of horse 440's, until i just cant stand it anymore.

gonna keep this one for a couple months.

any other tips welcome
god i havent been back here in a while, so anyway listen.

the last workout i posted transformed into a pretty much 100% constrictor workout, 2 or 3 sets x15 mins daily, or 2x20 if i was in a rush, one in the am and one at night. threw a few bends in here or there, and ulis while constricted, that was the best thing ever, a tight squeeze under the shoelace pumped it up almost to a painful level, but thats where the gains were. anyhow after 6 or 7 months of it i gained 3/8 of an inch, which was awesome i exceeded my goal by 1/8th, so i stopped. big mistake, 2 months later now and im back to square one. moral is it takes a long time to cement dont get lazy. i think im gonna get a pump too, since everyone seems to be getting good results with em
You should get some quick gains in the girth department to bring you back up to your old stats so don't be too bummed man. Its just hard to get past where you were at before you stopped. Thats where im at right now.