
Active member
So the last month I gained around a quarter a inch in both lenght and girth I've been doing the basics : Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary
Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary
Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary
Stretches : 25-Cranks every sets X3. After that I would do 300 jelqing. All of that takes me around 1h20 Recently I've modified the stretching upward by another set downward because my penis when erect is pointing the sky and is not that far from being one with my belly (something that change a little for the last two weeks). I'm plaining now to buy a cockring to optimise gains from jelqing and bands for the Uncle jims wrapping to optimise stretching Also I don't plain to buy a lot of material I'll mostly do everything manually except for what I've mantionned earlyer. I just have a question about the cockring? Can I sleep while wearing it? Do I risk something if I do it? Ah ! I almost forgot I'm not a native speaker in English so sorry if I makes some mistakes
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Again thank you for taking my advice in starting a progress thread! I love when people follow the directions I give as I have been in this business for 17 years and I know the best route to starting and gaining. I see you have looked through SRT and are using some of the healing techniques. I like your routine for now to build a good foundation but once you are ready I would like to move you into SRT as there’s no faster way to gain
Oh I forgot LOL I will be in this thread every single day to make sure you’re doing the work needed to get to your goals. I can be a bitch sometimes but it’s all Toughlove!
Small update : after the first day and second day of healing method my penis definitly feels a bit heavier wich is pretty cool. Also this week was all about going from 300 jelq a day to 600 for the next week(ading 50 jelqs each days)
Small update : after the first day and second day of healing method my penis definitly feels a bit heavier wich is pretty cool. Also this week was all about going from 300 jelq a day to 600 for the next week(ading 50 jelqs each days)

Right on target! That have your feeling is a great feeling, I remember it well. My penis felt ? alien as if it was not my own. I’m also pleased that you have Decides to increase your Jelqs. If you feel like you’ve come to the point where the jelq is no longer bringing you the expansion you need I suggest you check out the SSJ. The SlowSquashJelq Will bring expansion to anyone that’s using it. It’s the best girth exercise out there, the only thing that makes it better is the Bathmate in using the 5×5×3 routine found in SRT. If you want to explore the SSJ you can do that now as we’ve opened up the pay site for free to the public. Simply go to
Right on target! That have your feeling is a great feeling, I remember it well. My penis felt ? alien as if it was not my own. I’m also pleased that you have Decides to increase your Jelqs. If you feel like you’ve come to the point where the jelq is no longer bringing you the expansion you need I suggest you check out the SSJ. The SlowSquashJelq Will bring expansion to anyone that’s using it. It’s the best girth exercise out there, the only thing that makes it better is the Bathmate in using the 5×5×3 routine found in SRT. If you want to explore the SSJ you can do that now as we’ve opened up the pay site for free to the public. Simply go to
Wow that's a lot of new informations overthere. I'll make it sure to Check everything this week-end. Thanks a lot for the link !
Wow that's a lot of new informations overthere. I'll make it sure to Check everything this week-end. Thanks a lot for the link !

Awesome my brother! Be sure to take notes whe reading to write down questions. I will answer all your questions or concerns.
...excellent work, FB!! One thing I wish I did when I first began my PE journey was take/record empirical data of my beginning dimensions and take-note of any/all changes as I progressed. The mind will attempt to dissuade what your eyes are telling you, (to maintain the 'status-quo'), so if you have irrefutable evidence your brain will have to accept the 'new you' :)
...excellent work, FB!! One thing I wish I did when I first began my PE journey was take/record empirical data of my beginning dimensions and take-note of any/all changes as I progressed. The mind will attempt to dissuade what your eyes are telling you, (to maintain the 'status-quo'), so if you have irrefutable evidence your brain will have to accept the 'new you' :)
I have been pushing this hard lately to the newbies to start to progress in a routine thread as this is one of the best things to keep you on track in PE and to give you an accurate history of what you did. I can’t tell you how many times men have come here without recording their beginning stats only to go on to gain and then question if the gains were real. Keep a completely stripped and accurate journal and try to update it every day. In doing this we can keep you accountable and as you gain you could inspire others.
So now that I am involved more than ever I think it's time to put the "size" record also :

Starting stats:
BPEL : 16,3 cm (6,42 inches)

Mid shaft EG : 10,8 cm (4,25 inches) ( oh boy why do I have such a thin penis(fail))

Now stats(A month in PE):
BPEL : 16,8 cm (6,61 inches)
Mid shaft EG : 11,5 cm (4,53 inches) (I'd never thought it would be possible man...(monkey))

Goal :
BPEL : 23 cm (9,05 inches)

Mid shaft EG : 16 cm (6,3 inches)
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We started at the same size practically! (6.5 by 4.75) Girth was a big concern with me too and I had a heck of a time gains it in my first year, In my first year I put on half an inch of girth in the first six months i gained two inches. The half inch in girth brought me into the above average at 5.25, this was great but I wanted more. After 16 years training I am more than happy with my size, I did a good job and in the process built MOS with Lightning.
We started at the same size practically! (6.5 by 4.75) Girth was a big concern with me too and I had a heck of a time gains it in my first year, In my first year I put on half an inch of girth in the first six months i gained two inches. The half inch in girth brought me into the above average at 5.25, this was great but I wanted more. After 16 years training I am more than happy with my size, I did a good job and in the process built MOS with Lightning.
That's why in the following weeks or month I'm going to focus more on the "girth" exercices but without completly letting down the "length"

I'm really looking forward for those gains in girth because 4,25 was really small and my length make it worse
in comparison.
I really want that thickness !!! And then I'd be already keen of my progress even If I don't gain that much in length.
That's why in the following weeks or month I'm going to focus more on the "girth" exercices but without completly letting down the "length "
The good news, @FireBoner is that they (length + girth) tend to come together! Keep up your dedication and you will surely meet your goals. I started with a skinny dick as well(4.5" girth) and just bumping up to 4.875 made a difference to me. Aiming for 5.5" this year an beyond...
That's why in the following weeks or month I'm going to focus more on the "girth" exercices but without completly letting down the "length"

I'm really looking forward for those gains in girth because 4,25 was really small and my length make it worse
in comparison.
I really want that thickness !!! And then I'd be already keen of my progress even If I don't gain that much in length.

Concentrating on girth first is a smart move in your case. I know how desperately you want to become thicker so I’m going to advise you on the fastest way to get there. There’s a routine in the SRT thread called the Bathmate 5×5×3. This workout will bring added girth immediately after the first session. Granted this is temporary expansion but it’s totally usable in a sexual situation. Temporary gains are a window into our future gains. The gains we are seeing temporarily become permanent overtime and new temporary games appear and the process goes on. If you do not have a Bathmate I highly recommend it. Nothing compares to the 5×5x3! The speed of growth in the rapid healing the SRT explain this makes the whole PE process so much better in so many ways.
Concentrating on girth first is a smart move in your case. I know how desperately you want to become thicker so I’m going to advise you on the fastest way to get there. There’s a routine in the SRT thread called the Bathmate 5×5×3. This workout will bring added girth immediately after the first session. Granted this is temporary expansion but it’s totally usable in a sexual situation. Temporary gains are a window into our future gains. The gains we are seeing temporarily become permanent overtime and new temporary games appear and the process goes on. If you do not have a Bathmate I highly recommend it. Nothing compares to the 5×5x3! The speed of growth in the rapid healing the SRT explain this makes the whole PE process so much better in so many ways.
I'm for sure going to change my routine for the next or the following week and I'll include those SSJ that seems really good !

But the will need to wait a lot because I'm a student and most of my money go to books(or food(XD))
I'm for sure going to change my routine for the next or the following week and I'll include those SSJ that seems really good !

But the will need to wait a lot because I'm a student and most of my money go to books(or food(XD))

That’s fine! Use the SlowSquashJelq as there’s no better jelq possible. Without using the Bathmate what I suggest is to go a total of 20-30 minutes of the SSJ. Measure after your session to be sure you’re seeing expansion. And as soon as you can afford the Bathmate or possibly win one you can work that into your routine at that point. But concentrating solely on girth is a great thing for you to do because that’s your main goal. You can take care of length later. But for now you send laser focus on making girth gains.
That’s fine! Use the SlowSquashJelq as there’s no better jelq possible. Without using the Bathmate what I suggest is to go a total of 20-30 minutes of the SSJ. Measure after your session to be sure you’re seeing expansion. And as soon as you can afford the Bathmate or possibly win one you can work that into your routine at that point. But concentrating solely on girth is a great thing for you to do because that’s your main goal. You can take care of length later. But for now you send laser focus on making girth gains.
Thanks for this advise DLD ! Are my eyes lying to me or your talking about the possibility to "win" one:eek:...
How is that possible ahaha if I can try to win one I'll do my best !
We are constantly running new contest to win equipment. The last contest got screwed up due to the affiliate that was supposed to be in charge. So we will probably start a new contest for January 1. It most likely will be a posting contest where are those who Give out the most help with the highest post count for that month receives their choice of tools.
We are constantly running new contest to win equipment. The last contest got screwed up due to the affiliate that was supposed to be in charge. So we will probably start a new contest for January 1. It most likely will be a posting contest where are those who Give out the most help with the highest post count for that month receives their choice of tools.
OH if that is so... I'll go commando routine ! I'll post like if my life would depend on it(even if it is my exams period ahah) ! But with usefull content of course
OH if that is so... I'll go commando routine ! I'll post like if my life would depend on it(even if it is my exams period ahah) ! But with usefull content of course

Yes that’s the one catch it needs to be useful information. It can’t be posting a picture or a Gif file but actually typing out and intelligent answer. You can also start new conversations that will also benefit your post count. In addition you receive points for thank you’s and likes.
Small update : My penis definitly feels hevier ! I feel a bit on my leg while walking (I'm not wearing underwear and I'm only wearing pants with space to let my penis breath)
My veins that were showing off 24/7(you could had called me Venom srsly)aren't that visible anymore it's like I gained a bit of tissue or fat on my dick(is it water retention ?)wich in a certain way is cool because it feel's larger in my hands.

I think that all of that comes from the facts that I wear the cockring all day long and right after every workout
(I still remove it every 3hours to massage my penis and let him rest 30 min then I put it back on)
Today's workout(tried some new exercices) ( 30/12/18) :

Girth superset(took from phase 5 I believe) :
SSJ 1-2 min
Isolated compression squeezes 16 sec both 20 set

I think I'll remove the isolatedCS by jelqs and make series of 4-5 mins of SSJ next time(of course lowering the number of set)

Width superset( still phase 5) :
DLD bends 30 sec
Toilet compression squeezes 45 sec both 5 set

Lenght Workout ( from phase 4 I think) :
Bundled A-Stretch with 5 sec kegel then 10 reverse kegel
Tunica rotary stretch 50 rotary stretch both 4 set

DLD erect streches 30 sec 10 set

I feel like the lenght part may be a bit too light and could be harder so I'll definitly change it
Didn’t you just order a Lengthmaster the other day? If you want to step up your length Game that’s the way to go. I’m glad that you’re seeing signs that everything is working, that’s a great feeling especially when it feels bigger in your hand or swinging down your leg LOL Keep up the good work and have a great new year!
Didn’t you just order a Lengthmaster the other day? If you want to step up your length Game that’s the way to go. I’m glad that you’re seeing signs that everything is working, that’s a great feeling especially when it feels bigger in your hand or swinging down your leg :D Keep up the good work and have a great new year!
Nope I didn't order one
Thanks for the cheering DLD have a great new year too !
Nope I didn't order one
Thanks for the cheering DLD have a great new year too !

Have a great new year to my brother. But I still want to work with you on the length portion of your work out so as soon as you put something together and post it I’ll look it over and see if I can help anywhere.
I don't talk a lot about my penis flacid state but if some people wanna know I throw that here :

start :

Bone pressed Flacid length non-stretched : 10,5 cm (4,13 inches)

Now :

Bone pressed Flacid length non-stretched : 12,1 cm (4,76 inches This is the state part where I gain the most)
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Man... I'd never thought I'd be talking that much of my dick on the internet and above all within a PE forum(cwl)

Just be sure never to run in politics because they will dig this up and drag you through the penis mud LOL
Just be sure never to run in politics because they will dig this up and drag you through the penis mud :D
Ahahaha it's really funny because I'm always thinking about those kind of things when I go to some site where it could be interpretted weirdly... You don't even know how much I hope this situation will never happen to me(XD)...
Indeed I'd be head to toe in the penis mud
Small update : after the first day and second day of healing method my penis definitly feels a bit heavier wich is pretty cool. Also this week was all about going from 300 jelq a day to 600 for the next week(ading 50 jelqs each days)
I wish you luck. But I want to see that you should do your exercise and not change what you are doing, don't add anything.

Why? Well most of the newbees stop somehow and don't show up anymore and stop the PE they were doing.

This has also to do with doing to much because of excitement, they are taking up to much in one time. And letting everything go in one time.

You are doing great with the gains so far so stay with the routine you're doing. So that it may not take a lot of time during the day.

When you get interested in other exercises you are seeing in the forums, don't do them with an already working routine.

Do them 3 months later when the gains drop. Or 6 months because it depends. Sometime gains will drop

For example if in the future your next measure will be 10% less (then the measure before that) and couple months later 20% less and then 30% less for example.

At that moment try a different kind of exercise with the same hours (the hours that let you be constantly involved in PE)

If you do for example 6 hours a day with manual PE, that's good. But you have a very high chance that you drop everything because of to much work and hours.

And that can make you think you can only gain by putting 6 hours in to it a day, otherwise gains will not show up.

Have you ever seen someone training weight fitness 4/5 times a week for couple of months and build a very good fysiek, and then stopped completely.
And then when you say to them
"well try once a week better then nothing" they will say
"NO, if I begin I'll begin as I did before only". And he says so while done nothing at all for a whole year ☺ it's the same bro

Keep up what you doing, and change exercise whenever gains percentage drop to much, and we meet again on the 1st of January 2020 ?

Good luck!
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I wish you luck. But I want to see that you should do your exercise and not change what you are doing, don't add anything.

Why? Well most of the newbees stop somehow and don't show up anymore and stop the PE they were doing.

This has also to do with doing to much because of excitement, they are taking up to much in one time. And letting everything go in one time.

You are doing great with the gains so far so stay with the routine you're doing. So that it may not take a lot of time during the day.

When you get interested in other exercises you are seeing in the forums, don't do them with an already working routine.

Do them 3 months later when the gains drop. Or 6 months because it depends. Sometime gains will drop

For example if in the future your next measure will be 10% less (then the measure before that) and couple months later 20% less and then 30% less for example.

At that moment try a different kind of exercise with the same hours (the hours that let you be constantly involved in PE)

If you do for example 6 hours a day with manual PE, that's good. But you have a very high chance that you drop everything because of to much work and hours.

And that can make you think you can only gain by putting 6 hours in to it a day, otherwise gains will not show up.

Have you ever seen someone training weight fitness 4/5 times a week for couple of months and build a very good fysiek, and then stopped completely.
And then when you say to them
"well try once a week better then nothing" they will say
"NO, if I begin I'll begin as I did before only". And he says so while done nothing at all for a whole year ☺ it's the same bro

Keep up what you doing, and change whenever gains percentage drop to much, for a whole year and we meet again on the 1st of January 2020 ?

Good luck!
Thanks for the advise FBA usually I don't workout the sunday it was mainly because I really wanted to try those exercices between 2 breaks (studying)

I don't plan to change absolutly everything within only one month of PE

And yup may we meet again on the first of January 2020 !
Ahahaha it's really funny because I'm always thinking about those kind of things when I go to some site where it could be interpretted weirdly... You don't even know how much I hope this situation will never happen to me(XD)...
Indeed I'd be head to toe in the penis mud

Can you imagine what would happen to me? I’m the poster child for penis enlargement LOL
Yesterday's workout (31/12/19) :

Started with girth :

100 hundred Strong jelqs
then 5 min SSJ both 4 sets

Wow that lead to the best expension I've experienced so far...

Lenght nothing really new :

Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks every sets X3
Yesterday's workout (31/12/19) :

Started with girth :

100 hundred Strong jelqs
then 5 min SSJ both 4 sets

Wow that lead to the best expension I've experienced so far...

Lenght nothing really new :

Behind The Cheeks to the Left: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Center: 30-seconds
Behind The Cheeks to the Right: 30-seconds

Straight Down to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Down to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Down Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Out to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Out to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Out Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks

Straight Up to the Left: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Center: 30-seconds
Straight Up to the Right: 30-seconds
Straight Up Rotary Stretches : 25-Cranks every sets X3

This is such a good workout I’m glad you’re doing every part for the proper amount of time. Most brothers start with the routine similar to this and that’s where of those fast newbie gains come in. The stretching portion is awesome as it hits every conceivable angle making it for proof. Once you have the Lengthmaster you can continue to do these basic stretches but using the LM instead of your hands and you’ll be bringing your length gains to a whole new level!

The SSJ is the best girth manual exercise. The brings more expansion than any other girth exercise. The only thing that will make it better is getting a bath meet in doing the 5×5×3 sound in SRT.

I’m very happy with your routine and your consistency and your attitude. Keep up the good work my brother! You have yourself a wonderful new year.
Small update :
I think that ading up a bit more repetition or some time (maybe 2-3mins) every workout is a great way to go.
This is a thing that I've done every time I trained at the gym and it lead me to great gains.

So I am conviced It is the same with PE (even if the penis is not a simple muscle), doing a bit more every workout pushes it to always go out of the confort zone and makes faster gains.

Does anyone have a similar way of thinking ?
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Small update :
I think that ading up a bit more repetition or some time (maybe 2-3mins) every workout is a great way to go.
This is a thing that I've done every time I trained at the gym and it lead me to great gains.

So I am conviced It is the same with PE (even if the penis is not a simple muscle), doing a bit more every workout pushes it to always go out of the confort zone and makes faster gains.

Does anyone have a similar way of thinking ?

I have always believed this for different reasons but for me and those who are a mentor I try to make the routine very fun including lots of different exercises so people don’t get bored. Keeping things fresh and PE is so important to longevity and making the games we won. I also agree with you that a penis becomes used to do certain exercises and these exercises will need to change if the user wants to get any more length. And if things become so difficult to gain just start with SRT and the gains will be unlimited.
Today's workout (01/01/2019) :

Girth :

105 strong jelqs (5 more jelqs every day wich will lead the next week to reset by 100 rep but with one more set)
SSJ for 5 min both 4 sets

Lenght : the same as yesterday (basics stretching in every way possible for 3 sets each plus some cranks)
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Nice days work my Brother! Especially on New Year’s! That shows some real dedication.
Small update : Before when I was Jelqing I only felt one big vein that was really getting a lot of blood.
Nowadays It's more like 3-5 veins wich I feel when I squeeze... It's really a weird sensation I'm still not used to it...But I think it shows that I'm making progress !
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Today's workout (02/01/2019) :


110 strong jelqs (still ading 5 every workout)
5 min SSJ both 4 sets

Lenght : still the same ones ! Plus some Lazy Ass Stretches through the day.

Can't stop, won't stop ! ( Typing every days workout really motivates me . So I'll keep doing it !)
Today's workout (02/01/2019) :


110 strong jelqs (still ading 5 every workout)
5 min SSJ both 4 sets

Lenght : still the same ones ! Plus some Lazy Ass Stretches through the day.

Can't stop, won't stop ! ( Typing every days workout really motivates me . So I'll keep doing it !)

It’s so true, when you put the effort into your progress log every day you start to create a history of your experience in PE. You’re still this with your goals, your accomplishments, your exercises and routines, any tools you may add, pictures and videos if you want . All of this adds up to inspiration, tenacity and motivation for you to get your job done. But it does so much more than that as you have people reading your daily routine and they are getting inspired but what you’re doing. So all around the progress thread can be one of your best friends in PE.
It’s so true, when you put the effort into your progress log every day you start to create a history of your experience in PE. You’re still this with your goals, your accomplishments, your exercises and routines, any tools you may add, pictures and videos if you want . All of this adds up to inspiration, tenacity and motivation for you to get your job done. But it does so much more than that as you have people reading your daily routine and they are getting inspired but what you’re doing. So all around the progress thread can be one of your best friends in PE.
Yup I hope someday some newcomers in MOS by seeing this routine thread will be inspired to begin is own PE journey

But now it's mostly here to prove to myself that I can grow this willy up as far as 9x6
When I'll be there I won't call it "willy" anymore but "My own tentacle" or just "tentacle"
Yup I hope someday some newcomers in MOS by seeing this routine thread will be inspired to begin is own PE journey

But now it's mostly here to prove to myself that I can grow this willy up as far as 9x6
When I'll be there I won't call it "willy" anymore but "My own tentacle" or just "tentacle"


But in all seriousness, if you keep a great log and you do make these gains that you desire you’ll have thousands of men looking to you for ideas and inspiration.
I feel like I could go from 5 days doing workout a week to 7 days outa 7
Is it something I could do or is there a real necessity of having at least one day off ?
It really is up to you! I know some Brothers do 7 days on, no rest days.
If there are positive indicators, EQ remains solid and so on, then why not?

One must remember though that gains don't come from 24/7 training, rest is indeed needed in certain amount. The amount varies between men. Some can train harder, some need more rest.

If one is a newbie, it's essential not to push too hard in the beginning. :) Gains can be happening, but the plateau might hit sooner. You can always add intensity and time, taking it away is much more stranger concept for the body.
Workout of the 03/01/2019 :

SSJ for 5 mins / 5 sets
500 jelqs

Length : stills the same as usual
Little note for streching :I use baby powder because I find toilet paper not appropriate (I'm putting a lot of strenght when streching my penis and toilet paper hurt me )
Also I'm using both hand to stretch it to the maximum tension I can achieve
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