Here is a cool post from Thunders from the user: wantsmore. It sounds like a good idea...worth reading.
Hey guys. I want to issue a disclaimer first- I'm not saying in any way that I've discovered this or whatever. I tried to search for mention of it elsewhere, but I couldn't find any mention, or a thread with someone doing the same thing which I could bump, so I'm starting a thread for this stretch that I've stumbled across and LOVE.
I got started to thinking about fulcrum stretching after seeing some video of DLD playing with his dick using one of those plastic dog toys that you use to play tug-of-war- you know, two handles- one for the dog's mouth and one for your hand and then you fight over the fucker.
Anyway, the way he was working his dick looked really effective, and although he may not have invented fulcrum stretching with an implement, it was my first exposure to the idea.
After some time, I started trying (with varying degrees of success) to achieve some good fulcrum stretching during my routine which is done entirely in the shower. I quickly discovered two things. A.) these are REALLY good stretches and B.) that you become limited right away by your own grip and other grip related/strength factors. Also, I found that it was very difficult to work the cock systematically unless you paid a LOT of attention. I would work from one angle of fulcrum (whichever was easiest for me to achieve) and then would neglect hitting from other angles.
I stayed with them though and have continued to gain, making these (lame versions of mine) the center of my stretching regimen.
However, I've now stumbled upon a method which is rocking my world, and my dick, to new levels of previously unseen stretched-out-edness. When I'm done with this new fulcrum stretching with golf
weights routine, my dick has DEFINITELY and irrefutably been worked out and stretched on the four major axes (up/down/left/right- or-dorsal/ventral/port/starboard....hell, you get the idea...) and hangs in a really swell and low dangle that says- "damn dude, you worked me. In fact, I've had to ease up on the intensity from when I first started because these are such deep blasters, tip to base.
What you need is enough golf swing
weights to almost totally encase your fully stretched length. I'm using 6 now, but could definitely use one or two more.
Now, get TOTALLY WARMED UP- In my opinion, shower is best because then you can apply hot water to unit as you stretch- and slip on the first ring, all the way until it's bone-pressed. Then, bend your pecker over the ring, using the ring as a fulcrum, holding your dick in one hand and securing the ring with the other. I hold the stretch for a slow count of 20 with the hot water focused on the area of the greatest stretch.
Then, I do the same stretch working from right to up to left and, finally, to a downward stretch. Then, keeping that
weight on, I massage out the unit, do a couple of kegels, and then slip on the next
weight. I then repeat the process for the next
This whole process continues until you have systematically worked your way to the end of your dick (providing you have enough
weights to do so).
In terms of really blasting the internals of the dick (CC's, tunica and whatnot) I am hard pressed (and bone pressed) to imagine there would be a better way to blast your dick than with this routine.
CAUTION: this could definitely be a dick buster. Err on the side of caution. The day after my first workout with this I had to take two days off because I overworked (but thankfully didn't injure) my dick due to my excitement over the ease with which I was achieving these dick blasting stretches.
Weight Dick Blasters? I dunno, seems a little verbose, but whatever you want to call them, if you've got even a couple/few
weights bangin' around, I'd give these a try for sure.
Happy stretching- may you hang low and swing heavy.