I'm beginning to believe i've reached my limit for gaining girth. The first month or two of Penis Enlargement in May, i gained my first 3/16 of an inch of girth. Since then, i've been clamping, mainly since August, with girth fluctuations of an 1/8 of an inch, only to see them go back down to my originaly 3/16 gain.

Just last month, for about 3 weeks my dick felt thicker, i measure, i gained an 1/8, 2 weeks later, i lose all my gains. I really dont understand it. I continued my workout perfectly. I'm taking a week off, and trying for one more month. If nothing happens, I'm quitting Penis Enlargement.

I can't gain girth, maybe it doesnt work for everyone. I never cared about gaining length, only girth. This really saddens me that I can't get girth gains even though i put in around an hour a day in girth (3 on 1 off usually)
Yep, sounds very familiar... (see stats and weep!)
my girth gains so far have been minimal, in spite of the work I've put in. It hasn't discouraged me from plugging on, though, as I am simpy too dead set stubborn to quit since I've already put in so many years of hard work. Penis Enlargement just doesn't work equally well for all men: that is the conclusion I have reached based on personal experience and monitoring the progress of others.
You speak of fluctuations in your gains? It sounds like you may have been swollen at the time of measuring, leading to differing numbers at different times. It could also have been a difference in erection hardness.

There is one solution that seems to help even those who truly have a hard time putting on any girth: viagara, or the generic varieties. I believe one reason why continued and steady growth is so difficult for some is that your bloodflow just doesn't keep up with the strain you put on the tissues. In effect, you would need an exponentially better flow of blood to shuttle in nutrients and heal the damaged tissue in an enlarged state when you're Penis Enlargementing, but the exact opposite is what often ends up happening. You damage the tissues and put the penis under strain, causing weaker erections and less frequent erections/diminished bloodflow. I believe the remedy for this would be to go on viagara permanently, or at least for the duration of your Penis Enlargement career. Then again, not everyone has access to it (lack of credit card, lack of money etc), or the desire to take such supplements. I don't have either, and I feel that might be a major roadblock on my way to further girth gains. Your case might be similar.

However, when I first signed up to a pay Penis Enlargement site, I was expecting to get my money's worth, and reap the benefits of what they claimed to offer: "NO pills and NO equipment needed: just your own 2 hands". I guess I'm still trying to do things as naturally as possible. I won't take viagara even if I could afford it or have access to it(which I don't), since I'd feel cheated out of my money if I had to base all of my future gains on erectile dysfunction aids.

I don't really know what else to say... viagra might be the ticket to force your gains past your plateu in an unnatural, yet effective way.
What you say Shafty makes sense...but I'd consider more natural methods to boost erections.

-Leaning out to promote better circulation
-Cardiovascular work to promote better circulation
-Hot and Cold wraps for [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]penis health[/words]
-More Kegels
-Perhaps some pump work to grow a better system of veins on your penis to give it a better bloodflow

Or maybe more rest days are key. My erections are always raging after some rest days.

Just some ideas bro. Good luck.
Girth can be very elusive, even after many years of work. For some guys, myself included, it can be very frustrating and seem hopeless at times. During my first year I made quick and decent girth gains but soon I hit a plateau and I was starting to become reserved to the thought that I may have tapped out. When I thought I was tapped out I was around 5.5" of girth and since that time I have added over 1 more inch. My first year was really spent doing wet jelqs with some, but very little, work in other girth exercises. Those who have access to the pay site can see my progression as the PHASES are the exact path I followed (routine wise) I think I spent a total of around 7 month in a dead freeze as far as girth is concerned and I knew something had to change if I was going to make any additional gains. What worked for me was a more demanding girth routine. I started doing super sets with Double Forced Jelq and Bend and Isolated Compression Squeezes and I would finish my routine with Toilet Compression Squeezes. This did the trick and the reason why is the principle I have followed ever since; MAXIMUM EXPANSION. Maximum Expansion, for me, means getting myself beyond my normal engorgement by at least 10%: (measure girth pre-session with full erection x .10 + Normal Girth = Goal at end of session) So if your girth is at 6.5" normally you will want to shoot in the neighborhood of 7" of girth after your session. This sounds easier than it is and there are time I just can't do this but the point is to try. You will not be able to do it every session but for the most part you will.

Doing this forces girth gains as it pushes your normal engorgement past normal levels deforming and demanding it to hold more blood. Any girth routine will have it's limits and when these limits are reached a new girth routine will be necessary to continue growth. I am not saying people should drop a routine every other week but it is important to watch your routines very closely to measure the success you are having and know when to change shit up. For me it has only been 5 times throughout my entire time doing Penis Enlargement (hence the 5 Phases) but a complete routine change is not always the answer either. There were many time I stuck with my existing routine only changing the intensity and total reps, this would suffice but when it didn't a total change was critical.

As Shafty mentioned, VIAGRA is a big help, especially when girth routines become demanding. It is nothing to feel bad about, I simply see it as my own personal Penis Enlargement Pill. It costs me about $1 per day to use and the results are amazing.

Today my routine, and for the past 6 months, has been Slow Squash Jelqs and for the first time I can say I really do not see a ceiling on the potential of this exercise...but I am sure it will come and when it does I will be ready with a new Girth exercise.
Well, I DO NOT think you have reached any limits.
I dont belive in such limits myself and the penis is too adaptable to just give in like that, and so soon in your case. Recently at Zululand you posted your routine and some other details, I posted a reply. That IMHO has ALOT to do with your growth problems. Heres the message I posted there, my site has been getting that mucb traffic its gone down a few times.

Hiya welcome to Zululand.
Firstly just because your penis is sore doesnt mean its bad.
Soreness can be a good sign aswell as bad. Your penis probably hasnt been under so much stress in awhile.
Next, STOP measuring eachday.....do it say once per month or bi-monthly. If you do it everyday you'll build-up a paranoia that you are not gaining....it happens so stop doing that for your own sake. In the guide it states that at first after constricters you will have some issues with getting a hard erection, this should go away after 24 hours. Dont worry about that. Monitor it. You mention 55 minutes....perhaps than this is too long and you might be on the path going into overtraining? tell you what, change the routine to this.

# Warm-up for about 10-15 minutes
# Split session with 30 minutes basic constricters and AHS.
# Warm down for about 10-15 minutes

Do this on a ONE ON ONE OFF basis and see how it goes in 2 weeks. The warm ups/downs will help your penis condition before the session and I think this could be causing you problems, by noy warming up. Try this, and tell me how it goes. Stop doing the wet jelqs and edgeing + Ulis.

Give that a shot if you want to go the constricter route.
I dont think you have reached any limits....a plateu could also be a reason, but you can get over that.
doublelongdaddy said:
Girth can be very elusive, even after many years of work. For some guys, myself included, it can be very frustrating and seem hopeless at times. During my first year I made quick and decent girth gains but soon I hit a plateau and I was starting to become reserved to the thought that I may have tapped out. When I thought I was tapped out I was around 5.5" of girth and since that time I have added over 1 more inch. My first year was really spent doing wet jelqs with some, but very little, work in other girth exercises. Those who have access to the pay site can see my progression as the PHASES are the exact path I followed (routine wise) I think I spent a total of around 7 month in a dead freeze as far as girth is concerned and I knew something had to change if I was going to make any additional gains. What worked for me was a more demanding girth routine. I started doing super sets with Double Forced Jelq and Bend and Isolated Compression Squeezes and I would finish my routine with Toilet Compression Squeezes. This did the trick and the reason why is the principle I have followed ever since; MAXIMUM EXPANSION. Maximum Expansion, for me, means getting myself beyond my normal engorgement by at least 10%: (measure girth pre-session with full erection x .10 + Normal Girth = Goal at end of session) So if your girth is at 6.5" normally you will want to shoot in the neighborhood of 7" of girth after your session. This sounds easier than it is and there are time I just can't do this but the point is to try. You will not be able to do it every session but for the most part you will.

Doing this forces girth gains as it pushes your normal engorgement past normal levels deforming and demanding it to hold more blood. Any girth routine will have it's limits and when these limits are reached a new girth routine will be necessary to continue growth. I am not saying people should drop a routine every other week but it is important to watch your routines very closely to measure the success you are having and know when to change shit up. For me it has only been 5 times throughout my entire time doing Penis Enlargement (hence the 5 Phases) but a complete routine change is not always the answer either. There were many time I stuck with my existing routine only changing the intensity and total reps, this would suffice but when it didn't a total change was critical.

As Shafty mentioned, VIAGRA is a big help, especially when girth routines become demanding. It is nothing to feel bad about, I simply see it as my own personal Penis Enlargement Pill. It costs me about $1 per day to use and the results are amazing.

Today my routine, and for the past 6 months, has been Slow Squash Jelqs and for the first time I can say I really do not see a ceiling on the potential of this exercise...but I am sure it will come and when it does I will be ready with a new Girth exercise.

rofl I think you've been reading my constridcter guide
I think my problem might be not warming up enough. I'll definitely try warming up more. Sounds like an idea. So today I will start 1 on 1 off 15 mins constrictors, 15 mins constrictors with ahs. I'll try it for 2 weeks and i'll tell ya if i notice a difference.
I dont know about you guys but I broke my plateau by doing Penis Enlargement high. I dont know if you guys are smokers, but it seems when I'm high I have a clearer head so I can concentrate better and the weed does make you a little hornier than usual. Jus my 2 cents.
REDZULU2003 said:
Well, I DO NOT think you have reached any limits.
I dont belive in such limits myself and the penis is too adaptable to just give in like that, and so soon in your case. Recently at Zululand you posted your routine and some other details, I posted a reply. That IMHO has ALOT to do with your growth problems. Heres the message I posted there, my site has been getting that mucb traffic its gone down a few times.

Hiya welcome to Zululand.
Firstly just because your penis is sore doesnt mean its bad.
Soreness can be a good sign aswell as bad. Your penis probably hasnt been under so much stress in awhile.
Next, STOP measuring eachday.....do it say once per month or bi-monthly. If you do it everyday you'll build-up a paranoia that you are not gaining....it happens so stop doing that for your own sake. In the guide it states that at first after constricters you will have some issues with getting a hard erection, this should go away after 24 hours. Dont worry about that. Monitor it. You mention 55 minutes....perhaps than this is too long and you might be on the path going into overtraining? tell you what, change the routine to this.

# Warm-up for about 10-15 minutes
# Split session with 30 minutes basic constricters and AHS.
# Warm down for about 10-15 minutes

Do this on a ONE ON ONE OFF basis and see how it goes in 2 weeks. The warm ups/downs will help your penis condition before the session and I think this could be causing you problems, by noy warming up. Try this, and tell me how it goes. Stop doing the wet jelqs and edgeing + Ulis.

Give that a shot if you want to go the constricter route.
I dont think you have reached any limits....a plateu could also be a reason, but you can get over that.

hey red,

just wondering why at the end of your post you told the guy to stop doing wet jelqs, edgeing and Ulis? do you think those are ineffective exercises for girth gains? What would you recommend for a guy who doesnt have a constrictor?
Might sound stupid but JUMPING before jelqing helps..When you jump it pushes blood all around your body..Jump for about 2 minutes intensly then have a peek at ur cock and youl see the skin is healthier and its abit fuller looking.
rofl Iwillbebig what in the world made you try that? Whatever works do it but it funny to me. Jumping up and down is the last thing on my mind before a Penis Enlargement sessions.

I've reached my limit for girth gains

I think you should make your sessions more intense. new exercises or just putting more effort into what you already are doing. remember we adapt to stress so if your penis is use to what your doing why would it need to change.
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    pedguin said:
    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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