Double Long Daddy, The Guru
Staff member
Super Moderator
Who are the legends you have met in your travels. I think it is inspirational to name these people and their accomplishments so as to inspire new guys and those interested in making their name in this art form.

Bib (Bigger): Inventor of the Bib Hanger
BigAl: Creator of one of the first Penis Enlargement Forums and I strong force in natural Penis Enlargement.
Supra: For his exhaustive work in alternative Penis Enlargement
REDZULU: For his work in natural Penis Enlargement and his massive contribution to clamping.
ThunderSS: For his work in free Penis Enlargement and his free forum

That is 5 right there but there are many more I will list. I want to give you guys a chance to name your favorites. Penis Enlargement has seen many changes and advancements over the past 10 years and exploring some of the men behind this is truly inspirational.
Stillwantmore - A controversial guy at times to some but his work in the field is superb with all the free contribution videos on topics such as bib hangers and clamping. Very experienced and dynamic.

Doublelongdaddy - Massive contributions to the npe world with years of experience and years of results with clients. He's been on most pe boards at sometime and was a member of thunders. The 'A' stretch was the exercise if I remember correctly that shot his name to pe fame. He has a unique mind to pe and attacks it with a more mental approach which works well. The guy is the most determined pe'er I have seen and has one of the biggest dicks in the whole npe world. His length is the stuff of legends. Just a one off guy.

BTC - The guy is having bad luck at the moment since his surgery but he brought allot of knowledge to npe and indeed information about surgery that many never talked about. He had his own vacuum hanging pumps made which have gone down a storm with those using them. Has his own forums and huge group of followers. Knows his stuff on anatomy, being a qualified nurse himself. His main areas from what I have seen lie in the advanced and experimental areas of pe such as clamping, pumping and hanging. BTC took hanging to new levels with his vacuum hanger never before seen. He made it easier and better for guys to hang weights from their penis.
Thanks for including me on the list, DLD :)

Here's a few more:

Remek- of pegym.com- Prolific writer and Penis Enlargement technical expert. Collaborates with medical experts on Penis Enlargement related matters. Working towards universally "legitimizing" non-surgical Penis Enlargement.

JonPop- of pegym.com and betterman.com- Creator of a widely used and effective novice routine. Has been on the scene for years. Always extremely helpful to newbies and experts alike.

Tom Hubbard- one of the first on the internet to promote the concept of free Penis Enlargement forums. Came up with many innovative manual and DIY device methods of Penis Enlargement.
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I forgot about Remek! Yes he's a really wise guy indeed.

More to add are as follows ...

kong1971 - This guy has seemingly retired from the forums. I know he had his own foreskin restoration site going on. Wise man with great sense of humour and dynamic writing skills. He took over where Supra left with foreskin restoration and really informed people about it with ideas and things to help when hardly anything around here was being talked about it. He to me is the FR-Guru.

crazyed27 - This dude is interesting to read and isnt complicated or false. What you read and see is what you get I think, in real life. In other words he doesnt beat around the bush and use fancy false words to make a point, if your going to say it than say it. Has vast amounts of experience in the pumping and clamping fields. He's a pumping and clamping guru with great gains and knowledge about them but also pe on the whole.
One more guy is on my mind around here but I cant remember his name. I remember the avater he uses but not the name. Very clever guy who's more a technical scientific pe'er and brings this to the table of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] for all to enjoy. I will get back once I find him.
REDZULU2003;334897 said:
One more guy is on my mind around here but I cant remember his name. I remember the avater he uses but not the name. Very clever guy who's more a technical scientific pe'er and brings this to the table of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]mos[/words] for all to enjoy. I will get back once I find him.

:) Found him - Threak-X
RT- This guy was the man over at PF. untill Big al was hired to mod the fourms.

Dub- insane girth

Chubby- great sense of humor

NONA- THE MOD for a chat room!!

UC61la- the only more helpful guy would be DLD

Mako- one huge guy "the man" before RT

DLD- nuff said

Redzulu- you go dude-man

Kong1971- The FR man
I will have to bring fedora into the picture as it seems he has really mastered the [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extender[/words] and helped so many guys with thier [words=https://shop.mattersofsize.com/products/sizegenetics-penis-extender]extenders[/words], not only that but has been a huge inspiration to many. A well seasoned Penis Enlargement'er!
Here's just a thought; props to ya Mike for including Thunderss after all of the ass-weepingly-gay-ass-shit they slung at you all these years. Says a shitload about yer character.
MAXAMEYES;334956 said:
Here's just a thought; props to ya Mike for including Thunderss after all of the ass-weepingly-gay-ass-shit they slung at you all these years. Says a shitload about yer character.

My goal has been and will always be spreading the awareness of these secrets we all share. Thunders, regardless how he sees me, still offers a wonderful service (for those who can spell correctly:)) His distain with me is born out of his issues, not mine. I say live and let live. As long as the greater good of what we are doing still educates properly than it is all good.
Threak-X: For his ability to live life through source energy. A true inspiration to me.
Stillwantmore: Nuff said
Kooky: A guy who has always been there for [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], through thick and thin
doublelongdaddy;334979 said:
My goal has been and will always be spreading the awareness of these secrets we all share. Thunders, regardless how he sees me, still offers a wonderful service (for those who can spell correctly:)) His distain with me is born out of his issues, not mine. I say live and let live. As long as the greater good of what we are doing still educates properly than it is all good.

I try to live up to this thought: "Life's way too short to carry a grudge, and way too long to ignore old friends."
MAXAMEYES;335067 said:
I try to live up to this thought: "Life's way too short to carry a grudge, and way too long to ignore old friends."

That it. I would actively post on his forum but he, to this day, has a distain for me and that negativity has worked it's way into his entire forum to the point that if you want to discuss a DLD exercise it needs to be at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. Maybe, one day, things will be different but I will still do what I do, what I've done and will always do...serve the pe culture.
I do not respect Jon Pop...Dld is the man...at first before two years i was member of Pe.gum and he banned me because i was asking alot.ashole.
My 2 cents---

DLD---First dude that really went out of his way to help me. That was WAY back when at TP. Invented my #1 tool the [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]Power Assist[/words]--

BIB--Bib hanger---

Red--the clamp king

I gotta give props to Thunder as well---plus there is a guy over there that I meant who really helped with pumping.

Ok--I can toot my own horn since DLD did it first :)
I think my [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] workout was the first of it's kind for that particular tool. [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]PA[/words] + my workout =gains. Penis EnlargementRIOD.
[words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words] Members---I think the long term members deserve a shout out here as well. A bunch of us have been here since like day one. If DLD is the soul of [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], then it's members are it's heart.

One guy that we have forgot is ULI!

Uli was a german guy who´s third exercise in his routine became legendary: The Uli3
He was known for developing a huge snake head/glans (was it 9" girth? don´t remember exactly)
doublelongdaddy;335071 said:
That it. I would actively post on his forum but he, to this day, has a distain for me and that negativity has worked it's way into his entire forum to the point that if you want to discuss a DLD exercise it needs to be at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. Maybe, one day, things will be different but I will still do what I do, what I've done and will always do...serve the pe culture.
I finally figured out that Thunders is actually pushing Penis Enlargement equipment. He has numerous moderators who sell products plus monkeybar can make whatever claims he wants to. But Bib, DLD, Crash, GKJ and MANY others are run out of that place. I used to think they were an honest operation who were skeptical in a healthy way of Penis Enlargement equipment but when you see the junk their mods push and monkeybar's junk too you start to see a pattern. I no longer bother with Thunders because there's nothing of value there that isn't on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].
MoreGains123;335261 said:
I finally figured out that Thunders is actually pushing Penis Enlargement equipment. He has numerous moderators who sell products plus monkeybar can make whatever claims he wants to. But Bib, DLD, Crash, GKJ and MANY others are run out of that place. I used to think they were an honest operation who were skeptical in a healthy way of Penis Enlargement equipment but when you see the junk their mods push and monkeybar's junk too you start to see a pattern. I no longer bother with Thunders because there's nothing of value there that isn't on [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words].

I don't talk about this too much but sometimes things just need to be said. There has always been an agenda with some of the leadership T's place. There was an agenda even before there was a T's place.

The difference between the main Penis Enlargement forums are in degree, not in kind. A site cannot claim to be "Anti-Commercial Penis Enlargement" yet make a substantial month to month profit through donations and product recommendations (despite claims to the contrary).

If you derive any income from Penis Enlargement and are not a part of T's limited inner circle and willing to do things their way, you will be ostracized from there- and possibly worse. They are an extremely organized bunch over there.

I was a victim myself and was badly maligned and had my words and actions twisted against me at T's place without being given a chance to reply in my defense. I won't go into too many details, but I can summarize it by saying that when I was asked to make certain changes to my sites and didn't, many very suspicious incidents started to occurring. That went on for several years.

How the tide has turned.

DLD can testify to this kind of behavior as it happened to him, and he was also around during the many "very suspicious incidents" occuring at my site. He can tell you about some of the extremely underhanded and cutthroat actions that came out of some of the folks at T's place.

I don't hold any ill will towards anyone at T's as I firmly believe that the universe has a way of balancing things out and eventually making them right. My main goal has been, is, and will be to educate people about Penis Enlargement, and I'm still here and going strong. It's great to see that DLD is doing the same :)

That being said, you shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Most of the people at T's place are great and there's still a wealth of information to be had over there. There are a lot of innovative concepts that have come out of there and it's a place worth checking out if you're interested in educating yourself about Penis Enlargement. Don't get sucked into the politics there and you'll do fine :)
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My last thread at Thund3rs Pl@ce:

Wow, where do I start? I have had the most incredible experiences of my life within this forum. I have made 1000’s of friends. I have received more help than I deserved and for that I am more grateful than anyone could imagine. I have spent countless hours doing exactly what I want to do, help men with penis enlargement. Penis enlargement to me is so much deeper than a set of exercises. Penis enlargement is the building of friendships. It is the constant struggle with a common goal. It is how we relate to each other in a way most men will never know. Penis enlargement is something that has changed my life in every way.

I sit here in tears having to say goodbye to a place I felt was my home for so long. Thund3rs Pl@ce is where I have come everyday for hours. It is a place where I have got to live out my dream of devoting my entire life to Penis Enlargement. I have had the pleasure of helping countless men change their lives. When I am not here I am always thinking about you guys. You’re constantly in my prayers and thoughts.

I am no longer a mod in this forum as some of you may have already noticed. This is due to the fact I am a pay-site owner. I accepted this demotion with the utmost humility. I completely understand the position Thunder has taken in this issue. With this demotion came much embarrassment and shame. I was embarrassed because I took so much pride in my position as a mod and I felt I worked very hard for the well being of Thund3rs Pl@ce. I felt ashamed because the reason for my demotion was because I started a pay-site. If I knew that most of my mod friends here were going to stop being my friend after I did this, I never would have done it. My pay-site was done out of my true love for Penis Enlargement and my desire to make it my life’s work. I know many people feel this was a selfish choice, but I needed to make this choice if I was to stay in Penis Enlargement at the capacity I have over the past 2 years.

Today I help 100’s of men everyday. I love Penis Enlargement and this is what I do from 6:00 am – Midnight. The joy I get from helping all these people is like no other. I love the general public here. I am always willing to help with anything I can and this makes my life complete. I recently have been hearing from many sources that there is a sort of conspiracy against me. I wish this was born out of paranoia but sadly it is not. Men who I thought supported me and knew who I was as a man have decided I am some scummy hustler that has devoted my life to Penis Enlargement in order to swindle the general public into my pay-site. My 1800 posts here are being looked down on as a simple ploy for me to promote my pay site. I am deeply hurt that I had to hear this information from non-mod members. This means the mods I thought to be my friends are spreading information from the mod forum among the general public in some sort of lynching attempt. Why you want to hurt me is beyond me because I love and care about each of you. I would do anything, ANYTHING, to help my brothers and sisters here.

It is hard to understand the way I am and maybe this is why I have invoked this behind-my-back style witch hunt. I come across as too honest, too humble, too helpful and in a world that is plagued by dishonest self-serving people this must come across as insincere. I will never change who I am and I will continue on the path I love, Penis Enlargement. You will no longer see me here because I feel out of place posting now. I feel uncomfortable because of all the behind the scenes actions being taken in my case. I do not feel like I can give advice any longer on a forum that scrutinizes my every move as a ploy for membership to my pay-site. I need to feel the same freedom I feel at the other Penis Enlargement forums I post at. The freedom to give help and receive it in the manner it was meant to be. There is a lot of confusion in my world right now knowing all of these things are happening behind my back but one thing remains crystal clear to me…I love helping men with Penis Enlargement. That is what this comes down too. We are here to get bigger cocks and share ideas on this. This was never supposed to be about politics.

I now feel it is my obligation to create my own free forum to continue my journey in Penis Enlargement and contribute to the free Penis Enlargement movement. I need to have a place I can express my ideas with no fear of my friends wearing one face to me and another to the masses. I am hurt beyond what anyone can imagine. I love you guys with my whole heart and all I ever wanted was love in return. I have never has any motive but to help. I can no longer stay in a forum that has a sole purpose with the administration to discredit me. I have worked very hard to earn each one of your trust.

Do me a favor please; look back on each one of my posts here. With each post, I put my heart and soul into every word. I will continue to do the same on my own free forum. I am sure this post will be deleted so I will post it at other forums I frequent. I know that the people who are my true friends, people I have grown to love will find me. I will be out there and I hope my free forum becomes successful as this forum is.

I can’t believe I am crying over this. I love you all and thank you for making my life’s work complete.


DLD says a sad goodbye to Thund3rs Pl@ce
http://www.Thund3rs Pl@ce.org/forum/showthread.php?t=11957
I gather all the little tid bits of info from all five forums. Im currently a mod over at Pegym and a member of four other forums. To me the greates influences over at thunders was Horsehung who is a mod here. I would like to nominate Horsehung(going411by7) using his old AKA. I guess it is a sentimental thing I suppose.

One of the first ever post on Pe I read was a post from Big Al forgot what it was though. Jon Pop's 90 day program was the one I eventually adopted. Variation of the "A" grip I got from DLD and added a few of my own tweeks. Got my ballooning skills down from the influence of Werner Ashford.
Always will be politics on any pe froums not just between Thunders and [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. I know about what went down with Thunders but I dont dislike them and it was thunders and cheekycherry of the UK alongwith Penis Enlargement forums that were my first real free info on all this.

I remember reading Big Al's site and the wealth of knowledge from it alongwith thunders. Cheekycherry had its moments and was just something I found in a search.

Like Big Al I would suggest members do check out Thunders site and see whats on offer because they do have good knowledge and you can learn more from various sources.

Its been a wonderful journey for me in this pe forum world which took me to Cheekycherry as a member and than to Pridepenis.co.uk which I made my name at if you will by bringing it up from the dead and meeting dld via it.

I was treated badly to say the least from the owner and sacked if you will. It was his loss because most of the members came here and his site is now dead ... the latest posts are like 2008 and its all but a grave yard ... the decline was when I left.

Thunders too I have a membership but lost my details and find it easier to focus on one forums and in this case its [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. I helped build it to what this place has become today and thats a proud achievement.

To conclude, get your info from various pe forums across cyberspace and read read read but only have one true home and that is entirely your decision and dont be guided by anyone else but your own mind.

It would be great to have a super forums via Usenet where the great minds at thunders, mynewsize, [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words], cheekycherry etc etc could all meet and discuss things but it will never happen because we're all human and even on cyberspace territory and boundaries exist.
Big Al;335338 said:
I remember that vividly :(

Were you a member of TP as well?

I really don't see why DLD could not run a paid site and work on a free site as well. I read the DLD's sad last thread there over at TP. Maybe after all these years there could be some kind of truce or something.:blush:

I always wondered what the deal was about, what did cause the bad blood between these two great Penis Enlargement sites. Was this it?!! Certainly .....well anyway, water under the bridge.?:(
lifted;335340 said:
Were you a member of TP as well?

I was. You'll find a brief historical summary on what happened here.

lifted;335340 said:
I really don't see why DLD could not run a paid site and work on a free site as well. I read the DLD's sad last thread there over at TP. Maybe after all these years there could be some kind of truce or something.:blush:

I always wondered what the deal was about, what did cause the bad blood between these two great Penis Enlargement sites. Was this it?!! Certainly .....well anyway, water under the bridge.?:(

Politics, pure and simple. Mutual agreements with some entities just aren't possible.
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A little drama is to be expected- after all, we're human; but too much drama detracts from the goal of the site, which in this case is to educate people about Penis Enlargement.

Picked these guys because they spend alot of time answering posts with good information and encouragement and been around for years and years.
These things have to be said and they do bring up drama but inquiring minds want to know:)
I nominate this guy!
Oh, my God!! You guys have "outed" me!! It's true, my dick IS 18" x 1". The Mrs. complains all the time!! >:( However, for auto-fellatio, I'm a whiz!! Why do you think I'm smiling all the time? .;)


P.S. And I can tuck it in the most unusual places!! :P
goinfor11x7;335888 said:
Oh, my God!! You guys have "outed" me!! It's true, my dick IS 18" x 1". The Mrs. complains all the time!! >:( However, for auto-fellatio, I'm a whiz!! Why do you think I'm smiling all the time? .;)


P.S. And I can tuck it in the most unusual places!! :P

I nominate you head tucker:)

I want to nominate German Stallion. I knew him at Thunder's and I have gotten to know him better here at [words=http://www.mattersofsize.com/join-now.html]MOS[/words]. Still water runs deep. When I think of G.S., I think of that expression. He has always supported me and many others in his laid back manner. His struggle with Peyronie's disease and his support of those who suffer from it is awesome. Thank you, bro G.S.!!
It's true, German Stallion has changed his penis more than anyone I know.
vinodchaudhary;336135 said:
Friends this is very effective and i find it very useful for me.

This is why I started this thread. It is good to know where the modern innovations in Penis Enlargement come from. These guys really deserve their mention as they have contributed s much to this art.
I nominate Y-Guy for his dedication and willingness to go to any length to help when asked. I would not be around today if not for him.
C-Guy;336243 said:
I nominate Y-Guy for his dedication and willingness to go to any length to help when asked. I would not be around today if not for him.

Wow, have not seen you in a while. How is life?
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    Hello Im looking into getting an ADS and some stretcher what would you guys recommend
    Sign-up on the forum. Buy the length master and the Silistretcher both from the MOS shop
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    ive been looking at the silistretcher for over half a year, and will look into the length master thank you.
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